Friday, June 16, 2023

The Biden Tapes


  1. More like From Kremlin w LUV tapes. ;-P

  2. Don't you mean Kyiv? It was a Burisma Oligarch, after all.

  3. Aha... and Kyiv (cudos for using Politically Correct name. ;-)) was capital of empire? and there was KGB? and it still the center of special services based corrupt pro-imperialistic government, as well as united with it criminality circles???

    Naah. That all Moscow... or Mos-Cow? ;-P

    \\It was a Burisma Oligarch, after all.

    And where that "oligarch" recide today? If not in Moscowiya again? ;-)

  4. No bribe is ever discussed on the tape -- so how is it a "bribe tape"?

  5. The FBI has no "Biden bribe tapes". Such tapes don't exist. Because Joe Biden ever solicited, accepted or was offered a bribe.

  6. That's not one of their former "C.I.s" told Congress.

  7. "somebody said something something". And we don't even know who the somebody is. Does this person even exist?

  8. What I heard... recently.(not on CNN, of course)

    That you ALREADY are in war with China.

    Cause, It's China sponsoring mexican narco-barons, to flood USA with cheap deadly drugs.

    Retribution for "century of humiliation" and Opium wars... clearly that is.

    But... what your Demns do? They trying to appease China. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    Ba-a-a-a-ad Idea. Just bad. ;-P

  9. Former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani claimed that the key whistleblower in the House Oversight Committee's investigation into President Joe Biden and his son's alleged bribery has died.

    The ... FD-1023 form that allows the public to submit tips to the government about possible crimes ... allegedly also suggests that there are audio recordings of the incident. But neither Comer nor Grassley, nor the FBI or Rudy Giuliani have the tapes, and several Republicans this week told the press that they don't know if the recordings even exist.

    Sen. Ron Johnson ... recently told [Newsmax] that Grassley never actually said that the recordings exist. [Link].

    Like I said, these tapes do not exist. Because conversations that never took place could not have been recorded.

  10. ...but yet you still swear there's a Trump pee tape out there...

  11. \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    "somebody said something something". And we don't even know who the somebody is. Does this person even exist?

    Hah... what I see? Derpy showing understanding of what non-factual babbling is?

    Or... that some Mystere comment?

    Sure, it was Mystere. ;-P

  12. Minus: ..but yet you still swear there's a Trump pee tape out there...

    I've never sworn there is a tRump pee tape. Christopher Steele says the tape "probably does exist, but added that he wouldn't put 100 percent certainty on it".

    Anonymous Qtard: Or... that some Mystere comment?

    No, idiot. That is MY comment. Mystere fakes comments to make me look stupid or racist.

    Or... maybe Mystere faked a Qtard comment? "Anonymous" isn't Qtard but Mystere????

  13. But that comment...

    Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    "somebody said something something". And we don't even know who the somebody is. Does this person even exist?

    Was hilariously. Unredeamably. Stooooopid. ;-P

    You wasted so much time trying to dismiss my clever point about "somebody said something something"...

    but there, you USING it yourself.

    Heh... dumbass. But that is NOT possible, that ONE AND THE SAME argument would be same time sound and logical, and uttelry stupid -- depending on WHO used it.

    But well, it's easy for me to not be surprised.

    As that blatant stupidity is just endemicly natural... for such idiots...

  14.'s called "fetishistic disavowal".

    As long as he holds onto the fetish object, he can deny reality. It gives him "superpowers".

  15. That should mean that he is smart... of which he showed enough, that he is not.

    Like in discussing that "classy markings". ;-P

  16. He must virtue signal his intentions, constantly. It's the "tribal" way.

  17. Group decision making. Feedback/ control loops. If you sever the borg signal, the collective will die.

    Resistance is futile.

  18. "I must maximize" my surplus salary. And THAt can only be achieved through "virtuous" feedback, signalled virtously.

  19. Qtard: You wasted so much time trying to dismiss my clever point about "somebody said something something"...

    "Somebody said something something" is pure idiocy.

    Qtard: ONE AND THE SAME argument would be same time sound and logical, and uttelry stupid -- depending on WHO used it.

    I was mocking you. But you're too dumb to get it. In any case, we know who the "somebody" is in regards to tRump's proven collusion with Russia. The members of the bipartisan Senate Intelligence committee who wrote the report confirming tRump's collusion with Russia. But we don't know who this supposed CI is. Or if he/she even exists.

    Why does mock mean? To attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision. To ridicule by mimicry...

    Qtard: Like in discussing that "classy markings".

    AGREED! Qtard made it clear in that discussion how totally clueless when it comes to classification markings. SO clueless he thinks they're called "classy markings".

    Minus: He must virtue signal his intentions, constantly. It's the "tribal" way.

    I only express my true thoughts and opinions. "Must" has nothing to do with it. I do so because I want to.

    Minus belongs to the White Supremacist Orange Turd tribe. Their shared hatred is what binds them together.

  20. At least I'm not part of your schuldkult masterbating to the schuldstolz G_d of reparations.

  21. btw - How the Biden theory of "Absence as a positive force" working out for the DNC? Is he getting much SuperMarioKart time in with his ggd down in the basement?

  22. \\Dervy cannot put his fetish object down. It's not possible.

    And classy markings is his fetish?

    Naah, don't think so.

    He just showed plain and boring stupidity in that question. Magical thinking. That "classy markings" alone mean anything, have some power. OUTSIDE of proper system of facilitation proper circulation of classified materials.

    \\He must virtue signal his intentions, constantly. It's the "tribal" way.

    Again. From my POV. You trying to give too much thought to it.

    Hanlon's razor - Wikipedia › wiki › Hanlon's_razor
    Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


    \\Group decision making. Feedback/ control loops. If you sever the borg signal, the collective will die.

