Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Earth to Neo-Liberals. Are You SURE That You Want to 'Ef with These People?


  1. Russia is effing with Ukraine. Ukraine is fighting back. Russia is the aggressor. You keep absurdly trying to claim that the aggressor is the victim.

  2. Sorry, why should I give a f*ck about Ukraine, again? They're not paying me millions to sit on one of their corporate boards.

  3. I'm a decent person who will do the right thing. Without absurd demands for millions of dollars.

    Ukraine isn't paying Biden anything.

  4.  The Complicated Network of Biden Family and Associates’ Companies: Biden family members and business associates created a web of over 20 companies—most were limited liability companies formed during Joe Biden’s vice presidency.

     The Biden Family Received Millions of Dollars from Foreign Sources: Bank records show the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals’ companies. The Committee has identified payments to Biden family members from foreign companies while Joe Biden served as Vice President and after he left public office.

  5. \\I'm a decent person who will do the right thing. Without absurd demands for millions of dollars.

    Yep. Like repeating liliPut's Propaganda about Ukraininas being Nazis... and not need F-16, to save their children from dying under ruSSian bombs...

  6. Minus: ..that's not what the House is saying...

    Fox News host Steve Doocy is not impressed by the latest Republican investigation into President Joe Biden's family.

    The House Oversight Committee on Wednesday released documents reflecting payments from foreign sources to Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden and the president's brother James Biden, but not to Joe Biden himself.

    Doocy told the committee's chair, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), during an appearance on "Fox & Friends" on Thursday that his material was weak.

    "I know the Republicans said that the smoking gun were these financial records that you were able to subpoena and got your hands on", Doocy said, noting that Comer described $10 million worth of transfers as evidence of "influence peddling" by the Bidens.

    "But that's just your suggestion ― you actually don't have any facts to that point. You've got some circumstantial evidence", Doocy said. "And the other thing is, of all those names, the one person who didn't profit is ― there is no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally". link

    Qtard: Yep. Like repeating liliPut's Propaganda about Ukraininas being Nazis... and not need F-16, to save their children from dying under ruSSian bombs...

    Qtard is a f*cking liar. I have never repeated either of those lies. This comment from Qtard in a thread where Minus says "why should I give a f*ck about Ukraine". An admission. Also proof Qtard does not give a shit about "quotes". Might say it is a "joke"?

    Qtard IGNORES that comment and goes after me with LIES. I DO NOT believe you are on the side of Ukraine, asshole. A totalitarian wannabe like Qtard has got to be on Putin's side. Given its strong support for his puppet, donald tRump. Qtard probably laughs at children "dying under ruSSian bombs". We know he doesn't give a shit about children in the USA dying by getting their faces blown off in school shootings.

  7. Qtard won't say where it lives. Maybe "far-far away" is Russia? Maybe Qtard is being paid by Putin to spread lies about the USA Democrats who are HELPING Ukraine? Qtard's "disguise" is that he is anti-Putin, when the truth is that it is strongly PRO-Putin. Maybe it works at a Russian troll farm?

    Why Qtard defends Putin's puppets in the USA. Wants Biden gone and replaced with the puppet who will cut off aid to Ukraine. Lies about Durham declaring "dRump collusion with Rasha FAKE". Lies about republiturds "storming" the White House to demand more aid. Lies about Joe Biden not giving F-16s. Lies about Democrats spreading Putin's propaganda, when it is republiturds doing this. Qtard wants Democrats out of power so Putin will win. Crush Ukraine. Force Ukraine to surrender. That would be Qtard's dream come true.

    Also Minus FJ's dream come true.

  8. Well, Joe and Hunter have nothing to worry about. Garland appointed a "special counsel" to bury all the evidence and write a phony report in 3-4 years. Now DoJ can't give any evidence over to the House Investigating Committee. Stonewall accompli.

  9. So, Joe Biden is definitely going to be president through January of 2029? Sounds good👍

  10. \\The House Oversight Committee on Wednesday released documents reflecting payments from foreign sources to Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden and the president's brother James Biden, but not to Joe Biden himself.


    And why USA calls Ukraine corrupt??? If that is the same there -- not accounts of bureaucrats, but their wifes, brothers, mothers and other relatives get stuffed with money... means, that bureaucrats are... innocent??? ;-P

    What a Demn Hypocrites. :-)))))))))))))

    \\"But that's just your suggestion ― you actually don't have any facts to that point. You've got some circumstantial evidence", Doocy said. "And the other thing is, of all those names, the one person who didn't profit is ― there is no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally". link

    Well... heh... and what can I see, as a foreigner? Here.

    That Reps... for the very least, they have that pivot point of decency -- honesty.

    They are honest about NOT having smoking gun evidances on Bi-den. ;-P

    While Demns... they thrugged off that "stupid and degrading fallacies of conscience, morality"... in favour of group-think and chanting propaganda slogans. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Yep. Like repeating liliPut's Propaganda about Ukraininas being Nazis... and not need F-16, to save their children from dying under ruSSian bombs...

    \\Qtard is a f*cking liar. I have never repeated either of those lies.

    Of course, of course... you was NOT giving that moronic articles from CNN, that conciled facts to foregone false propaganda claims that "there is Nazis among Ukrainians".

    And... you NOT placated that decision of Bi-den... that same Bi-den that proposed to prezident of Ukraine to surrender and flee, and ignoring pleading of Ukraine to protect women and children from ruSSian bombs...

    That is somebody's ELSE words... and DEEDS.

    Ah... I know, "dRump DID IT!".

    What an absolutely lacking any integrity and decency idiotical liar and hypocrite... that trying to cry "I DIDN'T SAID IT!!!" ABOUT OWN DAMN WORDS.


    f*cking liar, indeed. ;-P

    And... immediately after that... Demn Junky-Doodle Waterfall of gibberish cursing and passing blames.

    Which each and every demn-junky performs -- just that moment one comes closer to revealing their Demn Hypocrisy. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  11. \\I have never repeated either of those lies.

    Ahhh... I almost forgot.

    To reveal this little tricky fact.

    HOW this heinous liar enveloped it?

    IT... did not opposed it with "I NEVER was saying it"... naaah.

    Cause in its dirty rotten heart IT knows DEMN well... that IT did. That its most certain inner ideals... of demn-junkism cult follower. ;-P

    IT... tryed to subvert it with seemingly plausible "I NEVER REPEATED". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a moronic loser.


  12. Qtard: ...accounts of bureaucrats, but their wifes, brothers, mothers and other relatives get stuffed with money.

    President Joe Biden's mother is deceased. There has never been any accusations that Jill Biden had any involvement in anything Hunter Biden did. Hunter Biden earning money advising Burisma on corporate best practices or receiving any monies from foreigners to invest -- has nothing to do with Joe Biden or Jill Biden. Definitely not proof "influence" was sold. No proof of "influence peddling" has been presented. Only money received for services provided -- Hunter Biden's legal advice (he does have a law degree) and investing acumen.

    Investigate. PROVE the allegations. Do the same with Jared Kushner. Why did he receive 2 billion from MBS?

    Qtard: ... means, that bureaucrats are... innocent??

