Monday, August 28, 2023

Democrats Have Killed Democracy

Ben Weingarten, "If Democrats Criminalize Opposition And Cripple The Court, Democracy Is Dead"
Democrats are seeking to land a one-two punch to cement their control of America today and for generations to come: Criminalize the political opposition and cripple the last authority to which the opposition might appeal in defense of its rights.

This is one way to understand two running lines of attack that may appear independent but are inextricably intertwined.
Criminalizing the Opposition

The first consists of the unprecedented, Soviet show trial-style “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” “cases” conjured up against Donald Trump and two dozen others in his orbit, chiefly including his lawyers. The zealous prosecutors have many motives for torturing laws to hang them around the neck of the former president and GOP front-runner in the middle of a campaign — a frivolous and vengeful prosecutorial effort pursued arguably in violation of laws, norms, and core principles of justice.

While turning the First and Sixth Amendments into dead letters, these cases also effectively criminalize the seeking of office of anyone who might hold unauthorized views, the Republican contesting of elections or questioning of election integrity, and such Republicans’ legal defense.

“You can go to jail if you disagree with us, and particularly if you threaten our power and privilege,” our betters are saying through their chilling lawfare jihad. The point is that if Americans cannot be trusted to choose leaders within a narrow set of regime-approved bounds, the regime will have to force them upon us by hook or by crook. Locking up the opposition has always been a potential endgame for the ruling class in its war on wrongthink.

Jan. 6, 2021, was the beginning of that endgame. It served as a pretext to accelerate the war, as predicted at the time. It was also used to justify treating rioters with the “wrong” views not as everyday Americans-turned-petty criminals in a political protest that got out of hand, but as domestic terrorists

The Justice Department went so far as to attempt to add terrorism enhancements to some Jan. 6 sentences. Myriad Capitol breach defendants were hit with the very Enron-driven “obstruction of an official proceeding” felony charge, never before applied to protesters, with which Special Counsel Jack Smith would ultimately charge Trump. Perhaps in a superseding indictment, Trump too, like other defendants, will be hit with a “seditious conspiracy” charge.

A political memester who had mockingly tweeted that Clinton voters could text their vote to a phone number was slapped with the Ku Klux Klan-driven “conspiracy against rights” charge that Trump would ultimately face too. Now it’s the former president’s turn in the dock. The regime is threatening his most fundamental rights, the most fundamental rights of those in his orbit, and by extension the most fundamental rights of us all.

Crippling the Court

The only thing that may stand in the way of Trump, or any other political dissenters threatened with contrived charges going forward, is the Supreme Court. This brings us to part two of the one-two punch: the Democrats’ sustained attack on the highest court in the land.

Democrats have grown ever more unhinged about the Supreme Court because it represents perhaps the last powerful American institution they do not wholly control. “Borking,” the “high-tech lynching” of Justice Clarence Thomas, and the caper against Justice Brett Kavanaugh normalized vicious political attacks on non-leftist justices aimed at destroying them or, at minimum, cowing them into submission once seated.

By extension, these assaults normalized vicious political attacks on the court itself. For if the justices themselves were deplorable and irredeemable, then so too was the court — a court now to be treated with the same contempt as any other political institution. In reality, what the leftist assailants objected to was that these justices might not rule in accord with the left’s wishes. The court, in short, was illegitimate if it was not leftist.

The assault on the court escalated with the Dobbs leak, which imperiled its ability to function. The intent was not only to exert maximum political pressure on the justices to alter their ruling in accord with pro-abortion activists, but to intimidate them into doing so under threat of bodily harm. The left-wing mob’s threatening conduct was abided by a law enforcement apparatus that refused to arrest those who illegally agitated outside the justices’ homes. Kavanaugh even faced an assassination attempt. The Dobbs leak reflected contempt for the rule of law, for the court as an institution, and for the American people whose rights the court exists to protect.

For months now, the left and its media mouthpieces have been waging another assault on the court, this time by leveling phony and hypocritical charges of ethics violations at the court’s most exceptional jurist, Justice Clarence Thomas, and to a lesser degree his peers. These attacks aim to further delegitimize the court and ramp up calls for members to recuse themselves, resign, or face future impeachment proceedings. They may even perhaps aim to soften the ground for nullification efforts.

Thomas will never waver in the face of the barrage of attacks on him. But what of his potentially more wobbly-kneed colleagues, bearing witness to the ever-growing hysteria over their opinions at times out of step with the ruling class?

Imagine for a moment that one or several cases land at the Supreme Court that could result in criminal convictions for Donald Trump. One would expect pressure on the non-liberal judges to rule against the former president, recuse, or face literally or figuratively deathly consequences — more intense than anything ever seen in our lifetime. The threats to pack the court, abolish it, or otherwise neuter its conservatives will grow exponentially. Surrender to the mob, practically every power center in the land will demand, or else.

Will the justices be “red-pilled” in the face of these efforts — ever more determined to hew to the Constitution in their jurisprudence? Or will they crumble under pressure?

Democrats no doubt see that the court is the last backstop for justice — the last respite for the opposition to protect their rights from leftists aimed at seizing complete control. Hence their withering assault on it.

The one-two punch aims to knock out Trump. But at a deeper level, it is about ensuring de facto one-party rule at the point of a gun. Only if a critical mass of Americans “know what time it is” will there be any hope of combating this onslaught.


  1. Majority of Americans Say Trump Charges Have Merit... Recent polls conducted before the Georgia indictment showed that most believed that the prosecutions of the former president were warranted. [NYT 8/17/2023]

    Clarence Thomas is the most corrupt justice in the Supreme Court's history. The reporters who investigated this story brought the evidence. I haven't even heard that Thomas has disputed anything. Just claimed 100s of thousands in unreported gifts is ok for some reason. I heard Harlan confirm that he gave his "friend" these "gifts".

    Your gaslighting isn't working, Minus. Except on imbeciles like Mystere. Also trump defending idiots like Qtard. It will likely agree with your counter-factual narrative that it's "Demns" who are destroying democracy.

  2. Majority of Americans don't care about persecuting Trump, but they've been brainwashed by the DNS apologist MSM dunces into believing it's okay.

    Clarence Thomas hasn't done anything that 100% of Congress members haven't.

    Imbecility lives in Dervy's mirror.

  3. ...because for every finger you point, you've got three others pointing back at you.

  4. Who cares about people not doing things other people have not done? I was referring to things Clarence Thomas DID. Things that are bigly corrupt. Minus isn't concerned about actual corruption, only alleged/unproven corruption.

  5. ...says the man who ignores the activities of the children of Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Nancy Pelosi.

    I don't suppose you remember the time Nancy Pelosi's mom got charged with collecting her husband's contractor kick-backs?

    The Democratic Party is one kick-back slush fund. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence collect the biggest bribes in the world. We wouldn't be propping up Ukraine today if that weren't the entire truth.

  6. GOP Admins Had 38 Times More Criminal Convictions Than Democrats, 1961-2016. We compared 28 years each of Democratic and Republican administrations, 1961-2016, five Presidents from each party. During that period Republicans scored eighteen times more individuals and entities indicted, thirty-eight times more convictions, and thirty-nine times more individuals who had prison time.

  7. Demn Statistics? ;-P

  8. ""Jake Tapper has the exchange:

    President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

    President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

    President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

    President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."""

    Isn't it FREAKINGLY looks like Collusion Talks???

    Question to Joe -- wWHY YOU Reps not pointed to it, THEN???

  9. And.

    ""“When you have somebody onstage say, ‘I’m going to let Russia have this part of Ukraine, and I’m gonna tell them you can’t do anything with China going forward,’ it’s completely naive,” Haley declared to applause from the audience, per Politico. “And the other thing that bothers me — it is completely narcissistic to think that America doesn’t need friends.”

    “We do need friends. We do need allies,” she added.""

    Guess WHO? ;-)

  10. Qtard: Demn Statistics?

    Point to reality facts. Which we all know Qtard hates. Can't freaking stand. Admitted that it lives in an alternate reality of its own delusions.

    Quote: "And what makes liar to laugh so much? People's ability discern Reality for themself?"

    By "discern" Qtard obviously means "make up".

    Qtard: Isn't it FREAKINGLY looks like Collusion Talks???

    No. President Obama asked for help in his last election? Asked for dirt on his opponent? He didn't do either, dipshit. Barack Obama's comments concerned relations between the two countries. Something he could talk about due to the fact that he was the sitting president.

    donald tRump (who was not president at the time) did both, which freakingly was collusion.

    Qtard has a very low bar for what constitutes collusion when it comes to Democrats. When it comes to republicans the bar disappears. ANY republican collusion the idiot calls "diplomacy".

    Qtard: Guess WHO?

    Guess? Why would I guess? How could I guess? What you copied and pasted says "[Nikki] Haley declared to applause from the audience".

    Why did you post this? You think it supports your narrative that its republicans who support Ukraine and Democrats who are on Putin's side? Haley said that to Vivek Ramaswamy. Two republiturds debating each other. Ramaswamy is running for president as a very pro-tRump republiturd.

    FYI, Ramaswamy is doing much better in the polls than Haley. Reason? Well, she is a "girl" (what the misogynist Qtard calls adult women). Haley says supporting Ukraine is in the US national interest. But the republiturd base strongly disagrees. If a republiturd is elected president in 2024 (1) dotard donald will be pardoned. Or, if the next president is dotard donald, he will order the Justice Department to abandon all its cases against him. And (2) Aid to Ukraine will end and the US will offer to negotiate a "peace" in which Ukraine gives up much territory.

    Yet, even if this happens, Qtard will blame Democrats. Maybe say Ukraine could have won already if only Joe Biden hadn't (on purpose) slowed down delivery of tanks and F-16s.

  11. We DID point it out when it happened.

    The point is though, none of the things we point out ever make it onto the 6 o'clock MSM news. So if a tree falls in the forest...

    The cloak of Gyges. Plato, "Republic"

    Now that those who practise justice do so involuntarily and because they have not the power to be unjust will best appear if we imagine something of this kind: having given both to the just and the unjust power to do what they will, let us watch and see whither desire will lead them; then we shall discover in the very act the just and unjust man to be proceeding along the same road, following their interest, which all natures deem to be their good, and are only diverted into the path of justice by the force of law. The liberty which we are supposing may be most completely given to them in the form of such a power as is said to have been possessed by Gyges, the ancestor of Croesus the Lydian. According to the tradition, Gyges was a shepherd in the service of the king of Lydia; there was a great storm, and an earthquake made an opening in the earth at the place where he was feeding his flock. Amazed at the sight, he descended into the opening, where, among other marvels, he beheld a hollow brazen horse, having doors, at which he stooping and looking in saw a dead body of stature, as appeared to him, more than human, and having nothing on but a gold ring; this he took from the finger of the dead and reascended. Now the shepherds met together, according to custom, that they might send their monthly report about the flocks to the king; into their assembly he came having the ring on his finger, and as he was sitting among them he chanced to turn the collet of the ring inside his hand, when instantly he became invisible to the rest of the company and they began to speak of him as if he were no longer present. He was astonished at this, and again touching the ring he turned the collet outwards and reappeared; he made several trials of the ring, and always with the same result—when he turned the collet inwards he became invisible, when outwards he reappeared. Whereupon he contrived to be chosen one of the messengers who were sent to the court; whereas soon as he arrived he seduced the queen, and with her help conspired against the king and slew him, and took the kingdom. Suppose now that there were two such magic rings, and the just put on one of them and the unjust the other; no man can be imagined to be of such an iron nature that he would stand fast in justice. No man would keep his hands off what was not his own when he could safely take what he liked out of the market, or go into houses and lie with any one at his pleasure, or kill or release from prison whom he would, and in all respects be like a God among men. Then the actions of the just would be as the actions of the unjust; they would both come at last to the same point. And this we may truly affirm to be a great proof that a man is just, not willingly or because he thinks that justice is any good to him individually, but of necessity, for wherever any one thinks that he can safely be unjust, there he is unjust. For all men believe in their hearts that injustice is far more profitable to the individual than justice, and he who argues as I have been supposing, will say that they are right. If you could imagine any one obtaining this power of becoming invisible, and never doing any wrong or touching what was another’s, he would be thought by the lookers-on to be a most wretched idiot, although they would praise him to one another’s faces, and keep up appearances with one another from a fear that they too might suffer injustice. Enough of this.

