Saturday, September 2, 2023

How Soon will the US/ NATO Declare War on Russia?


  1. ...and when the Ukrainians start crying "uncle"? You'll let 'em go down?

  2. Isn't that the plan? According to Qtard? Isn't that what you want?

    Why would Ukrainians cry "uncle" or "go down" if they're winning?

  3. Oh...

    So that is the reason Bi-den said "Ukraine don't need our planes"???

    Because it "winning"? While women and children got killed.

    But... who cares about that women and children, while they not Ams...

    well, who cares about women and children EVEN if they Ams...

    while that is Demns who are winning, isn't it, Derpy???

    (reaction of Bi-den to fites on Havaii is more then telling... or, maybe because Hawaiians are not Ams, not White??? because they are... Asians???)

  4. Democrats only care about the people within the DC beltway (aka The Deep State) and surrounding suburbs (because they don't live there).

  5. Well, according to Jimmy Dore's replacement, we definitely aren't going to war in Ukraine. Because the Ukrainian people are our cannon fodder in the evil Bi-den's proxy war with Russia.

    Bi-den is so evil he's flying to Hawaii to personally set fires to kill Asian Hawaiians. Err... White Hawaiians the evil Bi-den is misidentifying as Asian.

  6. Yes, yes, yes... go reveal MOAR... why you support lying scum Bi-den. ;-P

    Because it placates your own behavior of heinous liar -- if Holy Bi-den CAN lie SO DEMN openly... why then some schmuck cannot go on an all-out spree. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Isn't it, Liar Derpy?

  7. Evil loves to justify itself as "goodness"... "I only do these evil things FOR this goodness...."

    Dervy is such a chump.

  8. Wanna end 'evil' Dervy? Stop performing/ perpetuating it in the name of "goodness".

  9. Qtard: Yes, yes, yes... go reveal MOAR... why you support lying scum Bi-den.

    I strongly oppose lying scumbag presidents. Why I am anti-tRump.

    Qtard: Because it placates your own behavior of heinous liar...

    There is no such behavior from me to placate. Qtard, on the other hand, likely sees tRump lying constantly and his supporters blindly believing all his lies -- and that impresses Qtard very much. Caused Qtard to become a tRump admirer and wanting to be as shameless a liar as tRump.

    Qtard: if Holy Bi-den CAN lie SO DEMN openly...

    Quality of a pathological liar like Qtard (and donald tRump) -- shift blame to others. Never take responsibility. Accuse others of what they do (lie constantly).

    Joe Biden is significantly more honest than donald tRump.

    why then some schmuck cannot go on an all-out spree **moronic laughter** Isn't it, Liar Derpy?

    Is that the schmuck Qtard's credo?

    Minus: Wanna end 'evil' Dervy? Stop performing/ perpetuating it in the name of "goodness".

    What "goodness" is being defended with evil? White Supremacy and patriarchy? I agree that you should stop that.

    I don't proudly call myself a "chump", unlike dotard donald supporters. "Chumps for tRump" is your new motto! LOL!

  10. \\Joe Biden is significantly more honest than donald tRump.


    Derpy... Definitely That Idiot... just don't get what it spouts. :-))))))))

    IT... just admitted Bi-den being liar. ;-P Itself.

    \\Is that the schmuck Qtard's credo?


    WHY you unable to provide even one quote of my words... with that lies???


  11. Propagandizing for organized crime isn't evil? Who knew?

  12. The DNC represents organized crime. It is in fact the world's "premier" organized crime organization.

  13. Not of my business.

    Tnx for explaining.

  14. Qtard: \\Joe Biden is significantly more honest than donald tRump.\\**moronic laughter**
    Derpy... Definitely That Idiot... just don't get what it spouts **moronic laughter** IT... just admitted Bi-den being liar. ;-P Itself.

    The amazing honesty of Joe Biden. Joe Biden's unique trait as a politician is -- and always has been -- his honesty. Sometimes that honesty gets him into varying degrees of trouble. Sometimes it makes it seem as though he's the closest thing to a real person you could possibly hope for in politics. 9/10/2015.

    Gallup, Americans View Biden as Likable, Honest and trustworthy... 52%. 10/9/2020.

