Sunday, September 3, 2023

Do American Politicians & Other Rich Men Living North of Richmond CARE About Ukrainian Casualties?


  1. An admission -- or an unforced error that he will later walk back? Even if he is that cold hearted, you think he would admit it? Well, even if Blumenthal is (which I doubt) that doesn't mean he speaks for all Democrats. Or even ANY other Democrat.

    According to Qtard Democrats are pure evil. So obviously Qtard will absolutely believe this is an "admission". Even though it says it can't tell the difference because Ds and Rs are "all of one face".

    Is Jimmy Dore on an extended vacation? Or did he go into hiding due to fears of Ukrainian assassins taking him out?

  2. Well... Holy Bi-den said: "Ukraine not need our planes".... ;-P

  3. Replies
    1. "Holy Bi-den" said Ukraine will get planes.

      Re "actual" Nazis supporting Biden...

      "My vote is useless,” Christopher Pohlhaus declared. “I think Biden’s better than Trump because he sends rockets to Ukraine", not an unusual opinion for a neo-Nazi to have considering the strong pro-Nazi sentiments that run deep in the wartorn Eastern European country. [End excerpt]

      So, idiots who have slurped up Putin's Propaganda re Ukraine being a Nazi state and want their fellow Nazis to be able to defend themselves?

      Minus agrees, yes? Biden is helping Ukrainian Nazis defend themselves?

      Hello, Qtard?? Are you going to defend Minus FJ on this one?

      Biden isn't arming Nazis. Christopher Pohlhaus is a f*cking idiot. Not unusual for a Nazi.

  4. "President Joe Biden's decision to allow allies to train Ukrainian forces on how to operate F-16 fighter jets — and eventually to provide the aircraft themselves — seemed like an abrupt change in position but was in fact one that came after months of internal debate and quiet talks with allies"...

    President Biden was negotiating with our European allies. He never said NO. He said "I am ruling it out for now". Joe Biden isn't the president of Europe, dummy. He could not say YES until our European allies agreed. Criticize them.

  5. The smarter US Nazis know Ukraine isn't a Nazi state. They support Putin and his puppet, dotard donald.

  6. On the other hand, an associate of Christopher Pohlhaus named Kent "Boneface" McLellan is a Neo-Nazi who has reportedly traveled to Ukraine to serve with the Azov Battalion.

    "Proof" the Azov battalion is 100 Nazi free, right Qtard? Kent went to Ukraine, came back, then said "yes, the Azov are our fellow Nazis".

  7. \\"Proof" the Azov battalion is 100 Nazi free, right Qtard? Kent went to Ukraine, came back, then said "yes, the Azov are our fellow Nazis".

    While being payed by liliPut? Who was organizing neo-nazi conference(s) in his capital. And calling terrorists his "dear friends".

    And Western Leftists... who like to spin Western Sworn Enemies propaganda since... since forever. Because they dearly want/desire demise of their coutries, their government, democracy?

    Because they have comething "BETTER" in their mind... for all of Humanity.

  8. Qtard: While being payed by liliPut? Who was organizing neo-nazi conference(s) in his capital. And calling terrorists his "dear friends".

    So, what Qtard is claiming is that Putin paid these US neo-nazis (the Blood Tribe) to say they are supporting Joe Biden? Maybe. That sounds plausible.

    fyi, it is Western rightturds who like to spin Western Sworn Enemies propaganda since... since forever. Because they dearly want/desire the demise of democracy. Replace it with rightturd fascism.

    Also (claimed) foreign "far far away" rightturds like Qtard. A rightturd Putin propaganda spreader who supports the overthrow of democracy in the United States. Has argued strongly in favor of ending US democracy by installing the loser of the 2020 democratic election.

    Qtard: Because they have comething "BETTER" in their mind... for all of Humanity.

    "They" do. "They" including the totalitarian wannabe Qtard fascism.

    Also (claimed) foreign "far far away" rightturds like Qtard. A rightturd Putin propaganda spreader who supports the overthrow of democracy in the United States. Has argued strongly in favor of ending US democracy by installing the loser of the 2020 democratic election.

    Qtard: Because they have comething "BETTER" in their mind... for all of Humanity.

    "They" do. "They" including the totalitarian wannabe Qtard.

  9. \\\fyi, it is Western rightturds who like to spin Western Sworn Enemies propaganda since... since forever. Because they dearly want/desire the demise of democracy. Replace it with rightturd fascism.


    \\Has argued strongly in favor of ending US democracy by installing the loser of the 2020 democratic election.


    Derpy the Feverish Propaganda Slogan Chanter.






    Qtard calling the J6 insurrection people exercising their "human rights".