  12. Was Plato the very first tRumper?

  13. \\Qtard: Demn Statistics?

    \\Point to reality facts. Which we all know Qtard hates. Can't freaking stand. Admitted that it lives in an alternate reality of its own delusions.



    That is same type MANIPUILATION racists using against "people of color".

    When they saying that % of criminal actions is bigger... in gettos.

    So... nothing surprising that hiden rcists use THE SAME "statistics" manipulstions as open ones. ;-P

    \\Quote: "And what makes liar to laugh so much? People's ability discern Reality for themself?"

    \\By "discern" Qtard obviously means "make up".

    DISCERN | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › discern
    to be able to see, recognize, understand, or decide something: He could discern the note of urgency in their voices. The exhibit is arranged in ...

    \\Qtard: Isn't it FREAKINGLY looks like Collusion Talks???

    \\No. President Obama asked for help in his last election? Asked for dirt on his opponent? He didn't do either, dipshit.

    And HOW could we know, dipshit??? ;-P

    This excerpt I gave -- was ACCIDENTAL revelation.

    WHO KNOWS about WHAT MORE heinous thing they was discussing in much more PROTECTED from being miked areas?????

    Isn't that what COLLUDING mean -- to make deals in secrecy, in some hiden places, to conceal heinous motives???

    BUT YOU... trying to PLACATE it... in case of 0-bama. ;-P

    And call it "definite fact"... in case of dRump.

    YET ONE time when your confirmation bias is revealed... and astoundingly confirmed. Deep-Shit Derpy. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Barack Obama's comments concerned relations between the two countries. Something he could talk about due to the fact that he was the sitting president.


    President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

    And IT... DO NOT look like a subordinate, asking other subordinate... to help him to look better before Master???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\donald tRump (who was not president at the time) did both, which freakingly was collusion.

    Means??? Sitting presidents can "collude" to their heart content? ;-P

    \\Qtard has a very low bar for what constitutes collusion when it comes to Democrats. When it comes to republicans the bar disappears. ANY republican collusion the idiot calls "diplomacy".

    Thank you for explaining yourself. ;-P

    Barack Obama's comments concerned relations between the two countries. Something he could talk about due to the fact that he was the sitting president.

  14. \\Two republiturds debating each other.


    As it should be -- politicians proposing their policies, for voters to choose and vote accordingly.

    But that... not democratic, to Derpy's liking? Because that is not Demn politicaisn? Or because Derpy friggingly dislike dabates????

    Dislike facts? Because... do not believe in em? ;-P

    \\ (2) Aid to Ukraine will end and the US will offer to negotiate a "peace" in which Ukraine gives up much territory.

    For now... we have 0-bama which pardoned liliPut (for his wars started in Georgia, Ukraine and Syria)

    And Bi-den... which said "Ukrainians do NOt NEED planes"...

    \\Maybe say Ukraine could have won already if only Joe Biden hadn't (on purpose) slowed down delivery of tanks and F-16s.

    Not YET delivered.

    Or what... maybe Bi-den thinking that tanks and planes needed for Victory parade ONLY???

    \\The point is though, none of the things we point out ever make it onto the 6 o'clock MSM news. So if a tree falls in the forest...

    Go learn from Dems... how to spin such news. ;-P

    \\For all men believe in their hearts that injustice is far more profitable to the individual than justice, and he who argues as I have been supposing, will say that they are right.

    Well... we are going among easy huntable fresh meat...

    but, somehow, we grown to dislike cannibalism.

    Means, it's easy to imagine (in sci-fi-verse) how we could achive(or nurture) strong personal property instinct...

    Well, we already have very much of it -- given with how we bury our dead -- with their belongings... foe several thousand years.

  15. Qtard: Demn Statistics?\\Point to reality facts\\Because. That is same type MANIPUILATION racists using against "people of color". Then they saying that % of criminal actions is bigger... in gettos.

    "Law and order" republicans are using these false statistics. Thank you, Qtard, for confirming that the "same type MANIPUILATION racists" are republicans.

    "If Blue State murder rates were as high as Red State murder rates, Biden-voting states would have suffered over 45k more murders between 2000 and 2020. Even when murders in the largest cities in red states are removed, overall murder rates in Trump-voting states were 12% higher than Biden-voting states across this 21-year period...". link

    Qtard: So... nothing surprising that hiden rcists use THE SAME "statistics" manipulstions as open ones.

    So this explains why Racist Qtard was so eager to believe Minus FJ's claim that Black men are bad fathers? Why it asked if their good fathering was confirmed by cameras in their homes? Evidence and facts mean absolutely NOTHING to Qtard. Qtard believes what it wants. Disbelieves facts it doesn't like. Calls these facts "Demn propaganda".

    Even when its republiturd propaganda. The idiot blames Democrats for it. Calls Democrats racist. When most African Americans are Democrats. Due to "learned helplessness" Racist Qtard claims (slandering them for voting in their own interests).

    Regarding these "hiden rcists" -- I call bullshit. If Minus linked to an article that said Democratic lawmakers are more corrupt -- no doubt Qtard would be agreeing. Not spouting absurdities about the stats being compiled by "hiden rcists". Racist how? Pointing to crimes committed by (mostly/all) White republicans is "racist"? Is it "reverse racism"?

    Qtard: \\[Qtard said] "And what makes liar to laugh so much? People's ability discern Reality for themself?" ... By "discern" Qtard obviously means "make up"\\**Qtard posts dictionary definition of "discern"**

    Posting a dictionary definition isn't proof Qtard can "discern". All the evidence I've seen shows that Qtard has no freaking idea how to "discern". Qtard is completely unable to "to see, recognize, understand, or decide something". Well, it decides, but based on what it wants to believe, not based on any understanding. Often Qtard's discerning is based on misunderstanding.

    Qtard: Isn't it FREAKINGLY looks like Collusion Talks???\\No. President Obama asked for help in his last election? Asked for dirt on his opponent? He didn't do either, dipshit.\\And HOW could we know, dipshit??? This excerpt I gave -- was ACCIDENTAL revelation.

    donald tRump accidentally admitted that Putin helped get him elected when he tweeted, "I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected". Russia helped get him elected. He confirmed it. Well, we already knew that. Still he lies about not having anything to do with it. Because asking for help is definitely "to do with".

    "Russia, if you're listening".

    Qtard: WHO KNOWS about WHAT MORE heinous thing they was discussing in much more PROTECTED from being miked areas?????

    I concur! Remember that Obama met with Putin in Germany, then took his interpreter's notes and told him not to discuss the meeting with anyone. Why? I'm sure Qtard will agree that the reason is -- there was definitely colluding going on.

    Oh, no... wait... that was tRump that did that. (see next comment)

  16. USA Today: President Donald Trump went to "extraordinary lengths" to keep details from his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin secret – even from officials within his own administration ... After meeting with Putin at the 2017 Group of 20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, Trump took his interpreter's notes and told him not to discuss the meeting with anyone, including other US officials ... Trump's handling of the Hamburg meeting was "part of a broader pattern by the president of shielding his communications with Putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high-ranking officials in his own administration from fully knowing what he has told one of the United States' main adversaries. [USA Today 1/13/2019]

    Qtard: Isn't that what COLLUDING mean -- to make deals in secrecy, in some hiden places, to conceal heinous motives???

    Yes. And that's exactly what donald tRump did. Yet Qtard will deny it. Say the "biased" reporter lied. Yet Qtard knows Obama is guilty. Because of its guesses of what could have happened. Demands a court trial for donald tRump while concluding Obama is guilty with no proof at all but it being convinced that Barack Obama had "heinous motives". Like...???

    Qtard: BUT YOU... trying to PLACATE it... in case of 0-bama.

    That is what Qtard is absurdly attempting... in the case of dotard donald.

    Qtard: And call it "definite fact"... in case of dRump.

    Because that is the conclusion the facts support... in the case of tRump. While Qtard's guesses and delusions aren't facts at all.

    Qtard: YET ONE time when your confirmation bias is revealed... and astoundingly confirmed. Deep-Shit Derpy **moronic laughter**

    Qtard is talking about itself YET AGAIN!

    Qtard: President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space." And IT... DO NOT look like a subordinate, asking other subordinate... to help him to look better before Master???? **moronic laughter**

    No. Sounds to me like a president working on behalf of the American people to solve problems. This it what it sounds like when a subordinate sucks up to his Master.

    Qtard: \\donald tRump (who was not president at the time) did both, which freakingly was collusion\\Means??? Sitting presidents can "collude" to their heart content?

    Diplomacy on behalf of the American people isn't "collusion". tRump's "diplomacy" involved he and Putin colluding to benefit Putin and tRump. With no benefit (detriment, actually) to the American people.

    Qtard: \\Qtard has a very low bar for what constitutes collusion when it comes to Democrats. When it comes to republicans the bar disappears. ANY republican collusion the idiot calls "diplomacy"\\Thank you for explaining yourself.

    I explained what Qtard does when defending donald tRump.

    Qtard: \\Two republiturds debating each other\\Yap. As it should be -- politicians proposing their policies, for voters to choose and vote accordingly.

    republiturd voters are choosing the republiturd candidate who wants to do Putin's bidding. Haley won't win. For that reason and also because she is a "girl" (because rightturds are misogynists).

    Qtard: But that... not democratic, to Derpy's liking?

    No, it isn't to my liking. That the majority of the republiturd candidates are Putin puppets... that is to Qtard's liking, yes?

  17. Qtard: Because that is not Demn politicaisn? Or because Derpy friggingly dislike dabates???

    My point was that Haley is in the minority. Why would I dislike debates? tRump must not like debates, given that he didn't show up. And republiturd voters must not like debates, given that most republican voters still support tRump and don't care that he didn't show up to the debate.

    Qtard: Dislike facts? Because... do not believe in em?

    Qtard's admission? It can't be talking about me, because I've never said I don't believe in facts (said the opposite). But Qtard has written about not believing in facts MANY times.

    Qtard: \\Aid to Ukraine will end and the US will offer to negotiate a "peace" in which Ukraine gives up much territory\\For now... we have 0-bama which pardoned liliPut (for his wars started in Georgia, Ukraine and Syria).

    Didn't. WILL happen though if dotard donald becomes president again. According to donald, Ukraine will surrender in 24 hours. What Qtard wants?

    Qtard: And Bi-den... which said "Ukrainians do NOt NEED planes"...

    False. Joe Biden never said Ukraine should get rid of the planes they already have. Or dismantle their air force. Joe Biden approved sending F-16s to supplement Ukraine's air force.

    Qtard: \\Maybe say Ukraine could have won already if only Joe Biden hadn't (on purpose) slowed down delivery of tanks and F-16s\\Not YET delivered.

    The Netherlands and Denmark are sending the F16s. Or delaying sending them. If you buy into paranoid qtarded conspiracy theories.

    Google: Denmark will deliver 19 jets in total with the initial six due around the end of the year, followed by eight in 2024 and five in 2025, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said on 8/20/2023. The Netherlands has 42 F-16s available but has yet to decide whether all of them will be donated.

    Qtard: Or what... maybe Bi-den thinking that tanks and planes needed for Victory parade ONLY???