    Pew Research Center, Assessments of Biden and his administration: Democrats characterize Biden as ... honest (74%). 4/7/2023.

    Count me among the 74% of Democrats who assess Joe Biden to be honest. So, did I admit Joe Biden "being liar"? No, I did not.

    Qtard: \\Is that the schmuck Qtard's credo?\\QOUTES? QOUTES? QOUTES? WHY you unable to provide even one quote of my words... with that lies???

    OK. This is probably a waste of time, but here are a few recent Qtard lies...

    So... 0-bama and Bi-den was MORE comfortable to make deals with nazi-like despot... then with democratic presidents? 9/6/20/23. [totally baseless accusation].

    Like by making em TG? 9/5/23. [People cannot be "made" transgender. Democrats aren't trying to make anyone transgender].

    no-no-no, it doesn't mean that Derpy is on liliPut's side... or just are willful and ignorant Western Lefty, "useful idiot"... as nearly all Western Lefties was and is... sucking up Stalin's, Andropov's and now liliPut's Propaganda". 9/5/2023. [telling the truth doesn't make someone a useful idiot].

    Time after time... when you try screaming "I NEVER SAID IT!!!!". And absoluitely correct QUOTE provided... where YOU SAID it. Like. "I *DO* deny..." 9/6/2023. [a partial quote that Qtard adds "em their rights" isn't "absolutely correct"].

    Because I don't know what "neo-nazi" mean... in your NewSpeak. 9/6/2023. ["Neo-Nazis employ their ideology to promote hatred and racial supremacy". That isn't NewSpeak. It's the accepted definition. I don't use NewSpeak. I never have and never will].

  15. A few more Qtard lies...

    For giving YET ONE word from your NewSpeak dictionary. "telling Truth... it's Mistake". 9/7/2023. [I never said telling the truth is a mistake. I don't use a NewSpeak dictionary].

    And how he payed back em for that??? Yeah, with heinous fires. 9/3/2023. [Joe Biden did not "pay back" Hawaiians for their support with fires. As per a lawsuit, what is being alleged is that the fires were caused by "the intentional and malicious mismanagement of power lines by Hawaiian Electric". Hawaiian Electric Industries is a private company, not a government entity].

    And dRump decided that such info if revealed would be TOO devastating to USA. 8/1/2203. [Qtard claims, with zero evidence, that donald tRump and Putin discussed Obama colluding with Putin, but tRump kept it secret. That was why he took the translator's notes].

  16. \\The amazing honesty of Joe Biden. Joe Biden's unique trait as a politician is -- and always has been -- his honesty. Sometimes that honesty gets him into varying degrees of trouble. Sometimes it makes it seem as though he's the closest thing to a real person you could possibly hope for in politics. 9/10/2015.



    Of Cult of a Person style. ;-P

    \\Count me among the 74% of Democrats who assess Joe Biden to be honest. So, did I admit Joe Biden "being liar"? No, I did not.


    You only admitted it being "more honest"... then dRump.

    Which is telling. ;-P

    \\So... 0-bama and Bi-den was MORE comfortable to make deals with nazi-like despot... then with democratic presidents? 9/6/20/23. [totally baseless accusation].

    Reset Button. "give me more space" talk.

    Bi-den. "They do not need planes" talk.

    BOTH Factual. BOTH damning.

    But... Derpy the Idiotic Liar calls em "totally baseless accusation"

    without ANY facts or logic, or even some plausible EXPLANATION -- how come???

    \\ That isn't NewSpeak. It's the accepted definition. I don't use NewSpeak. I never have and never will

    But... you USE NewSpeak. In this very excerpt. ;-P

  17. Qtard: You only admitted it being "more honest"... then dRump. Which is telling.

    Didn't. And that is a fake quote. I wrote "Significantly more honest".

    Qtard: BOTH Factual. BOTH damning.

    Not damning. Obama was referring to the political realities re what he could do when not having to worry about reelection. Biden said no FOR NOW because negotiations were taking place behind the scenes with our allies. Planes could not be sent until all the details were worked out. Biden isn't the king of Europe.

    Qtard: But... you USE NewSpeak. In this very excerpt.

    Lie. I didn't. Quote what I said that you think is NewSpeak.

