Sunday, August 13, 2023

Fauci's COVID $Millions$

Sarah Arnold, "Records Reveal Fauci Made Over $300 Million From the Covid Pandemic While Americans Suffered"
While the entire United States was under authoritarian mandates, top so-called Covid-19 “experts” were making hundreds of millions of dollars on the pandemic that caused lifelong hurdles for many Americans.

According to records, the former NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins, and former NIAID Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, made huge profits from royalty checks during the Chinese virus-fueled pandemic. At the same time, thousands of people struggled to put food on the table.

OpenTheBooks, a transparency organization, recently released over 1,500 unredacted records revealing the leaders of the country’s National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases profited off the virus that killed thousands of people.

On top of that, Fauci funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology to research the Coronavirus.

The records show Collins and Fauci got 58 royalty payments for allowing companies to use their COVID-19 vaccines, which in return was developed with funding from U.S. taxpayers by private pharmaceutical firms.

So, in other words, the Covid pandemic was one big ploy for the government to get massively wealthy.

Through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 56,000 transactions were recorded, totaling over $325 million banked by the “experts.”

“The NIH continues to refuse to voluntarily divulge the names of scientists who receive royalties and from which companies over the period of time from 2010 to 2016, 27,000 royalty payments were paid to 1800 NIH employees,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said. “We know that. Not because you told us, but because we forced you to tell us through the Freedom of Information Act.”

Between 2010 and 2021, Fauci received 37 payments from three entities, including 15 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology— which ranks fifth in royalty payments. Fauci also received 14 from Ancell Corp. and eight from Chiron Corp., which was later bought by Novartis, allowing the company to obtain significant NIH funds.

According to OpenTheBooks, names, and license numbers for each payment is absent from the records— data that the NIH initially withheld but was later forced to release by a court. This information is essential to know if there were any potential conflicts of interest.

Records also show that Fauci, the highest-paid federal worker with a 2022 salary of $480,000, failed to donate his royalties to charity as promised.


  1. "Fauci has said he donates all royalties to charity" link.

  2. Records also show that Fauci, the highest-paid federal worker with a 2022 salary of $480,000, failed to donate his royalties to charity as promised.

  3. "They may not receive more than $150,000 annually from royalties".

    Donated or not, that "Fauci Made Over $300 Million" isn't possible.

    "Between 2010 and 2021, Fauci received 37 payments from three entities..."

    So, the covid 19 pandemic began in 2010? Who knew?

  4. And there was only anti-COVID vacination program? Who knew?

    And medicine production is NOT trillion $ business?

    Profitable THAT MUCH because of USA laws and regulations in sphere of medicine?

    Because one would not be able to squize that much from some iduses or nigers...

    Derpy the Ignorant Idiot, shows its feathers again. :-))))))))))))))))0

  5. Qtard the ignorant idiot shows his INABILITY to read, yet again!

    Title of post? "Fauci's COVID $Millions$".

    Post (as per its title) is about money Fauci supposedly earned from COVID-19.

    Then the article author includes money allegedly earned (and allegedly not donated to charity) from 2010 forward. Any money allegedly earned before the covid vaccines were being distributed by the government can NOT be "covid millions".

    By the way, even IF this non-covid (alleged) money is counted, it is less than 2 million over 13 years. Because "They may not receive more than $150,000 annually from royalties". 2 million is significantly less than 300 million.

    The $325 million (allegedly) went to 1800 NIH employees. Later admitted in the article. DESPITE article claiming (at the top) that Fauci received it ALL. And it was ALL for covid.

    "Records Reveal Fauci Made Over $300 Million From the Covid Pandemic While Americans Suffered" is a LIE. Self admitted lie by the lying author Sarah Arnold.

    No WAIT. I clicked the link and see on the TownHall website the article is actually titled "Records Reveal Fauci, Others Made Over $300 Million From the Covid Pandemic While Americans Suffered".

    ORIGINAL article title includes the word "others". "Others" removed by Minus FJ. Making Minus FJ the liar.

    Though Sarah Arnold does claim, "Records also show that Fauci, the highest-paid federal worker with a 2022 salary of $480,000, failed to donate his royalties to charity as promised".

    What records? What do these alleged records show? That Fauci never donated ANY money to charity? Or (if these records even exist) show that he only didn't donate ALL the money? Or only royalties from 2022? Important details not revealed. On purpose?

    Wouldn't that information be in Fauci's tax returns? Money he gave to charity? Did Fauci release his tax returns? Article doesn't say.

    Maybe Fauci said to himself "Even though I said I would, I'm not donating my 2022 royalties, but will also release my 2022 tax returns showing no royalties were donated. Fingers crossed nobody will notice"?

  6. As per my math, if 1800 NHI scientists received 300 million (collectively) over 12 years, that's less than 14k each a year. Though that is just an average. Obviously some got more and some got less (much less). Some donated to charity and others maybe did not. Still... This is big time money?

    Townhall is republiturd propaganda. Why Minus and Qtard love it.

    "Profitable THAT MUCH because of USA laws and regulations in sphere of medicine?".

    YES! Laws and regulations that republiturds oppose changing. But Qtard might imagine that republicans stormed the White House demanding these laws be changed. No doubt it can argue that this is ALL the fault of the nasty "Demon-rats".

    Does Qtard think they should be killed? If "Demon-rats" and "Demn propaganda" is responsible for ALL the problems of the world, shouldn't the killing of all "Demon-rats" be of high priority? If the world would be a near-perfect utopia without Demon-rats and their propaganda, shouldn't their eradication be mandatory?

  7. \\The $325 million (allegedly) went to 1800 NIH employees. Later admitted in the article. DESPITE article claiming (at the top) that Fauci received it ALL. And it was ALL for covid.

    Oh that "somebody-sombody"s... they are such a Truth Talkers. :-))))

    \\ORIGINAL article title includes the word "others". "Others" removed by Minus FJ. Making Minus FJ the liar.


    People do lie frequently.

    That's why it's so important to keep em accountable, and ask about FACTS.

    Instead of trusting to their merew words.

    You gotcha, Derpy.

    But... I'm sure, you will not make needed conclusions.

    And will only continue showing itself idiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\What records? What do these alleged records show? That Fauci never donated ANY money to charity? Or (if these records even exist) show that he only didn't donate ALL the money? Or only royalties from 2022? Important details not revealed. On purpose?


    The same as with what ANY politicains doing...

    \\As per my math, if 1800 NHI scientists received 300 million (collectively) over 12 years, that's less than 14k each a year. Though that is just an average. Obviously some got more and some got less (much less). Some donated to charity and others maybe did not. Still... This is big time money?

    For whom how...

    \\YES! Laws and regulations that republiturds oppose changing. But Qtard might imagine that republicans stormed the White House demanding these laws be changed. No doubt it can argue that this is ALL the fault of the nasty "Demon-rats".

    \\Does Qtard think they should be killed? If "Demon-rats" and "Demn propaganda" is responsible for ALL the problems of the world, shouldn't the killing of all "Demon-rats" be of high priority? If the world would be a near-perfect utopia without Demon-rats and their propaganda, shouldn't their eradication be mandatory?



  8. Qtard: People do lie frequently. That's why it's so important to keep em accountable, and ask about FACTS. Instead of trusting to their merew words. You gotcha, Derpy.

    Qtard (one of the people who lies frequently) has no idea what facts look like. Does not know what a "fact" is. Thinks all J6 rioters convicted were framed because it watched a movie about Richard Jewell. Though Richard Jewell was never charged with, or convicted of, any crimes. Whereas there were J6 defendants who were charged with, and convicted of, sedition. So, same thing in the idiot's "mind".

    Qtard: But... I'm sure, you will not make needed conclusions.

    What would those be? "dRump didn't do it!!"? "dRump being prosecuted make the USA exactly like Nazi Germany!!"? "Joe Biden did it!! Audio tape that doesn't exist proves it!! Because mincmeats!!"? "Demn propaganda to blame for EVERYTHING!!"? "Nazis don't exist but Demns are Nazis!!"

    Qtard: And will only continue showing itself idiot.

    Qtard will definitely continue showing itself to be an idiot. Of that I have absolutely no doubt.

    Qtard: \\Does Qtard think they should be killed?\\ Yawn. Gibberish.

    Qtard is confused by simple questions stated in 100% understandable English. More proof (not that any is needed) of Qtard's idiocy.

  9. \\Qtard (one of the people who lies frequently) has no idea what facts look like. Does not know what a "fact" is.

    I was giving definition many time. Is that definition wrong?

    I was giving examples, like "sun rising in the morning". Is that example wrong?

    Providing definition and examples -- that is what "havin an idea" mean.