    "Innocent until proven guilty"... applies only to republiturds? Applies only to donald tRump and family? Qtard doesn't know what "presumption of innocence" means.

    Qtard: What a Demn Hypocrites.

    Qtard is a bigly rightturd hypocrite. When it comes to Joe Biden, Qtard doesn't need any evidence that Joe Biden "sold influence". Or received ANY money (him or his wife). There is no evidence that Joe Biden (as Vice President) did anything for money paid to his son or brother. Did anything as VP to benefit a foreigner or foreign corporation.

    As Hunter Biden's business partner Devon Archer testified, there was no "influence peddling". But Qtard doesn't care about proving anything. When it comes to Joe Biden, for it allegations are enough.

    Which is OBVIOUSLY not the case for the bigly hypocrite when it comes to donald tRump. Despite all the evidence that points to collusion with Russia (to get into office) and illegalities by dotard to retain the office (after Joe Biden WON the 2020 election) -- Qtard doesn't give a shit. Keeps screeching about trials (pointing to the fact that there wasn't one re the collusion) and Nazi Germany (how a trial re the documents case and the J6 insurrection will be rigged... "fair trial, my ass").

    Qtard: \\...Doocy said ... there is no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally"\\Well... heh... and what can I see, as a foreigner? Here. That Reps... for the very least, they have that pivot point of decency -- honesty. They are honest about NOT having smoking gun evidances on Bi-den.

    Bullshit. James Comer says that he is going to release it just prior to starting impeachment proceedings. "Honesty" isn't something the liar Qtard cares about. AT ALL. No smoking gun (or any) evidences against Biden and Qtard screeches "Biden did it!!". Bigly evidences that point to donald tRump's guilt? Qtard screams "dRump innocent!! Charges will go *poof*".

    Qtard: While Demns... they thrugged off that "stupid and degrading fallacies of conscience, morality"... in favour of group-think and chanting propaganda slogans.

    Qtard describes what the republiturds do.

    Qtard: Yep. Like repeating liliPut's Propaganda about Ukraininas being Nazis... and not need F-16, to save their children from dying under ruSSian bombs...\\Qtard is a f*cking liar. I have never repeated either of those lies\\Of course, of course... you was NOT giving that moronic articles from CNN, that conciled facts to foregone false propaganda claims that "there is Nazis among Ukrainians".

    Because there are. Same as there are Nazis among Americans. There are Nazis in many countries. Qtard denies it because denying White Supremacy is what many White Supremacists do. Some admit it. For most the strategy (the Minus FJs Qtards of the world) is denial. "Don't worry about it, it isn't happening". "Racism is over" the racists say. That way they can continue being racist. No need to do anything about a problem that doesn't exist.

  13. Qtard: And... you NOT placated that decision of Bi-den... that same Bi-den that proposed to prezident of Ukraine to surrender and flee, and ignoring pleading of Ukraine to protect women and children from ruSSian bombs...

    An offer to help Zellinsky evacuate was conditional on that being what Zellinsky wanted to do. President Joe Biden NEVER proposed surrender. President Joe Biden NEVER ignored pleading to protect women and children. Qtard lies. As soon as President Joe Biden was assured by President Zellinsky that Ukrainians were going to fight -- he offered more (in addition to what was already being provided) help from the United States.

    Qtard: That is somebody's ELSE words... and DEEDS. Ah... I know, "dRump DID IT!".

    republiturds did it. donald tRump would have done it. If he were still president. WILL do it if he becomes president again.

    Qtard: What an absolutely lacking any integrity and decency idiotical liar and hypocrite... that trying to cry "I DIDN'T SAID IT!!!" ABOUT OWN DAMN WORDS.

    This never happened. I stand by ALL my words.

    Qtard: f*cking liar, indeed.

    Quotes? I have ALWAYS said that the Putin LIE that the Ukraine government needs to be denazified is FALSE. ALWAYS. I never said this was true but then later denied agreeing with Putin.

    Qtard: And... immediately after that... Demn Junky-Doodle Waterfall of gibberish cursing and passing blames.

    Pointing out where blame actually lies... that is not "passing blame". Pointing out where blame actually lies (with republiturds) is not "gibberish".

    Qtard: Which each and every demn-junky performs -- just that moment one comes closer to revealing their Demn Hypocrisy.

    Qtard describes what rightturd-junkies like him perform. Revealing Qtard's rightturd hypocrisy.

    Qtard: \\I have never repeated either of those lies\\Cause in its dirty rotten heart IT knows DEMN well... that IT did.

    Don't know. Impossible to "know" I did something that I did not do.

    Qtard: That its most certain inner ideals... of demn-junkism cult follower.

    I am a follower of facts and truth.

    Qtard: IT... tryed to subvert it with seemingly plausible "I NEVER REPEATED". What a moronic loser. YOU. REPEATING. THAT SHITTY CLAIMS. FOR ALMOST A YEAR. HERE.

    For never. Never repeated any "shitty claims" of Putin. Of Ukraine government needing to be denazified. Never said Ukraine does not need F-16s. Qtard, the shitty rightturd-junky that it is, tries to pass the blame. Tries to blame Democrats (who are FOR helping Ukraine. Who ARE helping Ukraine). Instead of republiturds (who are FOR abandoning Ukraine. Who are FOR allowing Ukraine women and children to die).

    QUOTE from Minus FJ: "why should I give a f*ck about Ukraine". See the second comment in this thread. That is the sentiment of republiturd donald tRump supporters, NOT Democrats.

    But Qtard will (NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER) continue to make his shitty claims. "Biden did it!!". "Republicans are HONEST!!". "Biden told Zellinsky to Surrender!!". The rightturd-junky Qtard will continue screeching rightturd lies and blaming Democrats. While also screeching about being a foreigner from "far-far away" who does not "give a damn shit". Despite NOT going away -- PROVING it doesn't give a damn shit. Instead sticking around -- proving it DOES give a damn shit.

  14. Minus: New special prosecutor? Solution OR Durham 2.0?

    According to Qtard, Durham said "dRump collusion with Rasha FAKE". So, he did what he was tasked to do. What is your complaint? Failing to charge HRC with any crime? Just because she committed no crimes?

    Robert Muller is an example of an investigation being placed in a protective silo. He was not permitted to follow the money. The results were pre-spun by Bill Barr. While the report detailed both collusion and obstruction, the spin was "no collusion, no obstruction". Yeah, right.

  15. \\Hunter Biden earning money advising Burisma on corporate best practices or receiving any monies from foreigners to invest

    And that can do just ANY dude from USA?

    His family name plays no role in it?


    And what's its track record??? That Burisma might be became Inicorn... by this time?

    \\Investigate. PROVE the allegations. Do the same with Jared Kushner. Why did he receive 2 billion from MBS?

    Why, really???

    There is NO investigation.

    Does Demn government covering for dRump's step-son? ;-P

    \\Qtard is a bigly rightturd hypocrite. When it comes to Joe Biden, Qtard doesn't need any evidence that Joe Biden "sold influence". Or received ANY money (him or his wife). There is no evidence that Joe Biden (as Vice President) did anything for money paid to his son or brother. Did anything as VP to benefit a foreigner or foreign corporation.

    Like there EVER was such words even... where I care about ANYTHING like that. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a moron.