  18. \\Qtard: You only admitted it being "more honest"... then dRump. Which is telling.

    \\Didn't. And that is a fake quote. I wrote "Significantly more honest".


    In accordance to you -- dRump is liar.

    And Bi-den -- "significantly better"... liar? ;-P

    Well, as we know that you are heinous liar. itself. And not an expert in it. In any sense.

    You mere words -- is meaningless.

    But FACT.

    That Biden have said "Ukraine do not need planes" WHILE it absolutely opely an dobviously -- it NEED em.

    That makes him -- LIAR.

    EVEN if that would be ONLY ONCE in his lifetime attempt of lie.

    But, I doubt it... he would not be a politican.

    Especially able to rise to being POTUS.

    \\Qtard: BOTH Factual. BOTH damning.

    \\Not damning. Obama was referring to the political realities re what he could do when not having to worry about reelection.


    And THAT EXACTLY WHAT is damning.

    Shows his feeling toward voters -- those fools, he need to lie to, to be re-elected.

    But... after that, it will have free hands to do whatever it likes. Like to "collude" with its "master". ;-P


    You used to blame dRump -- "just make ANYTHING it do look damning". ;-P

    \\Biden said no FOR NOW because negotiations were taking place behind the scenes with our allies. Planes could not be sent until all the details were worked out. Biden isn't the king of Europe.

    In that moment Biden have said it... Ukraine was WHOLE YEAR in a state DEARLY, HORRIBLY in *NEED*.

    What would you said IF THAT IS dRump... whould POSTPONE for YEARS... help for needy???

    Wasn't it be "horrible monster amoral scumbag dRump"... or something?

    But... when it comes to Holy Bi-den... that's another story, isn't it?

    \\Qtard: But... you USE NewSpeak. In this very excerpt.

    \\Lie. I didn't. Quote what I said that you think is NewSpeak.

    What words from "In this very excerpt" you was NOT able to understand? ;-P

    NewSpeak -- notoriously known for making claims OPPOSITE to reality.

    So, When you claimed that you "I never have and never will" -- that was clearly NewSpeak-like.

    ESPOECIALLY, as I showed above -- that you do. And frequently. ;-P

    Like... most obvious.

    When you crying "I NEVER have said it"... about YOUR OWN DAMN WORDS... copy-pasted from YOUR OWN DAMN COMMENTS... even just above in the same thread.

    Or even in the SAME comment.

    Lying like that -- that is PRETTY DUMB.

    And counts as "using NewSpeak".

    Because... as above "...notoriously known for opposite to reality claims".

    Your Captain Obvious.

    No need for thanking.

  19. Qtard: In accordance to you -- dRump is liar.

    I have heard him lie. So, it is in accordance with reality.

    Qtard: And Bi-den -- "significantly better"... liar?

    Joe Biden is very honest.

    Qtard: Well, as we know that you are heinous liar. itself. And not an expert in it. In any sense.

    We know this about Qtard.

    Qtard: You mere words -- is meaningless.

    Yes, Qtard's words are meaningless.

    Qtard: That Biden have said "Ukraine do not need planes".


    Qtard: That makes him -- LIAR.


    Qtard: \\Not damning. Obama was referring to the political realities...\\ Yap. And THAT EXACTLY WHAT is damning.

    There was no lie. Waiting until later to do something is not a lie. Saying "I will not do this" then doing it anyway is. But that isn't what happened. Said he'd do it later. You quoted him.

    Qtard: Shows his feeling toward voters -- those fools, he need to lie to, to be re-elected.

    Some of them are. But there was no lie.

    Qtard: But... after that, it will have free hands to do whatever it likes. Like to "collude" with its "master".

    You quoted. That isn't what Obama said. Did not refer to Putin as his master. Also, not do "whatever it likes". Continue working on behalf of the American people.

    Qtard: YOUR LOGIC.

    Lie. That is not my logic.

    Qtard: You used to blame dRump -- "just make ANYTHING it do look damning".


    Qtard: \\Biden isn't the king of Europe\\In that moment Biden have said it... Ukraine was WHOLE YEAR in a state DEARLY, HORRIBLY in *NEED*.

    Blame European leaders who said no.