    Too much thought, again.

    Well, I admit, that is intellectually attractive -- to think that you brawl with some vicious unite force.

    But... most of it is mere inertia.

    When you trying to push the wall -- is it some malicious organization behind that wall, that trying to oppose you? No. That is just a tons of dumb matter. ;-)

    \\"Diversity is strength". Many from one.

    Preaching to a cho... ehm, lead tenor of diversity. ;-)

    \\"Somebody said something something" is pure idiocy.

    And WHOZ words are this???

    Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    "somebody said something something". And we don't even know who the somebody is. Does this person even exist?

    Idiot Derpy's, for sure. ;-P

    \\Qtard: ONE AND THE SAME argument would be same time sound and logical, and uttelry stupid -- depending on WHO used it.

    \\I was mocking you.


    Of course. Cause you are idiot.

    \\I was mocking you. But you're too dumb to get it.


    No coments.


    \\In any case, we know who the "somebody" is in regards to tRump's proven collusion with Russia. The members of the bipartisan Senate Intelligence committee who wrote the report confirming tRump's collusion with Russia.


    They DO NOT provide FACTS. They can lie. They can be fools.

    While... on the contrary -- anonimous source can provide FACTS.

    FACTS are INDEPENDENT from authority or any trait of a source.

    Fool can say something smart (even if accidentally). Wiseman can say utterly stupid things.

    But you are idiotic fool... who do not get that simple Truth. ;-P

    \\Why does mock mean? To attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision. To ridicule by mimicry...

    IF... it made cleverly.

    But from your part... that is just a gester's merry tricks. ;-P

    That's why I like you. And ask you to "continue-continue". :-))))))))))))))

    \\AGREED! Qtard made it clear in that discussion how totally clueless when it comes to classification markings. SO clueless he thinks they're called "classy markings".

    That was mocking. ;-P

    And clever one -- SEE how you do react to it. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I only express my true thoughts and opinions.

    And that is your OWN "thoughts and opinions"??? :-))))))))))))))))))

  23. Qtard: And classy markings is his fetish? Naah, don't think so.

    I don't think so either. Given the fact that there is no such thing as "classy markings".

    Qtard: That "classy markings" alone mean anything, have some power. OUTSIDE of proper system of facilitation proper circulation of classified materials.

    You are a f*cking liar! You said classification markings could not be displayed on a private server. Because some "special software" was needed. We were not discussing classification markings having some power outside of proper system of facilitation of the circulation of classified materials. I AGREE with this. Classified material should not be sent to a private server.

    Qtard: Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

    That might explain some of your lies. The one above (about "classy markings") can DEFINITELY be attributed to malice, though. I don't believe you forgot that the argument you were making was that the markings couldn't be displayed. As opposed to your NEW argument. Which is that they're there, but have no power "outside of proper system of facilitation proper circulation of classified materials".

    Qtard: While... on the contrary -- anonimous source can provide FACTS. FACTS are INDEPENDENT from authority or any trait of a source. Fool can say something smart (even if accidentally). Wiseman can say utterly stupid things. But you are idiotic fool... who do not get that simple Truth.

    So, if a "trait" of the source is that the person doesn't exist, nonexistent person can still "provide facts"? And WHAT facts??? Proof that Qtard considers "facts" to be any (dis)information he likes. Unverified info from unverified tapes (that probably don't even exist) from an unverified source... yeah, that's "facts". Qtard has NO IDEA what truth is.

    Qtard: \\AGREED! Qtard made it clear in that discussion how totally clueless when it comes to classification markings. SO clueless he thinks they're called "classy markings"\\ That was mocking. And clever one -- SEE how you do react to it.

    "Classy markings" is mocking??? And you say it's clever? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Qtard: Preaching to a cho... ehm, lead tenor of diversity.

    In the future all White Supremacists will be champions of diversity.

  24. Minus: At least I'm not part of your schuldkult masterbating to the schuldstolz G_d of reparations.

    "Schuldkult"? Wikipedia says that's a word neo-Nazis use. 8/8 is coming up Minus. Are you planning a big celebration?

    You're talking about reparations for slavery? There will never be a bill passed through Congress providing for reparations. That isn't something republicans would vote for. Personally I'm not sold on the idea of reparations. I think more help needs to be provided to all lower income people, regardless of race.

    fyi, playing Super Mario Kart does not prevent dementia. Or keep it in check if you already have it.

  25. \\We were not discussing classification markings having some power outside of proper system of facilitation of the circulation of classified materials. I AGREE with this.

    FINNALY! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    We agreed on something. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Classified material should not be sent to a private server.


    But, what with PRIVATE server of HRC then? ;-P

    \\I don't believe you forgot that the argument you were making was that the markings couldn't be displayed.

    SOFTWARE would not see it. And would NOT report to Classified Documents SECURITY REGISTRY. To protect it from leaking out.


    As you yourself ADMITTED -- mere appearnce of such document on some PRIVATE server -- that is breach in security ALREADY.

    \\ As opposed to your NEW argument. Which is that they're there, but have no power "outside of proper system of facilitation proper circulation of classified materials".

    It was my argument from very beginning.

    That is just your own stupidity, that made you grasp it this late. ;-P

    \\So, if a "trait" of the source is that the person doesn't exist, nonexistent person can still "provide facts"?

    Why not?
    Read about operation "Meanced meat". ;-P

    \\Proof that Qtard considers "facts" to be any (dis)information he likes. Unverified info from unverified tapes (that probably don't even exist) from an unverified source... yeah, that's "facts".

    FACTS... it's manifestation of Reality. They cannot be "verified" or "unverified".