    I AM... foreigner. Who don't care about your inner political brawls.


    Completely Idioticly TRYING to impose on me isea and behavior -- your fellow USAian should feel and think about it.

    Even thought it not only NOT based on any facts (of what I saying here)...



    What a moron. You are.

    \\Which is OBVIOUSLY not the case for the bigly hypocrite when it comes to donald tRump. Despite all the evidence that points to collusion with Russia

    And??? WHERE that evidances???

    Facts... like that that Sun is rising in the morning. Each day.


    Only screachings of "somebody-somebody who saying something-something".

    Like Derpy here.

    That is... NOT factual evidances. That is... most likely... evidances of religious nuttery and/or some deep psychological or even physiological traumas/problems... in a brain of that somebody-somebody.

    \\Qtard doesn't give a shit.


    Do you give much shit about that coup in Ni_g_er (protection from spanbot), for example???

    If not, why NOT??? DO YOU protecting cannibals whoi wanna eat human flesh freely???

    \\Because there are. Same as there are Nazis among Americans. There are Nazis in many countries.

    Yeah. 6 feet under surface.

    \\There are Nazis in many countries. Qtard denies it because denying White Supremacy is what many White Supremacists do.

    Hah... so White Supremacists its Nazis???

    That's big new for me.

    Then, why you NOT using "Nazis" directly?

    \\"Racism is over" the racists say.


    Like you are.

    When you claim that "racism as social construct" do exist. ;-P

    \\That way they can continue being racist. No need to do anything about a


    Like YOU are. When you declare that you DO NOT LIKE to be compared with Chinese. ;-P

  16. \\An offer to help Zellinsky evacuate was conditional on that being what Zellinsky wanted to do. President Joe Biden NEVER proposed surrender. President Joe Biden NEVER ignored pleading to protect women and children. Qtard lies.


    So, where's F-16s???

    Where proptection from the air Ukraine CRYED from 24th of February of 2022?

    Whjat a nasty liar you are Derpy.

    Blood of children of Ukraine is ON SUCH A LIARS!!!

    \\As soon as President Joe Biden was assured by President Zellinsky that Ukrainians were going to fight -- he offered more (in addition to what was already being provided) help from the United States.



    Like miserly 30 Abramses NOT YET DELIVERED... on the SECOND YEAR of war...

    \\republiturds did it. donald tRump would have done it. If he were still president. WILL do it if he becomes president again.

    It's??? The same as with that Locke??? Or Jesus...

    Well, not exactly -- dRump is (still?) alive. And able to decide for itself.

    But... naaah, there is some Wisest of the Wise, who Know Better, what dRump would do, or would mean.

    HOW, just HOW... anybody can NOT listen to such a Wisest of the Wise????!!!

    Maybe... because IT... is apparent idiot. ;-P

    \\This never happened. I stand by ALL my words.

    Yeah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Apart from that your words... that is NOT YOUR WORDS (even though it copy-pasted quotes).

    I got it. Trully. From the very first time. No need to repeat it. ;-P

    Oh... let's double-check here.

    Isn't you said "I *DO* deny..."? ;-P

    \\Quotes? I have ALWAYS said that the Putin LIE that the Ukraine government needs to be denazified is FALSE. ALWAYS. I never said this was true but then later denied agreeing with Putin.

    And what about that time... oh, just HERE... here ABOVE... in THIS thread.

    Where you claimed that "\\...false propaganda claims that "there is Nazis among Ukrainians".

    Because there are. Same as there are Nazis among Americans. There are Nazis in many countries."



    Derpy SUPPORTS liliPut's claim that "there are Nazis in Ukraine"...

    only saying that it do not support liliPut's claim of need to "denazify" em?

    But... we both know what will fallow.

    Derpy the Heinous Liar... will start screaming that that "not MY words", "I NEVER have had said anyhing like that", "(COPY-PASTED) quotes are lies"...

    \\Pointing out where blame actually lies... that is not "passing blame". Pointing out where blame actually lies (with republiturds) is not "gibberish".

    And that blame based on FACTS??? Naaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\I have never repeated either of those lies\\Cause in its dirty rotten heart IT knows DEMN well... that IT did.

    \\Don't know. Impossible to "know" I did something that I did not do.

    Well... from neuro-psychology SCIENCE we do know -- that it's possible for people to lost self-control, forget what they did, attribute own words and deeds to somebody else.

    Like... by "voices in my head told me". ;-P


  17. \\I am a follower of facts and truth.

    YET ONE gibberish claim.

    Facts and truth are not persons. Means nobody can follow em. Literally or figuratively.

    Only idiots could. ;-P

    \\For never. Never repeated any "shitty claims" of Putin. Of Ukraine government needing to be denazified. Never said Ukraine does not need F-16s.


    Supported liliPut's claim about "there's Nazis in Ukraine". And placated Bi-den's postponing delivery of F-16 to Ukraine.

    That's -- quite enough.

    And works as much more apt and deciesive reason to claim -- based on such facts -- of Derpy being follower of lili-Put and Bi-den.

    And that is even more certain... if take into account "standards of confirmation of Derpy"... which do not need EVEN any facts... to claim that some foreigner from far-far-away -- not involved and not interested in inner political brawls in USA -- never the less IS "follower of dRump"...

    \\Tries to blame Democrats (who are FOR helping Ukraine. Who ARE helping Ukraine).

    Like??? Helping Ukrainian children to die? Under ruSSian bombs.

    Like that 8-year boy died JUST RECENTLY. Under ruSSian Kinjal missile. Which could be intercepted for good. By F-16.

    Which Demon-rats still "helping" with NOT providing.

    THAT HELPING hand do you refer to here?

    \\Instead of republiturds (who are FOR abandoning Ukraine. Who are FOR allowing Ukraine women and children to die).

    Does "republiturds" are at helm of USA government? Like sitting in Oval Office? Or, maybe, they control it from behind?

    Cause... Ukraine women and children DO DIE. EVERY DAY.


    It ALREADY allowed.



    You trying to project blame on Reps of USA... for something that ALREADY HAPPENS.

    But... well... I can understand it -- Demn Propaganda DO NOT say it to you -- about dozens of people dying EACH DAMN DAY.

    Because... in need to keep narrative of "we -- Democrats, PROTECTING Ukrainians... while Reps will not be...".


    As you do with protecting bl... ehm, afroamericans?

    \\QUOTE from Minus FJ: "why should I give a f*ck about Ukraine". See the second comment in this thread. That is the sentiment of republiturd donald tRump supporters, NOT Democrats.


    Are he citizen of Ukraine?

    Or have some personal obligation as a citizen of USA?


    So... why *I* -- foreigner from far-far-away, who do not give a shit about USA... should blame him, for anything???

    Wouldn't it be... hyporitical? idiotical? indecent?

    Rethorical questions. Yawn.

    \\But Qtard will (NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER) continue to make his shitty claims. "Biden did it!!". "Republicans are HONEST!!". "Biden told Zellinsky to Surrender!!". The rightturd-junky Qtard will continue screeching rightturd lies and blaming Democrats. While also screeching about being a foreigner from "far-far away" who does not "give a damn shit". Despite NOT going away -- PROVING it doesn't give a damn shit. Instead sticking around -- proving it DOES give a damn shit.