    No. Biden is thinking they're needed for defense. Who does Qtard think is going to be having a victory parade? Russia? Is that what Qtard is rooting for?

    Qtard quoting then responding to a Minus FJ comment: \\The point is though, none of the things we point out ever make it onto the 6 o'clock MSM news...\\Go learn from Dems... how to spin such news.

    Matthew Sheffield, founder of NewsBusters and a former conservative blogger who now works at "If you go to and look at the history of conservative media enterprises that are large scale and exist presently, every single one of them was created to propagate and propagandize for a particular political viewpoint, literally without exception ... And that is not the case for just so many mainstream outlets". link

    Meaning... Minus FJ's whines "media is biased against conservatives" is BS. The MSM reports the news in a non-biased manner. Conservatives perceive this as "anti-conservative". They think reporting of facts means the reporting is biased. Biased against them :P

  18. \\"Law and order" republicans are using these false statistics. Thank you, Qtard, for confirming that the "same type MANIPUILATION racists" are republicans.


    It's YOUR inner problem.

    That TWO types of racists florishing on your turf. ;-P

    \\"If Blue State murder rates were as high as Red State murder rates, Biden-voting states would have suffered over 45k more murders between 2000 and 2020. Even when murders in the largest cities in red states are removed, overall murder rates in Trump-voting states were 12% higher than Biden-voting states across this 21-year period...". link


    Thank you for giving YET ONE example of manipulation with statistics.


    \\Posting a dictionary definition isn't proof Qtard can "discern". All the evidence I've seen shows that Qtard has no freaking idea how to "discern". Qtard is completely unable to "to see, recognize, understand, or decide something". Well, it decides, but based on what it wants to believe, not based on any understanding. Often Qtard's discerning is based on misunderstanding.


    And Wisest of the Wise Derpy can SHOW... how it can UNDERSTAND...

    which mean, it can EXPLAIN.

    Naaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    It can't.

    It can produce wishi-washi wishful verbal feces.

    That little pig. Porky of lying. :-))))))))))))))))

    \\"Russia, if you're listening".


    In compare with... Please, tell the Waster... "to give me space."


    \\I concur! Remember that Obama met with Putin in Germany, then took his interpreter's notes and told him not to discuss the meeting with anyone. Why? I'm sure Qtard will agree that the reason is -- there was definitely colluding going on.


    Because WE KNOW... from open records... about what "space" 0-bama was talking.

    \\USA Today: President Donald Trump went to "extraordinary lengths" to keep


    Because liliPut revealed 0-bama being its puppet.

    And dRump decided that such info if revealed would be TOO devastating to USA.

    \\Yes. And that's exactly what donald tRump did.

    Derpy know about its SECRET meetings?

    Are you super-spy in disguise of an idiot??? :-)))))))))))

    \\Qtard knows Obama is guilty.


    That is OPEN, OBVIOUS, SELF-EVIDANT to anybody info -- liliPut STARTED wars -- 0-bama PLACATED that wars.

    \\Because of its guesses of what could have happened.

    What guesses???


    liliPut started a war -- then, DOES 0-bama condemned it??? Called "murderer"??? Proposed to send it to Gaaga???


    It pushed Reboot Button, with it.



    That is YET ONE excerpt from Derpy the Hypocrite NewSpeak dictionary???

    That "open and obvious for everyone facts -- that's just guessess". And "guesses... that is TRUE facts".

    Looks like it.

  19. \\Because that is the conclusion the facts support... in the case of tRump. While Qtard's guesses and delusions aren't facts at all.


    I see.

    NewSpeak definition of what is fact used.

    Now, I get it.

    \\Qtard is talking about itself YET AGAIN!

    And *I*... should believe that because???

    Because there is factual quotes of my words I HAVE SAID... but do not remember, or just do not like to admit saying, like Derpy doing? ;-P

    Or... maybe I have some cognitive disorder, with gives me propensity to lie and blame my own lies on others, like Derpy have?

    Or... maybe I drown on heinous delusions about what facts is and why it's so important to believe(or disbelieve) in em... :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

    \\No. Sounds to me like a president working on behalf of the American people to solve problem



    \\Diplomacy on behalf of the American people isn't "collusion". tRump's "diplomacy" involved he and Putin colluding to benefit Putin and tRump. With no benefit (detriment, actually) to the American people.

    Are you "American people"?

    ALL of them?

    Or maybe you just a deluded follower of just ONE of political forces?

    \\Qtard: But that... not democratic, to Derpy's liking?

    \\No, it isn't to my liking.

    Derpy AGAIN admitted how it do despise Democracy.

    Just to start crying "I NEVER said it", am I right? ;-P

    \\tRump must not like debates, given that he didn't show up.

    And what debates Bi-den gonna take part in? ;-P

    \\And republiturd voters must not like debates, given that most republican voters still support tRump and don't care that he didn't show up to the de

    And that is NOT that problem, that his opponent trying to put him in jail?

    That's quite hard, to take part in debates... while being in jail.


  20. \\Qtard's admission? It can't be talking about me, because I've never said I don't believe in facts (said the opposite).

    That's the same.

    If you claim "I believe in facts"... it surely means that you CAN to not-believe... this or that fact you don't like.

    It's like "I believe in God"... simultaneously assumes that that one DO NOT believe in Allah, or Chrishna.
    NOT that it "believe in" ALL and ANY gawds possible. ;-P


    Otherwise. Like "I believe in ALL facts"... it would be meaningless.

    As... and WHAT the difference??? Of SUCH "believe" from "not believe"???

    There is NONE. Therefore "I believe in facts" -- it's logical nonsense. ;-P

    \\ But Qtard has written about not believing in facts MANY times.


    You gotcha.

    Because... there is NO need. Impossible. Logically non-sensical.

    Such "believing". ;-P

    As I EXPLAINED above.

    \\Qtard: \\Aid to Ukraine will end and the US will offer to negotiate a "peace" in which Ukraine gives up much territory\\For now... we have 0-bama which pardoned liliPut (for his wars started in Georgia, Ukraine and Syria).



    Georgia's people killed and territory occupied.

    Ukraine's people killed and territory occupied.

    Syria's people genocided and banished and territory obliterated.

    AND ALL THAT WHILE 0-bama was saying "say to your(our?) Master... that I need some more time, some more 'space'... to help him".


    If you want to oppose to this claim. In a correct and logical way -- you just need to POINT TO THE FACT -- when and where, 0-bama even PROPOSED to punish liliPut???

    But there is NO such fact. ;-P

    \\WILL happen though if dotard donald becomes president again. According to donald, Ukraine will surrender in 24 hours. What Qtard wants?

    Isn't THIS EXCERPT... it's an example of what people call -- A GUESS??? ;-)

    \\Qtard: And Bi-den... which said "Ukrainians do NOt NEED planes"...

    \\False. Joe Biden never said Ukraine should get rid of the planes they already have. Or dismantle their air force. Joe Biden approved sending F-16s to supplement Ukraine's air force.

    Air Force THAT INCOMPARABLE in might with Russian. And which CANNOT protect Ukraine's cities from bonmbing amd missles barrages.

    ONLY NATO and USA planes CAN.

    But... they STILL *NOT* *YET* delivered.

    And Bi-den have said: "Ukraine do not need (our) planes" -- which is DIRECT and HEINOUS ***LIE*** -- as Ukraine CRYED from very beginning of this war, for air protection from NATO and USA.

    \\The Netherlands and Denmark are sending the F16s. Or delaying sending them. If you buy into paranoid qtarded conspiracy theories.

    Netherlands and Denmark have said that they are ready...

    that is USA NOT APPROVED it. As producer of that F-16s.

    YET ONE DIRECT HEINOUS ***LIE*** -- trying to blame others for what USA... and actual POTUS (not) do.

    \\Qtard: Or what... maybe Bi-den thinking that tanks and planes needed for Victory parade ONLY???

    \\No. Biden is thinking they're needed for defense.


    But NOT TODAY... when Ukraine's cities shrugging in fear from missile allarms.

    But some OTHER day... like, NEXT year.

    After some more dozens, hundreds, thousands??? of older, women, children WILL DIE?????

    Because that dozens, humdreds, thousands... "do not need planes", as Bi-den have said.

    \\Who does Qtard think is going to be having a victory parade? Russia? Is that what Qtard is rooting for?

    YET ONE guess???


    It might be that "fact"... in a Derpy's NewSpeak? :-)))))))))))))))

  21. EVEN GOOGLE, knows it all about F-16s!!!

    biden said Ukraine do not need planes

    Ukraine 'Doesn't Need' F-16s, Biden Says, But Others Say 'It's Not Off the Table' President Joe Biden's position has been clear all along: Ukraine will not get multi-role fighter jets from the U.S. any time soon. “He doesn't need F-16s now,” Biden told ABC News in an interview broadcast Feb.

    Ukraine 'Doesn't Need' F-16s, Biden Says, But Others Say 'It's Not ... › ukraine-doesnt-need-f-16s-biden-says-but-o...

    Why is the US not giving fighter jets to Ukraine?

    Western allies were initially reluctant to provide Kyiv with advanced warplanes, fearing the provision of new fighter jets might trigger a direct confrontation between the US-backed NATO military alliance and Moscow.
    Ukraine air force says no use of US-built F-16 fighter jets this year › news › ukraine-air-force-says-no-use-of-us-built-f-16...

    Why isn t Biden sending jets to Ukraine?

    Biden's first reason for not sending them is that the Ukrainians aren't ready for them. As even Ukrainians admit, their pilots would take at least six months to learn how to fly and fight with the plane.
    Ukraine F-16s: Why Biden doesn't want to give Zelensky the fighter ... › news-and-politics › 2023/02 › biden-ukraine-f16-fighter-planes

    Does Ukraine need jets?

    Why does Ukraine want the jets? Ukraine has Soviet-era MIG and Sukhoi fighter jets, but has argued that F-16s could enable it to achieve air superiority, something neither side has decisively attained since Russia launched its full-scale invasion in February 2022.
    Ukraine Says Kyiv Won't Receive F-16 Fighter Jets This Year › 2023/08/17 › world › europe › ukraine-f16-jets-nato

    Did Biden send planes to Ukraine?

    Yet in public, the president himself rejected the prospect of Ukraine getting American F-16s in the near term, saying in February that he'd ruled out sending the jets “for now.”


  22. How Biden got to yes on F-16s and Ukraine - POLITICO › news › 2023/05/22 › biden-f-16s-ukraine-g7-00098243

    Biden: Zelenskiy promised Ukraine won't use F-16's in Russia › world › biden-zelenskiy-ha...
    He said it was "highly unlikely" the planes would be used in any Ukrainian offensive in the coming weeks, but that Ukrainian troops could need ...

    Biden Says U.S. Will Not Send Fighter Jets To Ukraine › ukraine-france-fighter-jets-not-...
    U.S. President Joe Biden on January 30 said the United States will not send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, even as French President Emmanuel Macron said ...

    Biden Says No to F-16 Fighter Jets for Ukraine - VOA News › ukrainian-president-we-h...
    U.S. President Joe Biden said the United States would not provide F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, as Kyiv seeks more sophisticated weapons to ...

    Bowing to pressure, Biden relents on F-16s to Ukraine › 2023/05/19 › ukra...
    The United States retains the right to veto other nations transferring the planes to third countries. Suddenly, President Biden has said yes.

    Biden's shift on F-16s for Ukraine came after months of internal debate › article › biden-ukraine-f16-decis...
    In February, Biden was insistent in an interview with ABC's David Muir that Ukraine “doesn't need F-16s now” and that “I am ruling it out for ...