    Like... for example. There is FACT -- that there is some tape. As physical object. With some recording on it.

    To discern what that recording means -- that is question about OTHER facts.

    But that FACT that there is record on that tape -- AGAIN, as physical object (not somebody-sombody said something-something, that there is/was/could be such a tape -- PHYSICAL OBJECT).


    FACT that there was meterorite that killed Dinosaurs.

    it IS! it HAPPANED! and that is grand presence -- whole Mexican Gulf size.


    We was NOT able to see, to grasp that FACT. For a very long time.

    DOES it change that FACT??? Naah, it's NOT possible.

    It is just our stupidity and ignorance about THAT fact of Reality -- that changed.

    \\"Classy markings" is mocking??? And you say it's clever? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I agree. That you wouldn't not be able to see how clever it is. ;-P

  26. Qtard: FINNALY! We agreed on something.

    I thought you agreed with me that Russia (or "Rasha") was the aggressor and Ukraine has the right to defend itself. Apparently not. Apparently you you stand with Putin. Obviously you are making this admission -- given your claim that we've never agreed on anything before.

    Qtard: \\Classified material should not be sent to a private server.\\Bingo!!!! But, what with PRIVATE server of HRC then?

    wtf? That is how this discussion started, dipshit. I said there were no documents marked as classified on HRC's server. You claimed (incorrectly) that documents with classified markings on them were sent to her server, but the markings couldn't show because "special software" was needed.

    Qtard: \\I don't believe you forgot that the argument you were making was that the markings couldn't be displayed.\\SOFTWARE would not see it. And would NOT report to Classified Documents SECURITY REGISTRY. To protect it from leaking out.

    You said it wouldn't show up. You never (until now) said anything about "software reporting it". Not that there is any software that "reports" anything. Where does this information come from? I asked you for confirmation previously of what you were saying. All you did was blabber some nonsense about Gmail.

    Qtard: As you yourself ADMITTED -- mere appearnce of such document on some PRIVATE server -- that is breach in security ALREADY.

    How many of her emails were classified? Actually, zero. we can determine how many were found by investigators, after exhaustive searches, among Clinton's thousands of State Department emails. The accurate answer is zero ... it is a fact that the Trump administration itself confirmed three years ago. [Times Republican 9/6/2022].

    Qtard: \\ As opposed to your NEW argument. Which is that they're there, but have no power "outside of proper system of facilitation proper circulation of classified materials".\\ It was my argument from very beginning.

    Lie. Yawn.

    Qtard: That is just your own stupidity, that made you grasp it this late.

    I grasp that you're changing your argument now. After making the dumb/wrong one for quite awhile.

    Qtard: \\So, if a "trait" of the source is that the person doesn't exist, nonexistent person can still "provide facts"?\\ Why not? Read about operation "Meanced meat".

    Operation Mincemeat provided lies. To fool the enemy.

    Qtard: \\Proof that Qtard considers "facts" to be any (dis)information he likes. Unverified info from unverified tapes (that probably don't even exist) from an unverified source...\\ FACTS... it's manifestation of Reality. They cannot be "verified" or "unverified".

    Bullshit. There has never been a trial where the accused was found guilty where the defendant was found guilty -- but later exonerated by new evidence? For example, DNA evidence clearing the person of the rape or murder they were previously convicted of (because the "facts" had proven their guilt)? Facts are verified and unverified ALL THE TIME.

    Qtard: Like... for example. There is FACT -- that there is some tape. As physical object. With some recording on it.

    There isn't. As per my prior comment, "Sen. Ron Johnson ... recently told [Newsmax] that Grassley never actually said that the recordings exist".

    Qtard: To discern what that recording means -- that is question about OTHER facts.

    There is no recording for which ANY meaning can be discerned.

  27. Qtard: But that FACT that there is record on that tape -- AGAIN, as physical object (not somebody-sombody said something-something, that there is/was/could be such a tape -- PHYSICAL OBJECT).

    Non-fact. Physical objects that exist can be produced. No tape has been produced on which Joe Biden discusses bribes with anyone. That "there is/was/could be such a tape" is EXACTLY what republicans are claiming. WITHOUT actually producing the tape.

    Qtard: Like... FACT that there was meterorite that killed Dinosaurs. it IS! it HAPPANED! and that is grand presence -- whole Mexican Gulf size.

    What is the "gulf of Mexico" in your analogy? You're saying that there is evidence that Joe Biden received a 5 million dollar bribe even without the tape being presented? WHAT is it?

    Qtard: BUT. We was NOT able to see, to grasp that FACT. For a very long time. DOES it change that FACT??? Naah, it's NOT possible.

    It's also not possible to convict someone of a crime without evidence. Guilty people frequently go free because the evidence needed to convict is absent. Qtard wants Joe Biden declared guilty because a LONG TIME FROM NOW (he says) it will be proven that Joe Biden accepted bribes? Get the f*ck out of here, you totalitarian wannabe.

    Qtard: It is just our stupidity and ignorance about THAT fact of Reality -- that changed.

    "Future evidence" (evidence that Qtard says will be presented in the future) can NOT be used to convict someone of a crime in the present. That is a 100% qtarded totalitarian "argument". Also proof of Qtard's stupidity and ignorance about THAT fact of Reality... of how the criminal justice system works.

    Qtard: "Classy markings" is mocking??? And you say it's clever?\\ I agree. That you wouldn't not be able to see how clever it is.

    "Classy" means "stylish and sophisticated". "Classification" means "the action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics". Using "Classy" in place of "classification" isn't clever, it's STUPID. Stupider than writing "fathers founders" instead of "founding fathers".

  28. Qtard: Like... FACT that there was meterorite that killed Dinosaurs.

    PROOF that Qtard does not know what a fact is. That a meteorite killed the dinosaurs is not a fact, it is a hypothesis.