    Perfect example of Gibberish NewSpeak of Demns?

  18. Qtard: \\Hunter Biden earning money advising Burisma on corporate best practices or receiving any monies from foreigners to invest And that can do just ANY dude from USA?\\His family name plays no role in it? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I said it didn't? Quote?

    Qtard: And what's its track record??? That Burisma might be became Inicorn... by this time?

    How would I know? If Qtard wants to know, it needs to research the answer itself. If that information is available. IDK.

    Qtard: \\Investigate. PROVE the allegations. Do the same with Jared Kushner. Why did he receive 2 billion from MBS?\\Why, really??? There is NO investigation. Does Demn government covering for dRump's step-son?

    donald tRump does not have a step-son.

    Qtard: \\Qtard is a bigly rightturd hypocrite. When it comes to Joe Biden, Qtard doesn't need any evidence that Joe Biden "sold influence". Or received ANY money (him or his wife). There is no evidence that Joe Biden (as Vice President) did anything for money paid to his son or brother. Did anything as VP to benefit a foreigner or foreign corporation\\Like there EVER was such words even... where I care about ANYTHING like that. What a moron.

    There were such words from Qtard. Qtard wrote, "...not accounts of bureaucrats, but their wifes, brothers, mothers and other relatives get stuffed with money". THIS is clearly an accusation of corruption. Qtard LIES about it own damn words! AGAIN!

    Qtard: I AM... foreigner. Who don't care about your inner political brawls.

    Go away then. Don't discuss things you don't care about.

    Qtard: YOU. Completely Idioticly TRYING to impose on me isea and behavior -- your fellow USAian should feel and think about it. Even thought it not only NOT based on any facts (of what I saying here)...

    No. Only responding to what you wrote.

    Qtard: but COMPLETELY COUNTER-FACTUAL. What a moron. You are.

    "You are" is an incomplete sentence. There should be no period between "what a moron" and "you are". Also a lie.

    Qtard: \\Which is OBVIOUSLY not the case for the bigly hypocrite when it comes to donald tRump. Despite all the evidence that points to collusion with Russia\\And??? WHERE that evidances???

    Suggestion that there is no evidence is a LIE. Already told Qtard MANY times what the evidence is. Said my evidence is "somebody-somebody said something-something". Forgot? Again?

    Qtard: Facts... like that that Sun is rising in the morning. Each day. NONE.

    Facts can be less obvious than the sun coming up in the morning. Less well known.

    Qtard: Only screachings of "somebody-somebody who saying something-something".

    Those are Qtard's words. I never "screeched" about "somebody-somebody who saying something-something". Not once.

    Qtard: Like Derpy here.


  19. Qtard: That is... NOT factual evidances. That is... most likely... evidances of religious nuttery and/or some deep psychological or even physiological traumas/problems... in a brain of that somebody-somebody.

    What Qtard wrote is how an idiot would describe conclusions based on factual evidence.

    Qtard: \\Qtard doesn't give a shit\\Naturally\\Do you give much shit about that coup in Ni_g_er (protection from spanbot), for example???

    Is it being discussed here? Did Minus FJ raise this as a topic of discussion? Did I respond to this topic (as posted by Minus FJ) and say "I don't give a shit"? No. Whereas Qtard says "I don't give a shit" in regards to topics that ARE being discussed here.

    That is the difference. But the idiot is unable to comprehend the difference. If you don't give a shit about what is being discussed here... go away.

    Qtard: If not, why NOT??? DO YOU protecting cannibals whoi wanna eat human flesh freely???

    Is Minus FJ protecting them? It's his blog and it is he who chooses the topics.

    Qtard: \\Because there are. Same as there are Nazis among Americans. There are Nazis in many countries\\Yeah. 6 feet under surface.

    Alive. Marching in the streets and serving in the military in the USA. Serving in the Azov Battalion in Ukraine.

    Qtard: \\There are Nazis in many countries. Qtard denies it because denying White Supremacy is what many White Supremacists do\\Hah... so White Supremacists its Nazis??? That's big new for me. Then, why you NOT using "Nazis" directly?

    Because all Nazis are White Supremacists but not all White Supremacists are Nazis :(

    Re: "That's big new for me"... no surprise that Qtard has no idea what it's talking about. Still calls me an idiot.

    Qtard: \\"Racism is over" the racists say\\Yeah. Like you are. When you claim that "racism as social construct" do exist. ;-P

    I NEVER claimed that. Racism is still VERY much a problem all around the world.

    Qtard: \\That way they can continue being racist. No need to do anything about a problem that no longer exists\\Yeah. Like YOU are. When you declare that you DO NOT LIKE to be compared with Chinese.

    Lie. Asked Qtard for a quote previously. Qtard gave a quote, but (in the quote) I did NOT say what Qtard claims. Was an instance of Qtard explaining "what Derpy really mean". But I didn't mean that. Probably what Qtard thinks. Qtard does not want to be compared to a Chinese person. Because Qtard is racist against Chinese people -- and projecting its racism onto me.

  20. Qtard: \\President Joe Biden NEVER ignored pleading to protect women and children. Qtard lies\\YEAH???? So, where's F-16s???

    Approved. Being delivered. Ukrainian pilots being trained. Already told Qtard ALL of this.

    Qtard: Where proptection from the air Ukraine CRYED from 24th of February of 2022? Whjat a nasty liar you are Derpy. Blood of children of Ukraine is ON SUCH A LIARS!!!

    Me? I am personally responsible? Why? How? Nobody in the USA government asked my advice. Sought my council. And what (or "whjat") nasty lies? Pointing to news articles that say F-16s are approved and on the way? HOW is that a nasty lie?

    Qtard: \\As soon as President Joe Biden was assured by President Zellinsky that Ukrainians were going to fight -- he offered more (in addition to what was already being provided) help from the United States\\Yeah. "More"... Like miserly 30 Abramses NOT YET DELIVERED... on the SECOND YEAR of war...

    "DOD, in close coordination with Ukraine, has made the decision to provide the M1A1 variant of the Abrams tank, which will enable us to significantly expedite delivery timelines, and deliver this important capability to Ukraine by the fall of this year [2023]". link.

    BBC News says "The US is sending 31 of its Abrams tanks, The UK is providing 14 Challenger 2 tanks, Germany is providing 14 Leopard 2 tanks, Spain says it's sending six of its Leopard 2 tanks". link.

    Qtard: \\republiturds did it. donald tRump would have done it. If he were still president. WILL do it if he becomes president again. It's??? The same as with that Locke??? Or Jesus... Well, not exactly -- dRump is (still?) alive. And able to decide for itself.

    Hmm. Qtard answered its own question. But why did it ask what dead people would do? Who cares? Irrelative.

    Qtard: But... naaah, there is some Wisest of the Wise, who Know Better, what dRump would do, or would mean.

    Who is this "wisest of wise, who know better"? Me? Thank you for the compliment. But that isn't true. I'm far from "wisest of wise". Only someone who heard tRump say he would end the conflict in ONE DAY. How? I've lots of people say he'd do it by ending US aid to Ukraine. Qtard disagrees? How does the "wise" Qtard think tRump would end the war in ONE DAY?

