Sunday, September 10, 2023

Which Party da Racists?

 For more info regarding DNC's  Race-Based "Southern Strategy" for power/ votes:  Dial 9-JUAN-JUAN.
Can You Spell "O-p-e-n B-o-r-d-e-r-s"?

Democrats Never did like the US Constitution, the "spirit" of which is captured in its' Preamble:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

How do YOU spell globalism? I spell it: D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T!


  1. Whatever.

    You NEED... millions and millions newcomers.

    To have any chance against China.

    Well... the best idea (IMVFFHO), culturally and civilizationally -- for you to enter EU. ;-P

  2. I'm sure that my globalist friends are all FOR what you suggest. But my message to China is "Molon Labe", which was Leonidas' response to Xerxes.

  3. GG: "I just showed you the proof of that"... No, liar, you didn't.

    There is a big difference between observing what is taking place demography in the United States -- and attempting to drive that demographic change by "importing" more minorities. Both legally and illegally. Which Democrats are NOT doing.

    Glenn Greenwald is a bigly liar. What an a-hole to defend the racist Tucker Carlson. Every video I watch of his causes me to dislike him more. People who traffic in the "great replacement" theory are racists. Means... Glenn Greenwald is a racist.

    Trump (if he is the republiturd nominee) is going to get 20 percent -- instead of the 8 percent he got in 2020 -- of the African American vote? I seriously doubt it.

    FYI, the Democratic party receives as much of the African American votes as it does -- because African American voters have determined that it is the republican party that is racist.

    Minus: "I'm sure that my globalist friends"... You refer to friends of yours who are Never-tRump republicans?

  4. \\I'm sure that my globalist friends are all FOR what you suggest. But my message to China is "Molon Labe", which was Leonidas' response to Xerxes.

    Ancient wisdom... can became not precise or outdated. With time.

    Imagine Leonidas telling that... to ICBM.


  5. @ Dervy: Open borders isn't importing? Who knew?

    @ Q: Not if we send him one first. :)

  6. The border is not open. US immediately replaces Title 42 with strict new rules.
    Fri 12 May 2023.

    The US late on Thursday ended pandemic-era restrictions at the US-Mexico border that blocked many migrants from their right to claim asylum in the US – but immediately replaced the so-called Title 42 restrictions with sweeping new policies designed to deter or even physically prevent people from crossing the border without permission.

    In an increasingly hard line from the Biden administration, the secretary of homeland security, Alejandro Mayorkas, said on Thursday evening that 24,000 border patrol agents and officers had been sent to the border to enforce US laws, adding: “The border is not open". link

  7. Please.

    So how many asylum seekers are there, and where are they? And what happens when they don't show up for their "amnesty adjudication hearing"?

    How many actually show up for it?

    Yours is a Potemkin immigration system, Dervy. And everyone knows it.

  8. ps - Why's you auction of all the border wall materials? Acta non verba.

  9. US immigration courts have seen an over seven-fold increase in asylum cases from fiscal year 2012, when there were 100,000 cases pending, and the end of fiscal year 2022, when the backlog grew to over 750,000, per the clearinghouse.

    “Since then, in just the first two months of [fiscal year] 2023 (October – November 2022), the asylum backlog jumped by over 30,000 new cases and now totals, 787,882,” the clearinghouse stated.

    The overall average wait time for an asylum hearing is about 4.3 years, but in Omaha, Nebraska – the court with the longest delay – the wait time averages 5.9 years, according to the group.

    A growing number of asylum seekers are being electronically monitored through the Department of Homeland Security’s Alternative to Detention program, while a small portion – about 2,000 – are in ICE detention, according to the clearinghouse.

    So an asylum application is not a defacto 5-6 year work visa. That's a great system, Derv...

  10. Why bother applying for an H1B visa, Derv. Just crash the gates, tell people how "oppressed you are" and get an automatic 5 year work visa.

  11. ...with option for "life" for the best "victim performance".

  12. \\@ Q: Not if we send him one first. :)

    They... have that immediate benefit of attacker -- THEY are free to chose place and means.

    While you... you have your hands bounded with all kinds of precautions...

    Like in that 9/11... why that planes was not shot down? (well, one was... but by inner actors, as I recall)

    That would be over thousand of victims... but not that Twin's Disaster.

    Maybe because it was IMPOSSIBLE to give such command to your fighter pilots?

    THAT'S IT.

    That is that VULNERABILITY China and Rush'A trying to EXPLOIT.

    And became more and more proficient in it.

    Why don't you get it????

    You ARE in WAR!