    As per Wikipedia, "As originally proposed in 1980 by a team of scientists led by Luis Alvarez and his son Walter, it is now generally thought that the K–Pg extinction was caused by the impact of a massive asteroid 6 to 9 miles wide, 66 million years ago, which devastated the global environment, mainly through a lingering impact winter which halted photosynthesis in plants and plankton. The impact hypothesis, also known as the Alvarez hypothesis, was bolstered by the discovery of the 180 112 mile Chicxulub crater in the Gulf of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula in the early 1990s, which provided conclusive evidence that the K–Pg boundary clay represented debris from an asteroid impact. The fact that the extinctions occurred simultaneously provides strong evidence that they were caused by the asteroid..."

    Hypothesis, noun, "a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation".

  29. \\I thought you agreed with me that Russia (or "Rasha") was the aggressor and Ukraine has the right to defend itself. Apparently not. Apparently you you stand with Putin. Obviously you are making this admission -- given your claim that we've never agreed on anything before.

    That about liliPut is a FACT. Obvious one.

    That would be overkill and tediously boring to try to "confirm" every and each of such obvious fact. Needlessly. As it self-evidant. ALREADY.

    But... to whom I explaining it? To open liar and hypocrite, who "belive in facts". And Religious Bonker who idioticly think that he can rule over Universe, because his agreement or denial... of obvious facts, means anything, to the Universe. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But well... that is what explaining is about... ;-P

    Repeating, repeating and repeating again.

    \\I said there were no documents marked as classified on HRC's server.


    But. Was she ALLOWED to do that???

    To keep discussion of important government matters... OUTSIDE of security system of government???

    What would you say?

    But I know... you'll try to squirm. ;-P

    \\You said it wouldn't show up. You never (until now) said anything about "software reporting it".

    That's because of your own tediousness.

    I even gave you AN EXAMLE -- my comment with "TOP SECRET" in it.

    To demonstrate that SHOWING markings -- means nothing. THAT, do NOT mean that that information protected anyhow. ;-P

    \\How many of her emails were classified? Actually, zero.

    Of course!

    Cause it all was created and deseminated OUTSIDE of security system.

    So. DO she allowed to skirt around government rules???

    \\Qtard: \\ As opposed to your NEW argument. Which is that they're there, but have no power "outside of proper system of facilitation proper circulation of classified materials".\\ It was my argument from very beginning.

    \\Lie. Yawn.

    And you can base it with facts(correct quotes)?

    \\I grasp that you're changing your argument now. After making the dumb/wrong one for quite awhile.

    And you can quote that "dumb/wrong one"??? And EXPLAIN using LOGIC, why it wrong??? ;-P

    It being "dumb", because I need to explain matters to a dumbass... to be easy to understand.

    And as we can see -- I was successful. ;-P

    I am -- great explainer.

    \\Operation Mincemeat provided lies. To fool the enemy.

    That is... their own problem. That they was not able to discern false from truth. ;-P

    \\Facts are verified and unverified ALL THE TIME.

    Did it changed FACT of rape? No.

  30. \\Qtard: Like... for example. There is FACT -- that there is some tape. As physical object. With some recording on it.

    \\There isn't. As per my prior comment

    That was Figural Speach.

    Which was explicitly marked as one. With words "for example".

    That mean, that was about some Hypotetical Tape.

    Not about ANY real TAPE we discussed or not discussed.

    Just AN EXAMPLE. ;-P

    And you are -- idiot. Who do not understand what figural speaking is about. ;-P

    Naturally fitting. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\WITHOUT actually producing the tape.

    Storming open doors??? :-))))

    That was exactly what I claimed (here, and all previous times).

    That ONLY physical object ITSELF can be seen as FACT of that physical object existance, whereabouts and/or conditions.

    NOT somebody-somebody's mere words.... ;-P

    \\What is the "gulf of Mexico" in your analogy?

    WTF??? What analogy??? That was pointing to a fact.

    \\"Classy" means "stylish and sophisticated".

    Yu-u-up! :-))))))

    \\"Classification" means "the action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics".

    Yu-u-up! :-))))))

    \\Using "Classy" in place of "classification" isn't clever, it's STUPID. Stupider than writing "fathers founders" instead of "founding fathers".

    Yu-u-up! :-))))))

    For apparent idiot. Who cannot understand figural speach. Do not understand irony and humor. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Like... FACT that there was meterorite that killed Dinosaurs.

    \\PROOF that Qtard does not know what a fact is. That a meteorite killed the dinosaurs is not a fact, it is a hypothesis.

    That meteorite created crater in many-many miles in diameter!!!

    If you think it SOMEHOW was NOT deadly AS HELL.

    You need to provide some extrime evidances to back such extrime claims. ;-P

    \\Hypothesis, noun, "a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation".

    That's why I refered to IMPACT CRATER as a fact.

    Not to death of Dinosaurs.

    Well... it IS obvious fact that Dinos gone extinct.

    But yes, absolute fine details of it... still can be missing.

    Well, fuzzy even. As we know today that birds are cousines of Dinos.

    So, claims of "total extinction" is questionable and depend on definition.

    But that all... to smart ideas, for a such an apparent idiot to discuss with. ;-P

    But still, you go, go... continue-continue.

    Only one thing is more funny then wiseman babbling stupidly -- dumbass trying to sound smart. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  31. Qtard: But... to whom I explaining it? To open liar and hypocrite, who "belive in facts".

    Minus FJ doesn't believe Russia was the aggressor and Ukraine has the right to defend itself. You've explained that to him? And called him a liar and hypocrite (which he is)? One liar and hypocrite called out another liar and hypocrite? You never did that. Also, Minus FJ disbelieves facts. Just like you (the fact regarding Putin and Ukraine being the rare fact you acknowledge).