    All non-idiots know this is impossible. Yet Qtard thinks tRump could do it? Apparently. The idiot "knows" Bi-den wants Ukraine to lose (because he is actually a puppet of Putin). As opposed to tRump being a puppet of Putin. Because Qtard is a trumpturd-propaganda junky idiot.

    Qtard: HOW, just HOW... anybody can NOT listen to such a Wisest of the Wise????!!!

    They shouldn't. Whoever that "wisest of wise" is. IDK.

    Qtard: Maybe... because IT... is apparent idiot.

    No. It (Qtard) is not an "apparent" idiot. DEFINITE idiot.

    Qtard: \\This never happened. I stand by ALL my words\\Yeah. Apart from that your words... that is NOT YOUR WORDS (even though it copy-pasted quotes).

    BULLSHIT. Copied and pasted partial quotes. Quote Qtard added to ("em their rights"). CUT OFF what came after "I *DO* deny"... Put "em their rights" outside of quotes (it is "what Derpy really mean"). THINKS that means it is presenting accurate quote. Instead of "clever" way to lie about what I wrote.

  21. Qtard: I got it. Trully. From the very first time. No need to repeat it. ;-P

    *I* get it. Qtard is a heinous liar. Twists quotes. Fabricates quotes. Denies its own damn words.

    Qtard: Oh... let's double-check here. Isn't you said "I *DO* deny..."?

    "em their rights"? NO. I never said that. I deny NOBODY their rights.

    Qtard: \\Quotes? I have ALWAYS said that the Putin LIE that the Ukraine government needs to be denazified is FALSE. ALWAYS. I never said this was true but then later denied agreeing with Putin\\And what about that time... oh, just HERE... here ABOVE... in THIS thread. Where you claimed that "\\...false propaganda claims that "there is Nazis among Ukrainians". Because there are. Same as there are Nazis among Americans. There are Nazis in many countries".

    I have ALWAYS said that the Putin LIE that the Ukraine government needs to be denazified is FALSE. ALWAYS. There is no "just here" where I say otherwise. Don't say that in the words Qtard quotes.

    Qtard: FACTUALLY. Derpy SUPPORTS liliPut's claim that "there are Nazis in Ukraine"...

    That isn't Putin's claim. His claim (as I have stated numerous times now) is that Russia needed to invade Ukraine to denazify it. Because the government is filled with Nazis. This is a lie. I do NOT support these lies.

    Qtard: only saying that it do not support liliPut's claim of need to "denazify" em?

    Right. Because there are Nazis in Russia. Why should Russia be concerned about a SMALL number of Nazis in Ukraine and NOT concerned about Nazis in Russia?

    Qtard: But... we both know what will fallow. Derpy the Heinous Liar... will start screaming that that "not MY words", "I NEVER have had said anyhing like that", "(COPY-PASTED) quotes are lies"...

    I have never screamed about copy-pasted quotes being lies. Or not my words. That is ANOTHER lie. I 100% acknowledge telling the truth about self-identified Nazis in the Azov battalion.

    Qtard: \\Pointing out where blame actually lies... that is not "passing blame". Pointing out where blame actually lies (with republiturds) is not "gibberish"\\And that blame based on FACTS??? Naaaah.


    Qtard: \\I have never repeated either of those lies\\Cause in its dirty rotten heart IT knows DEMN well... that IT did\\Don't know. Impossible to "know" I did something that I did not do\\Well... from neuro-psychology SCIENCE we do know -- that it's possible for people to lost self-control, forget what they did, attribute own words and deeds to somebody else.

    Qtard talking about itself again.

    Qtard: Like... by "voices in my head told me". ;-P

    Qtard's mental illness?

    Qtard: \\I am a follower of facts and truth\\YET ONE gibberish claim. Facts and truth are not persons. Means nobody can follow em. Literally or figuratively.

    Never said they are. Can follow them nonetheless.

    Qtard: Only idiots could.

    Smart people can. Explaining why Qtard cannot.

    Qtard: \\For never. Never repeated any "shitty claims" of Putin. Of Ukraine government needing to be denazified. Never said Ukraine does not need F-16s\\But. Supported liliPut's claim about "there's Nazis in Ukraine". And placated Bi-den's postponing delivery of F-16 to Ukraine.

    No. Putin made no such claim. Claim was that the government is filled with Nazis. No "placating". No "postponing". F-16s being delivered after consultation with allies. Logistics worked out. ALL of which I had nothing to do with. I trust Biden. HE is in charge, not me. Not Qtard. Qtard has NO IDEA what discussions took place behind closed doors. What problems needed to be worked out.

  22. Qtard: That's -- quite enough. And works as much more apt and deciesive reason to claim -- based on such facts -- of Derpy being follower of lili-Put and Bi-den.

    No "follower" of Putin. No linking of Putin and Biden. They are on opposing sides, not the same side. Qtard thinks otherwise because it is an idiot.

    Qtard: ...to claim that some foreigner from far-far-away -- not involved and not interested in inner political brawls in USA -- never the less IS "follower of dRump"...

    Indeed. Proven with its words here on this blog.

    Qtard: \\Tries to blame Democrats (who are FOR helping Ukraine. Who ARE helping Ukraine)\\Like??? Helping Ukrainian children to die? Under ruSSian bombs.

    Helping them defend themselves by sending weapons.

    Qtard: Like that 8-year boy died JUST RECENTLY. Under ruSSian Kinjal missile. Which could be intercepted for good. By F-16. Which Demon-rats still "helping" with NOT providing. THAT HELPING hand do you refer to here?

    No. "Helping hand" I refer to IS providing. Helping hand of Democrats, not imaginary "Demon-rats". Good guys in qtardese are Demons. Figures.

    Qtard: \\Instead of republiturds (who are FOR abandoning Ukraine. Who are FOR allowing Ukraine women and children to die)\\Does "republiturds" are at helm of USA government? Like sitting in Oval Office? Or, maybe, they control it from behind?

    In control of one of the houses of Congress. Voicing their disagreement with help for Ukraine. Voting against it.

    Qtard: Cause... Ukraine women and children DO DIE. EVERY DAY.

    Because of a war started by Vlad Putin.

    Qtard: Means. It ALREADY allowed. Somehow.

    Allowed by Putin ordering the invasion of Ukraine.

    Qtard: Means. You trying to project blame on Reps of USA... for something that ALREADY HAPPENS.

    Not "project". Hold accountable for what they are trying to do. Which is to STOP helping. Voting against helping.

    Qtard: But... well... I can understand it -- Demn Propaganda DO NOT say it to you -- about dozens of people dying EACH DAMN DAY.

    I can understand where Qtard is coming from. Its desire is to defend tRump and the republiturds OPPOSED to helping Ukraine. By lying about Democrats who are FOR helping. Qtard has been doing that here for a long time. Will continue doing it.

  23. Qtard: Because... in need to keep narrative of "we -- Democrats, PROTECTING Ukrainians... while Reps will not be...".

    True narrative.

    Qtard: Same. As you do with protecting bl... ehm, afroamericans?

    Huh? Qtard thinks Biden should be sending weapons to BLM so they can defend themselves?