    This PERFECTLY CORRECT quote of Derpy's words is just a YET ONE example of Derpy's idiotic self-revealing LIEs. ;-P


    Derpy the Idiot -- name earned by it, absolutely by its deeds and behavior.

    \\ Thinks all J6 rioters convicted were framed because it watched a movie about Richard Jewell. Though Richard Jewell was never charged with, or convicted of, any crimes. Whereas there were J6 defendants who were charged with, and convicted of, sedition. So, same thing in the idiot's "mind".


    They "plead guilty".

    Which means guys from office of procecutors worked with them that much, so they would do that.

    And example of Richard Jewell... just showing HOW it could be happening.

    As well as realitieas of totalitarian countries... where many people decide to "plead guilty"... just to stop that tortures...

    \\What would those be? "dRump didn't do it!!"? "dRump being prosecuted make the USA exactly like Nazi Germany!!"? "Joe Biden did it!! Audio tape that doesn't exist proves it!! Because mincmeats!!"? "Demn propaganda to blame for EVERYTHING!!"? "Nazis don't exist but Demns are Nazis!!"



    \\Qtard: And will only continue showing itself idiot.

    \\Qtard will definitely continue showing itself to be an idiot. Of that I have absolutely no doubt.

    Idiots... not able to devise own backbites. :-))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Does Qtard think they should be killed?\\ Yawn. Gibberish.

    \\Qtard is confused by simple questions stated in 100% understandable English. More proof (not that any is needed) of Qtard's idiocy.

    Not any bunch of "100% understandable English" words deserve being answered.

    Cause, gibberish. Or idiotic. Or deluded. Or demn-junkism. Or religious bonkery. Or... f whatever. ;-P

  10. Qtard: I was giving definition many time. Is that definition wrong? I was giving examples, like "sun rising in the morning". Is that example wrong?

    Definition cut and pasted by Qtard without understanding. "Sun rising in the morning" is a simplistic example. Other facts are more complicated.

    Qtard: This PERFECTLY CORRECT quote of Derpy's words is just a YET ONE example of Derpy's idiotic self-revealing LIEs.


    Qtard: Derpy the Idiot -- name earned by it, absolutely by its deeds and behavior.


    Qtard: They "plead guilty". Which means guys from office of procecutors worked with them that much, so they would do that.

    Doesn't. Means prosecutors had evidence to convict and lawyers advised their client they would be convicted and get more time. Therefore they should take a deal for less time.

    Qtard: And example of Richard Jewell... just showing HOW it could be happening.

    Not showing. Given that Richard Jewell didn't admit to anything. Or get charged or convicted of anything. Because he was innocent.

    Qtard: As well as realitieas of totalitarian countries... where many people decide to "plead guilty"... just to stop that tortures...

    Begin tortures. Of serving prison sentence. Instead of fighting due to "innocence", being found not guilty and not going to prison. Although here there was no chance of that happening. Because they were guilty and knew it.

    Qtard: Not any bunch of "100% understandable English" words deserve being answered.

    Why respond to anything I write then? Qtard asked me if -- NO, told me -- I wanted to kill my political enemies. I should have said Qtard's stupidity didn't deserve to be answered? I agree. I shouldn't have answered Qtard's idiotic question.

    And I don't need to ask if Qtard wants to kill its enemies. Because it is obvious it does. Keeps talking about the evil that has been (and continues to be) perpetrated by the nasty "Demon-rats".

    Let me guess... gibberish again? Don't bother. I was just asking rhetorical questions. Don't need Qtard to confirm it doesn't understand my questions. Because I already know it can't. Because of Qtard's dumbness. Or because of its delusions. Or its rightturd-junkyism. Or its religious bonkerism (belief in Clio, the daughter of Zeus).

  11. \\Definition cut and pasted by Qtard without understanding.

    Even though Derpy the Idiot once tryed to throw off that definition on that base that it was concockted by me alone. And there is nobody who says the same. Because of my alleged idiocy.

    NOW it trying to call it "cut and pasted without understanding."

    TRUELY an ifiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    Which cannot understand that that is impossible to use it BOTH ways.

    Because Truth cannot be true and then false, and then cherry pie.

    That is FALSEHOOD alone... can be anything.

    \\"Sun rising in the morning" is a simplistic example. Other facts are more complicated.

    They simply NOT facts. NOT meating criterios of being facts. NOT "more complicated facts".

    Derpy, just showed TOTAL idiotic lack of understanding. ;-P

    \\Qtard: This PERFECTLY CORRECT quote of Derpy's words is just a YET ONE example of Derpy's idiotic self-revealing LIEs.


    What "no"?

    Can you formulate some logical rebuff?


    Cause you are idiot. Like dRump.

    dRump screaming "wrong! wrong! wrong! wrong!".

    Derpy screaming "no! no! no! no!"

    Cause they idiots. ;-P

    \\Means prosecutors had evidence to convict and lawyers advised their client they would be convicted and get more time.

    SAME... as it was in case of that Richard Jewell? ;-P

    Say... little idiot, what is statistic of WRONGLY CONVICTED in USA?

    Maybe there is NONE? All convicted sitting in jail because they deserve it?

    There is NO "errly convicted"?

    Like people that serve in jail for 20 years... just for that, that "sorry, that was mistake" was said to em? And some hush money proposed.

    \\Therefore they should take a deal for less time.

    And WHO are in FULL CONTROL of that time? Who can add more years to it, just by trowing in some more accusations?

    \\Not showing. Given that Richard Jewell didn't admit to anything. Or get charged or convicted of anything. Because he was innocent.

    Because... he have had balls. And good adviser on his side. And prosecutors in that time was not that proficient.

    Or... Derpy thinks "plead guilty" means GUILTY... and NO other evidances or court trial even needed???

    \\Begin tortures. Of serving prison sentence. Instead of fighting due to "innocence", being found not guilty and not going to prison. Although here there was no chance of that happening. Because they were guilty and knew it.

    Well... you answered, to that question above.

    If people plead guilty -- they are guilty. Even if that was beaten out of them with tortures or sheer psychological pressure.

    And prisoners of Guantanamo was ALL guilty, yes?

    Also... one more fact of Derpy being totalitarian wannabe -- it sees inprisioning as tortures... want people to suffer, isn't it? YOU, totalitarian scumbag. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))


  12. \\Why respond to anything I write then?

    Because, that is entertaining me?

    I was giving this response many times already.

    But Derpy still not believe it. And asking it again and again.

    Same as accusing me not being foreigner.

    Why so? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because, chinken's brain: poor memory, short attention span, basicly... an idiocy. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\And I don't need to ask if Qtard wants to kill its enemies. Because it is obvious it does.

    And Derpy the idiot can BASE it on some facts? Give plausible explanation why it can be the case?


    IT can produce only wishi-washi whimsical spewage -- with revealing its nasty desires, of how World should be: totalitarian prison, where all people suffer, by mere reason Derpy pointing its finger at them and screaming "guilty!"... IT then will be trying to call "facts". :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    That's because Derpy is secret stalker, admirer of dRump. And like to mimic his "hero". Or just jelously want dRump's power. Screaming "you are FIRED!". Mob chanting after him. And all that.

    That kind of loser.

    Isn't it, Derpy? ;-P

    That is what keeps you in this blog?

    Possibility to spread your feces. And scream "go away", to anonimouses?

    Because that is ABSOLUTELY MAX level of power you have, where you can bahave like your role-model -- dRump?

    \\Let me guess... gibberish again? Don't bother. I was just asking rhetorical questions. Don't need Qtard to confirm it doesn't understand my questions. Because I already know it can't. Because of Qtard's dumbness. Or because of its delusions. Or its rightturd-junkyism. Or its religious bonkerism (belief in Clio, the daughter of Zeus).


    This time you stated your totalitarian wannabe creeds pretty much openly. ;-P

    I... suggest you to continue being THIS open. And reveal more and more details about your nasty habits and desire.

    Stop being hypocritical, my little piggy. Go make coming-out, with revealing ALL your dirty thoughts... here. ;-P

    Go entertain us here... MOAR. (I'm sure Joe will agree to it too)

  13. Qtard: Even though Derpy ... tryed to throw off that definition on that base that it was concockted by me alone. And there is nobody who says the same. Because of my alleged idiocy.

    As if I have all Qtard's "definitions" memorized. Now that Qtard mentions it, I think this one was bullshit. Stated that "facts" need to be "obvious to all". Which means there are actually very few facts. Earth being a sphere NOT obvious to members of the "Flat Earth Society". So Earth being a sphere is NOT a fact, as per Qtard's definition.

    dotard donald colluding with Russia not obvious to idiots (aka "qtards"). Even though the factual evidence and point-to-reality facts proves it happened.