  11. BS.

    They was excercising their Human Rights. Which PROTECTED under Democracy.

    But Derpy the Demn Totalitarian Wannabe -- denyes em their rights, with stating it openly and unquestionably "I *DO* deny...".


    Derpy OPPOSING Human Rights and Direct Democracy.

    In his delirious mind deseminated by Demn propaganda -- people DO NOT have right to decide for themself, and to ask their servants... whenever they like and whatever they like... ESPECIALLY, IF that made in daylight and in publicly open Temple of Democracy.

  12. Qtard: They was excercising their Human Rights.


    Qtard: Which PROTECTED under Democracy.

    They were arrested, not protected.

    Qtard: But Derpy the Demn Totalitarian Wannabe -- denyes em their rights, with stating it openly and unquestionably "I *DO* deny...".

    Deny they had that right. Cited John Locke to back up my correct assertion. Being a sore loser does NOT give anyone the right to try and overthrow the results of an honest election.

    Qtard: Means. Derpy OPPOSING Human Rights and Direct Democracy...

    Means I support democracy and oppose insurrection. Means totalitarian Qtard supports ending democracy.

    Qtard: In his delirious mind deseminated by Demn propaganda -- people DO NOT have right to decide for themself, and to ask their servants... whenever they like and whatever they like... ESPECIALLY, IF that made in daylight and in publicly open Temple of Democracy.

    They have that right. Had the opportunity to vote in the election. Could have peacefully protested and not been arrested. They did NOT have the right to try and reverse the results of a democratic election using violence. That is not "asking", except in Qtard's delirious mind deseminated by rightturd fascist propaganda.

  13. //Qtard: They was excercising their Human Rights.


    We ALREADY know about your denial, Derpy.

    But you still like to pound at it.

    Well, whatever.


    \\Qtard: Which PROTECTED under Democracy.

    \\They were arrested, not protected.

    That's it, Derpy. That's it.

    \\Qtard: But Derpy the Demn Totalitarian Wannabe -- denyes em their rights, with stating it openly and unquestionably "I *DO* deny...".

    \\Deny they had that right.


    Like Nazis was denying Jew being Humans. Just exemplify em. And work done. With non-humans it's possible to do anything.

    \\Cited John Locke to back up my correct assertion.

    That John Locke is NOT responsible for being cited by some dumbass.

    Well, he cannot be at all. Cause he died. Long ago.

    \\Being a sore loser does NOT give anyone the right to try and overthrow the results of an honest election.


    "Sore losers" MUST be protected... under democracy. IF that democracy want be called Democracy.

    Because... it will be NOTHING different from ANY OTHER despotic Rule of Fist system of government.

    \\Means I support democracy and oppose insurrection.

    NewSpeak again.

    "Democracy -- rule of democrats" ;-P

    \\Qtard: In his delirious mind deseminated by Demn propaganda -- people DO NOT have right to decide for themself, and to ask their servants... whenever they like and whatever they like... ESPECIALLY, IF that made in daylight and in publicly open Temple of Democracy.

    \\They have that right.


    They have.

    And CANNOT be severed from it.


    Scum like you... can DENY em having their such right.

    \\That is not "asking", except in Qtard's delirious mind deseminated by rightturd fascist propaganda.


    Declaration of Independence.

    Which subsumming EXACTLY THAT -- right to reverse "holy rule of a King" using violence -- is "rightturd fascist propaganda"...

    in delirious left-junky brain of Derpy the Idiot and Idiotic Hypocrite. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  14. Qtard: \\Deny they had that right.\\Like Nazis was denying Jew being Humans...

    No, not like that. Like someone claiming they have a right to kill someone else in "self defense" -- because they "looked at them funny".

    Qtard: \\Cited John Locke to back up my correct assertion\\That John Locke is NOT responsible for being cited by some dumbass.

    John Locke was cited by the Founding Fathers. Means... Qtard thinks they were dumasses. I doubt they would have cared what the dumbass Qtard has to say about them.

    Qtard: Well, he cannot be at all. Cause he died. Long ago.

    Also dead when cited by the Founding Fathers. Yet they cited him anyway.

    Qtard: \\Being a sore loser does NOT give anyone the right to try and overthrow the results of an honest election\\But. "Sore losers" MUST be protected... under democracy. IF that democracy want be called Democracy.

    No. They were not protected. They were arrested, tried, convincted, and sent to prison. Or, the sore losers who attacked the Capitol were. Those who didn't faced no punishment. Their right to protest the election results were (and are) protected.

    Qtard: Because... it will be NOTHING different from ANY OTHER despotic Rule of Fist system of government.

