Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Reclaim Democracy!


  1. How is it "reclaiming democracy" to help get Putin's puppet back in the White House?

  2. Jr.s got a helluva better chance of being President than Xi's puppet.

  3. Beside's just when is Moochelle's stalking horse dropping out? Before or after the first Primary?

  4. When is RFK Jr dropping out? He has zero chance of becoming the Democratic nominee. The nominee will be Joe Biden. Our next president will very likely be Joe Biden. He will not drop out. Michelle Obama will never run for president.

    Both Putin and Xi puppet dotard donald.

    Trump on China's Xi: "We love each other". 1/21/2020.

    Trump's reported Chinese bank account raises security concerns. 10/21/2020.

    Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease. 10/23/2020.

  5. If Moochelle isn't going to run, why put SC ahead of NH in the Primary? Because Kennedy will win NH.

  6. NH is going to be sanctioned and lose half their delegates. When SC holds it's primary it will be Joe Biden on the ballot, not another Democrat. RFK Jr will not win the Democratic nomination.

  7. No, not "because". He will lose if NH follows the rules. He will only win via republican cheating.

  8. The only job Sleepy Joe could ever be considered qualified to win is "Greeter" at WalMart.

  9. Joe Biden is the leader of the free world. And will be for the next 5 and a half years. Meanwhile dotard donald will be heading to prison soon.

  10. In the eyes of most Europeans and NATO Allies, Joe Biden is now a war criminal. Congrats!

  11. You mean they consider Vlad Putin a war criminal.

  12. \\In the eyes of most Europeans and NATO Allies, Joe Biden is now a war criminal. Congrats!


    Pecular idea. And you know that I like pecular thing. And would ask for more. ;-)

  13. Most of NATO (and purple states) has banned cluster bomb use & transfers..

  14. Proof that "In the eyes of most Europeans and NATO Allies, Joe Biden is now a war criminal"?

    The only Google results I find (when searching "Joe Biden war criminal") are stories about Joe Biden calling Putin a war criminal. Also Roger Waters calling Joe Biden a war criminal.

    You think Joe Biden could be arrested and put on trial at the Hague? Given that "most Europeans and NATO allies" believe he is a war criminal? War criminal donald tRump visited his golf course in Scotland recently. They could have nabbed him and hustled him off to the Hague. And (of the last three presidents) gwb's war crimes were surely the worst. And yet he is still a free man.

  15. Retired Adm. James Stavridis, the former NATO supreme allied commander for Europe, praised President Biden's decision to provide Ukraine with cluster bombs as a "smart move"...

  16. The only Google results I find (when searching "Joe Biden war criminal") are stories about Joe Biden calling Putin a war criminal.

    I guess you should have read the Twitter files so that you can understand why you can't find what you're searching for. :(

  17. Kinda like all that "election fraud" evidence that's been scrubbed... and Obama's college transcipts showing him as a "foreign student".

  18. "you can't find what you're searching for"...

    ...because there are no stories that say that "in the eyes of most Europeans and NATO Allies, Joe Biden is now a war criminal".

    fyi, the 2020 election fraud evidence hasn't been scrubbed.

    Same as with Obama's college transcipts showing him as a "foreign student". Info about that story has not been scrubbed.

  19. lol! Then why file an emergency stay to allow the government to keep on censoring/ scrubbing?

  20. \\Cluster bombs.

    Do you admit UN Court jurisdiction?

    \\Most of NATO (and purple states) has banned cluster bomb use & transfers..

    Mice trying to yoke a cat with a belt with bells. ;-P

  21. They didn't.

  22. FYI, I know what you're talking about. But there has never been any "scrubbing" of any of the topics you brought up. Biden being considered a war criminal by NATO and most Europeans. 2020 election fraud "evidence". Obama attending college as a foreign student. NONE of that bullshit has been scrubbed.

    The Biden administration is concerned about harmful misinformation re covid and the vaccines. People like you who are pro-covid death are opposed. That is no surprise. But (unlike the dotard administration) the Biden administration is trying to save lives.

    FYI, as per Google, "We are a search engine and not a social media intermediary".

    The Biden administration asked the appeals court to block it's order limiting its contacts with social media. Google isn't a social media company. Or a "social media intermediary".

    Is crying "there is no fire" in a theater that is burning down protected by "free speech"?

  23. DeNile is a river in Egypt.
    DeNile in that river runs deep.
    If it weren't for your fetishistic DeNile.
    You couldn't politically still sleep.

  24. Minus denies reality by replacing it with tinfoil hat nuttery.

  25. And you can demonstrate it with logic and facts? ;-P

  26. Naah... because "reality" of you small mind its "tinfoil hat nuttery"... instigated by Demn Propaganda (which is liliPut's Propaganda in a nutshell -- totalitarian indoctrination). ;-P

    1. Derpi$h bin §atan-§ander$666 is the king of tinfoil hat nuttery. Tinfoil hats are Derpi$h bin §atan-§ander$666's royal crown.

  27. Mystere, the court jester of tinfoil-hatted nuttery, wears a tinfoil dunce's cap, a tinfoil "face diaper", a tinfoil shirt, tinfoil underwear, infoil pants, tinfoil socks, and tinfoil-covered shoes.

  28. infoil

    (in idiot Derpy's voice) THERE IS NO such words "infoil"!!!! What does it mean, "infoil"??? I asked Google, and it says "there is ZERO pages with word you seek".


    1. No. I don't jump on every one of your misspellings. I ignore most of them. There are so very very many. "Infoil" was probably a keyboard error. I've noticed that sometimes keyboard presses don't register.

  29. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That's it.