    Senate committee finds Trump campaign welcomed Russian hacking help ... The report highlights multiple instances where the Trump campaign promoted stolen material provided by Russian hackers, even after the US intelligence community warned that the data came from the Kremlin. [8/18/2020].

    Qtard: \\"Sun rising in the morning" is a simplistic example. Other facts are more complicated\\Naaah. They simply NOT facts. NOT meating criterios of being facts. NOT "more complicated facts".

    That the sun takes 27 days to rotate on axis isn't obvious to all. Need to rely on experts to know this. So it isn't a fact? Qtard just showed TOTAL idiotic lack of understanding.

    Qtard: This PERFECTLY CORRECT quote of Derpy's words is just a YET ONE example of Derpy's idiotic self-revealing LIEs\\No\\What "no"? Can you formulate some logical rebuff? Naaaah.

    Easy. I wrote that Qtard "has no idea what facts look like. Does not know what a fact is". Just gave example of the number of earth days it takes for the sun to rotate. As per Qtard, this info is NOT a fact. Not "obvious to all" like the sun rising in the morning. PROOF Qtard has no idea what a fact looks like.

    Qtard: Cause you are idiot. Like dRump.

    Qtard is an idiot like tRump. Both have delusions they cling to strongly. Believe their delusions instead of reality.

    Qtard: dRump screaming "wrong! wrong! wrong! wrong!". Derpy screaming "no! no! no! no!"

    Screaming is written in caps. "no! no! no! no!" isn't screaming. "NO! NO! NO! NO!" is screaming. In any case, I wrote "no". Not capped. No exclamation point. Only written once, not four times.

    Qtard: Cause they idiots.

    Agreed. "They" (Qtard and donald tRump) are idiots.

    Qtard: \\Means prosecutors had evidence to convict and lawyers advised their client they would be convicted and get more time\\SAME... as it was in case of that Richard Jewell?

    No. (re Richard Jewell) didn't have evidence to convict. Proven by the fact that there was no conviction. Whereas Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes was convicted of seditious conspiracy in regards to the attack on the Capitol. Plead "not guilty" but got 18 years. Not (like Jewell) zero years. Because Richard Jewell was never put on trial.

    "Prosecutors during the trial said Rhodes and his co-defendants planned to use force to prevent Congress from formally certifying Biden's election victory" link.

    These seditious conspiracy convictions prove that Qtard's idiocy "walking by street [and] entering free admission building" is a false narrative.

  14. Qtard: ...what is statistic of WRONGLY CONVICTED in USA?

    Dunno. Look it up yourself. What usually happens in the cases of people who are wrongly convicted is that an unreliable eyewitness says the person accused is the one who did it (but are mistaken). That is NOT THE CASE here. People were 100% proven to have been there. PROVEN to be the ones who "did it". Often by their own social media posts. Some of them live streamed their crime. So HOW are any of these people "wrongly convicted"? Can Qtard put forward a logical argument as to HOW any J6 rioter was "wrongly convicted"? Naaah.

    Qtard: Maybe there is NONE? All convicted sitting in jail because they deserve it? There is NO "errly convicted"?

    I very seriously doubt there are any J6 people convicted "wrongly". Ray Epps wrongly charged by the republiturd media (primarily by Tucker Carlson) of being an "FBI provocateur" who urged rioters to enter the Capitol. But that has nothing to do with J6 rioters being "wrongly convicted". Only an example of republiturd propaganda. Propaganda that resulted in Epps getting death threats from rightturd morons.

    Qtard: Like people that serve in jail for 20 years... just for that, that "sorry, that was mistake" was said to em?

    Usually exonerated by DNA evidence. Witness recanting their testimony. Neither applies to J6 rioters rightly convicted. No person accused for a crime in connection with the J6 riot said "I am innocent because I wasn't there". And they were not there, but were convicted anyway. As far as I know there have been no such cases. Qtard can give the name of an accused person who said they were not there but were still convicted? Despite the government lacking proof the person was there?

    That would be a logical argument. As opposed to Qtard's illogical argument of "there are people who have been wrongly convicted. So MAYBE a J6 rioter was wrongly convicted???". Except no question marks? Qtard is saying J6 rioters were definitely wrongly convicted? Because "something-something Richard Jewell"????

    Qtard: And some hush money proposed.

    Never. Money paid for being wrongly convicted. Either paid willingly or because of a lawsuit. Never conditional on wrongly convicted person's silence. That I am aware of. Qtard gave no examples.

    Qtard: \\Therefore they should take a deal for less time\\And WHO are in FULL CONTROL of that time? Who can add more years to it, just by trowing in some more accusations?

    "Throwing in" what? Accusations that are false? Otherwise justified.

    Qtard: \\Not showing. Given that Richard Jewell didn't admit to anything. Or get charged or convicted of anything. Because he was innocent\\Because... he have had balls. And good adviser on his side. And prosecutors in that time was not that proficient.

    Proof of Qtard's assessment of the situation? Maybe Jewell was just sure he would be vindicated? Because he knew he was innocent. While J6 rioters knew they were guilty. Or their lawyers did, at least. Why they advised their client to take the deal.

    Qtard: Or... Derpy thinks "plead guilty" means GUILTY... and NO other evidances or court trial even needed???

    As far as the law is concerned. Plead guilty means guilty. Prosecutors like it because the cost of a trial is averted. Courts aren't clogged with cases. So, yes, "no other evidances or court trial even needed". That IS the way it works. Regardless of what "Derpy" thinks. "Derpy" had no input. Qtard thinks that if the defendant pleads guilty there is still a trial? Because it is an idiot?

  15. Qtard: \\Begin tortures. Of serving prison sentence\\Well... you answered, to that question above. If people plead guilty -- they are guilty. Even if that was beaten out of them with tortures or sheer psychological pressure.

    No. People may plead guilty who are innocent. Because of fear of being convicted and getting many more years. Bad advice from a lawyer. Much less often because "that was beaten out of them with tortures"... but it does happen. Not alleged in any J6 case I am aware of. Unless Qtard can provide an example.

    Qtard: And prisoners of Guantanamo was ALL guilty, yes?

    No. Also not given trials. Held for many years even though they say they are innocent. But that was George Bush. Also outside of the US legal system.

    Qtard: ...Derpy being totalitarian wannabe -- it sees inprisioning as tortures... want people to suffer, isn't it? YOU, totalitarian scumbag.**Moronic laughter**

    No. I am VERY MUCH opposed to suffering in prison. Rape. Fighting among inmates. Inmates killing each other. ALL need to be controlled much better. Conditions in many US prisons is shameful. Loss of freedom should be the only punishment. Qtard thinks prison is fun? Should be fun? Nobody should go to prison? Because they may be innocent? Better not take the chance of imprisoning an innocent person... so abolish ALL laws?

    Qtard: \\Why respond to anything I write then?\\Because, that is entertaining me? I was giving this response many times already.

    Qtard's own idiocy entertains Qtard.

    Qtard: But Derpy still not believe it. And asking it again and again.

    No. Don't believe. Because there has never been any idiocy from me to entertain Qtard.

    Qtard: Same as accusing me not being foreigner. Why so? **moronic laughter**

    Because I have no way of knowing. Qtard won't even say what country he is a citizen of. Is Qtard stateless? Is Qtard a space alien? Also (Qtard's words) people tend to lie.

    Qtard: Because, chinken's brain: poor memory, short attention span, basicly... an idiocy. **moronic laughter**

    No. Reasons stated above. Or... did Qtard just confess to having "chinken's brain"?

    Qtard: \\And I don't need to ask if Qtard wants to kill its enemies. Because it is obvious it does\\And Derpy the idiot can BASE it on some facts? Give plausible explanation why it can be the case? Naaah.

    Yes. Qtard (not me) brought it up. More than once. Also keeps blaming Democrats and "Demn propaganda" for ALL the ills of the world. Gulags and reeducation camps. Nazism in Germany. Mass starvation in Ukraine. Putin bombing and killing Ukrainians. ALL the fault of "Demns". Wouldn't it be immoral NOT to kill the evil "Demns"?

    Or (instead of answering) will Qtard deploy its "gibberish" escape?

    Qtard: IT can produce only wishi-washi whimsical spewage -- with revealing its nasty desires, of how World should be: totalitarian prison, where all people suffer...

    No. I have no such desires. I believe the USA should adopt the Scandinavian model of incarceration.

    "The Scandinavian prison model focuses on rehabilitation, normalcy, and humaneness with an emphasis on facilitating interactions between correctional officers and those in their custody so they can be better neighbors upon their release".