    Qtard: ...Religious Bonker who idioticly think that he can rule over Universe, because his agreement or denial... of obvious facts, means anything, to the Universe.

    Qtard is talking about himself again. His denial of climate change science, for example. Qtard thinks he just needs to disbelieve hard enough... and climate change will stop occurring. If he disbelieves really really hard, no climate change that has already occurred will have actually happened.

    Qtard: But. Was she [Hillary Clinton] ALLOWED to do that??? To keep discussion of important government matters... OUTSIDE of security system of government???

    Yes. It was allowed. "The Federal Records Act requires that all government-related documents and correspondence be preserved, and if an official uses a private account for communication they must forward the content to their government account".

    btw, the George W Bush used a private server (owned by the RNC) to hide communications regarding the Iraq war and his political firings of US attorneys (a scandal that resulted in the resignation of AG Alberto Gonzales). They "lost" 22 million emails (content wasn't forwarded to their government account).

    And, during the tRump administration, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and "advisor" Ivanka Trump used private email accounts and did NOT forward those communications to their government accounts. Nikki Haley (tRump's UN Ambassador) used a non-classified email system for classified communications. Ivanka's husband (who also "worked" in the administration) used Whatsapp. This is an app that from which messages cannot be saved (Source).

    NPR Fact Check: "A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history". The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office.

    But I know... you'll try to squirm.

    Qtard will squirm to excuse republicans for breaking the law. I don't need to squirm. Just state the fact that Hillary Clinton didn't violate the law.

    Qtard: \\How many of her emails were classified? Actually, zero.\\ Of course! Cause it all was created and deseminated OUTSIDE of security system.

    No. The reason was because no classified info was sent or received.

    Qtard: Cause it all was created and deseminated OUTSIDE of security system. So. DO she allowed to skirt around government rules???

    She wasn't. She didn't. Why were George W Bush and donald tRump allowed to violate government rules? While HRC (who violated no rules) investigated? She was found innocent, but the investigation harmed her campaign. Obviously why the investigation -- into no rule breaking -- took place.

  32. Qtard: It was my argument from very beginning.\\Lie. Yawn.\\And you can base it with facts(correct quotes)?

    Yes, but you'll just lie and say whatever quote I give is not "correct". We are in the cover up phase now. This is the phase where Qtard finally realizes his prior argument was idiotic. So he deploys a new argument. And claims the new one is what he has been saying "all along". We've been through this before.

    Like when you claimed to not be involved in discussions about American politics. You finally realized how dumb that argument was, so you lied and said I was talking about "political involvement".

    Qtard: It being "dumb", because I need to explain matters to a dumbass... to be easy to understand. And as we can see -- I was successful.

    You failed. I never agreed that classification marking won't display if sent to a private server because "special software" is needed to display such markings. Because that's not correct.

    Qtard: \\Operation Mincemeat provided lies. To fool the enemy.\\That is... their own problem. That they was not able to discern false from truth.

    Distraction attempt. Distract from the fact that you were wrong. You claimed that "Meanced meat" (what you call it) provided facts. I can understand why you did it, though. Given that it was a totally moronic thing to claim.

    Qtard: \\Facts are verified and unverified ALL THE TIME.\\Did it changed FACT of rape? No.

    Yes. In some cases. "Researchers Cassia Spohn, Clair White and Katharine Tellis examined data provided by the Los Angeles Police Department in the US from 2008, and found that false reports among rape cases was about 4.5 percent".

    Qtard: That was Figural Speach. That mean, that was about some Hypotetical Tape.

    We weren't discussing a hypothetical tape. We were talking about an (alleged) real tape. Qtard is trying to derail the conversation. For obvious reasons. Qtard idiotically claimed a non-existent tape could reveal "facts". Looks like he realized he argued stupidly. This time a lot sooner than usual.

  33. \\Minus FJ doesn't believe Russia was the aggressor and Ukraine has the right to defend itself.

    Quotes! Quotes! Quotes!

    \\Also, Minus FJ disbelieves facts.

    Quotes! Quotes! Quotes!

    \\His denial of climate change science, for example.

    MY understanding that "climate change science" is not Science. ;-P

    And that, YET ONE demonstration how much an idiot you are -- idiots do not understand Science. Naturally. :-))))))))))))))))))

    So, they inclined to believe that anything that called "science" by some "experts" is Sciuence.

    \\and climate change will stop occurring.

    Did you heard about Snowball Earth, dumbass??? :-))))))))))))))))))

    Of course you not, cause you are idiot. Who do not know Science. ;-P

    \\The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office.


    Example of skirting the rules...

    \\No. The reason was because no classified info was sent or received.

    And what did I said -- that you'd squirm.

    While demn-strating perfectly totalitarian double-think -- when Reps doing that THEY GUILTY, but when Dems doing it, they are not... "because no classified info was sent or received."

    \\Obviously why the investigation -- into no rule breaking -- took place.

    O.K. I'll give you yet one chance to show that you are not idiot. And noit miserly Demn-junky. ;-P

    But you will squander it, in a jiffy. :-))))))))))))))))))

    "Obviously why the investigation -- into no rule breaking -- took place." -- and that is THE SAME what Demn Party doing to lower dRump chance in elections. By pumping up all that "investigations".

    The same as in that text by Mark Twain -- because that is how political fights are.

    \\Yes, but you'll just lie and say whatever quote I give is not "correct".

    Because it was... not correct. That way or another.

    Your Captain Obvious. ;-P

    \\So he deploys a new argument. And claims the new one is what he has been saying "all along". We've been through this before.