    Qtard: \\QUOTE from Minus FJ: "why should I give a f*ck about Ukraine". See the second comment in this thread. That is the sentiment of republiturd donald tRump supporters, NOT

    Democrats\\Well. Are he citizen of Ukraine? Or have some personal obligation as a citizen of USA?

    Am *I* a citizen of Ukraine? Do *I* have a personal obligation as a citizen of USA? Qtard thinks I do. Said I have "blood on my hands". Why do I have obligation while Minus FJ does not? Hypocrisy?

    Qtard: So... why *I* -- foreigner from far-far-away, who do not give a shit about USA... should blame him, for anything???

    Why do you blame me?

    Qtard wrote (above) "...a nasty liar you are Derpy. Blood of children of Ukraine is ON SUCH A LIARS!".

    Blood on MY hands but not on Minus FJ's hands? trumpturd who says he doesn't care about Ukraine. Says we should NOT be helping them? While *I* say we should be helping.

    Qtard: Wouldn't it be... hyporitical? idiotical? indecent?

    Yes. ALL of those describe Qtard.

    Qtard: Rethorical questions. Yawn.

    No, not rhetorical question. Hypoctritical question.

    Qtard: \\But Qtard will (NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER) continue to make his shitty claims. "Biden did it!!". "Republicans are HONEST!!". "Biden told Zellinsky to Surrender!!". The rightturd-junky Qtard will continue screeching rightturd lies and blaming Democrats. While also screeching about being a foreigner from "far-far away" who does not "give a damn shit". Despite NOT going away -- PROVING it doesn't give a damn shit. Instead sticking around -- proving it DOES give a damn shit\\ Perfect example of Gibberish NewSpeak of Demns?


  24. \\Qtard: \\Hunter Biden earning money advising Burisma on corporate best practices or receiving any monies from foreigners to invest And that can do just ANY dude from USA?\\His family name plays no role in it? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I said it didn't? Quote?


    What an idiotic hypocrite.

    Now I see that you are True Demn.

    Fer sure. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    Evasive of truth. And apparently lying.

    \\How would I know? If Qtard wants to know, it needs to research the answer itself. If that information is available. IDK.

    You advocating Hunter Biden here. But it seems you know zilch... bout it.

    Well. True Demn.

    \\Qtard: I AM... foreigner. Who don't care about your inner political brawls.

    \\Go away then. Don't discuss things you don't care about.

    Denial of my Freedom of Speach. AGAIN.

    Well. True Demn.

    ALSO. Why you discussing Hunter Biden, if you know zilchj about... it? ;-P Go away! :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\No. Only responding to what you wrote.

    Gaslighting. Like I do not understant WHAT you "responding" to, and how. :-))))))

    \\"You are" is an incomplete sentence. There should be no period between "what a moron" and "you are". Also a lie.

    "Lie" you NOT able (not EVER able?) to demonstrate CORRESPONDING Truth.



    Such a claim -- it's a LIE as it is. And you are idiotic lying hypocrite. Which thinks that writing word "lie" alone mean anything.

    Without demonstration... based on facts and logic, where is that "lie" and why it "lie" at all.


    \\Suggestion that there is no evidence is a LIE. Already told Qtard MANY times what the evidence is.

    I would be idiot myself... if I'd belived to a mere words of such heinously idiotic liar. ;-P

    And to provide FACTS... and chain em with LOGIC...


    Derpy the Idiot, UNABLE to do that. Confirmed MANY-MANY times. Basicly dozen times in each comment here.


  25. \\Said my evidence is "somebody-somebody said something-something". Forgot? Again?


    Because it IS. FACTUALLY. Just a babblings of that "somebody-somebody"'s.

    People tend to lie.

    Especially when they NOT under oath. Or not thoroughly examinated.

    That is boring truth of this mundane world. Known to every smart dude out there.

    Of course, for you, such an idiot, it is "bl_a_ck magic". Isn't it, Derpy?

    \\Facts can be less obvious than the sun coming up in the morning. Less well known.

    It doesn't matter.

    THAT... that we know little, or do not know about... some fact.


    That is what OBJECTIVE REALITY mean -- it EXISTS... and TOTALLY INDEPENDENT of anybody's thought about it.

    That's why it's useless to "believe in".

    \\What Qtard wrote is how an idiot would describe conclusions based on factual evidence.

    Yap... I described how Derpy's mind works. Makes IT "think"... that "believing in facts" it's "conclusions based on factual evidence".

    And vice versa. "Conclusions based on factual evidence" it's "what idiot would think".

    Like using of based on objective scientific facts logic. ;-P

    \\That is the difference. But the idiot is unable to comprehend the difference. If you don't give a shit about what is being discussed here... go away.


    That is *I* who promptly and properly claimed -- that *I* AM foreigner.

    And who then, are that I-D-I-O-T... that trying to interrogate, and to accuse... FOREIGNER, about issues of inner political brawls... in USA???

    You started this talk... foolishly.

    But that is ME who need to go away???

    Why so??? For what f*ng reason???

    That you feel YOURSELF unconfortable???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But you DESERVE IT... being treated as a fool. ;-P

    Because YOU ARE fool.

    Miserly idiot.

    Who keep digging traps... and tarpits... for opponent, but got cought in em, only... itself. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Is Minus FJ protecting them? It's his blog and it is he who chooses the topics.

    And HOW FJ related to it??? While you JUST ABOVE... itself, claimed that "Is it being discussed here? Did Minus FJ raise this as a topic of discussion? Did I respond to this topic (as posted by Minus FJ) and say "I don't give a shit"? No."

    Clearly an I-D-I-O-T... that DO NOT understand that one cannot use such things BOTH ways -- first declaring that something not true, not right to do... then DOING it... itself.

    THAT IS... called self-contradiction. ;-P

    You just ELIMINATED all your reasoning here. You was trying, so laborously, so frantickly... to devise.

    What an idiot! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Because there are. Same as there are Nazis among Americans. There are Nazis in many countries\\Yeah. 6 feet under surface.

    \\Alive. Marching in the streets and serving in the military in the USA. Serving in the Azov Battalion in Ukraine.

    We discussed that point. ALREADY.

    Are they members of NSDAP??? Naaah.

    That means... that they are "cosplayers of Nazis", at best.

    Well... there is people who make uniforms of historical armies... and reencact battles of past...

  26. \\https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Brigade

    Wikipedia -- that is a source of information, that NOBODY are who responsible for information in it.

    And even more then that -- it is (relatively) freely edited. By Russian special agents, who trying to spread false claims about Ukraine. Or some Demns who feed on liliPut's propaganda from Demn... oh, I'm sorry, righturds CNN. ;-P

    That's just FYI. Information known to anyone smart enough. Information you will ignore in a jiffy. Because you are idiot. Who like confirming own biases ONLY. And like to suck liliPut's prpopaganda... dikkk. ;-P

    \\Because all Nazis are White Supremacists but not all White Supremacists are Nazis :(

    Like... Chinese? ;-P

    \\Re: "That's big new for me"... no surprise that Qtard has no idea what it's talking about. Still calls me an idiot.

    Of course.

    Because I know historical fact that NSDAP was destroyed long ago. And I didn't hear about forming any such party since.