  16. Qtard: mere reason Derpy pointing its finger at them and screaming "guilty!"... IT then will be trying to call "facts" **moronic laughter**

    This "Derpy" Qtard refers to only exists in Qtard's imagination. I didn't point to any J6 defendant and scream "guilty". The Justice Department identified, arrested and charged them. Some got leniency, were fined only for "trespassing" (because the Capitol was NOT open "free admission" for tours on that day).

    Qtard: That's because Derpy is secret stalker, admirer of dRump.

    Qtard is not-at-all-secret admirer of donald tRump. Keeps babbling about USA being like Nazi Germany because it is angry donald tRump is being prosecuted for his many crimes.

    Qtard: And like to mimic his "hero". Or just jelously want dRump's power. Screaming "you are FIRED!". Mob chanting after him. And all that.

    No. That is bigly laughable stupidity. NOW Qtard entertains me :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Qtard: That kind of loser. Isn't it, Derpy?

    Only in Qtard's delusions.

    Qtard: That is what keeps you in this blog?


    Qtard: Possibility to spread your feces.

    Sounds like Qtard is talking about itself. AGAIN.

    Qtard: And scream "go away", to anonimouses?

    Never happened. Because (for one) you are the Trekkie known as "Qtard", not some random anonymous. Also because I never screamed "go away". Suggested it to solve Qtard's stated problem of desiring no involvement in discussions about American politics. But Qtard (because he is an idiot) ignores my advice. Instead babbles about its free "speach" rights being violated.

    Qtard: Because that is ABSOLUTELY MAX level of power you have, where you can bahave like your role-model -- dRump?

    Qtard's role model. My fact-based opinion is that dotard donald is a corrupt misogynistic racist fat Orange Turd who fantasizes about having sex with his own daughter. He is a scumbag who belongs in prison, not my "role model".

    Qtard: This time you stated your totalitarian wannabe creeds pretty much openly.

    Didn't. Because I don't have any "totalitarian wannabe creeds". Can't state creeds I don't have openingly. Or covertly.

    Qtard: I... suggest you to continue being THIS open. And reveal more and more details about your nasty habits and desire.

    I can't do anything about Qtard's delusions.

    Qtard: Stop being hypocritical, my little piggy. Go make coming-out, with revealing ALL your dirty thoughts... here.

    Impossible. "Dirty thoughts" Qtard refers to are Qtard's thoughts. Not mine.

    Qtard: Go entertain us here... MOAR. (I'm sure Joe will agree to it too)

    Maybe. But I doubt it. Qtard thinks Minus FJ is going to agree that donald tRump is my "hero" or "role model"? Conclusion arrived at due to idiocy?

  17. Trump is Dervy's "obsession". Its' likely a homoerotic thing.

  18. \\As if I have all Qtard's "definitions" memorized. Now that Qtard mentions it, I think this one was bullshit. Stated that "facts" need to be "obvious to all".

    And of course, IT... can gave perfect quote where it was stated like that. "Obvious to all"??? WTF???? :-))))))))))))))))

    \\Which means there are actually very few facts. Earth being a sphere NOT obvious to members of the "Flat Earth Society".

    Idiocy... CONFIRMED.

    YET ONE time! :-))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Facts are INDEPENDENT from anybodies views or ideas.

    Earth is sphere (well, spheroid, or ellipsoid). And was that way 2000 years ago too, when there was nobody who'd think it is.

    And million years ago, when there was nobody to think.

    And billion(s) years ago too.

    \\So Earth being a sphere is NOT a fact, as per Qtard's definition.

    Per Derpy's bonkery delusional INABILITY to grasp... anything smart. ;-P

    Well, smart schoolboy smart, even.

    Ideas that even slightly smarter than that... even thotally oblivious to that bonker.

    Ideas like what Politic is. And what discussing politics could be. ;-P

    \\That the sun takes 27 days to rotate on axis isn't obvious to all. Need to rely on experts to know this. So it isn't a fact? Qtard just showed TOTAL idiotic lack of understanding.


    Because that is scientific fact.

    Which need proper knowledge and understanding.

    I just wisely percieved that it would be pointless, to try to talk about Science... with such an idiot, that cannot grasp even such a basic, schoolboy level definition of a fact. ;-P

    \\Easy. I wrote that Qtard "has no idea what facts look like. Does not know what a fact is". Just gave example of the number of earth days it takes for the sun to rotate. As per Qtard, this info is NOT a fact. Not "obvious to all" like the sun rising in the morning. PROOF Qtard has no idea what a fact looks like.

    In my definition it was NOT "anything obvious is a fact".

    It was OPEN. AND obvious. AND reference to Reality.

    But... Derpy the Idiot, which dunno about Logic. Have problem with grasping what it mean.

    That's why it trying to find a cavit in my definition... in such idiotic manner. Even though it only reveals its idiocy MORE. :-)))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Cause you are idiot. Like dRump.

    \\Qtard is an idiot like tRump. Both have delusions they cling to strongly. Believe their delusions instead of reality.

    And "not like dRump" Derpy can confirm that? With factual quotes?

    Naaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    It only can confirm having "delusions they cling to strongly. Believe their delusions instead of reality."

    Which it do... in every comment, practically.

    \\Qtard: ...what is statistic of WRONGLY CONVICTED in USA?



    Totalitarian Wannabe do not care about injustice...

    \\Some of them live streamed their crime.

    Like??? going by the streets? and entering into open for public building?

    TOTALLY a CRIME... Totalitarian Wannabe Derpy want em be punished for.

  19. \\Can Qtard put forward a logical argument as to HOW any J6 rioter was "wrongly convicted"? Naaah.


    And it not of my business. As foreigner.

    That is what need to concern rightful and lawful citizens of country on question -- USA in this case. For their law need to be upholded. And people NOT being injustly punished.

    I... can only state my concerns, as miserly observer from far-far-away.

    But... it's up to that citizen -- to decide, and to do something with it... or not do.

    As their conscincness tells em.

    \\That would be a logical argument. As opposed to Qtard's illogical argument of "there are people who have been wrongly convicted. So MAYBE a J6 rioter was wrongly convicted???". Except no question marks? Qtard is saying J6 rioters were definitely wrongly convicted? Because "something-something Richard Jewell"????

    But, well... Richard Jewell WAS THERE. TOO. ;-P

    And that... by words of "distinguished and honorable judge" Derpy, is quite enough??? For being persecuted? For being convicted? For put in jail? For 20 years???

    Derpy the Idiot tryed to pose a "logical" argument. But failed.

    Because LOGIC is not for idiot, too hard to understand? :-))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And some hush money proposed.

    \\Never. Money paid for being wrongly convicted. Either paid willingly or because of a lawsuit. Never

    Yeah... that is NOT money to make him shuddup. To not spread TRUTH about wrongdoers. Like persecutors and judge. Maybe corrupt. Or just stupid. And unlawful.

    \\"Throwing in" what? Accusations that are false? Otherwise justified.

    And who'd be judging??? Was it true or wrong?

    If terrified by it pray would agree to "less"???

    Is there a mechanism? Or some records? Of what prosecutors was proposing and what levers used. Against their pray. They decided to put in jail.

    \\Proof of Qtard's assessment of the situation? Maybe Jewell was just sure he would be vindicated? Because he knew he was innocent. While J6 rioters knew they were guilty. Or their lawyers did, at least. Why they advised their client to take the deal.


    YOU say me.

    You are much closer to that situation. Know laws. And facts. And mechanism how it all works.


    You are just miserly idiot.

    Who repeating after Demn Propaganda.

    Know Nothing Idiot. Which hypocritically trying to cover its idiocy.

    \\As far as the law is concerned. Plead guilty means guilty. Prosecutors like it because the cost of a trial is averted. Courts aren't clogged with cases. So, yes, "no other evidances or court trial even needed". That IS the way it works.


    SAME... as in totalitarian countries. ;-P

    \\No. People may plead guilty who are innocent. Because of fear of being convicted and getting many more years. Bad advice from a lawyer. Much less often because "that was beaten out of them with tortures"... but it does happen. Not alleged in any J6 case I am aware of. Unless Qtard can provide an example.


    \\Qtard: And prisoners of Guantanamo was ALL guilty, yes?

    \\No. Also not given trials. Held for many years even though they say they are innocent. But that was George Bush. Also outside of the US legal system.


    \\No. I am VERY MUCH opposed to suffering in prison. Rape. Fighting among inmates. Inmates killing each other. ALL need to be controlled much better. Conditions in many US prisons is shameful. Loss of freedom should be the only punishment. Qtard thinks prison is fun? Should be fun? Nobody should go to prison? Because they may be innocent? Better not take the chance of imprisoning an innocent person... so abolish ALL laws?

    Hah... AGAIN.