    And you can unvail it with demonstrating it all with logic and facts???


    Cause you are IDIOT, that think that mere babbling some bullshit can sway anybody, anyhow. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  34. \\Like when you claimed to not be involved in discussions about American politics. You finally realized how dumb that argument was, so you lied and said I was talking about "political involvement".

    THAT WAS and is about political involvment. Which I have NONE. In regards to USA politics. Because, I am just a miserly foreigner from far-far-away country. That have NO political connections what-so-ever.

    Because. I showed that PRECISELY CORRECT citation many times -- all started from MY words that I am "not involved in your inner political brawls"... and you said "No, you are"...


    Never was able to provide ANY sound logical explanation -- why MY claim untrue, somehow??? And why your silly rebuf is somehow truthful... EXCEPT being TRUTHFUL evidance of your totalitarian ideal. ;-P

    \\You failed. I never agreed that classification marking won't display if sent to a private server because "special software" is needed to display such markings. Because that's not correct.

    Because you are idiot, who do not understand how computer works. What is meta-data. And why displaying words like "TOP SECRET" means NOTHING in respect to providing security protection in circulation of classified government documents.

    That's all. ;-P

    Well... that was point about -- that that "classy markings" WILL NOT appear on that documents -- e-mails, EVEN. Because that e-mails was created and sent throught PRIVATE server, which based on regular commercial or even opensource SW... which KNOW NOTHING about that "classy markings"... and that way CANNOT neither ADD that "classy markings" to ANY document (writing-in "TOP SECRET" do not make it "classy marking" ;-P) NOR help with tracking their circulation and access to em of only EXPLICITLY ALLOWED personel.

    And that is ALL POINT of classification marking in the first place -- to provide security.

    Means. As YOU YOUSELF confirmed with citation of government rules -- that appearence of such classified documents OUTSIDE of government classified materials security system -- nullifying that security, and ARE explicitly prohibited.

    Means. "Classy markings" DO NOT provide protection BY ITSELF.

  35. \\Qtard: \\Operation Mincemeat provided lies. To fool the enemy.\\That is... their own problem. That they was not able to discern false from truth.

    \\Distraction attempt. Distract from the fact that you were wrong. You claimed that "Meanced meat" (what you call it) provided facts.


    For idiots like you. Who do not know, and do not want to know (even AFTER proper(from dictionary EVEN) definition provided, many times) what FACTS is. Because they inclined to "believe in facts". Means, to ignore facts they don't like. And revere as facts some NON-FACTS. ;-P
    Cause, that is what Religious Bonkers inclined to do. Through there miserly and idiotic lifes...

    Bus Ticket in that ""false officer""'s pockets, for example, was TRUE FACTUAL ticket.

    The same as many other FACTUAL things.

    Clever offocers of British secret servicesa USED to hide UNTRUE payload. ;-P

    THE SAME, as Demn Party creators of Demn Propaganda using TRUE FACTUAL things... to hide some nasty untrue payload, to deseminate through minds of willing idiot, like you.

    Well... the same what Reps Party, and any other political party in the world doing. And many-many other people. Like those who create adverisong, concockt "sciency theories", "explain truthes of the world" tinfoil cranks and etc, and etc, and etc...

    \\We weren't discussing a hypothetical tape.


    I know.

    That you are idiot. And that is natural for idiot to think that way. ;-P

    \\ Qtard idiotically claimed a non-existent tape could reveal "facts".

    That is called "thought experiment".

    Only trully sophisticated fellows (like Alber Einstain ;-P) can perform.

    To examinate LOGIC of inference ITSELF. Without mangling it with uncertainity of reality.

    But of course.

    And naturally.

    That is way ABOVE miserly capabilities of an ordinary idiot, to grasp what it means. :-))))))))))))))))))

    What LOGIC means.

  36. Qtard: \\Minus FJ doesn't believe Russia was the aggressor and Ukraine has the right to defend itself.\\Quotes! Quotes! Quotes!

    It's most of the posts here where Minus takes Russia's/Putin's side. You KNOW this. F*ck your "quotes". That's one of your derailment attempts. I told you previously I was done playing your FM games.

    Qtard: \\Also, Minus FJ disbelieves facts.\\Quotes! Quotes! Quotes!

    Minus, like you, deny the fact that tRump colluded with Russia. You KNOW this.

    Qtard: \\His denial of climate change science, for example.\\MY understanding that "climate change science" is not Science.

    You "understand" that because you are a FM.

    Qtard: And that, YET ONE demonstration how much an idiot you are -- idiots do not understand Science. Naturally.

    "You" is Qtard. Qtard doesn't understand science.

    Qtard: So, they inclined to believe that anything that called "science" by some "experts" is Sciuence.

    No. Not "science" with quote marks around the word. Not "sciuence" either. Whatever that is ("science" with a "U" in the middle for some reason). Actual science. Which Qtard clearly hates. Because he hates logic and facts.

    Qtard: \\and climate change will stop occurring.\\Did you heard about Snowball Earth, dumbass??? Of course you not, cause you are idiot. Who do not know Science.

    The theory that Earth once underwent a prolonged time of extreme global freezing has been dealt a blow by new evidence that periods of warmth occurred during this so-called "Snowball Earth" era Link.

    "Snowball Earth" was disproved 16 years ago. And (in any case) has nothing to do with human-caused climate change.

    Qtard: \\The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office.\\ Example of skirting the rules...

    AFTER she left office. HRC couldn't skirt rules that did not exist at the time.

    Qtard: \\No. The reason was because no classified info was sent or received.\\And what did I said -- that you'd squirm.

    Qtard squirmed. And dodged. Ignored that George W Bush and tRump did worse.