    How Biden got to yes on F-16s and Ukraine - POLITICO › news › 2023/05/22 › bide...
    For more than a year, Kyiv has asked for modern fighter jets, and the Biden administration's answer has either been “no,” or “not right now.

    U.S. and its allies plan to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets ... › politics › white-house › us-allies-plan-provide-ukrain...
    In February, Biden said in an interview with ABC News that U.S. military advice showed that Ukraine did not need F-16s at the time.

    Biden: U.S. will not send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine - YouTube › watch
    President Joe Biden told reporters Monday afternoon that the U.S. would not send F-16 fighter ...

    Biden: Zelenskyy promised Ukraine won't use F-16's in Russia › global-europe › news › bi...
    He said it was “highly unlikely” the planes would be used in any Ukrainian offensive in the coming weeks, but that Ukrainian troops could need ...

  23. Minus does his best to conform to the stereotype of Trump's white nationalist, true believer, WASPy cult.

    One might say, "Mighty white of him".

  24. Qtard: And Wisest of the Wise Derpy can SHOW... how it can UNDERSTAND...

    By using my smart brain.

    Qtard: which mean, it can EXPLAIN. Naaaah. **moronic laughter** It can't.

    Can. Just did.

    Qtard: It can produce wishi-washi wishful verbal feces.

    No. I don't want to copy Qtard.

    Qtard: That little pig. Porky of lying. **moronic laughter**

    Cite an alleged lie.

    Qtard: \\"Russia, if you're listening". Yep. In compare with... Please, tell the Waster... "to give me space." **moronic laughter**

    Does not compare. tRump was asking russia to hack Hillary Clinton's data which is illegal. Barack Obama was saying when he could negotiate without having to worry about some voters getting angry after the next election. NOT illegal, just the way politics works.

    Qtard: Yeah. Because WE KNOW... from open records... about what "space" 0-bama was talking.

    Yeah, but this is another instance of Qtard telling what someone "really mean"... and being wrong. Or lying.

    Qtard: \\USA Today: President Donald Trump went to "extraordinary lengths" to keep...\\Yap. Because liliPut revealed 0-bama being its puppet.

    Never happened.

    Qtard: And dRump decided that such info if revealed would be TOO devastating to USA.

    WAAAATTT??? donald tRump covered up what donald and Putin said. They didn't talk about past conversations between Obama and Putin. More Qtard delusions.

    Qtard: \\Yes. And that's exactly what donald tRump did.\\Derpy know about its SECRET meetings?

    I know he covered up discussions. Qtard ITSELF suspected (though without evidence) colluding was taking place when discussions were not miked -- between Obama and Putin. Yet, says I am a "super-spy in disguise" when I hypothesize the same about Putin/tRump discussions (due to tRump's efforts to conceal the contents of these discussions).

    Qtard: Are you super-spy in disguise of an idiot??? **moronic laughter**

    No. Maybe Qtard's disguise?

    Qtard: \\Qtard knows Obama is guilty\\Becasuse.That is OPEN, OBVIOUS, SELF-EVIDANT to anybody info -- liliPut STARTED wars -- 0-bama PLACATED that wars.

    I was referring to the colluding Qtard suspected Obama and Putin were engaging in when their conversations weren't miked.

    Qtard: \\Because of its guesses of what could have happened.\\What guesses???

    QUOTE: "WHO KNOWS about WHAT MORE heinous thing they was discussing in much more PROTECTED from being miked areas".

    That guessing. Is Qtard going to deny its own words?



    Qtard: liliPut started a war -- then, DOES 0-bama condemned it??? Called "murderer"???

    Said it was an illegal annexation. So, yes, condemned.

    Qtard: Proposed to send it to Gaaga???

    Donald Trump: In September 2018, President Donald Trump criticized the Court before the United Nations. In his speech condemning globalism and the overreach of international agencies, he drew parallels between the court and the United Nations Human Rights Council.

    "So the United States took the only responsible course: We withdrew from the Human Rights Council, and we will not return until real reform is enacted. For similar reasons, the United States will provide no support in recognition to the International Criminal Court. As far as America is concerned, the ICC has no jurisdiction, no legitimacy, and no authority. The ICC claims near-universal jurisdiction over the citizens of every country, violating all principles of justice, fairness, and due process. We will never surrender America's sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy".

  25. Why would Barack Obama (as president of the United States) suggest Putin be sent to the Hague when "The United States is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute), which founded the International Criminal Court".

    Qtard: Naaah.

    Well, wouldn't it be hypocritical to suggest this when the US is not a member? Though "The Obama administration subsequently re-established a working relationship with the Court as an observer". But if the US were to join Senate ratification would be necessary. repubilturds would say NO.

    Qtard: It pushed Reboot Button, with it. And that is OPEN, OBVIOUS, SELF-EVIDANT FACTS.

    Didn't. Reset (not "reboot") under presidency of Medvedev was an effort to try to improve relations. That is diplomacy. The Obama administration should have demanded Russia give back Crimea? Maybe Medvedev would have said, "yes, Russia is very sorry. We will give it back immediately"?

    Qtard: Or... That is YET ONE excerpt from Derpy the Hypocrite NewSpeak dictionary???

    What is this "excerpt"? I ask Qtard to open its copy of the NewSpeak dictionary and tell me what word it is talking about.

    Qtard: That "open and obvious for everyone facts -- that's just guessess". And "guesses... that is TRUE facts".

    No. Well, not according to me. According to Qtard? Looks like it.

    Qtard: \\Because that is the conclusion the facts support... in the case of tRump. While Qtard's guesses and delusions aren't facts at all\\Oh. I see. NewSpeak definition of what is fact used.

    No. I don't use any NewSpeak dictionary. I refer to the actual definition of a fact. In this case, the fact that dotard donald asked Russia for help. And kept discussions with his master secret.

    Qtard: \\Qtard is talking about itself YET AGAIN!\\And *I*... should believe that because???

    I said Qtard would believe? Qtard disbelieves. Because that is what Qtard does in regards to facts it does not like. And responded with bullplop about donald tRump keeping discussions with his master secret because he was covering for Barack Obama's collusion.

    Qtard: Because there is factual quotes of my words I HAVE SAID... but do not remember, or just do not like to admit saying...

    I guess. Looks like Qtard doesn't remember accusing Obama of colluding with Obama when not miked.

    Qtard: Derpy doing?

    "Derpy" not doing. Like Qtard doing.

    Qtard: Or... maybe I have some cognitive disorder, with gives me propensity to lie and blame my own lies on others, like Derpy have?

    Not like me, but yes. Qtard might have such a cognitive disorder.

    Qtard: Or... maybe I drown on heinous delusions about what facts is and why it's so important to believe(or disbelieve) in em... **sustained moronic laughter**

    If a fact is evidence-supported it should be believed. But Qtard doesn't care. Disbelieves facts even when the evidence supports them.

    Qtard: \\Qtard: President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."\\No. Sounds to me like a president working on behalf of the American people to solve problem\\Yap. NewSpeak.

    What? Where? Qtard's NewSpeak of "Diplomacy"? Using it when talking about donald tRump's collusion? But calling President Obama engaging in diplomacy "collusion"? That NewSpeak is Qtard's NewSpeak, not mine.

    Qtard: \\Diplomacy on behalf of the American people isn't "collusion". tRump's "diplomacy" involved he and Putin colluding to benefit Putin and tRump. With no benefit (detriment, actually) to the American people.\\Are you "American people"? ALL of them?

    Part of a large group of them that elected Barack Obama -- twice.

  26. Qtard: Or maybe you just a deluded follower of just ONE of political forces?

    Follower, but not deluded. Followers of donald tRump are deluded. Like Qtard. That follower is super deluded.

    Qtard: But that... not democratic, to Derpy's liking?\\No, it isn't to my liking\\Derpy AGAIN admitted how it do despise Democracy.

    No. Admitted that I don't like that candidates running to be the republiturd potus candidate are Putin puppets. US president shouldn't be a puppet for a foreign totalitarian. Qtard thinks the US president should be? Wants this very much? Rhetorical question. Of course Qtard does. Has admitted it many times.

    Qtard: Just to start crying "I NEVER said it", am I right?

    That I despise Democracy? No, I never said that. Said I love it. Qtard said he despises it. Wants it overthrown. Claimed overthrowing democracy is a "human right".

    Qtard: \\tRump must not like debates, given that he didn't show up\\And what debates Bi-den gonna take part in?

    ABC News: No incumbent president has participated in a primary debate since the first modern debate was held in 1948, even when presented with high-profile primary challengers. As former President Donald Trump sought re-election in 2020, the Republican National Committee didn't hold primary debates, nor did former President Barack Obama during his second bid. The same pattern can be traced as far back as Gerald Ford.

    Qtard: \\And republiturd voters must not like debates, given that most republican voters still support tRump and don't care that he didn't show up...\\And that is NOT that problem, that his opponent trying to put him in jail?

    Isn't. Special council Jack Smith isn't donald tRump's political opponent. Neither is Fani Willis or Alvin Bragg.

    Qtard: That's quite hard, to take part in debates... while being in jail.

    Lie. donald tRump is not in jail. Was not in jail on the day the first republican debate took place.

    Qtard: \\Qtard's admission? It can't be talking about me, because I've never said I don't believe in facts (said the opposite)\\That's the same. If you claim "I believe in facts"... it surely means that you CAN to not-believe... this or that fact you don't like.

    Of course. If you are stupid. Why Qtard denies facts it does not like. Could also be ignorant or uninformed. Though, even after informed, Qtard STILL disbelieves. Like with climate change. I TRIED to inform Qtard, but it wouldn't listen.

    Qtard: Otherwise. Like "I believe in ALL facts"... it would be meaningless.

    Wouldn't. Because faith based belief in any god isn't the same as evidence-based belief in facts.

    Qtard: As... and WHAT the difference??? Of SUCH "believe" from "not believe"??? There is NONE.

    HUGE difference.

    Qtard: Therefore "I believe in facts" -- it's logical nonsense.

    Then why doesn't Qtard believe in all facts? Why does Qtard call facts it doesn't like "Demn propaganda"?

    Qtard: \\But Qtard has written about not believing in facts MANY times\\YAP! You gotcha. Because... there is NO need. Impossible. Logically non-sensical.

    OK. I get it. Any fact Qtard disbelieves isn't a fact. Because if it was a fact Qtard would believe it. Perfect circular logic!

    Qtard: \\Aid to Ukraine will end and the US will offer to negotiate a "peace" in which Ukraine gives up much territory\\For now... we have 0-bama which pardoned liliPut (for his wars started in Georgia, Ukraine and Syria).\\Didn't\\IT ALREADY HAPPENED!!!


  27. Qtard: Georgia's people killed and territory occupied. Ukraine's people killed and territory occupied. Syria's people genocided and banished and territory obliterated.

    By Putin. Also Bashar al-Assad.

    Qtard: AND ALL THAT WHILE 0-bama was saying "say to your(our?) Master... that I need some more time, some more 'space'... to help him".

    Lie. Never said.

    Qtard: If you want to oppose to this claim. In a correct and logical way -- you just need to POINT TO THE FACT -- when and where, 0-bama even PROPOSED to punish liliPut???

    Obama Announces Sanctions to Punish Russia For Crimea Invasion. The sanctions are the most comprehensive placed on Russia since the Cold War. Obama said Russian must pull back it troops from Crimea, support the deployment for additional international monitors in Ukraine, and participate in dialog with the Ukrainian government in order for this situation to be resolved diplomatically. [3/17/2014].

    Qtard: But there is NO such fact.

    Just cited it. Another fact Qtard will choose to disbelieve.

    Qtard: \\WILL happen though if dotard donald becomes president again. According to donald, Ukraine will surrender in 24 hours\\Isn't THIS EXCERPT... it's an example of what people call -- A GUESS???

