Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Let the Stepped Up Domestic Censorship of Biden Government Critics Begin!

 How EVERYTHING critical of US Government is now OFFICIALLY "Putin Propaganda" and will be treated as pernicious DisInformation!

Is it "Propaganda"?  Or merely an astute observation?  The World awaits its' answer.

There will be an Impeachment Vote, and it will fail. RNC Pseudopolitics 101.


  1. You want to know what’s really Interesting?
    Former President Obama and the top people in his administration who were mostly anti-America, anti-white, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, and pro-Islam, is still the same!

  2. When it comes directly from Putin's lips it ISN'T Putin propaganda? Minus views Putin as an honest leader? LOL.

  3. Keep conviincing yourself, Dervy. It's Only Putin propaganda....

  4. No sh*t, anon. Moochelles in Madrid, keeping out of touch so the cops can't ask her why Barrack killed her lover.

    1. Barack Obama was killed by someone named "Barrack"? Is that a prediction? Because, as far as I know, Barack Obama is currently alive.

  5. Minus thinks "chef" means "lover" and "accident" means "murder"? Is that according to your republiturd decoder ring?

  6. Cloak of tinfoil. republiturds are masters of it.

  7. With hoods for at least? ;-P

  8. NewSpeak :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    IT... know it all... about it. ;-P

  9. Just saying the opposite of what you mean is an idiot's idea of what NewSpeak is.

    I said what I meant, idiot. Qtard probably knows all about it. I'm positive Minus does :P

  10. Actually, it describes NewSpeak perfectly (ie - MiniTru was a propaganda ministry)

  11. \\Just saying the opposite of what you mean is an idiot's idea of what NewSpeak is.

    Ho-ho-ho... now Derpy will tell us what Real NewSpeak are? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or... that was just De-Ro-Pi's admitting own idiocy?

  12. Derpy doesn't explain his reasons. He imagines that he possesses "authority" or "charisma". He's like a parent, "cuz I said so!"

  13. Because the definition says so.

    Let's look at it -- is the definition "saying the opposite of what you mean"?

    Newspeak... is a controlled language of simplified grammar and restricted vocabulary designed to limit the individual person's ability to think critically or to articulate subversive concepts, such as personal identity, self-expression, and free will. [Wikipedia excerpt]

    So, NOT "say the opposite of what you mean". That is, like I said, an idiot's idea of what NewSpeak is. Is Minus FJ also an idiot? Or just eager to defend his idiot friend?

    Qtard doesn't believe in definitions. He might use them, he might modify them. Or he add to them. As we have seen him do here.

    Qtard made up a NewSpeak definition for "NewSpeak". He had to simplify the definition even more. Because the actual definition was to complicated for him to understand.

  14. I'm so glad that our government has taken on the responsibility of eliminating any and all disinformation from the internet, aren't you?

  15. \\Derpy doesn't explain his reasons. He imagines that he possesses "authority" or "charisma". He's like a parent, "cuz I said so!"

    Could be a good thing... but, naaah.

    It... just unable to imagine ANY alternative. ;-P

    That's why it so clingy to propaganda.

    "Prejudges making fool look smart"

    \\Newspeak... is a controlled language of simplified grammar and restricted vocabulary designed to limit the individual person's ability to think critically or to articulate subversive concepts, such as personal identity, self-expression, and free will. [Wikipedia excerpt]

    War is peace...Freedom is slavery...Ignorance is strength - Goodreads
    www.goodreads.com › quotes › 6146-war-is-pe...
    George Orwell — 'War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.'

    And you are hypocritic FOOL -- Derpy. Who trying to cover its foolishness, with such a use of Google and Wikipedia.

    But smarts from Google and Wikipedia -- CANNOT make you smart(er). ;-P

    \\Qtard doesn't believe in definitions. He might use them, he might modify them. Or he add to them. As we have seen him do here.


    And you able to give CORRECT quotes PROVING such claims each every time? ;-P

    And that is ME... who throwing DICTIONARY definitions into your lying face. ;-P

    But you... KEEP trying to use such an idiotic pretence -- saying something that NEVER happened, as being what ONLY happening here...

    SAME... as it was described in that genius writer masterpiece.

    But you are too much of an idiot... to understand all travesty of your idiotic behavior here. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because you are genius... of idiocy? ;-P

  16. He is consistent, I'll grant him that. He never yields a point regardless of contrary evidence presented.

  17. ...but as Emerson once said, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of a small mind." :(

  18. ...and the source of his particular "genius".

  19. Minus: He is consistent, I'll grant him that. He never yields a point regardless of contrary evidence presented.

    Are you talking about Qtard? Or maybe yourself?

  20. And you able to EXPLAIN what this obviously meaningles babbling of your could mean? ;-P

    In you NewSpeak? In your feverish delirious mind?

    Naaaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Your babbling is as usual -- whatever first thing that came into your mind...

    and that mind is SO NARROW... that ONLY thing that comes first -- it's what you see before your very eyes -- like words and phrasing of your opponent.

    So... you turning it back at them... with idiotic stubborness, that IT WILL WORK... somehow :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Most definite definition of idiotcy -- it's trying to do same thing again and again... with hope that THIS TIME it'll work!

    You are one trick pony, Derp.

    And that you singular trick -- it's your Idiocy.

    Consistent??? Well, yeah.

    Like consistency of any shit -- to smell bad. And consist of feces/

  21. "Like consistency of any shit -- to smell bad. And consist of feces"...

    Qtard describing it's comments? Sounds like it to me.

  22. Oh, of course.

    You are expert in feces. And I trust to this your opinion. My little piggy.


  23. Minus: I'm so glad that our government has taken on the responsibility of eliminating any and all disinformation from the internet, aren't you?

    So why are your blogs still online?

  24. Because you NOT reported him to "organs", towarisch. ;-P

  25. Derpy is so scared that his DEMN Pelosi shitting on em, DEMN-junkies like De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    Suits em well. :-)))

  26. Being shitted on suits Qtard well. Qtard loves being shitted on.

  27. Derpy's alter-ego? ;-P

  28. The anonymous foreigner from far far away is talking about its alter-ego Derpy again.