    Qtard: While demn-strating perfectly totalitarian double-think -- when Reps doing that THEY GUILTY, but when Dems doing it, they are not... "because no classified info was sent or received."

    Qtarded doublethink says ignore republicans breaking the law while criticizing Democrats for FOLLOWING the law.

    Qtard: \\Obviously why the investigation ... took place.\\O.K. I'll give you yet one chance to show that you are not idiot. ... But you will squander it, in a jiffy.

    Qtard already squandered in a jiffy the chance he had to prove he isn't an idiot.

    Qtard: \\Obviously why the investigation ... took place\\ and that is THE SAME what Demn Party doing to lower dRump chance in elections. By pumping up all that "investigations".

    Investigation (HRC) into no rule breaking. While investigations (djt) are into real lawbreaking. Not being done to lower tRump's chances in the election. Being done because nobody is above the law and donald tRump HAS to be held accountable.

    Qtard: \\Yes, but you'll just lie and say whatever quote I give is not correct.\\Because it was... not correct. That way or another.

    Right, that is your dodge. Ask for a quote. Say it's "incorrect" if I give one. Which is why I'm not doing it any longer. I refuse to play your FM games.

  37. Qtard: \\So he deploys a new argument. And claims the new one is what he has been saying "all along". We've been through this before.\\ And you can unvail it with demonstrating it all with logic and facts???

    Another Qtard dodge. Ask for "logic and facts". When Qtard doesn't know what logic or facts are. Because Qtard is an IDIOT who thinks mere babbling of bullshit is an argument.

    Anyway, I already "unvail" with logic and facts. The logic and facts came after "we've been through this before".

    Qtard: \\Like when you claimed to not be involved in discussions about American politics. You finally realized how dumb that argument was, so you lied and said I was talking about "political involvement".\\ THAT WAS and is about political involvment. Which I have NONE. In regards to USA politics. Because, I am just a miserly foreigner from far-far-away country. That have NO political connections what-so-ever.

    No. I disputed your ORIGINAL claim that you weren't involved in discussions about American politics. Which is dumb. Because that is what we are discussing RIGHT NOW. As I have said MANY times already, I have no idea if you are a foreigner and not involved in American politics for that reason. So WHY would I say you ARE involved? I wouldn't. And I didn't.

    Qtard: Because. I showed that PRECISELY CORRECT citation many times -- all started from MY words that I am "not involved in your inner political brawls"... and you said "No, you are"...

    "No, you are ...commenting on them". Just recently you claimed that -- from your POV -- we AREN'T discussing American politics here. So you went back to your old (very dumb) denial of the obvious.

    Qtard: BUT. Never was able to provide ANY sound logical explanation -- why MY claim untrue, somehow???

    Your comments here prove your claim is untrue. We're discussing American politics NOW.

    Qtard: And why your silly rebuf is somehow truthful... EXCEPT being TRUTHFUL evidance of your totalitarian ideal.

    *YOUR* silly, stupid, idiotic, moronic, counterfactual, reality-denying rebuff.

    Qtard: \\You failed. I never agreed that classification marking won't display if sent to a private server because "special software" is needed to display such markings. Because that's not correct.\\ Because you are idiot, who do not understand how computer works.

    Well, I earned a degree in working with computers. And I have worked with computers. I don't know how that would be possible if I knew nothing about how computers work.

    Qtard: What is meta-data.

    Qtard has no idea what metadata is.

    Qtard: And why displaying words like "TOP SECRET" means NOTHING in respect to providing security protection in circulation of classified government documents.

    It's information for the people authorized to be working with them. It's up to them to follow the rules. Which, in the case of donald tRump, obviously didn't happen. Just recently (as per this Minus FJ post) House member Marjorie Green broke the rules. By viewing sensitive info in a SCIF and then holding a press conference in which she told the media about the sensitive info she had viewed. But, being a republican, she gets a pass. Nobody even really mentions it.

    Qtard: Well... that was point about -- that that "classy markings" WILL NOT appear on that documents -- e-mails, EVEN. Because that e-mails was created and sent throught PRIVATE server, which based on regular commercial or even opensource SW... which KNOW NOTHING about that "classy markings"

    Don't need to know about them.

    Qtard: ...that way CANNOT neither ADD that "classy markings" to ANY document (writing-in "TOP SECRET" do not make it "classy marking"

    Qtard = captain obvious.

  38. Qtard: ...NOR help with tracking their circulation and access to em of only EXPLICITLY ALLOWED personel.

    Obviously that's an issue. Otherwise the government would have known a long time ago that Joe Biden and Mike Pence had documents. And would have told them to return those documents. More "captain obvious" remarks from Qtard.

    Qtard: And that is ALL POINT of classification marking in the first place -- to provide security.

    Is it? Or is it to let the viewer (person who is presumably authorized to look at them) know the classification status? As YOU have pointed out. WikiLeaks (and other similar organizations) have classified documents. The leaking was NOT prevented by "classy markings".

    Qtard: Means. As YOU YOUSELF confirmed with citation of government rules -- that appearence of such classified documents OUTSIDE of government classified materials security system -- nullifying that security, and ARE explicitly prohibited.

    I didn't confirm "with citation of government rules".

    Qtard: Means. "Classy markings" DO NOT provide protection BY ITSELF.

    "Protection" is provided by the person viewing them following the rules. Getting charged with crimes if they do not. Like Chelsea Manning and Reality Winner. Edward Snowden would be in prison now if he hadn't fled to Russia.

    Qtard: \\Operation Mincemeat provided lies. To fool the enemy.\\That is... their own problem.\\Distraction attempt. Distract from the fact that you were wrong. You claimed that "Meanced meat" (what you call it) provided facts.\\blah blah blah.