    Hypothesis. Based on the fact that donald tRump is Putin's puppet.

    Qtard: And Bi-den... which said "Ukrainians do NOt NEED planes"\\False. Joe Biden never said Ukraine should get rid of the planes they already have. ... Joe Biden approved sending F-16s to supplement Ukraine's air force.\\Air Force THAT INCOMPARABLE in might with Russian. And which CANNOT protect Ukraine's cities from bonmbing amd missles barrages. ONLY NATO and USA planes CAN.

    Ukraine isn't a NATO member.

    Qtard: But... they STILL *NOT* *YET* delivered.

    Qtard is Captain Obvious. Because all the details needed to be worked out with our allies. Logistics of to get them there and the training of Ukrainian pilots. Not "easy peasy" as Qtard claims.

    Qtard: And Bi-den have said: "Ukraine do not need (our) planes" -- which is DIRECT and HEINOUS ***LIE*** -- as Ukraine CRYED from very beginning of this war, for air protection from NATO and USA.

    Qtard sees the same intelligence briefing as President Biden? Knows everything Biden knows? Is Qtard a super secret spy?

    Qtard: that is USA NOT APPROVED it. As producer of that F-16s.

    Was approved.

    Qtard: YET ONE DIRECT HEINOUS ***LIE*** -- trying to blame others for what USA... and actual POTUS (not) do.

    Did do. USA president approved F16s.

    Qtard: Or what... maybe Bi-den thinking that tanks and planes needed for Victory parade ONLY???\\No. Biden is thinking they're needed for defense.\\Yep. But NOT TODAY... when Ukraine's cities shrugging in fear from missile allarms.

    No, not TODAY. As soon as possible.

  28. Qtard: But some OTHER day... like, NEXT year.

    This year. Just cited above. "Denmark will deliver 19 jets in total with the initial six due around the end of the year, followed by eight in 2024 and five in 2025".

    Qtard: After some more dozens, hundreds, thousands??? of older, women, children WILL DIE?????

    Because of Putin.

    Qtard: Because that dozens, humdreds, thousands... "do not need planes", as Bi-den have said.

    Biden approved planes.

    Qtard: \\Who does Qtard think is going to be having a victory parade? Russia? Is that what Qtard is rooting for?\\YET ONE guess??? No???

    I guess yes. Based on Qtard's strong objections to US aid being provided. While agreeing with Minus FJ's desire to withdraw aid.

    Qtard: It might be that "fact"... in a Derpy's NewSpeak? **moronic laughter**

    Qtarded NewSpeak. Where "help" isn't help. And non-help is "storming" of the White House demanding more help.

    Qtard: **cut and paste from Google** Western allies were initially reluctant to provide Kyiv with advanced warplanes, fearing the provision of new fighter jets might trigger a direct confrontation between the US-backed NATO military alliance and Moscow.

    Meaning... this was NOT President Biden's decision alone. ALL our allies were consulted and had to come to an agreement. Yet ALL the blame (according to Qtard) goes to President Biden. Because? Obviously the reason is that Qtard is an idiot. Does not know (or care) about all the diplomacy that needed to be conducted before an agreement could be reached.

  29. \\Qtard: And Wisest of the Wise Derpy can SHOW... how it can UNDERSTAND...

    \\By using my smart brain.


    That SAME brain, that DO NOT allow to it to read sentence till the end. ;-P

    \\And Wisest of the Wise Derpy can SHOW... how it can UNDERSTAND... which mean, it can EXPLAIN.


    THAT IS HOW "smart" THAT BRAIN IS. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    It cannot give to that Wisest of the Wise Derpy knowledge -- what is COMPLETE sentence. ;-P

    NOW... Derpy.

    You COMPLETELY overwhelmed... almost overthroned me.

    With your "smartness". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  30. \\Qtard: **cut and paste from Google** Western allies were initially reluctant to provide Kyiv with advanced warplanes, fearing the provision of new fighter jets might trigger a direct confrontation between the US-backed NATO military alliance and Moscow.

    \\Meaning... this was NOT President Biden's decision alone.

    Apart from being POTUS, Bi-den ALSO are Chief Commander of all USA military forces.

    And that is HIS... personal and final decision -- of how to react to a military threats.

    \\Qtarded NewSpeak. Where "help" isn't help. And non-help is "storming" of the White House demanding more help.

    And you can CONFIRM said with quotes??? Naaah. ;-P

    \\Biden approved planes.

    Yeah... sometime in the Future... when SOME MORE of innocent children will be killed.

    Maybe even with poisonous gas... or even nuked.

    As it was in Syria.

    \\Because of Putin.

    Oh, yeah... that is liliPut said: "Ukraine? They do not NEED our planes", yes???

    \\This year. Just cited above. "Denmark will deliver 19 jets in total with the initial six due around the end of the year, followed by eight in 2024 and five in 2025".

    Little trivia to Idiot Derpy.

    That is only September now.

    Means... whole 4 (FOUR) more months... of bombing, devastation and missle barrages...

    With dozens killed civilians per day.

    Means... 4 month x 30 days x 10 dead civilians = 1200 MORE dead elder, women, children...

    AS PLANNED?????

    By Bi-den.

    Which said "Ukraine do not need planes".

    Because it need more civilians dead, yes Depy???

    Because Bi-den want to make some point??? Some political issue to solve???

    \\\\Yep. But NOT TODAY... when Ukraine's cities shrugging in fear from missile allarms.

    \\No, not TODAY. As soon as possible.


    Because war have started just YESTERDAY??? And USA government have had not time to react??? SARCASM!!!

    So thjat is NOT hypocritical lie, that there is some REAL problems stalling delivery. And USA REALLY trying to make it "As soon as possible."

    \\Did do. USA president approved F16s.


    But NOT from USA.

    As well as that Abramses... they DELAYED... AGAIN.

    Might be some storm in the Atlantic ocaen stalling their delivery... by train in Germany. Yes, De-Ru-Pi??? ;-P

  31. \\Qtard: And Bi-den have said: "Ukraine do not need (our) planes" -- which is DIRECT and HEINOUS ***LIE*** -- as Ukraine CRYED from very beginning of this war, for air protection from NATO and USA.

    \\Qtard sees the same intelligence briefing as President Biden? Knows everything Biden knows? Is Qtard a super secret spy?

    What that BS should mean???

    I stated FACTS open to EVERYONE.

    Delievered to EVERYONE through MOST TRUTHFUL news media of MOST TRUTHFUL USA.

    That can be accessed through MOST TRUTHFUL Google and other services.

    Is there ANY secret??? That Bi-den have said: "Ukraine... do NOT need planes"


    But only for Cherry-Picking Twerp Derpy. ;-P

    \\Qtard is Captain Obvious. Because all the details needed to be worked out with our allies. Logistics of to get them there and the training of Ukrainian pilots. Not "easy peasy" as Qtard claims.

    Of course...

    Because of POLITICAL DECISION to stall support and help with defending from Evil Empire Rush'A... to Ukraine.

    \\Ukraine isn't a NATO member.

    And whose fault is that?

    \\Qtard: If you want to oppose to this claim. In a correct and logical way -- you just need to POINT TO THE FACT -- when and where, 0-bama even PROPOSED to punish liliPut???

    \\Obama Announces Sanctions to Punish Russia For Crimea Invasion. The sanctions are the most comprehensive

    Sanctions -- that is NOT punishment.

    ESPECIALLY SO half-assed.

    That is just a faking doing anything decisive. Potiomkin's Village Roadshow.

    \\Qtard: AND ALL THAT WHILE 0-bama was saying "say to your(our?) Master... that I need some more time, some more 'space'... to help him".

    \\Lie. Never said

    Citation was given.


    So what??? Youy do not believe to TRUTHFUL WORDS of that Truth Reporter???


    \\By Putin. Also Bashar al-Assad.


    And their evil deeds NOT punished. Or even placated. By 0-bama and now Bi-den.

    \\Qtard: \\Aid to Ukraine will end and the US will offer to negotiate a "peace" in which Ukraine gives up much territory\\For now... we have 0-bama which pardoned liliPut (for his wars started in Georgia, Ukraine and Syria).\\Didn't\\IT ALREADY HAPPENED!!!


    This time it ANTI-factual.


    \\OK. I get it. Any fact Qtard disbelieves isn't a fact. Because if it was a fact Qtard would believe it. Perfect circular logic!


    Cause here is ONLY YOU are one who claimed "I believe in facts".

    *I*. Stated from very beginning -- that that is manipulative and logically incoggerent idea -- facts NOT NEED to be believed.

    Because they JUST IS. They are manifestation of Reality itself.

    So... that would mean "I CAN believe (or NOT believe) in Reality" -- which is crazy. ;-P

    Like... stone fell on me head... but, no biggy... I don't believe in that stone. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well... there is people, with childish undeveloped mind, that think that IF ACTUAL stone did not fell on their ACTUAL head... they can ignore it.

    Amorally too... if that stone(s) have fallen on somebody else's head(s).

    Such people called... you know... idiots.

    Because they cannot discern Reality from their own delusions.

  32. \\Qtard: Therefore "I believe in facts" -- it's logical nonsense.

    \\Then why doesn't Qtard believe in all facts?

    Already explained. JUST ABOVE. In this excerpt EVEN.

    Because it's logical nonsense -- "believing in facts".


    If someone would declare with this that it want to preserve one's freedom to believe in some facts and disbelieve in other. ;-)

    That is quite usual and wide spread.

    Among Religious Bonkers. And other idiots.

    Idea. ;-P

    \\Why does Qtard call facts it doesn't like "Demn propaganda"?

    Because. Somebody-somebody just saying something-something -- that is NOT fact. By itself.

    It CAN be a REFERENCE to fact... but other then that, by itself, it's just a fact that that somebody-somebody babbled something-something.

    Not very interesting fact by itself. There is nearly 10 billions of US, people, and we keep babbling non-stop.

    \\Qtard: As... and WHAT the difference??? Of SUCH "believe" from "not believe"??? There is NONE.

    \\HUGE difference.


    For lying twerps. And idiots.

    \\Wouldn't. Because faith based belief in any god isn't the same as evidence-based belief in facts.

    The Same.

    Religious Idiots do CLAIM that what they "belive" IS FACT.

    That way their faith is "evidance-based" too. ;-P

    Like that Christians, that have all that "evidances" as Holy Cross on which Jesus was crucufied, Holy Grail with his blood and etc Holy Reliqueas. ;-P

    And if you'd ask em "and HOW you know that Jesus existed???" they will point to em and say: "Here. That is THE EVIDANCE".

    And if you'd allow a doubt to show on your face even, they will start screaming: "Heathen! Burn in Hell!!!".

    Just like certain someone.

    Which starts screaming "you are... supporter of dRump"... when I show my doubts in its non-facts provided as facts. And lies. ;-P

    \\. Like with climate change. I TRIED to inform Qtard, but it wouldn't listen.

    Cause... you know MUCH LESS then I. ;-P

    About that "climate change". As well as many other things.

    \\\\And that is NOT that problem, that his opponent trying to put him in jail?

    \\Isn't. Special council Jack Smith isn't donald tRump's political opponent. Neither is Fani Willis or Alvin Bragg.


    And there is NO compaign in media??? For a last FOUR years???

    By political opponents of dRump. Like you are.

    \\Qtard: Just to start crying "I NEVER said it", am I right?

    \\That I despise Democracy? No, I never said that. Said I love it. Qtard said he despises it. Wants it overthrown. Claimed overthrowing democracy is a "human right".


    Thank you for confirming.

    That you "like" Democracy THAT MUCH. That you want to hug... to hug to death... that SINGULAR most important thing in Democracy, in which it distinct from any other type of rule -- Human Rights.

    \\\\Are you "American people"? ALL of them?