  20. \\Yes. Qtard (not me) brought it up. More than once. Also keeps blaming Democrats and "Demn propaganda" for ALL the ills of the world. Gulags and reeducation camps. Nazism in Germany. Mass starvation in Ukraine. Putin bombing and killing Ukrainians. ALL the fault of "Demns". Wouldn't it be immoral NOT to kill the evil "Demns"?

    You say?

    How do YOU think?

    What deserve people who do such things? An ice-cream? And a put on their head?

    \\I believe the USA should adopt the Scandinavian model of incarceration.

    \\"The Scandinavian prison model focuses on rehabilitation, normalcy, and humaneness with an emphasis on facilitating interactions between correctional officers and those in their custody so they can be better neighbors upon their release".


    If true.

    Wouldn't be that you'd be following some political force, some candidate that would declare ACTUALLY doing that in his progam?

    Instead of following false and inherently corrupt which-hunt election feces throwing at each other narrative?

    Wouldn't it would make political opponents behave sober and diligently -- with proposing benefitial to the people of USA political programs...

    instead of this travesty and flying circus... as Mark Twain described it?

    \\fined only for "trespassing" (because the Capitol was NOT open "free admission" for tours on that day).

    That is White House that is open for tours... as people working, and even living there.

    Capitol -- is the building OPEN for public. Not for tour. JUST, open.

    Farely and squarely.

    And as it should be. In democratic country.

    \\Qtard: And like to mimic his "hero". Or just jelously want dRump's power. Screaming "you are FIRED!". Mob chanting after him. And all that.

    \\No. That is bigly laughable stupidity. NOW Qtard entertains me :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Derpy... admitting that it liking it? Who knew? :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: That is what keeps you in this blog?


    Then what? ;-)

    \\Qtard: Possibility to spread your feces.

    \\Sounds like Qtard is talking about itself. AGAIN.

    To a swine?

    Well, probably.

    How'd I could know? I know swines only from outside appearnce and by their behavior. Not how it would "sound to" em. ;-P

    \\Qtard's role model. My fact-based opinion is that dotard donald is a corrupt misogynistic racist fat Orange Turd who fantasizes about having sex with his own daughter. He is a scumbag who belongs in prison, not my "role model".

    Usual thing... for stalkers.

    Having such love/hate conflicting emotions... toward object of admiration. ;-P

    \\Impossible. "Dirty thoughts" Qtard refers to are Qtard's thoughts. Not mine.


    The same as "I *DO* deny...", "there is such social construct", "how'd anyone could see me and Chinese look similar" and etc... is *MY* words???

    Yes? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  21. \\Trump is Dervy's "obsession". Its' likely a homoerotic thing.

    Ideal of manliness it never could achieve... itself?


  22. Qtard: And of course, IT... can gave perfect quote where it was stated like that. "Obvious to all"??? WTF???? **moronic laughter**

    Don't know who this "it" is who you think should produce a "perfect quote". Me, I know you wrote it. Definitely used the word "obvious". Is the liar denying using the word "obvious"?

    Qtard wrote: "I'll repeat, for dumb and dumber. The Definition. Obvious. Self-evidant. Reference to Reality. That is FACT".

    "Obvious" means "easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent".

    "Self evident" means "not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious".

    If something is "not needing to be demonstrated or explained" how can it NOT be "obvious to all". But Qtard's Escape will be "where it was stated like that". Because it did not use those EXACT words.

    So, Qtard thinks that, if it walked up to a random person on the street and asked "how long does the sun take to rotate on its axis", the person would definitely be able to answer "27 days"? No matter how many people were asked, everyone of them would say "27 days"? If not, HOW is the sun revolving on its axis every 27 days "self evident"??

    Answer... it isn't. Therefore, as per Qtard's "logic", that the sun revolves on its axis every 27 days is NOT a fact.

    Qtard: \\Which means there are actually very few facts. Earth being a sphere NOT obvious to members of the "Flat Earth Society"\\Idiocy... CONFIRMED.

    Qtard's idiocy? Agreed. DEFINITELY confirmed.

    Qtard: Facts are INDEPENDENT from anybodies views or ideas.

    Yet many people "know" facts that aren't facts. People like Qtard, for example.

    Or don't know a fact. Because the fact isn't self-evident or obvious. Which Qtard said ALL facts are. In miles, how close (at its closest point) is the Sun from the Earth? Is this measurement (however many miles it is) a fact? If so, does everyone know (because it is self-evident and obvious) how far away the sun is? No? Guess it must not be a fact. At least according to Qtard.

    Qtard: Earth is sphere (well, spheroid, or ellipsoid). And was that way 2000 years ago too, when there was nobody who'd think it is. And million years ago, when there was nobody to think.

    The definition of "obvious" is "easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent".

    Obvious to WHO? Was it obvious to cavemen that the earth is a sphere? How'd the cavemen know this? How was it OBVIOUS to them?

    Qtard: And billion(s) years ago too.

    When there were no humans? Who was it obvious to then (that the earth is a sphere)? Was it obvious to microbes?

    Qtard: \\So Earth being a sphere is NOT a fact, as per Qtard's definition\\Per Derpy's bonkery delusional INABILITY to grasp... anything smart.

    Rejection of things that are dumb. Like a fact needing to be self-evident and obvious.

    Qtard: Well, smart schoolboy smart, even. Ideas that even slightly smarter than that... even thotally oblivious to that bonker.

    "That bonker" being Qtard.

    Qtard: Ideas like what Politic is. And what discussing politics could be.

    I thought Qtard said it was discussing my idiocy? My idiocy has nothing to do with politics.

    My alleged idiocy. A discussion Qtard's confirmed idiocy wouldn't be about politics either.

  23. Qtard: ...with such an idiot, that cannot grasp even such a basic, schoolboy level definition of a fact.

    Definition NOT KNOWN by Qtard.

    Qtard: In my definition it was NOT "anything obvious is a fact". It was OPEN. AND obvious. AND reference to Reality.

    I didn't say "anything obvious is a fact". I didn't say that Qtard said "anything obvious is a fact". Although I'm not sure why it wouldn't be a fact. If obvious. Qtard can say why it wouldn't be?

    Also not sure what Qtard means by "open". Does that mean scientific experiments can't reveal facts? If all facts are obvious (already know) then something that isn't known can't be a fact?

    Like, before penicillin was discovered, it must not have been a fact that penicillin could be used to treat bacterial infections, right? As per Qtard's "logic" at least.

    Qtard: But... Derpy the Idiot, which dunno about Logic. Have problem with grasping what it mean.

    Is that a fact? It isn't obvious to me. Obvious to me is that Qtard is having a probloem grasping what it means.

    Qtard: That's why it trying to find a cavit in my definition... in such idiotic manner. Even though it only reveals its idiocy MORE. **moronic laughter**

    "My definition"? Qtard just ADMITTED that it makes up its own definitions. One it uses to call facts it doesn't like "non-facts", yes? Rethorical question -- I have seen Qtard do this. Like with "escalate". Qtard added "respond to something". Which is NOT a part of the definition.

    Qtard: Cause you are idiot. Like dRump\\Qtard is an idiot like tRump. Both have delusions they cling to strongly. Believe their delusions instead of reality\\And "not like dRump" Derpy can confirm that? With factual quotes?

    Easy. Qtard adding "respond to something" to the definition of "escalate". When "respond to something" is only included in the definition of "escalate" in Qtard's delusions. NOT in reality.

    Qtard: It only can confirm having "delusions they cling to strongly. Believe their delusions instead of reality." Which it do... in every comment, practically.

    Agreed. "It" (aka Qtard) does this.

    Qtard: ...what is statistic of WRONGLY CONVICTED in USA?\\Dunno. Naturally. Totalitarian Wannabe do not care about injustice...

    Not knowing that stat off the top of my head means I don't care? Am a "totalitarian wannabe"? Bullshit. Qtard knows that stat off the top of its head? Then why did Qtard ask me? That Qtard did not just tell me proves Qtard is a totalitarian wannabe who does not care about injustice.

    Qtard: \\Some of them live streamed their crime\\Like??? going by the streets? and entering into open for public building?

    False. No permit was given for "going by the streets". They weren't random people just walking down the street. They were people attending a dotard donald rally. A rally for which a permit was obtained. Permit didn't allow for the gathered people to "go by the street" to the Capitol. Qtard will call that totalitarian? Whatever. It is the law.

    Also, the Capitol was NOT open on that day. It was CLOSED. Why people had to fight with Capitol police officers to get in. If it was open, why would would that have happened? They could have just went in. Breaking windows is definitely a crime, btw.

    Qtard: TOTALLY a CRIME... Totalitarian Wannabe Derpy want em be punished for.

