Sunday, September 17, 2023

How DC REALLY Works...


  1. Have you noticed that we have been facing an upsurge in crime in certain Democratic, and Liberal areas, notably areas Governed, and led by Progressive Communist Democratic Mayors, or/and Governors and even District Attorneys ho are responsible in the upsurge of crime! And that our Progressive Communist Democrat Politicians, even the Judges,are being driven by their Progressive ideology, that demand that these hardened criminals be released back into our communities along with the surge of millions of Illegal Alien CRIMINALS who are being treated differently than our own Ordinary Citizens are.
    There even has been a surge of"ambushed and murdered Police offices being shot in their own patrol cars that are being targeted simply because they were in uniform. How RIDICULES is that! What has this country come to?
    A California police chief appeared to be deliberately shot at and Murdered while riding his bicycle in Las Vegas by a 17 year old teenage while driving a car , and was heard saying “I hit his ass.”
    The unidentified 17 year old driver of the Hyundai was soon arrested by the police and has been charged with murder, after police discovered the video on social media that allegedly showed him deliberately shooting the man.
    An Illegal Immigrant was charged with Stabbing a man to death on the Subway in New York . He spent three months in Jail waiting for the court to approve his extradition which never came, and finally was ordered to be released by police because of a delay in the paperwork. Do you call this Justice? We constantly hear of these HORRIFIC cases that happen after a suspect had over 40-50 or more previous arrests! Why are people like that still walking our streets?
    You may ask What’s Next? And you’ll be right. Maybe we will see a surge in the Progressive Communist Democrats employing their allies in Antifa and Black Lives Matter troops as we grow closer to the 2024 election.
    And perhaps these Illegal Alien Gangs will speed up the floods of Illegal Aliens to cross the border before a New Administration comes into office.

  2. Biden doesn't take political contributions? Who knew? ...and what's all the fuss about Hunter?

  3. What *is* all the fuss about Hunter Biden? I don't understand it either. He never worked in the administration. Unlike Ivanka and Jared. Finally it looks like the Democrats are going to investigate the 2 billion Jared received from Bone Saw.

    btw, my comment is about lobbyist money donated to donald tRump. My comment doesn't say anything about Joe Biden. I think Joe Biden's political campaigns have always been self-funded... LOL.

  4. \\...have always been self-funded... LOL.

    Derpy admitted Bi-den's bribes. ;-P

  5. Yeah, that's the law. republicans must self fund while Democrats can take bribes. As I "admitted" earlier. According to an idiot.

  6. From WHERE Bi-den COULD take that money... to fund it himself, if given is that he is NOT entrepreneur and only worked for government.

    Ah, stable genius? ;-P

  7. Joe Biden 2020 campaign contributions...
    Large Contributions: $646,035,524 61.02%
    Small Individual Contributions under $200: $406,562,408 38.40%
    Other: $6,152,054 0.58%

    donald tRump 2020 campaign contributions...
    Large Contributions: $396,152,428 51.17%
    Small Individual Contributions < $200: $378,084,012 48.83%
    Candidate self-financing: $8,021 0.00%

    Qtard is concerned about Joe Biden receiving "bribes"? Because Joe Biden is a Democrat? Qtard is unconcerned about donald tRump receiving bribes? Because donald tRump is a rightturd? Yes?

    Looks like donald tRump "self funded" in the amount of 8K. Rounded down to zero percent. While, in 2016 dotard donald "self funded" his campaign with $66,141,713.

  8. Did he say that he was self-funding in 2016? yes. Did he say he was self funding in 2020? no.

    btw - Biden was "family & friend funded" for his first Senate Campaign in 1972...

    Biden had one more advantage: 1972 was the first year that 18-year-olds were able to vote. And Biden wasn’t just a young candidate for federal office. He was the candidate of the young, too.

    “The comments of the young volunteers” on Biden’s 1970 county council campaign, Jane Harriman wrote in her profile that year, “are often one squeak above the equal of a Beatlemaniac.” In that first race, an “army of 150 or more high school, college students, and young professionals worked around the clock for him from June until Nov. 4.”

    Replicating this youth volunteer network would be key to Biden’s first Senate run.

    When he started campaigning in 1972, Biden spoke of running a “minimally financed” campaign, spending somewhere around $100,000 or $150,000. That meant very little television advertising and very little paid distribution of literature. Instead, the Biden campaign—which was largely a family affair run with his friends and siblings, plus help from a media consultant in Boston—chose to distribute its literature another way: by having young volunteers hand-deliver it throughout the state.

    “A single statewide mailing cost $36,000, which we couldn’t afford,” Biden wrote in his memoir. “So [Biden’s sister and campaign manager] Val invented the Biden post office. Once a week, either Saturday or Sunday, her army of volunteers hand-delivered our private campaign newspaper to about 85 percent of the households in the state. By the middle of October, people would be waiting on Saturday mornings for a kid to come to the door.”

  9. The criminal organization known as "La familia Biden" began in 1970 in his run for New Castle County Council)

  10. Minus: Did he say that he was self-funding in 2016? yes. Did he say he was self funding in 2020? no.

    He didn't self fund in 2016 or in 2020.

    Minus: The criminal organization known as "La familia Biden" began in 1970 in his run for New Castle County Council).

    Delusional people were imagining that Biden ran a "criminal organization" back in 1970? Or is this a delusion that tinfoil hat nutters dreamed up more recently and are applying retroactively?

    btw, the criminal organization know at "the tRump organization" goes back to 1927.

    Quote: "The Trump Organization ... was founded in 1927 by Donald Trump's paternal grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump, and his father, Fred Trump, as E. Trump & Son".

