Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Buckle up! This is going to be a LONG Shutdown!


  1. The price for republiturds will be high... the cost to the American people will also be high. They will remember in 2024 and vote accordingly.

  2. Minus thinks, "the Great Depression... those were the good old days"?

  3. Your the one running towards WWIII, not me. Dervy thinks, "Ahhhh, WWII... the good ole days!"

  4. Nope. I think Putin should order Russian soldiers to withdraw and end the war.

  5. \\Dervy thinks, "Ahhhh, WWII... the good ole days!"

    Well... isn't that OFFICIAL propaganda in USA? Like one your children conditioned in schools... to know as Only Truth.

  6. \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    Nope. I think Putin should order Russian soldiers to withdraw and end the war.

    And jump into grave... out of own free choice?

    What an idiot, you are, De-Ru-Pi.

    Dunno about such a basic psychological trait of Homo Sapience -- fear opf death. We all do.

  7. It was "the good old days" because the villians were plainly visible. If Putin's a villain, NATO should declare war and be done with it. But the case that he is such would still have to be made (as I, and many others, remain unconvinced).

  8. Shutdown averted. You must be so disappointed.

  9. I gotcha.

    Waiting for Pearl Harbor 2.0.

    Only little problem with it -- EVERYBODY in the whole World DO KNOW it, about you.

    So, attackers will be using that plans which would allow em to workaround that your fixation on who spilled first blood.

    Like false flag attacks. Or instigating your domestic unrest. Terroristic attacks. Or spreading of new drugs.

    Well... or, just as I percieve it to be wise, from strategic POV.

    Who knows what that dunces would come up with.

    Like liliPut with its moronic ultimative demand "you, NATO, get out from MY lawn" :-)))))))

  10. Benedict McCarthy will make a great Democrat one day.

  11. The longest government shutdown in America history has ended! It's a good thing I buckled up. Thanks for the warning. LOL!

    Kevin McCarthy will never switch parties and become a Democrat.

  12. He's certainly doing his best defending the swampocrats, already.