    It was a crime. Why they were punished. My "wants" have nothing to do with it. I only want accountability. Punishment is for the courts to decide.

  24. Qtard: \\Can Qtard put forward a logical argument as to HOW any J6 rioter was "wrongly convicted"?\\Dunno. And it not of my business. As foreigner.

    YOU suggested they were. Now that I ask you to prove YOUR assertion, Qtard uses its "escape" to avoid answering. Figures. Will take this dodge as an admission that NOBODY who entered the Capitol and was convicted of a crime was "wrongly convicted".

    Qtard: That is what need to concern rightful and lawful citizens of country on question -- USA in this case.

    I did not ask whose concern it is. I asked Qtard to prove its OWN assertion. That ANYONE was "wrongly convicted". Qtard can't do it because Qtard's assertion that anyone was "wrongly convicted" is BULLSHIT.

    Qtard: ...For their law need to be upholded. And people NOT being injustly punished.

    Law was upholded. Nobody was "injustly punished". Admitted by Qtard. Via his inability to cite even ONE instance of anyone being "wrongly convicted".

    Qtard: I... can only state my concerns, as miserly observer from far-far-away.

    Far-far-away observer who has NO IDEA wtf it is talking about. As is often the case.

    Qtard: But... it's up to that citizen -- to decide, and to do something with it... or not do. As their conscincness tells em.

    My conscious tells me that the convictions were just. Some people got off easy.

    Qtard: \\That would be a logical argument. As opposed to Qtard's illogical argument of "there are people who have been wrongly convicted. So MAYBE a J6 rioter was wrongly convicted???". Because "something-something Richard Jewell"?\\But, well... Richard Jewell WAS THERE. TOO.

    How could Richard Jewell have been at the Capitol on 1/6/2021? He died in 2007. Is Qtard talking about his ghost? I doubt Richard Jewell's ghost was at the Capitol during the riot.

    Qtard: And that... by words of "distinguished and honorable judge" Derpy, is quite enough??? For being persecuted? For being convicted? For put in jail? For 20 years???

    No J6 rioter was "persecuted". Prosecuted for crimes comitted. Nobody got 20 years. Longest sentence was 18 years (Stewart Rhodes).

    Qtard: Derpy the Idiot tryed to pose a "logical" argument. But failed.


    Qtard: Because LOGIC is not for idiot, too hard to understand? **moronic laughter**

    Definitely seems that way. Logic is not for the idiot Qtard.

    Qtard: And some hush money proposed\\Never...\\Yeah... that is NOT money to make him shuddup. To not spread TRUTH about wrongdoers. Like persecutors and judge. Maybe corrupt. Or just stupid. And unlawful.

    Cite an example.

    Qtard: \\"Throwing in" what? Accusations that are false? Otherwise justified\\And who'd be judging??? Was it true or wrong?

    The judge or jury.

    Qtard: If terrified by it pray would agree to "less"??? Is there a mechanism? Or some records? Of what prosecutors was proposing and what levers used. Against their pray. They decided to put in jail.

    Previously Qtard expressed confidence in court judgements. When I said "Qtard places so much value on court judgements (they alone determine facts)", Qtard replied "Not alone. But officially. And with good measure of provability. Because people in court ACCOUNTABLE for the facts they present... means, they can be put in jail, if they try such a fraud".

    That is a precise quote. NOW Qtard says prosecutors AREN'T accountable for the facts they present. Now Qtard thinks they're all liars wrongly convicting their "pray" (you mean "prey"? Different words with totally different meanings).

    Qtard revealing itself to be a big hypocrite. Yet again.

  25. Qtard: \\Proof of Qtard's assessment of the situation? Maybe Jewell was just sure he would be vindicated? Because he knew he was innocent. While J6 rioters knew they were guilty. Or their lawyers did, at least. Why they advised their client to take the deal\\Dunno. YOU say me.

    Qtard, NOT me, gave Richard Jewell as an example.

    Qtard: You are much closer to that situation. Know laws. And facts. And mechanism how it all works.

    Don't. Not a lawyer. Didn't go to law school.

    Qtard: Naaaah. You are just miserly idiot. Who repeating after Demn Propaganda. Know Nothing Idiot. Which hypocritically trying to cover its idiocy.

    What "Demn propaganda"? That there were no "wrongly convicted" J6 defendants? I ASKED Qtard for an example. Qtard could NOT give one.

    Qtard: \\As far as the law is concerned. Plead guilty means guilty ... That IS the way it works\\Yap. SAME... as in totalitarian countries.

    Works that way in non-totalitarian countries. Like in the USA. USA is a totalitarian country? When did the USA go totalitarian? When Joe Biden was elected?

    Qtard: \\No. People may plead guilty who are innocent. Because of fear of being convicted and getting many more years. Bad advice from a lawyer. Much less often because "that was beaten out of them with tortures"... but it does happen. Not alleged in any J6 case I am aware of. Unless Qtard can provide an example\\Hah...

    Qtard can give no example. Just laugh. Not surprised.

    Qtard: And prisoners of Guantanamo was ALL guilty, yes?\\\\No. Also not given trials. Held for many years even though they say they are innocent. But that was George Bush. Also outside of the US legal system\\Hah...

    Hah? Why "hah"? Qtard thinks I agree with the way Guantanamo prisoners were treated? I do not. I strongly disagree with what the republican George bush did to the Gitmo prisoners.

    Qtard: \\No. I am VERY MUCH opposed to suffering in prison. Rape. Fighting among inmates. Inmates killing each other. ALL need to be controlled much better. Conditions in many US prisons is shameful\\Hah... AGAIN.

    Non reply. I don't know what the f*ck Qtard's "hah" means. That it doesn't believe me? Don't care. I gave my honest opinion.

    Qtard: \\Yes. Qtard (not me) brought it up. More than once. Also keeps blaming Democrats and "Demn propaganda" for ALL the ills of the world. Gulags and reeducation camps. Nazism in
    Germany. Mass starvation in Ukraine. Putin bombing and killing Ukrainians. ALL the fault of "Demns". Wouldn't it be immoral NOT to kill the evil "Demns"?\\You say?

    Don't. Qtard said.

    Qtard: How do YOU think?

    I think Qtard lied.

    Qtard: What deserve people who do such things? An ice-cream? And a put on their head?

    People Qtard accuses ("Demns") didn't do these things. These accusations are things Qtard delusions tell him "Demns" did.

    Qtard: \\I believe the USA should adopt the Scandinavian model of incarceration. ...\\ Hah... If true. Wouldn't be that you'd be following some political force, some candidate that would declare ACTUALLY doing that in his progam?

    Am. Vote for Democrats who oppose private prisons. No, this isn't the Scandinavian model, but it is better than what republicans want, which is private prisons. Private prisons that cut corners to boost their profits (and prisoners suffer when these corners are cut). donald tRump reversed an order to stop giving money to private prisons that was signed by Barack Obama.

  26. Qtard: Instead of following false and inherently corrupt which-hunt election feces throwing at each other narrative?

    Not following that narrative. But didn't Qtard say things that aren't people CAN'T be followed? How can I "follow" a narrative? Qtard said it was impossible.

    Qtard: Wouldn't it would make political opponents behave sober and diligently -- with proposing benefitial to the people of USA political programs...

    No. republiturds are only interested in feces throwing. Plan to impeach Joe Biden. Objective being to impact his reelection chances. Not because they are going to prove he is corrupt and should be removed for that reason.

    Qtard: instead of this travesty and flying circus... as Mark Twain described it?

    Like what republiturds are doing to Joe Biden. Suggesting he "sold influence" but not producing any hard evidence. Whereas the allegations against tRump are have resulted in indictments and imminent trials. Because there is hard evidence.

    Qtard: \\fined only for "trespassing" -- because the Capitol was NOT open "free admission" for tours on that day\\That is White House that is open for tours... as people working, and even living there. Capitol -- is the building OPEN for public. Not for tour. JUST, open. Farely and squarely.

    NOT on that day. It was closed. Due to covid. Qtard thinks it was open? Why? Stupidity? Thinks "it should be" so it was? It was NOT. That is a point-to-reality fact.

    Qtard: And as it should be. In democratic country.

    When open there is a tour guide. People taking the tour have to sign up for a tour. Can't just come in and go wherever they want. In the Capitol or the White House.

    Qtard: And like to mimic his "hero". Or just jelously want dRump's power. Screaming "you are FIRED!". Mob chanting after him. And all that\\No. That is bigly laughable stupidity. NOW Qtard entertains me **laugher**\\Derpy... admitting that it liking it? Who knew? **moronic laugher**

    Said "no". To Qtard "no" means admitting "yes"? Why? Because Qtard is an idiot? Rhetorical question.