    Qtard: What would you said IF THAT IS dRump... whould POSTPONE for YEARS... help for needy???

    tRump would not "postpone". He would never send.

    Qtard: Wasn't it be "horrible monster amoral scumbag dRump"... or something?

    Putin puppet.

    Qtard: But... when it comes to Holy Bi-den... that's another story, isn't it?

    Yes. Because he worked it out with our allies. Which tRump would NOT have done.

    Qtard: So, When you claimed that you "I never have and never will" -- that was clearly NewSpeak-like.


    Qtard: ESPOECIALLY, as I showed above -- that you do. And frequently.

    Don't. Qtard did not show.

    Qtard: When you crying "I NEVER have said it"... about YOUR OWN DAMN WORDS... copy-pasted from YOUR OWN DAMN COMMENTS... even just above in the same thread.


    Qtard: No need for thanking.

    No chance of that.

  20. \\Qtard: In accordance to you -- dRump is liar.

    \\I have heard him lie. So, it is in accordance with reality.

    For now.

    In this discussion.

    Without FACTS being provided.

    That is just you opinion.

    Not very credible. ;-P

    As you tend to lie, and idioticly. Demn too often. :-))))))))))))

    \\We know this about Qtard.

    Split personality disorder? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    There is many of you, Derpy, under your scull shell? :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: That Biden have said "Ukraine do not need planes".


    When asked whether President Volodymyr Zelensky needs F-16 fighter jets, Biden responded by saying, “he doesn't need F-16s now.” He added that there is “no basis upon which there is a rationale, according to our military now, to provide F-16s.”

    ABC News: Biden says Ukraine does not need F-16 fighter jets › abc-news-biden-says-ukraine-does-not-need-f-16-f...

    Ukraine 'Doesn't Need' F-16s, Biden Says, But Others Say 'It's Not ... › ukraine-doesnt-n...
    President Biden has made his position clear: Ukraine will not be receiving multi-role fighter aircraft from the U.S. any time soon.

    Biden Says No to F-16 Fighter Jets for Ukraine - VOA News › ukrainian-president-we-h...
    U.S. President Joe Biden said the United States would not provide F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, as Kyiv seeks more sophisticated weapons to ...

    Biden: Zelenskiy promised Ukraine won't use F-16's in Russia › world › biden-zelenskiy-ha...
    He said it was "highly unlikely" the planes would be used in any Ukrainian offensive in the coming weeks, but that Ukrainian troops could need ...

    Bowing to pressure, Biden relents on F-16s to Ukraine › 2023/05/19 › ukra...
    The United States retains the right to veto other nations transferring the planes to third countries. Suddenly, President Biden has said yes.

    Biden: Zelenskyy promised Ukraine won't use F-16's in Russia › global-europe › news › bi...
    He said it was “highly unlikely” the planes would be used in any Ukrainian offensive in the coming weeks, but that Ukrainian troops could need ...

    How Biden got to yes on F-16s and Ukraine - POLITICO › news › 2023/05/22 › bide...
    For more than a year, Kyiv has asked for modern fighter jets, and the Biden administration's answer has either been “no,” or “not right now.

    Biden Says U.S. Will Not Send Fighter Jets To Ukraine › ukraine-france-fighter-jets-not-...
    U.S. President Joe Biden on January 30 said the United States will not send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, even as French President Emmanuel Macron said ...

    U.S. and its allies plan to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets ... › politics › white-house › us-allies-plan-provide-ukrain...
    In February, Biden said in an interview with ABC News that U.S. military advice showed that Ukraine did not need F-16s at the time.

    Ukraine F-16s: Why Biden doesn't want to give Zelensky the fighter ... › news-and-politics › 2023/02 › biden-ukraine-f16-fighter-planes
    Biden's first reason for not sending them is that the Ukrainians aren't ... “Ukraine has more pilots than it has airplanes,” Rogoway said.


  21. \\Qtard: That makes him -- LIAR.



    That is NewSpeak.

    "No means Yes".

    "Yes means No", in it. ;-P

    \\There was no lie. Waiting until later to do something is not a lie.

    That is NOT the problem here.

    Of course... why he be lying to his "master"?

    \\Qtard: Shows his feeling toward voters -- those fools, he need to lie to, to be re-elected.