    \\I NEVER claimed that. Racism is still VERY much a problem all around the world.

    You SAID it. But not claimed.

    Oh, I get it. I do. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\That way they can continue being racist. No need to do anything about a problem that no longer exists\\Yeah. Like YOU are. When you declare that you DO NOT LIKE to be compared with Chinese.

    \\Lie. Asked Qtard for a quote previously. Qtard gave a quote, but (in the quote) I did NOT say what Qtard claims.


    you didn't claimed that "if we'd be compared... isn't it would be apparent to anyone -- that we are different".

    EXACTLY WHAT racists basing they claims ON.

    On that "apparent" difference. That "how can anybody DENY it????".

    That same FALSE reasoning.

    That merely minor facial, skin tone or other traits... can be SELFEVIDANT base for the difference in treating.

    SAME AS YOU...

    when you DENYED possiblity for Chinese to be White Supremasicts.

    On the purely racistis premice "but they... they ARE Asians". Like subsituting "Yellow skinned inferiors" with "they ARE Asians"... change anything.

    Makes it NOT racial-based slurr???

    Do you know that people DO NOT leave in their ancestors places anymore???

    There is millions of "asians" who live in USA and Europe. And now millions of "caucasians" travel and change citizenship, to live in Asia.

    Doing cross-merriages. Like... that USA soldier, that was cought on North Korea border -- with absolutely blue eyes and facial traits of a British noble... but also naturally brawn skin -- WHO HE IS??? Ah, racist-
    Derpy??? Asian? Afroamerican? Some metis? Or just a human.

    So... what does "being Asian" mean? Today.

    If not resurfacing Racism???

  27. \\Approved. Being delivered. Ukrainian pilots being trained. Already told Qtard ALL of this.


    Being delivered?

    It's like in "I believe in facts... that they approved and delivered"?

    Then... WHY there is news about more and more bombing?

    \\Me? I am personally responsible? Why? How? Nobody in the USA government asked my advice. Sought my council. And what (or "whjat") nasty lies? Pointing to news articles that say F-16s are approved and on the way? HOW is that a nasty lie?

    Same thing.

    One cannot have it BOTH ways -- blame FJ for "not giving a f*k" about Ukraine... and then demonstrating ITSELF.

    Well... if it not a HYPOCRITE.


    That is IN a DEFINITION of being hypocrite -- to pretend that such a reasoning possible, and even good, right thing to do.


    You are idiotic hypocrite.

    That is devised using LOGIC.

    Out of facts of your behavior and facts of PRECISELY CORRECT quotes of your Demn hypocritical words. ;-P

    But... you will ONLY CONTINUE confirming what an idiotic hypocrite you are... with next idiotic back-bites.

    \\ Like miserly 30 Abramses NOT YET DELIVERED... on the SECOND YEAR of war...

    \\"DOD, in close coordination with Ukraine, has made the decision to provide the M1A1 variant of the Abrams tank, which will enable us to significantly expedite delivery timelines, and deliver this important capability to Ukraine by the fall of this year [2023]". link.

    Thank you for CONFIRMING my words.

    \\The same as with that Locke??? Or Jesus... Well, not exactly -- dRump is (still?) alive. And able to decide for itself.

    \\Hmm. Qtard answered its own question. But why did it ask what dead people would do? Who cares? Irrelative.

    Thank you for CONFIRMING my claim. ;-P

    Thjat that "words of Locke"... irrelevant.

    \\Who is this "wisest of wise, who know better"? Me? Thank you for the compliment. But that isn't true.

    Yap. You are idiot. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And proud of it fool. ;-P

    \\How does the "wise" Qtard think tRump would end the war in ONE DAY?

    I'm "dumb" smart dude. Whoi admits Obhective Reality being BIG, and hard for comprehension and prediction of outcomes.

    Therefore, I dunno.

    \\All non-idiots know this is impossible. Yet Qtard thinks tRump could do it? Apparently. The idiot "knows" Bi-den wants Ukraine to lose (because he is actually a puppet of Putin). As opposed to tRump being a puppet of Putin. Because Qtard is a trumpturd-propaganda junky idiot.



  28. \\Qtard: \\This never happened. I stand by ALL my words\\Yeah. Apart from that your words... that is NOT YOUR WORDS (even though it copy-pasted quotes).

    BULLSHIT. Copied and pasted partial quotes. Quote Qtard added to ("em their rights"). CUT OFF what came after "I *DO* deny"...

    NOT "I *DO* deny"...

    "I *DO* deny..." -- shortcutted quote. Which is justified. As I HAVE PROVIDED FULL QUOTE MANY TIMES... and you know to what that "I *DO* deny..." refers too, anyway.

    But... frantickly, and idioticly, tryiung to DENY saying that EXACT words "I *DO* deny". In relation to Natural Rights... of "J6 insurrectionists".

    What a miserly lie, of a miserly idiotic hypocrite and liar Derpy.

    \\Put "em their rights" outside of quotes (it is "what Derpy really mean"). THINKS that means it is presenting accurate quote. Instead of "clever" way to lie about what I wrote.

    So what?

    You lied about FULL quote too. You lying EVEN about your words in a comment just before. You lying EVEN in TWO consequent sentencies.

    No end of lies...

    But *I*... need to give you some slack??? To allow you to lie? To treat your APPARENT lies as not lies? As Truth???

    WTF???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\(it is "what Derpy really mean").


    As ever.

    You are free to DISPROVE it.

    With facts and LOGIC.

    But you can't.

    Cause... you are idiot.

    And don't have brains for anything like that. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\*I* get it. Qtard is a heinous liar. Twists quotes. Fabricates quotes. Denies its own damn words.

    Only one little cavit -- it's YOU are one, who UNABLE to CONFIRM it's lying... with any FACTUAL quotes. ;-P

    Continue-continue... little liar. With miniscule brains. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\"em their rights"? NO. I never said that. I deny NOBODY their rights.

    Only "em having any rights to have rights"? ;-P

    Which is EVEN WORSE (if it even possible).

    \\I have ALWAYS said that the Putin LIE that the Ukraine government needs to be denazified is FALSE. ALWAYS. There is no "just here" where I say otherwise. Don't say that in the words Qtard quotes.

    Means... you support Nazis being in Ukrainian government? ;-P

    \\That isn't Putin's claim. His claim (as I have stated numerous times now) is that Russia needed to invade Ukraine to denazify it. Because the government is filled with Nazis. This is a lie. I do NOT support these lies.


    Today, it is. liliPut's lie.

    But he is not one who first said that lie -- that was USSR under Stalin.

    Among many-many lies it created and perpetrated... after WW2.

    Many of which was supported by USA.

    Like... that that ONLY Nazis was biggest danger to the World, and homicidal scum... not uncle Jo, with which USA was allies.

    Allowed to conceal to the World crimes of Gulag, Golodomor and numerous war crimes...

    Means... that is far-far not for the first time, for Demns of USA to work hand in hand in crating and perpetuating lies...

    Far-far not.

  29. \\I have never screamed about copy-pasted quotes being lies. Or not my words. That is ANOTHER lie. I 100% acknowledge telling the truth about self-identified Nazis in the Azov battalion.