    \\Part of a large group of them that elected Barack Obama -- twice.

    And other people would chose dRump... twice. ;-P

    But... they are NOT PEOPLE, because of that, in Derpy's mind?

  33. \\If a fact is evidence-supported it should be believed.


    What that non-sense even should mean?

    Like... and we with you agreed on it -- that there is that fact -- that Sun rising in the morning???

    Try to demonstrate -- what mean your "evidance-based" and "should be believed", in regard to that OBVIOUS fact. ;-)

    \\But Qtard doesn't care. Disbelieves facts even when the evidence supports them.

    There is NO evidance that could "prove" UNEXISTING fact.

    And EXISTING fact do not need ANY ADDITIONAL evidances... because it self-evidant.

    Evidances... that is just a guesses. That can be true, or untrue. More viable or less viable. On the road of seeking for the facts.


    When FACT was found... no more guesses, no more evidances needed.

    That is like treasure chest hunt.

    You can have this and that evidances. Like map. Tracks and signs on the land. Confessions of witnessess. And etc.

    Truthful. Or misleading.

    But when, IF you found that chest... and opened it... and stroking gold and diaminds in it... WHAT MORE evidances do you need???:-)))))))))))))


    Instead of that treasures, you agree to hold some rotten pieces of paper and fisher's truthful stories... and call yourself rich. :-))))))))))))))

    \\I guess. Looks like Qtard doesn't remember accusing Obama of colluding with Obama when not miked.

    Say someone. Anyone???!

    Is it NOT gibberush??? :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\What is this "excerpt"? I ask Qtard to open its copy of the NewSpeak dictionary and tell me what word it is talking about.

    But I... have no such thing. You have... al evidances of how you use words here, suggesting it. ;-P

    But... you do not like that evidances, and do not agree to admit em being FACTS...

    because in your NewSpeak dictionary, there is different defintion of what word "fact" mean, isn't it, Derpy?

    But I'm sure... you will answer in NewSpeak too. ;-P

  34. \\Didn't. Reset (not "reboot") under presidency of Medvedev was an effort to try to improve relations. That is diplomacy.

    Yeah. "Improve relations" with murderers and war criminals.

    Because... "that's diplomacy".

    But... when dRump tryed to do THE SAME... to suck up to Evil Master liliPut... THAT's Co-co-co-collusion. :-)))))))))))))))))

    And THAT IS FACT.... and not Demn Propaganda -- to BLAME political opponent for something DEMS doing. Without ANY shame.

    \\QUOTE: "WHO KNOWS about WHAT MORE heinous thing they was discussing in much more PROTECTED from being miked areas".

    \\That guessing. Is Qtard going to deny its own words?

    That was logical conclusion.

    From that partial information we saw treakling in that miked excerpt.

    OBVIOUSLY, they was talking about such things BEFORE.

    But... we know NOTHING about that talks. Because they was done in secret.


    NOT guess.

    \\I know he covered up discussions. Qtard ITSELF suspected (though without evidence) colluding was taking place when discussions were not miked -- between Obama and Putin.

    In that excerpt 0-bama REFERED to that talks.

    Well, it's obvious FACT too... that 0-bama and liliPut WAS holding secret meetings. As meetings among presidents usually are secret.

    \\Qtard: Yeah. Because WE KNOW... from open records... about what "space" 0-bama was talking.

    \\Yeah, but this is another instance of Qtard telling what someone "really mean"... and being wrong. Or lying.

    Derpy, commenting "Russia, if you listen" and calling it collusion... and that MUST BE TRUE. And NOT "telling what someone "really mean""
    And for almost a YEAR screaching that dRump must be put in jail.

    Me... just suggested that 0-bama's talks with Russian Medvedev sound suspicious, and we do not know what that "space" in it mean...


    \\Does not compare. tRump was asking russia to hack Hillary Clinton's data which is illegal. Barack Obama was saying when he could negotiate without having to worry about some voters getting angry after the next election. NOT illegal, just the way politics works.


    For friends -- pardoning for anything, for foes -- eternal damnation!!!

    Like any Religious Bonker. ;-P

  35. Qtard: \\I guess. Looks like Qtard doesn't remember accusing Obama of colluding with Obama when not miked\\Say someone. Anyone???! Is it NOT gibberush??? **moronic laughter**

    "On purpose" I typed "Obama" twice instead of "Obama" once and "Putin" the second time. To PROVE Qtard is a dweeb. Like when it spells words wrong "on purpose".

    I was referring to this quote: "Qtard: WHO KNOWS about WHAT MORE heinous thing they was discussing in much more PROTECTED from being miked areas?????".

    Qtard also IMAGINED that Barack Obama referred to Putin as his "master". Then INSISTED that a reporter wrote that down as Barack Obama's actual words. When it was Qtard's lie.

    Previously Qtard imagined that John Durham (later retconned to a reporter) said "dRump collusion with Rasha FAKE!". Another example of a Qtard fake quote that it tries to attribute to an unnamed (non-existent) reporter.

  36. btw, is "gibberush" different than "gibberish"? I searched "gibberush" and Google says that "Gibberush is a YouTube channel. Not much of a "channel" though -- I only see one video. Maybe Qtard wants me to watch Gibberush's video?

    Anyone know what Qtard is talking about???!

  37. \\"On purpose" I typed "Obama" twice instead of "Obama" once and "Putin" the second time. To PROVE Qtard is a dweeb. Like when it spells words wrong "on purpose".


    YOU demonstrated moronity on purpose. :-))))))))))))))

    And what thatpurpose is? What is your goal? To demonstrate YOUR moronity MOAR???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What an idiot. You are.

    Imbecile. Even.

    Trying to use tricks of MUCH smarter opponent. Obviously, WITHOUT understanding. And only showing MOAR what a fool... you are. :-))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard also IMAGINED that Barack Obama referred to Putin as his "master". Then INSISTED that a reporter

    It comes DIRECTLY out of his words.


    \\President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

    ...important for him to give me space.

    He (0-bama) was POTUS. Mightiest person in the world!

    Asking someone to "give some space"?????

    Even not directly. But through OTHER obvious minion.

    WHAT ELSE it could mean? YOUR VERSION ;-P

    But you WILL NOT... provide some alternative EXPLANATION.

    Because it's not possible.

    And because you are too damn stoooopid. ;-P

    \\ Then INSISTED that a reporter wrote that down as Barack Obama's actual words. When it was Qtard's lie.


    I just USED Derpy's claim -- that reporters ARE that holy beings. And do report ONLY TRUTH. (as in case with that CNN reporter and "nazi soldier")

    HOW????? You can say now that that reporter is just "somebody-somebody who saying something-something"???? :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Previously Qtard imagined that John Durham (later retconned to a reporter) said "dRump collusion with Rasha FAKE!".


    \\Another example of a Qtard fake quote that it tries to attribute to an unnamed (non-existent) reporter.


    And APPARENT lie.

    As I copy-pasted excerpt from Google. And it CONTAINS the name of reporter.

    You are... SO stoooopid. Derpy.

    With that how your struggling in the tenets of own lies. :-)))))))))))))

    But, continue-continue, my little piggy. ;-P

    \\btw, is "gibberush" different than "gibberish"?

    Go try your moronic dictionary. ;-P

    Maybe it states something around "it means that my opponent stoopid". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

  38. Quite possibly too bad Republicans killed America. The Republican Party is a fully-fascist organization dedicated to the goal of crushing the American people under the boot of perpetual wage slavery and corporate bondage. Those who do not acquiesce will be sent to death camps. And those who are considered Unpersons due to having letters LGBTQ will be summarily executed along with a whole host of other people conservatives hate.

  39. I agree Grung_e. The Never-Trump Republicans and Democrats will do ALL those things you say.

  40. Joe is worried about Dems and Never-Trumpers, while Trumpists are arming for civil war and awaiting Trump's orders to start shooting fellow Americans for having the good sense to know Trump is liar and con.

    We KNOW his cult is willing to kill for their Malevolent Messiah by their actions, when they stormed the Capitol to terrorize Congress and beat police officers bloody to overturn an election. He is their Master who they allow to define reality itself for them.

    For Master of Reality Trump never lied in his entire life. Just ask one of his true believers.

  41. Qtard: And what thatpurpose is? What is your goal? To demonstrate YOUR moronity MOAR???? **moronic laughter** What an idiot. You are. Imbecile. Even.

    I read the above as Qtard's confession. Clearly it is admitting to being an imbecile. Given that it said it was misspelling words "on purpose". It said to out me as a "dweeb" (though it spelled "dweeb" wrong -- and I don't remember how it misspelled it). Now it says the only purpose of such "on purpose" mistakes is to demonstrate moronity.

    I agree! btw, I didn't type "Obama" then "Obama" a second time (instead of "Putin") on purpose. That was just a mistake.


    Go f*ck yourself. YOU wrote it. We BOTH know you wrote it. Implying you didn't (by asking for "quotes") is a LIE. Well, Qtard is a pathological liar. Lies ALL THE TIME. Qtard lies as easily as it breaths.

    Qtard: \\Qtard also IMAGINED that Barack Obama referred to Putin as his "master". Then INSISTED that a reporter wrote that was what Obama said\\It comes DIRECTLY out of his words. REMAMBER?

    No. I do not "remamber". You even ADMIT Obama never said that. With "It comes DIRECTLY out of his words". Another way to say "what Obama really mean". Barack Obama did NOT call Putin his "master". That did NOT come "directly out of his words".

    Qtard: \\Another example of a Qtard fake quote that it tries to attribute to an unnamed (non-existent) reporter\\BS. And APPARENT lie. As I copy-pasted excerpt from Google. And it CONTAINS the name of reporter.

    Qtard lies about what the reporter wrote. The reporter did NOT write that Obama referred to Putin as his "master". That isn't an "apparent" lie -- it is an OBVIOUS lie.

    Qtard: Asking someone to "give some space"????? Even not directly. But through OTHER obvious minion. WHAT ELSE it could mean? YOUR VERSION.

    It means that, after Obama was past the election -- his last one -- that he wouldn't have to worry about making an agreement that some voters might not like (and vote against Obama for that reason). That is an unfortunate reality of democratic politics. Many of the voters are idiots.

    And no, that does not mean that I'd prefer totalitarian rule over democracy. As Churchill said, "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those other forms that have been tried"...

    On the other hand, "Russia, if you're listening" was clearly an ask from tRump for Putin to hack Hillary Clinton's data. No need to interpret what tRump "really mean". He was crystal clear with what he meant. A lame excuse of it being a "joke" doesn't pass the laugh test.

    Has Qtard been joking all along when it insists that reversing the results of a democratic election (using violence) is a "human right"? Maybe Qtard was joking when it said that *I* don't like double checking? After I pointed out that the ballots already HAD been double checked (by the states)? SURELY, that MUST have been a joke? The only other explanation is that Qtard is a liar and a lover of totalitarianism.

    Minus: I agree Grung_e. The Never-Trump Republicans and Democrats will do ALL those things you say.

    Lie. You are NOT agreeing with Gene. He did NOT blame Democrats. He was blaming only republicans. Both the never tRump AND the fascist ones. Is Minus saying trumpers are LGBTQ allies? Are tRumpers woke?

    *I* agree with what Gene wrote.

  42. Dave, if you don't like the idea of catching a bullet in face from a Trumper, maybe you should stop making up crimes to put Trumpers in jail for and persecuting them (ala J6 defendents) for petty misdemenaors.

  43. Has Trump ever denounced the LGBTQ+ community? All he's done is tell them to stay in their lanes.


  44. You mean THESE misdemeanors?

    18 U.S. C. § 1512(k) (Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)

    18 U.S.C. §§ 1512(c)(2), 2 (Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)


    18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy
    If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both

  45. A protest is a revolution? When you gonna arrest the leaders of BLM for "seditious conspiracy"?. They tried (and failed) to attack the White House. More cops were injured then than on J6.