    \\Some of them are. But there was no lie.


    Thjat was DEMN TRUTH.

    In Demn NewSpeak. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I got it. ;-P

    \\...working on behalf of the American people.

    Demn NewSpeak again?

    \\Qtard: YOUR LOGIC.

    \\Lie. That is not my logic.

    Like you able to admit Truth. ;-P

    \\Blame European leaders who said no.

    Oh, yes... and why that european leaders, of small countries, with little or no Nukes... would say YES to opposing warmongering monster with piles of em... while their SWORN protector from such threats trying to play childish "hide and seek" game, to not respond to call to its duties.

    Really-really, why they not?

    Like that school children in Uvalde -- WHY they DID NOT came out and stood up before that intruder... themself, while that sheriff hesitating to perform its duty.

    Really-really, why they not?

    What a BIG secret and mystery in it... NOT.

    \\tRump would not "postpone". He would never send.


    Same as he "NEVER SENT" Javelines???

    \\Qtard: Wasn't it be "horrible monster amoral scumbag dRump"... or something?

    \\Putin puppet.

    But 0-bama and Bi-den is not liliPut's puppet, still? ;-P

    \\Qtard: So, When you claimed that you "I never have and never will" -- that was clearly NewSpeak-like.




    \\Qtard: ESPOECIALLY, as I showed above -- that you do. And frequently.

    \\Don't. Qtard did not show.


    Want to add more lies to already piled out?

    You welcome. ;-P

    YOU ARE that fool ONLY, who'd believe to that lies here, anyway. :-)))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: When you crying "I NEVER have said it"... about YOUR OWN DAMN WORDS... copy-pasted from YOUR OWN DAMN COMMENTS... even just above in the same thread.



    Just in this thread you said "I never said" couple of times. ;-P

  22. In regards to things I never said. Never in regards to things I did say. And I definitely was not crying. Only getting annoyed with Qtard's constant lies.

    FYI, "In Europe, France and the UK are the only countries with nuclear weapons. Together they are estimated to have 515 nuclear warheads, of which 400 are deployed".

  23. \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    In regards to things I never said. Never in regards to things I did say. And I definitely was not crying. Only getting annoyed with Qtard's constant lies.


    "Lies" you *PRETEND* seeing.

    But NEVER able to give CORRECT quotes.

    And even less... well, practicly NEVER, able to give ANY base to your words.

    And it SEEMS that ALL you can do -- it's crying "no-no-no, my words it's not my words... err, maybe, that is my words... but mean they something TOTALLY different... whip-whip, sob-sob" (and I going forward, for you to try to use THIS my letest clever trick against me... for further confirmatrion of how intellectually miserable U R!!!) :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\FYI, "In Europe, France and the UK are the only countries with nuclear weapons. Together they are estimated to have 515 nuclear warheads, of which 400 are deployed".

    So what???

    Would France use its nukes if that is Germany which will be attacked?

    Or Poland?

    Or some miniscule country like Estonia?

    While it would mean swift *response* from country that have NOT 400... 4000 of nukes???

    With MANY-MANY robust means of delivery that nukes. And countermeasures. And wast territory and bigger population to mitigate the damage.

    While USA... will not go on that Suicide Mission. Though FULLY EQUIPED for exactly that mission.

    But some miserly France, or even more miserly Britain... WILL?????????!!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  24. Qtard: And it SEEMS that ALL you can do -- it's crying "no-no-no, my words it's not my words... err, maybe, that is my words... but mean they something TOTALLY different...

    Different than what the liar Qtard claims? Yes.

    Never cried "no-no-no, my words it's not my words". That is a Qtard lie. Qtard does that. Even words Qtard has "trademarked"... it later says "those are not my words".

    Qtard: Would France use its nukes if that is Germany which will be attacked? Or Poland?

    They are both members of NATO.

  25. \\Different than what the liar Qtard claims? Yes.

    NewSpeak? ;-P

    \\Qtard has "trademarked".

    Trademark means HONORING trademark of OTHER

    The same as copyright -- (c) sign.

    EXPLICIT mark that shows WHOSE thing it is.

    \\Qtard: Would France use its nukes if that is Germany which will be attacked? Or Poland?

    \\They are both members of NATO.

    So what???