    FBI releases thin file on Donald Trump's father, Fred. By JOSH GERSTEIN 10/08/2016 03:06 PM EDT. The FBI has released a small set of records on Donald Trump's father Fred, showing a fleeting interest at the bureau in the elder Trump's campaign donations and hints of a concern related to organized crime.

    Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?. By DAVID CAY JOHNSTON May 22, 2016. ... [donald] Trump's career has benefited from a decades-long and largely successful effort to limit and deflect law enforcement investigations into his dealings with top mobsters, organized crime associates, labor fixers, corrupt union leaders, con artists and even a one-time drug trafficker whom Trump retained as the head of his personal helicopter service. ... [There] is a pattern of business dealings with mob figures -- not only local figures, but even the son of a reputed Russian mob boss whom Trump had at his side at a gala Trump hotel opening...

  11. He didn't self fund in 2016 or in 2020.

    LOL! YOU provided the data showing he DID! There's a rule that self-funding is always 100%? Who knew? Campaign funding lives in the quantum world where only two "states" are possible, and there's no entanglement.

    The FBI has released a small set of records on Donald Trump's father Fred, showing a fleeting interest at the bureau in the elder Trump's campaign donations and hints of a concern related to organized crime.

    The FBI works with organized crime all the time. So did the OSS/CIA during WWII. What do you think most CIs are? Remember Whitey Bulgar? He owed his position in the mob due to FBI protection.

  12. Lest you now admit that the FBI and DoJ are CRIMINAL enterprises.

  13. Minus: LOL! YOU provided the data showing he DID!

    Monies donated by tRump to his own campaign was used by the campaign to pay for "services" provided by the tRump organization (at inflated prices). He just took money out of one pocket and put it in another pocket. That is your idea of "self funding"?

  14. It was money that others didn't need to contribute, so yes. He self-funded THAT part.

  15. tRump also transferred contributors' money from his campaign to his business in that manner. I heard that is why his inauguration "celebration" was so expensive -- the campaign way overpaid for services provided by tRump org. That's definitely corruption he should have been criminally charged for.

  16. \\That's definitely corruption he should have been criminally charged for.

    Then... why he was not? ;-P

    Because such a Honest Citizen as certain someone said "it's not my business"??? :-))))))))))))))))))

  17. He was inaugurated in 2020? Or 2016, when Trump contributed millions to his campaign?


  18. tRump STOLE millions from his campaign. And Qtard thinks this would have prosecuted -- except I said "it's not my business" and so a prosecution was called off? Qtard truly is an idiot

    btw, I'm talking about the self-described foreigner from far far away. I mention this because the foreigner's idiocy is causing it to believe that, when I refer to "Qtard", I'm referring to myself. Instead of to it.

  19. \\tRump STOLE millions from his campaign. And Qtard thinks this would have prosecuted -- except I said "it's not my business" and so a prosecution was called off? Qtard truly is an idiot

    Who need to be vigilant? Who need to be keen to protect JUSTICE??

    Some other guy? Somebody in a mask and rubber suit? Some f*g Spiderman? :-)))

    Or that is job of citizens of democratic country -- first and foremost?

    Or that... just your totalitarian ideal talking, with your mouth -- because under totalitarian rule it is NOT that low-life prols business -- they must only submit and listen to... Big Brother.

    \\when I refer to "Qtard", I'm referring to myself. Instead of to it.

    Because your wording are that way... that suggest it. ;-P

    Or... you can DISprove it... with giving CORRECT quotes of that "Qtard". ;-P

    But you will not. Because it all inside your own mind. :-)))))))0

  20. "Or that is job of citizens of democratic country -- first and foremost?"

    No. Vigilantism is illegal. Still, here we have an idiot whose defective brain tells it vigilantism is the ONLY way laws are enforced? But previously you were concerned about a lynch mob grabbing tRump and stringing him up. Now you're all for it? You probably forgot saying that?

  21. \\\No. Vigilantism is illegal.

    Means... that schoolchildren and students who worked in Bi-den compaign -- was criminals? ;-P

    \\But previously you were concerned about a lynch mob grabbing tRump and stringing him up. Now you're all for it? You probably forgot saying that?

    You always free to give quotes.

    But you will not... cause there is NO such comment.

    That is all miasms of from your delirious mind. ;-P

  22. I will not because it would be a waste of my time. To hunt for it. We both know what you said, liar. Qtard is definitely one of the most dishonest liars I have ever encountered.

    And a total idiot. Working on a campaign has nothing to do with vigilantism.

  23. \\And a total idiot. Working on a campaign has nothing to do with vigilantism.

    Did you mean "working for Demns" here? ;-P

    \\We both know what you said, liar.

    If I'd said any lie. Here. You'd be able to POINT to it, with PROPER and PERFECTLY CORRECT QUOTE.

    And if you'd NOT be an idiot -- you'd be able to EXPLAIN where and how, and why that is a lie.

    But, naaaah.

    Or... that is again that hilarious itself talking with itself moments? :-))))))

    Sorry for intruding. ;-P


  24. Derpy is so scared that his DEMN Pelosi shitting on em, DEMN-junkies like De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    Suits em well. :-)))

  25. Qtard LOVES being shitted on. It demands to be shitted on. If you aren't shitting on Qtard, you're "Demn propaganda".

  26. De-Ru-Pi talking about own alter-ego Qtard again? ;-P

  27. The anonymous foreigner from far far away is talking about its alter-ego De-Ru-Pi again.

  28. :-)))))))

    My little derp, derping as ever.

    What a merry sight to behold.