    There are no official proceedings going on at the White House? Who knew?

  46. ...but unlike Pelosi at the Capitol, Trump called in the Guard.

  47. A baseless claim has resurfaced that former President Donald Trump signed an order to deploy 20,000 National Guard troops before his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, but was stopped by the House sergeant at arms, at the behest of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

    Guard troops are generally controlled by governors, though they can be federalized, says William C. Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs. The online claims “make no sense at all,” Banks says, adding, “The House sergeant at arms, he or she is not in the chain of command. Nor is Nancy Pelosi.”

    Nancy Pelosi had no ability to call in the National Guard.

  48. \\ Blogger Grung_e_Gene said...

    \\Quite possibly too bad Republicans killed America. The Republican Party is a fully-fascist organization dedicated to the goal of crushing the American people under the boot of perpetual wage slavery and corporate bondage. Those who do not acquiesce will be sent to death camps. And those who are considered Unpersons due to having letters LGBTQ will be summarily executed along with a whole host of other people conservatives hate.

    More trollfood here?

    What type of meat you'd be? ;-P

    \\ Blogger Dave Dubya said...

    \\Joe is worried about Dems and Never-Trumpers, while Trumpists are arming for civil war and awaiting

    Same as it needs TWO a tango... there need to be TWO counter-parts... to participate in a war.

    So, can we here see your this words as TREATENING Civil War 2.0???

    \\We KNOW his cult is willing to kill for their Malevolent Messiah by their actions, when they stormed the Capitol to terrorize Congress...

    And... they did it without arms.

    How counter-productive... for this Demn-Junky, isn't it? ;-P


  49. \\ Now it says the only purpose of such "on purpose" mistakes is to demonstrate moronity.


    YOURS. ;-P

    And when you trying to use MY tricks... instead of devising your own -- you only KEEP proving your mental disability AKA idiocy. ;-P

    Means... you can spew WHATEVER words your narrow and deficient mind can come up with... but that verbal feces will only prove MY point -- that you are idiot, in a flesh. ;-P

    BECAUSE YOU BEHAVE as one. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I agree! btw, I didn't type "Obama" then "Obama" a second time (instead of "Putin") on purpose. That was just a mistake.


    Idiotic one. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    What did you want??? You trying to "unleash your wrath" on my for mere mistyping. To make it sound like that that when my fingers miss this or that key -- can mean that I am niot intelligent... but then, *I* MUST forgive you such apparently idiotic "mistakes".

    ESPECIALLY, when you trying hypocritically double-down on it being "on purpose". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Idiocy and Hypocrisy -- MUST BE PUNISHED.

    Or else... it will fill all place, and destroy all sanity and truthfullness.

    Joe, are you agree with me? Dave? I know you able to show clear mind.


    \\Go f*ck yourself.


    You are stupid. Or just relentless liar??? ;-P

    Who fear facts THE MOST.

    \\YOU wrote it. We BOTH know you wrote it. Implying you didn't (by asking for "quotes") is a LIE.

    That is NOT question of ME knowing or remembering -- BUT you.

    Knowing what you are talking about. And doing a due diligence work -- tracking your own arguments being based on facts.

    And that... that you showing how you DON'T CARE...

    Very telling.

    Telling... that you are idiot, who cannot base what it babbling about... on facts and logic.

    Evewn on mere facts.

    Even being consistent in its talks...

    Which is... you know, you know... thjat is DEFINITE trait of an idiot -- not able to be consistent.

    \\Well, Qtard is a pathological liar. Lies ALL THE TIME. Qtard lies as easily as it breaths.



    No, snooze. :-)))))))))))))))))))0


  50. \\No. I do not "remamber".

    I KNEW... that you'd tripp on that. And decided to leave that mistyping intact. *ON PURPOSE*. ;-P

    \\ You even ADMIT Obama never said that. With "It comes DIRECTLY out of his words". Another way to say "what Obama really mean".

    And what ELSE... he could "really mean"???

    Go... retranslate what 0-bama said... in your NewSpeak. ;-P

    So I would learn some more words of that DumbSpeak. :-))))))))))))))))

    \\Barack Obama did NOT call Putin his "master". That did NOT come "directly out of his words".

    It SOUNDS like he treats liliPut as his master, more higher up, someone he need to suck up to, to explain his words and deeds.

    NOT people of USA, no. liliPut.

    People of USA (in that same sentence) he treats openly as that fools -- he need to lie to, for the sake of being elect... so then he could return to making deals with his master? co-pilot? ally? co-conspirator?

    \\Qtard lies about what the reporter wrote. The reporter did NOT write that Obama referred to Putin as his "master". That isn't an "apparent" lie -- it is an OBVIOUS lie.

    Of course it is.

    That is Derpy's apparent LIE that *I* claimed somehjing like that.

    Or... Derpy can give A QUOTE... supporting this its claim???


    \\Qtard: Asking someone to "give some space"????? Even not directly. But through OTHER obvious minion. WHAT ELSE it could mean? YOUR VERSION.

    \\It means that, after Obama was past the election -- his last one -- that he wouldn't have to worry about making an agreement that some voters might not like (and vote against Obama for that reason). That is an unfortunate reality of democratic politics. Many of the voters are idiots.


    And Derpy said it. Itself.

    That Demn politics treat their voters as that idiots.


    It will start screaming "I NEVER said it"... right away, isn't it? :-)))))))))))))

    \\On the other hand, "Russia, if you're listening" was clearly an ask from tRump for Putin to hack Hillary Clinton's data. No need to interpret what tRump "really mean". He was crystal clear with what he meant. A lame excuse of it being a "joke" doesn't pass the laugh test.

    Basic info, fer ya, Derp.

    TO MAKE A DEAL... there NEED to be PROPOSALS from BOTH sides.

    But... there was NOT. COULD NOT be, under given circumstances.


    Maybe liliPut REALLY did it as a favor to dRump.


    He would noit be able to EXPECT that favor to be returned.


    WHO SAID that liliPut NOT did it for HIS OWN SAKE -- as Rush'A and liliPut is SWORN ENEMIES of USA -- and ANY disarray in your emeny inner politics -- it's to one's benefit.

    Means... that is all idiotic BS.

    \\Has Qtard been joking all along when it insists that reversing the results of a democratic election (using violence) is a "human right"?

    Democratic? Like maked up by Democrats? NewSpeak meaning of word?

    \\After I pointed out that the ballots already HAD been double checked (by the states)?

    That is... not double-checking.

    Double-checking would be re-elections by a more strict rules. Or... recount of votes for at least.

    Your Captain Obvious.

  51. Right the Trump Mob had “peaceful intentions” as the beat cops bloody with flag poles and other weapons, chanting, “Hang Mike Pence!” “Hang Pelosi!” They even had a gallows set up.

    Trump's insurrectionist mob was armed.

    YES. Armed and willing to KILL for Trump’s Big Lie. Even “Martyr” Ashli Babbit was found to be carrying a knife.

    28K Trump supporters were armed for battle on Jan. 6, panel report says

    WASHINGTON — At least 28,000 supporters of President Donald Trump flocked to the nation’s capital on Jan. 6, 2021 — many of them carrying weapons ranging from firearms to brass knuckles and screwdrivers, the House select committee investigating the events of that day revealed in its final report.

    The 814-page document, released late Thursday, draws the previously unreported crowd figure from data from Secret Service magnetometers stationed at Trump’s pre-riot speech on the Ellipse near the White House — though hundreds of the most hardcore rioters skipped the rally and went directly to the Capitol.

    “[T]housands of others purposely remained outside the magnetometers, or left their packs outside,” the report continues. “Others brought firearms.

    “Three men in fatigues from Broward County, Florida brandished AR-15s in front of Metropolitan police officers on 14th Street and Independence Avenue on the morning of January 6th. MPD advised over the radio that one individual was possibly armed with a ‘Glock’ at 14th and Constitution Avenue, and another was possibly armed with a ‘rifle’ at 15th and Constitution Avenue around 11:23 a.m.,” the document adds. “The National Park Service detained an individual with a rifle between 12 and 1 p.m. Almost all of this was known before Donald Trump took the stage at the Ellipse.”

    Trump allegedly attempted to order the magnetometers removed to allow even more people to attend his rally, according to former West Wing aide Cassidy Hutchinson, who paraphrased Trump as saying, “I don’t f’ing care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me. Take the f–king mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here.”

    “Christopher Kuehne, a member of the Proud Boys, met up with friends on January 5th to discuss their plans for the following day … Kuehne told them he had guns, and he was ready to go. During the attack, Kuehne helped prop open Capitol blast doors as besieged law enforcement retreated,” the report says.

    “Guy Reffitt, a Three Percenter from Texas, attended the rally at the Ellipse, and then carried a loaded firearm onto Capitol grounds. Jerod Thomas Bargar lost his gun — that he’d carried from the Ellipse in a ‘We the People’ holster — while scuffling with police on the west side of the Capitol around 2:30 p.m. Bargar wanted to be armed, he said, when he went into the ‘belly of the beast.’

    “Mark Andre Mazza drove from Indiana, bringing a Taurus revolver, a .45-caliber weapon that he loaded with both shotgun and hollow-point rounds. After assaulting a police officer, he lost the weapon, dropping it or losing it on the steps of the lower West Plaza leading to the Capitol’s West Front Terrace … Mazza later indicated that he intended to target House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.”

  52. MORE:

    Ex-Oath Keeper says 'many weapons' were stored outside capital during Jan. 6 attack

    A former member of the Oath Keepers militia group testified Wednesday about the large stash of weapons stored by the group at a hotel just outside Washington, D.C., during the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol, as prosecutors provided more details on the group's planning and private communications leading up to the attack.

    "I had not seen that many weapons in one location since I was in the military," said Terry Cummings, a former member of the group's Florida chapter who was subpoenaed for his testimony and has not been charged or accused of wrongdoing in connection with Jan. 6.
    Evidence of firearms in Jan. 6 crowd grows as arrests and trials mount
    During a recent Jan. 6 committee hearing, testimony about armed Trump supporters accompanied police radio reports

    Some of the startling revelations of the recent blockbuster Jan. 6 House committee hearing came in snippets of police radio traffic captured during President Donald Trump’s rally on the Ellipse and from Trump’s purported response to being told there were armed protesters just outside a secured area. The chatter included reports of a man with an AR-15 in a tree on Constitution Avenue who was accompanied by two men with pistols on their hips. Another officer radioed, “I’ve got three men walking down the street in fatigues carrying AR-15s, copy, at 14th and Independence.”

    The recordings aired during the June 28 hearing in which former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified that Trump reportedly “was angry that we weren’t letting people through the [metal detectors] with weapons.”

    The full picture of how many among the crowd were armed before the riot occurred is unclear, but court records, trial testimony and accounts from police officers and rioters have supplied growing evidence that multiple people brought firearms to Washington for Jan. 6, 2021. Six men were arrested that day for having guns in the vicinity of the U.S. Capitol, and a seventh who arrived after the riot ended was arrested the following day
    Capitol Rioters Were Armed to the Teeth and Ready for War
    “I don’t [fucking] care that they have weapons,” Trump said. “They’re not here to hurt me.”

    When rioters arrived in Washington, DC on Jan. 6, 2021—they did so armed to the teeth.