    Qtard: That is what keeps you in this blog?\\No\\Then what?

    Entertained by Qtard's idiocy.

    Qtard: Possibility to spread your feces\\Sounds like Qtard is talking about itself. AGAIN\\To a swine? Well, probably. How'd I could know? I know swines only from outside appearnce and by their behavior. Not how it would "sound to" em.

    The swine Qtard does not know what it would sound like to itself? That makes no sense.

    Qtard: \\Qtard's role model. My fact-based opinion is that dotard donald is a corrupt misogynistic racist fat Orange Turd who fantasizes about having sex with his own daughter. He is a scumbag who belongs in prison, not my "role model"\\Usual thing... for stalkers. Having such love/hate conflicting emotions... toward object of admiration.

    So Qtard feels that way about "0-bama" and "Bi-den"? Has love/hate conflicting emotions toward them? "0-bama" and "Biden" are objects of admiration to it?

    But, when have I EVER expressed any "love" for the fat Orange Turd? Qtard can produce quotes where I express love?

    Qtard: \\Impossible. "Dirty thoughts" Qtard refers to are Qtard's thoughts. Not mine\\Yap-yap-yap. The same as "I *DO* deny...", "there is such social construct", "how'd anyone could see me and Chinese look similar" and etc... is *MY* words??? Yes? **moronic laughter**

    Yes, those are Qtard's words.

    Qtard: \\Trump is Dervy's "obsession". Its' likely a homoerotic thing\\Ideal of manliness it never could achieve... itself? Hmmm....

    So, "0-bama" and "Bi-den" are Qtard's obsession? And its obsession is likely a homoerotic thing? Because "0-bama" and "Bi-den" represent ideals of manliness Qtard can not achieve?

  27. Minus: Trump is Dervy's "obsession". Its' likely a homoerotic thing.

    Minus is exceptionally stupid if he thinks this could be true. donald tRump is an out-of-shape fat orange turd who poops his diapers. No sexual desire is aroused in me while looking at (or thinking about) donald tRump. Only revulsion. Wanting to barf.

    Minus: Beta see's Aplha.

    I don't give a crap about the rightturd obsession with alpha and beta males. dotard donald is a piece of shit. If he ever was perceived as an "alpha male" it was a perception based on being born wealthy and the confidence his daddy's wealth gave him. He has as no "business acumen". Is a loser. Lost his daddy's money and had to be bailed out multiple times by his daddy. Lost the 2020 potus election. Only "won" in 2016 with help from Putin.

    But maybe Minus is talking about himself looking at Joe Biden?

  28. **duplicate of a comment sent to spam**

    Qtard: Instead of following false and inherently corrupt which-hunt election feces throwing at each other narrative?

    Not following that narrative. But didn't Qtard say things that aren't people CAN'T be followed? How can I "follow" a narrative? Qtard said it was impossible.

    Qtard: Wouldn't it would make political opponents behave sober and diligently -- with proposing benefitial to the people of USA political programs...

    No. republiturds are only interested in feces throwing. Plan to impeach Joe Biden. Objective being to impact his reelection chances. Not because they are going to prove he is corrupt and should be removed for that reason.

    Qtard: instead of this travesty and flying circus... as Mark Twain described it?

    Like what republiturds are doing to Joe Biden. Suggesting he "sold influence" but not producing any hard evidence. Whereas the allegations against tRump are going to trial. Because there is hard evidence.

    Qtard: \\fined only for "trespassing" (because the Capitol was NOT open "free admission" for tours on that day)\\That is White House that is open for tours... as people working, and even living there. Capitol -- is the building OPEN for public. Not for tour. JUST, open. Farely and squarely.

    NOT on that day. It was closed. Due to covid. Qtard thinks it was open? Why? Stupidity? Thinks "it should be" so it was?

    Qtard: And as it should be. In democratic country.

    When open there is a tour guide. People taking the tour have to sign up for a tour. Can't just come in and go wherever they want. In the Capitol or the White House.

    Qtard: And like to mimic his "hero". Or just jelously want dRump's power. Screaming "you are FIRED!". Mob chanting after him. And all that\\No. That is bigly laughable stupidity. NOW Qtard entertains me **laugher**\\Derpy... admitting that it liking it? Who knew? **moronic laugher**

    Said "no". To Qtard "no" means admitting "yes"? Why? Because Qtard is an idiot? Rhetorical question.

    Qtard: That is what keeps you in this blog?\\No\\Then what?

    Entertained by Qtard's idiocy.

    Qtard: Possibility to spread your feces\\Sounds like Qtard is talking about itself. AGAIN\\To a swine? Well, probably. How'd I could know? I know swines only from outside appearnce and by their behavior. Not how it would "sound to" em.

    The swine Qtard does not know what it would sound like to itself? That makes no sense.

    Qtard: \\Qtard's role model. My fact-based opinion is that dotard donald is a corrupt misogynistic racist fat Orange Turd who fantasizes about having sex with his own daughter. He is a scumbag who belongs in prison, not my "role model"\\Usual thing... for stalkers. Having such love/hate conflicting emotions... toward object of admiration.

    So Qtard feels that way about "0-bama" and "Bi-den"? Has love/hate conflicting emotions toward them? "0-bama" and "Biden" are objects of admiration to it?

    Qtard: \\Impossible. "Dirty thoughts" Qtard refers to are Qtard's thoughts. Not mine\\Yap-yap-yap. The same as "I *DO* deny...", "there is such social construct", "how'd anyone could see me and Chinese look similar" and etc... is *MY* words??? Yes? **moronic laughter**

    Yes, those are Qtard's words.

    Qtard: \\Trump is Dervy's "obsession". Its' likely a homoerotic thing\\Ideal of manliness it never could achieve... itself? Hmmm....

    So, "0-bama" and "Bi-den" are Qtard's obsession? And its obsession is likely a homoerotic thing? Because "0-bama" and "Bi-den" represent ideals of manliness Qtard can not achieve?

  29. **last reposting of comments that were sent to spam**

    Minus: Trump is Dervy's "obsession". Its' likely a homoerotic thing.

    Minus is exceptionally stupid if he thinks this could be true. donald tRump is an out-of-shape fat orange turd who poops his diapers. No sexual desire is aroused in me while looking at (or thinking about) donald tRump. Only revulsion. Wanting to barf.

    Minus: Beta see's Aplha.

    I don't give a crap about the rightturd obsession with alpha and beta males. dotard donald is a piece of shit. If he ever was perceived as an "alpha male" it was a perception based on being born wealthy and the confidence his daddy's wealth gave him. He has as no "business acumen". Is a loser. Lost his daddy's money and had to be bailed out multiple times by his daddy. Lost the 2020 potus election. Only "won" in 2016 with help from Putin.

    But maybe Minus is talking about himself looking at Joe Biden?

  30. \\Me, I know you wrote it.

    If I wrote it. It must be here in one of threads.

    Means, you MUST be able to give QUOTE of it.

    But you can't.

    And that is ABSENCE of FACT... NOT existance of fact.

    FACT that DO NOT exist -- is NOT true fact. NOT FACT at all.

    What can be simpler???

    What EXIST -- is TRUE.

    What DO NOT exist -- is FALSE.

    Must be possible to grasp EVEN TO an IDIOT. But not for imbecile... maybe. Are you imbecile?

    \\If something is "not needing to be demonstrated or explained" how can it NOT be "obvious to all".

    Derpy The Idiot need it to be explained... to it?


    If that thing SEEN by only ONE person -- it is NOT "obvious to all".

    As nobody of that other "all" have seen it.

    ONLY that one person.

    Like... "is it obvious to all that Derpy is an idiot?". No. Because only handful of people can observe it in this blog. Derpy's idiotic behavior. And that information is not became wide spread.

    \\Answer... it isn't. Therefore, as per Qtard's "logic", that the sun revolves on its axis every 27 days is NOT a fact.

    You AGAIN "forgot" about "reference to Reality" part.


    To your direct question.

    Yep. While people NOT knew it. It was just a MATERIAL fact -- as Sun keep "revolves on its axis every 27 days" without anybody knowing that. And doing that for eons.


    We are people.

    And WHEN we talking about FACTS among themself. That ADDITIONAL clauses need to be added.

    For MATERIAL FACT... to be known, to be discussed, to be pointed at.

    It need to be:

    OPEN -- information about that fact must not ne concealed, and even better -- it must be as easily achievable as possible.

    That (scientifical) FACT about "27 days"... is not that open -- one need to know where to seek for it.

    OBVIOUS -- means, it need to be easy to understand by most wide auditory. Not needing special knowledge, or access to special places, special instruments.