    (well... that is never-ending war... called... Evolution)

  13. The first plane could have been an accident. The second proved it was not. A nuke strike will NOT be a single missile or tsunami torpedo. It will be a simultaneous strike by many such devices.

    As for Chinese water torture of "already in a war"... I can live with it. The reason they're winning is that MY leaders can't stop themselves from being ASSHOLES. THAT is MY problem, and I'm attempting to deal with it (Trump). He may be an asshole, but he's not an ASSHOLE. At least not yet.

  14. LOL.

    Irrefutable evidence shows that over the past two decades the majority of immigrants [98%] have shown up for immigration court hearings. Rates of appearance increase when people have legal representation, calling into question the logic of detaining people in prison-like conditions when representation is a viable alternative to ensure court appearances. link

  15. "Race matters to racists. The rest of us care about character".

    So, you're confirming that donald tRump is a racist?

  16. Why would race matter to an alpha? Trump has charisma.

  17. \\ It will be a simultaneous strike by many such devices.

    Can North Korea do a "simultaneous strike"? Doubtfully.

    You, overseeing ONE more possibility -- terrorist-like attack.

    One... where'd China and/or Rush'A will have plausible denial. "That's not us".

    So... what your POTUS would do? "Retaliation strike"? AT WHOM???

    And they... will be playing good guys too. "Oh... such a disaster happened... our planes and ships with humanitarian supplies is on their way, already".

    And there... will be propaganda wave in media... seeding suspicion. "CIA did it! Biden did it! North Korea did it! Ukraine did it! E.T.s did it! dRump did it!" And etc.

  18. Already happened. 9/11. It came from the 3rd world. Why? They can't compete with corporate globalism (Arab Spring/ Tunisia). Their "laws" (Shari'a) used to limit "corporatism" to "charity organizations".

    The protests constituted the most dramatic wave of social and political unrest in Tunisia in three decades and resulted in scores of deaths and injuries, most of which were the result of action by police and security forces. The protests were sparked by the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi on 17 December 2010.

    The people had lost "economic hope". At least through "jihad" the 2nd/3rd sons could carve out a niche in a foreign land, take war brides, and live to fight another day. Jihad was their only hope for economic survival.

  19. Why did Bouazizi light himself on fire? The government prevented him from selling his goods.

  20. He couldn't compete with the foreign goods produced by capitalist automation and division-of-labour efficiency. Adam Smith "Wealth of Nations"

  21. Whole bodies reduced to the functionality of mere organs... :(

    (Deleuze & Guiattari, "Bodies w/o Organs")

  22. \\Already happened. 9/11. It came from the 3rd world. Why? They can't compete with

    That was amateurs.
    Just a small gang.
    That strethed themself to the utmost.

    And what would be able to accomplish a gang... backed by government???

    Of a nuclear country???

    Well... we know it.

    Polonium. Novichok.

    And that is just a couple of names, that trickled into media.

    I bet there was more, many MORE of such operations.

    Only, they was more successful, and your secret agencies COVERED their shame from public.

    And that is TRUE reason of your POTUSes giving such a limp-dick reaction to Rush'A.

    Because they know it damn well -- if Rush'A would decide to wrek havok in USA -- they would not be able to counter it.

  23. Is that why Zelinskyy is threatening to "unleash his refugees" to conduct "acts of internal terror" should the world refuse to pony up more money for weapons?


  24. Nietzsche, "Careful lest you fight with monsters you become one."

  25. And you wouldn't??? on his place? ;-P

  26. I'm a classical liberal. We don't do "revenge" very well.

  27. there is no liberals in a war trenches.

  28. So, what Qtard is saying is that it lied when it wrote "THAT IS... how True Socailsm looks and feels -- Totalitarian Rule Over ALL of Humankind!"

    Because HOW can rule over all humankind be attained if there is nobody willing to fight for it? Only Conservatives are in the war trenches. Qtard just said.

  29. Contunue with your usual idiocy Demn Propaganda chants.

    Concokting a bait to hook opponent -- is not your game. ;-P

    It only shows how miserable your mind is. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But no...

    that is NOT suggestion for you to stop it.


    My little piggy.

    You also can try to explain how Google works... from your POV of an idiot. And other such stuff. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    We'd be very pleased to hear it, isn't it, Joe?

  30. Now Qtard is crying, "my words meant something else!".

  31. Continue-continue.

    My little piggy.

  32. The above comment is Qtard's self encouragement.

  33. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    My little piggy.

  34. What? No more derping? ;-P

  35. Derpy is so scared that his DEMN Pelosi shitting on em, DEMN-junkies like De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    Suits em well. :-)))

  36. I am not scared because this isn't happening.