    The Secret Service confiscated hundreds of knives prior to the riots, picked up by the magnetometers that protesters had to pass through at the Ellipse, where former President Donald Trump held his rally before the riot at the Capitol, according to the final report from the Jan. 6 House Select Committee.
    It was remarkable the magnetometers were there at all. Prior to the rally, Trump demanded that they be removed, concerned that they would limit the crowd size. Cindy Hutchinson, a Trump staffer at the time, said that Trump told his staff to get rid of the magnetometers so his armed supporters could get onto the grounds.
    At one point Tony Ornato, the Secret Service Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations whose responsibilities included security-related issues told Trump that some followers didn’t want to enter the Ellipse because they “have weapons that they don’t want confiscated by the Secret Service.”

    “I don’t [fucking] care that they have weapons,” Trump said angrily to Ornato. “They’re not here to hurt me. They can march to the Capitol from here.”

    Being armed is being WILLING TO KILL.

  53. \\YES. Armed and willing to KILL for Trump’s Big Lie. Even “Martyr” Ashli Babbit was found to be carrying a knife.

    A knife??? In a state where people openly carring AR-16s??? :-)))))))))))

    Or I misunderstood something, and we talking about Mandarin China, where any weapon was banned for peasants to have, so they would not even think to arise against government eunuchs??? :-))))))))))))))))

    \\The full picture of how many among the crowd were armed before the riot occurred is unclear, but court records, trial testimony and accounts from police officers and rioters have supplied growing evidence that multiple people brought firearms to Washington for Jan. 6, 2021. Six men were arrested that day for having guns in the vicinity of the U.S. Capitol, and a seventh who arrived after the riot ended was arrested the following day

    Har-har-har... "multiple".

    To overthrow the mighty USA... 6 (six) dudes with Gloks... would be enough.

    What we... in Hollywood blockbuster??? :-)))))))))))))))

    Or brains of those who was writing all this just have cinematic screen... instead of Reality... in their minds???

    \\Being armed is being WILLING TO KILL.

    Yep... and having penis is being WILLING TO RAPE. :-)))))))))))))0

    I'm with you, sister. ;-P

  54. Qtard: \\Being armed is being WILLING TO KILL.\\Yep... and having penis is being WILLING TO RAPE. **moronic laughter** 0 I'm with you, sister.

    Definitely one of the dumber things Qtard has written here. You think person with a gun thought there might be an opportunity to do some target shooting while at the Capitol? And guns can be left behind, while your penis (if you are male) is attached to your body. You have no choice but to take it with you everywhere you go.

  55. \\And guns can be left behind, while your penis (if you are male) is attached to your body. You have no choice but to take it with you everywhere you go.

    That's it, Derpy. That's it.

    But. To LGBTQ+++ed Leftists, Feminists it do not pose a problem. If YOU HAVE IT -- YOU ARE CRIMINAL. Their catchehism telling em. ;-P


  56. Seems like Derpy and Dubya, BOTH, performed U-turn Demn Escape. ;-P

    Means, when they don't know what to say... they try to pretend that never happened, and run away... ;-P

  57. "A knife??? In a state where people openly carring AR-16s??? :-)))))))))))"

    No. DC is NOT a state.

    The point was there were weapons carried into the US Capitol by Trump's insurrectionists and they had caches of them intended to be employed in overturning our election.

    Arguing stupid people is futile, so no more facts will be shown to this idiot.

    "Joe" or "-FJ" proves his authoritarian personality in his unquestioning reverence for the "Infallible words of Donald Trump and cronies".

    He's really no different than his fellow neo-Nazis in his hate for the truth and anyone who isn't in his cult.

    Look at how he emulates Trump with his adolescent attempts to get attention. "BOTH, performed U-turn Demn Escape. ;-P Means, when they don't know what to say... they try to pretend that never happened, and run away... ;-P"

    I'd prefer to examine the words of his Federalist Society propagandist who whines about criticism of his Federalist Society Supreme Court PACKED by McConnell and Leonard Leo's dark money to install justices. They now own MOST of the Court and STILL WHINE!

    Just like Hitler, these neo-Nazis must always play the victim card to ramp up hate for those who are not in their cult.

    For now, I'll just point out a little "editing" that went into this post.

    The Weingarten Federalist Society article is titled: “ If Democrats Criminalize Opposition And Cripple The Court, Democracy Is Dead”

    The neo-Nazi blogger changed it to: “Democrats Have Killed Democracy”.

    Dishonesty wrapped in more dishonesty is the pattern of the radical Right. They will always demonstrate the fact they have no conscience.

    I'll prioritize my remarks on Weingarten's dishonesty rather than his parroting puppet later.

  58. Thanks for your thoughtful suggestion, Joe.

    I can't listen to music featuring shouting vocals, but I looked up the lyrics. Sure enough, it was about another Republican who got in office while losing the popular vote. THAT'S how you kill democracy.

    "George W Bush, forcefully pushed his way into office in order to spit
    Nonsense into the ears of the populous
    Dropping all concepts of democratic election
    Spreading anxiety globally
    Hoping to make himself into a Demi-God by using the excuse of Terrorism to override laws"

    Like every authoritarian before, the Bush/Cheney mob hated democracy and loved to torture and incarcerate people they didn't have evidence to legally charge. Bet you loved that.

    Have you heard the news? Trump lost.

    Even Newsmax admits the truth:

    After airing an interview in which Donald Trump denied he lost the 2020 election, Newsmax's Eric Bolling reads a statement from the network:

    "Now just a note. Newsmax has accepted the election results as legal and final"

  59. Stuffing ballots may win elections, Dave, but those elections are illegitimate. You won. Hurray for the cheaters.

  60. Joe is worried about "stuffed ballots" because his head is stuffed with Trump's lies.

    Joe has no problem with Trump's violent putsch to overturn the election for same reason German Nazis had no problem with their Fuhrer's 1923 Putsch to gain power.

    Joe is a neo-Nazi in that and many other ways. They all goose-step behind their Fuhrers' Big Lies, want minority rule, and hate the idea of democracy.

  61. \\"A knife??? In a state where people openly carring AR-16s??? :-)))))))))))"

    \\No. DC is NOT a state.

    I'm foreigner.

    For me country and state are synonims.

    Sorry for this ambiguity.

    \\The point was there were weapons carried into the US Capitol by Trump's insurrectionists and they had caches of them intended to be employed in overturning our election.

    Like??? Knifes???

    That, maybe, was some very-very dangerous special insurrectionists knifes???

    +100 to Overthrow that Government spell put on em?

    \\Arguing stupid people is futile, so no more facts will be shown to this idiot.

    P-R-E-dick-table. :-)))))))))))


    When it showed to Demn how its "fascts" are non-facts, but some delirious illogical BS... it makes U-turn and declaring... something along this line. :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\He's really no different than his fellow neo-Nazis in his hate for the truth and anyone who isn't in his cult.

    Said Demn cultist to another one. ;-P


    \\Just like Hitler, these neo-Nazis must always play the victim card to ramp up hate for those who are not in their cult.


    You know your rulebook damn good, nazi. ;-P

    \\Dishonesty wrapped in more dishonesty is the pattern of the radical Right. They will always demonstrate the fact they have no conscience.

    Of course.

    Because Dishonesty it's brand of Lefties.

    And they want to presere their Copyrights? :-))))))))

  62. \\want minority rule, and hate the idea of democracy.

    And that "idea of democracy"??? That is rule of Majority?

    Like under Totalitarianism. ;-P


  63. Like??? Knifes??? That, maybe, was some very-very dangerous special insurrectionists knifes??

    I mentioned the woman who was shot had a knife. When attacking police expect to be shot. Rifles were spotted in the crowd outside. Rifles were brought to the area and held in reserve. Others carried sidearms with them into the Capitol.

    Also you IGNORED this information I posted:

    Ex-Oath Keeper says 'many weapons' were stored outside capital during Jan. 6 attack

    A former member of the Oath Keepers militia group testified Wednesday about the large stash of weapons stored by the group at a hotel just outside Washington, D.C., during the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol,

    I'm foreigner. For me country and state are synonims. Sorry for this ambiguity.

    Yes, we are talking about the United STATES.

    And that "idea of democracy"??? That is rule of Majority? Like under Totalitarianism. ;-P

    In this country “consent of the governed” is the ideal in our Declaration of Independence, through Constitutional democratic elections and representation of the majority of voters. Totalitarianism is minority rule and suppression of democracy. This is the Republican Party now.

    Obviously you are too ignorant and uninformed to discuss American issues.

  64. \\I mentioned the woman who was shot had a knife. When attacking police expect to be shot.

    Serves her right.

    Next question.

    \\Rifles were spotted in the crowd outside. Rifles were brought to the area and held in reserve. Others carried sidearms with them into the Capitol.

    And??? They was cought? Thier relevance to this case was proved?

    I think... you would not be talking in such ellusive words like "rifles was spotted" here, if that'd be the case.

    Am I right?

    \\A former member of the Oath Keepers militia group testified Wednesday about the large stash of weapons stored by the group at a hotel just outside Washington, D.C., during the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol,


    Is that criminal act? To have weapon? In USA???

    \\Totalitarianism is minority rule and suppression of democracy.


    "minority rule" that based and boasting about "masses of people SUPPORTING our rule"...


    What difference from your “consent of the governed”????

    Can you explain?

    If not... it will prove that your Demn ideals is just the same as that of totalitarians. ;-P

    \\Obviously you are too ignorant and uninformed to discuss American issues.


    I *am* ignorant and uninformed... to not repeat ad nauseam NEITHER Demn NOR Rep Propaganda. ;-P

    \\This is the Republican Party now.

    Like this one.

  65. "Whatever"

    OK, then. "Whatever" back at you.

    You've made no rational points.

  66. Qtard: I *am* ignorant and uninformed... to not repeat ad nauseam NEITHER Demn NOR Rep Propaganda.


    Qtard: What difference from your “consent of the governed”?

    Not surprising totalitarian fanboy (and idiot) Qtard doesn't understand “consent of the governed”.

  67. \\"Whatever"

    \\OK, then. "Whatever" back at you.

    \\You've made no rational points.


    Just now.

    Demonstrated OBVIOUS Demn Moronity.


    Made INCORRECT quote.

    Beacause. ANYBODY can go to that place, and see it for themself.

    That there was NOT that "Whatever" word ALONE.

    There was.

    Copying and Pasting CORRECT quote:


    Is that criminal act? To have weapon? In USA???""



    To make FALSE claim. That *I* "made no rational points."

    Congrats Dunya... with acieveing BAIGE -- DEMN LIAR and IDIOT!

  68. \\Qtard: I *am* ignorant and uninformed... to not repeat ad nauseam NEITHER Demn NOR Rep Propaganda.


    I understand you reaction. And agreeing with it.

    It's dumb impossible for a Demn IDIOT -- how it is possible -- to not repeat Demn Propaganda. ;-P

    THE SAME... as to any other Religious Bonker out there.

    \\Qtard: What difference from your “consent of the governed”?

    \\Not surprising totalitarian fanboy (and idiot) Qtard doesn't understand “consent of the governed”.

    Not surprising that Demn IDIOT is UNable to answer to question (especially honestly) and/or EXPLAIN itself.


  69. “Consent of the governed” refers to the idea that a government's legitimacy and moral right to use state power is justified and lawful only when consented, or agreed to, by the people over which that political power is exercised. (Via Google)

    fyi, Joe Biden has the consent of the governed. This was determined via the 2020 election. Yet the totalitarian loving Qtard supported the J6 insurrectionists preventing Joe Biden from taking power.

  70. Or... if they not... one can call em "insurrectionists"... and put in jail, for 20+ years? ;-P

  71. No. Someone can't be put in prison because someone called someone something. There has to be charges, a trial, and a conviction first. Qtard really has no clue how the justice system works, does it? None. Well, that is because it is a totalitarian and prefers that system. People can be jailed that easily under totalitarianism. Why the democracy-hating Qtard likes it so much.

  72. No qtarded derping?

  73. Itself talking with itself? ;-P