    Bull shit.

    \\Means I support democracy and oppose insurrection\\ NewSpeak again. "Democracy -- rule of democrats".

    More "what Derpy really mean" BS. Yawn.

    Qtard: Scum like you... can DENY em having their such right.

    Scum like Qtard defends insurrectionists and roots for the overthrow of democracy.

    Qtard: Yap. Declaration of Independence. Which subsumming EXACTLY THAT -- right to reverse "holy rule of a King" using violence -- is "rightturd fascist propaganda"...

    Biden's presidency is not "holy rule". Joe Biden is the democratically elected leader, not a king. He can be removed and replaced in the next election. That is democracy. The people choose their representatives. But the totalitarian Qtard clearly hates democracy. Why the idiot argues that overthrowing it is the same as overthrowing monarchy. Calls Biden "holy" and calls America's Founding Fathers dumbasses.

    Qtard: delirious left-junky brain of Derpy the Idiot and Idiotic Hypocrite. **moronic laughter**

    No. I didn't say the Declaration of Independence is "rightturd fascist propaganda". I did not NewSpeak it. That is Qtard's NewSpeak. A "long train of abuses" is established by feelings. Not actual documented abuses.

  15. \\Qtard: \\Deny they had that right.\\Like Nazis was denying Jew being Humans...

    \\No, not like that.

    Oh? You denying people being human.

    But doing it ANOTHER way from Nazis.

    What a big relief... NOT. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Cited John Locke to back up my correct assertion\\That John Locke is NOT responsible for being cited by some dumbass.

    \\John Locke was cited by the Founding Fathers.

    So what???

    I citing you all of the time here too.

    \\Means... Qtard thinks they were dumasses. I doubt they would have cared what the dumbass Qtard has to say about them.

    That... that you spouting such gibberish bullshit -- definitely PROVES that YOU ARE dumb ass. ;-P

    Well, unsurprisingly.

    \\Also dead when cited by the Founding Fathers. Yet they cited him anyway.

    Like: "See... even John Locke say it -- that we ws NOT right to uprise??? Because amount of abuses was not big enough"????????????? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: \\Being a sore loser does NOT give anyone the right to try and overthrow the results of an honest election\\But. "Sore losers" MUST be protected... under democracy. IF that democracy want be called Democracy.

    \\No. They were not protected.


    you here...

    just admitted it... ITSELF...

    that they was punished unlawfully, undemocrticly. ;-P

    That's all.

    But you will cry "I NEVER said it". AGAIN.

    Isn't it? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Yap. Declaration of Independence. Which subsumming EXACTLY THAT -- right to reverse "holy rule of a King" using violence -- is "rightturd fascist propaganda"...

    \\Biden's presidency is not "holy rule".

    Was Biden president on 6th of January of 2020???

    You are retard, Derpy.

    PROVED YET ONE time. ;-P

    \\Why the idiot argues that overthrowing it is the same as overthrowing monarchy.

    And what's the difference?

    Whjat you delirious Derpy-mind NewSpeak about it? ;-P

    \\...calls America's Founding Fathers dumbasses.


    "John Locke was cited by the Founding Fathers. Means... Qtard thinks they were dumasses."

    \\Qtard: delirious left-junky brain of Derpy the Idiot and Idiotic Hypocrite. **moronic laughter**

    \\No. I didn't say the Declaration of Independence is "rightturd fascist propaganda". I did not NewSpeak it. That is Qtard's NewSpeak. A "long train of abuses" is established by feelings. Not actual documented abuses.



  16. From Qtard? Thank you for admitting it.

    But you will cry "I NEVER said it". AGAIN. Isn't it?

    Qtard trying to gaslight me. Make me think that Qtard's words are my words. It's not working. It will never work.

  17. Split personality disorder? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    There is some Derpy -- rightful Dem. Perfect in all senses.

    And some Qtard... spouting non-sense, but only when much smarter opponent pointing to it, so Derpy became ashamed ot it... and starting to disenfranchise own words by saying "that's not me, that's some Qtard said it"??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    That is most interesting development. ;-P

  18. "And some Qtard... spouting non-sense..."

    There is. The Qtard is you.

  19. But FACTS telling different story.

    And WHO???? saying

    \\But you will cry "I NEVER said it". AGAIN. Isn't it?

    Simple Ctrl-Fing confirms that that is "Dervish Sanders said...". ;-P

  20. "But you will cry "I NEVER said it". AGAIN. Isn't it?"

    Because you keep lying. Writing "what Derpy really mean". I should say, "yes, that's what I meant"... when it is NOT. ??? F*ck off, idiot.