    By some biased CNN reporter, who massaged facts and not provided RAW data to confirm it?

    What if he misunderstood? What if context was wrong? What if that was totally forged story (how we can know that that reporter WAS in Ukraine even)?

    That was, just a "somebody-somebody who said something-something".

    Somebody... I have ABSOLUTELY NO freaking reason to trust...

    \\Qtard: \\Pointing out where blame actually lies... that is not "passing blame". Pointing out where blame actually lies (with republiturds) is not "gibberish"\\And that blame based on FACTS??? Naaaah.


    I'm glad. That you agree with me. That that blame NOT based on facts. ;-P

    \\Never said they are. Can follow them nonetheless.

    Because you believe? Religiously. That you can FOLLOW something that DO NOT exist?

    Like that Religious Nutters who FOLLOW Holy Spirit? ;-)

    \\Qtard: Only idiots could.

    \\Smart people can. Explaining why Qtard cannot.


    Derpy calling idiots "smart people". :-))))))))))))))))))

    Well, naturally.

    What idiot could say. :-)))))))))))))))

    \\I trust Biden. HE is in charge, not me. Not Qtard. Qtard has NO IDEA what discussions took place behind closed doors. What problems needed to be worked out.

    Very easy to rule over such fools... who trust you blindly, and not willing toi double-check.

    And even... claim try to double-check, performed by other, more rational people... "an insurrection".

    Very easy to rule. Very easy to "overthrow democracy".

    Well... no need to "overthrow" anything -- just do whatever you like, under cover of "problems needed to be worked out".

    And feeding stoopid swines with propaganda feces of "somebody-somebody said something-something"...

    Perfectly Totalitarian way of governing, if anybody would ask me. Or Locke. ;-P

    \\No "follower" of Putin. No linking of Putin and Biden. They are on opposing sides, not the same side. Qtard thinks otherwise because it is an idiot.


    \\Helping them defend themselves by sending weapons.

    Are Javelines useful against Hypersonic Missles? Naaah.

    \\In control of one of the houses of Congress. Voicing their disagreement with help for Ukraine. Voting against it.

    And who's saying that? Demn Propaganda?

    \\Qtard: Cause... Ukraine women and children DO DIE. EVERY DAY.

    \\Because of a war started by Vlad Putin.

    Because USA ignored and postponed its duty and pledges of NATO treaty.

    Because 0-bama and Bi-den SHOWED to liliPut... that there'd be NO punishment for his previous CRIMES!!!


    isn't that quite similar to Hitler -- when USA money allowed Nazis to create anew their military might?


  30. \\Allowed by Putin ordering the invasion of Ukraine.


    In year 2014.

    And before that in year 2008. Against Georgia.

    And before that many-many attorcities in Chechnia. And in Kosovo. And all around the World.

    USA allowed it.

    Because it likes to have same free hand with bombing independent nations?

    Like Sytia and Iraq? Like Yugoslavia? Like Afganistan?

    \\Qtard: Means. You trying to project blame on Reps of USA... for something that ALREADY HAPPENS.

    \\Not "project". Hold accountable for what they are trying to do. Which is to STOP helping. Voting against helping.

    I see.

    Too complex thought. For Derpy's miserly brain.


    Democrats of USA "helping"... with people of Ukraine DYING EACH DAY of such help.


    Republicans of USA would "stop" such "helping" -- with WHAT result???

    People of Ukraine STOP dying?

    Then... isn't it DAMN OBVIOUS??? What is BETTER??? Such "helping"? Or such "stopping helping"?

    \\Qtard: But... well... I can understand it -- Demn Propaganda DO NOT say it to you -- about dozens of people dying EACH DAMN DAY.

    \\I can understand where Qtard is coming from. Its desire is to defend tRump and the republiturds OPPOSED to helping Ukraine. By lying about Democrats who are FOR helping. Qtard has been doing that here for a long time. Will continue doing it.

    What amounts of people in Ukraine was dying under ruSSian bomb when dRump was president???

    What amounts die NOW???

    Yeah, yeah... it's all "out of desire to defend dRump".

    And who cares about innocent lifes of women and children of Ukraine. Deffinitely NOT Derpy -- totalitarian and racist. Unhumane scumbag, which do not have compassion, no epmphaty, np concesnes.

    ONly DEMN Propaganda stuffing instead of regular brain tissue.

  31. \\Qtard: Because... in need to keep narrative of "we -- Democrats, PROTECTING Ukrainians... while Reps will not be...".

    \\True narrative.

    ...for a followers of Demn Cult.


    YET ONE confirmation of religious bonkery.

    Crdo ipso absurdum (tm)

    Believe EVEN if it non-sense.

    That is what believers of all times saying.

    Teached by cultists of this or that cult -- because that is a way to make em idiots, to forgot own reason, to postpone own freedom, to be easily controled sheeps... for a wolfs in sheep's cloth.

    \\Huh? Qtard thinks Biden should be sending weapons to BLM so they can defend themselves?

    Against police it weaponised and sent after them too? :-)))))))))))))

    \\Am *I* a citizen of Ukraine? Do *I* have a personal obligation as a citizen of USA? Qtard thinks I do. Said I have "blood on my hands".

    YOU claimed that Demns "protecting Ukrainians".

    And you extorting shit here for ALMOST a YEAR doing virtue signalling that you are follower of Demns...

    Or what???? You already not???

    You saw the light? And ready to throw aside your false alegiancies???

    Naaaaah! Can't be. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\Blood on MY hands but not on Minus FJ's hands? trumpturd who says he doesn't care about Ukraine. Says we should NOT be helping them? While *I* say we should be helping.


    Exactly that moment you said "we should be helping" YOU TOOK that blame on itself. ;-P

    Became responsible.


    It's like when you said to a girl "let's make children" -- you became responsible for a new life concieved...

    EVEN, if later you'd try to "change your mind" and claim that that was "sex without responsibilities". Or say "I dunno whose baby that whore carries".

    True Demn.

    Oblivious to notion of responsibility.

    True Totalitarian... wannabe. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    You are.

    \\Qtard: Wouldn't it be... hyporitical? idiotical? indecent?

    \\Yes. ALL of those describe Qtard.

    Facts? Facts? Facts?

    Quotes? Quotes? Quotes?

    \\No, not rhetorical question. Hypoctritical question.

    And? You ready to give definition?


    Not enough brains. :-))))))))))))

    \\Perfect example of Gibberish NewSpeak of Demns?


    Not... perfect example?

    Means, there is better? And you will show me, further? :-))))))))))))

  32. "Exactly that moment you said "we should be helping" YOU TOOK that blame on itself. Became responsible."




    "It's like when you said to a girl "let's make children" -- you became responsible for a new life concieved..."

    Never said that to a woman. Never said it to a girl either. Because I am not a pedophile. Qtard is?

    "EVEN, if later you'd try to "change your mind" and claim that that was "sex without responsibilities". Or say "I dunno whose baby that whore carries".

    I have never done either. Qtard never heard of condoms? Anyway, the USA never had sex with Ukraine. The USA never asked Ukraine to make a baby.

  33. Derpy the Idiot also are irresponsible schmuk --- Big News... NOT. :-)))))