    In case of that "27 days"... it not that obvious.

    SELF-EVIDANT -- there need to be a way to double-check it...

    well, in case of that "27 days"... it's possible, but not that easy.

    Not everybody have helopgraph (telescope to look ar the Sun). And not all have needed skills or patience, to confirm that.

    \\Qtard: \\Which means there are actually very few facts. Earth being a sphere NOT obvious to members of the "Flat Earth Society"\\Idiocy... CONFIRMED.

    \\Qtard's idiocy? Agreed. DEFINITELY confirmed.

    YET ONE confirmation of how I-D-I-O-T CANNOT devise what to say by itself.

    Only repeats after smart opponent.

    What an idiot.

    Obvious idiot. ;-P

  31. \\Qtard: Facts are INDEPENDENT from anybodies views or ideas.

    \\Yet many people "know" facts that aren't facts. People like Qtard, for example.

    Dunno whst you talking about.

    Go DEMONSTRATE... tha that is a fact.

    And not just a fact of you being idiot -- talking about own (unverifiable) delusions. ;-P

    By the way. FYI, "fact that is not fact" that is logical non-sense. Gibberish babbling. ;-P

    \\Or don't know a fact. Because the fact isn't self-evident or obvious. Which Qtard said ALL facts are. In


    FACTS for people to discuss em. To say "that is fact".

    There is lots of material facts that concealed from us.

    Either by material measures -- like bones of Dinosaurs in the earth.

    Or... completely LOST to us, due the pass of time -- like what Ceasar was eating for the breakfest in his final day.


    Cannot talk about that thing as about verifiable FACTS.

    Even though that all is viable and surely are FACTS.

    That's why... facts is not that simple... like "I have STRONG belief that dRump DID something-something... and that is FACT, I believe it!!!" :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Obvious to WHO? Was it obvious to cavemen that the earth is a sphere? How'd the cavemen know this? How was it OBVIOUS to them?

    To those WHO use word "fact", talking about "facts", able to talk.

    Your Captain Obvious. ;-P

    \\Rejection of things that are dumb. Like a fact needing to be self-evident and obvious.


    By Derpy The Caveman. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I thought Qtard said it was discussing my idiocy? My idiocy has nothing to do with politics.



    YOU said it. ;-P

    \\Qtard: ...with such an idiot, that cannot grasp even such a basic, schoolboy level definition of a fact.

    \\Definition NOT KNOWN by Qtard.

    YET ONE Derpy The Caveman Idiocy CONFIRMATION! :-))))))))))))))

    Able to cite. Able to rephrase with own words... but, not knowing.

    And that... wothout ANY explanation -- how it could be??? How anything like that even possible???

    Definite confirmation!

    All other comments... I found it being gibberish non-sence -- not deserving my answer.


  32. I found Qtard's comment above to be gibberish non-sence -- not deserving my answer.

  33. And with that -- admitted being idiot.

    Thank you, Derpy.

  34. \\Qtard, NOT me, gave Richard Jewell as an example.

    Then go watch that movie and decide... for itself.

    Or it think I inclined to provide it with what it need to think???


    Go try to think with your OWN head.

    Even if it's hard... to it.

    Even if that dumb head will have a headache. ;-P

    Think FOR YOURSELF, dumbass. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: You are much closer to that situation. Know laws. And facts. And mechanism how it all works.

    \\Don't. Not a lawyer. Didn't go to law school.

    Do you know, De-Ru-Pi?

    That you JUST NOW. HERE.

    YET ONE time... just admitted being idiot.

    HOW you can talk about "dRump guilty"... if, as it just now admitted, it dunno about laws and procedures???

    There's only one way. It seems.

    \\\Qtard: Naaaah. You are just miserly idiot. Who repeating after Demn Propaganda. Know Nothing Idiot. Which hypocritically trying to cover its idiocy.

    \\Hah? Why "hah"? Qtard thinks I agree with the way Guantanamo prisoners were treated? I do not. I strongly disagree with what the republican George bush did to the Gitmo prisoners.


    so, maybe you punished that bush???

    \\Non reply. I don't know what the f*ck Qtard's "hah" means. That it doesn't believe me? Don't care.

    That that was astounding -- how you confirming MY points. ;-P

    \\ Wouldn't it be immoral NOT to kill the evil "Demns"?\\You say?

    \\Don't. Qtard said.

    Clearly... idiot have problem with comprehensing English.

    "You say?" it's present tense. Asking you to answer your question first.

    \\Qtard: How do YOU think?

    \\I think Qtard lied.

    And you can point to EXACT lie? Reveal against which TRUTH it is lie?


    As I thought. ;-P

  35. Qtard: \\ Wouldn't it be immoral NOT to kill the evil "Demns"?\\You say?\\Don't. Qtard said. Clearly... idiot have problem with comprehensing English. "You say?" it's present tense. Asking you to answer your question first.

    *I* have trouble "comprehensing" English??


    Qtard is asking if I want to kill my fellow Democrats? Thinks maybe I do? What an idiot. And I mean Qtard, not me. If I say "no" (as I did when Qtard asked me if I wanted republiturds killed) Qtard will likely (again) conclude I really mean "yes". And the moron will claim that it used "logic" to reach its idiotic conclusion. Why Qtard's screeches of "that was a question. SEE the question mark?"... are such BULLSHIT.

    It almost always uses what it insists are "your own DEMN words" (but are not) and what it thinks is logic to conclude "what Derpy really mean". Idiots like Qtard will believe what they want. While believing it is because they are so smart. They don't fall for "propaganda". They don't have "gell-mann amnesia".

    Qtard also "knows" that any news source that tells him something other than want it wants to believe -- those news sources are all "Demn propaganda" that Qtard "wisely" disbelieves. That is how Qtard "knows" that Ukraine is the most Nazi-free and anti-Nazi nation in the history of human existence. While Russia (apparently) has the most Nazis of any country that ever existed. Despite ALL Nazis being "6 feet under".

  36. Well

    \\It almost always uses what it insists are "your own DEMN words" (but are not) and what it thinks is logic to

    Go try to EXPLAIN... HOW words directly Copy-Pasted from your comments here -- are NOT your own words???

    Is there some kind of cooldown??? Or 3-seconds rule? :-)))))))))))))))))))

    Because YOU admit that your own words is such a garbage that you inclined to disown em... just a seconds after you spouted em??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That would be -- most hilarious.

    And DEMN natural... for a DEMN liar. ;-P

    \\Idiots like Qtard will believe what they want. While believing it is because they are so smart. They don't fall for "propaganda".

    You gotcha! ;-P

    And THANK YOU for confirmation of your NewSpeak-like word usage.

    "Smart are idiots", it seems? For Derpy. ;-P

    \\They don't have "gell-mann amnesia".

    Never said that.

    Well, only way to not have that "amnesia" -- it's to know about it, and be constantly vigilant, and (try to) keep in check own biases.

    Surely not what "smart asses" like Derpy would do, isn't it?

    It... dislike double-checking, do not believe in facts... and like to drown in Confirmation Bias and Propaganda pool. ;-P

    \\Qtard also "knows" that any news source that tells him something other than want it wants to believe

    Not... what I "want to believe" - what I saw with my own eyes.

    \\news sources are all "Demn propaganda" that Qtard "wisely" disbelieves.


    "news sources" that do not provide FACTS... and only try to push through some narrative...

    WHY I should trust em???

    \\Ukraine is the most Nazi-free and anti-Nazi nation in the history of human existence. While Russia (apparently) has the most Nazis of any country that ever existed. Despite ALL Nazis being "6 feet under".


    Stated definition of word "nazi" I use Openly and Properly. Historical Nazis -- members of NSDAP of Germany and followers of Hitler.

    And that is Derpy (and liliPut) are ones who inclined to bad-mouth people they don't like or want to destroy as thier oponnents -- through calling em "nazis" -- without any regard, or even COMPLETELY COUNTER-FACTUALLY... to that historical truth.

    As USSR was calling Freedom Fighter of Ukraine who was fighting with Real Nazis, and died in big numbers in that fight (though, not that much as from Soviets) -- are nazis??? Somehow.

  37. wtf are you talking about? There is LOTS of Qtard's derping here. Qtard has loaded this blog up with its derping.

  38. wtf are you talking about? There is LOTS of Qtard's derping here. Qtard has loaded this blog up with its derping.

  39. Derpy The Dodger. ;-P

    Do not like to answer stated above question.

    And trying to evade em, to shrug em off with more shit talks. :-))))))))))))))

    Continue-contunue, my little piggy. Confirming my point. ;-P

  40. Answered many many times.

  41. And. Little Piggy CONFIRMED my point!

    With its "many many" lies. ;-P