    NONE of this has anything do do with your original claim. You're just trying to distract from your original stupid claim that a nonexistent audio recording could somehow reveal facts.

    Qtard: Clever offocers of British secret servicesa USED to hide UNTRUE payload.

    "Untrue payload" is that Joe Biden accepted bribes.

    Qtard: THE SAME, as Demn Party creators of Demn Propaganda using TRUE FACTUAL things... to hide some nasty untrue payload, to deseminate through minds of willing idiot, like you.

    No. It's similar to how republican party creators of trumpturd propaganda use some true things to disseminate their "nasty untrue payload" to the minds of willing idiots like Qtard. Well, actual American voters who are inclined to vote republican. But the idiot Qtard believes too.

    Qtard: Well... the same what Reps Party, and any other political party in the world doing. And many-many other people. Like those who create adverisong, concockt "sciency theories", "explain truthes of the world" tinfoil cranks and etc, and etc, and etc...

    Tinfoil cranks = tRump supporters like Minus FJ and Qtard.

    Qtard: \\We weren't discussing a hypothetical tape.\\ I know. That you are idiot. And that is natural for idiot to think that way. That is called "thought experiment".

    It's called a distraction. Distract from ACTUAL topic of discussion. An alleged tape.

    Qtard: Only trully sophisticated fellows (like Alber Einstain...) can perform.

    "Alber Einstain"??? Who's that? NOTE THE SPELLING, dipshit. I don't know who "Alber Einstain" is. I've heard of Albert Einstein. But that isn't what you wrote. And Albert Einstein isn't "trully sophisticated". He can NOT do any "thought experiments". He is dead. So, obviously you didn't mean him. But some other fellow named "Alber Einstain". Someone I have NEVER heard of.

    Qtard: What LOGIC means.

    Logic is yet another topic that Qtard is clueless about.

  39. \\It's most of the posts here where Minus takes Russia's/Putin's side. You KNOW this.

    No. I dunno.

    Show with quotes what do you mean. Pretty please. ;-P

    \\F*ck your "quotes".

    Why anybody would dislike point-to-reality facts?

    Ah, of course, one who are religious bonker idiot, sitting on the niddle of propaganda junky. ;-P

    \\That's one of your derailment attempts. I told you previously I was done playing your FM games.

    Pointing to Reality... that is "derailment". Ough Coughs!!!!

    EXACTLY what Religious Bonker would say. ;-P

    \\"You" is Qtard. Qtard doesn't understand science.

    Try me. ;-P

    But you can't. And you know that you can't. Cause you are ignoramus and idiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And I can do.



    Go. Google for it. And then I will test you on what it mean. :-)))))))))))))

    But you won't, cause U R IDIOT. And you know it... itself. ;-P

    \\ Actual science. Which Qtard clearly hates. Because he hates logic and facts.

    That presumes that I hate what I know... :-))))))))))))))

    Well, can be, can be... as I hate that, that I still know too little.

    But... that is not a problem for a Religious Bonker Derpy -- who know a little (like, how to google), but think that it know it ALL. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\"Snowball Earth" was disproved 16 years ago. And (in any case) has nothing to do with human-caused climate change.


    Derpy, who "know all science" can discern FACTORS of NATURAL changes of climate... from allegedly "human-caused".

    EVEN without taking em into account??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That is just how much it scientifically versed... that, all-wise... something. ;-P

    \\Qtard squirmed. And dodged. Ignored that George W Bush and tRump did worse.

    Even with your idiotic assumption (more like prejudice) that I am NOT foreigner... even as USAian I could not care any less... ;-P

    And that is not squirm, or dodge... if you didn't care in the first place.

    But you... when you at first declared "dRump is gulty"... but then, after pressed with logic and facts falling into "it's not my bisiness" mode... THAT is. ;-P

  40. \\HRC couldn't skirt rules that did not exist at the time.


    \\Right, that is your dodge. Ask for a quote. Say it's "incorrect" if I give one. Which is why I'm not doing it any longer. I refuse to play your FM games.


    Yet one proof that you are idiot.

    Who ignore rules of intelligent discussion -- which based on providing examples and facts, and discussing it based on logic and scientific reasoning.

    But... you REFUSE.

    Naturally. ;-P

    \\Another Qtard dodge. Ask for "logic and facts".

    YET ONE.

    \\The logic and facts came after "we've been through this before".

    O.K. I will (pretend) that I playing your idiotic game.

    And... will double-check (oups, idiot will start screaming "no quotes" AGAIN) this your claim.

    After that "...this before". Immediately ARE words (COPIED there and PASTED here)... DRUMBEATS: ""
    Like when you claimed to not be involved in discussions about American politics. You finally realized how dumb that argument was, so you lied and said I was talking about "political involvement".

    That same OLD, but never the less PRECISE quote of MY... and YOUR own words:
    Qtard: I cannot demonstrate more hypocrisy then you ... absolutely uninvolved in your inner domestic political quarrels foreigner -- your inner bad names.

    My hypocrisy on this issue is zero. So you absolutely display more. WAY more. Also, you involve yourself by commenting, dipshit. If you want no involvement, go away.

    As it's easy to see... there was NOTHING about ME "not be involved in discussions about American politics".

    There... and AGAIN, and as always... is and WAS YOUR LIE "you lied and said I was talking about "political involvement"."

    So... it is CLEARLY antithetic to being "The logic and facts came after "we've been through this before"."

    "After that"... is and WAS only SAME BORING lies.



    It is NOT hard for me to cite and unvail logic... because to say truth -- always easier -- no need to remember all tenets of lies previously told. ;-P

  41. \\No. I disputed your ORIGINAL claim that you weren't involved in discussions about American politics.

    And where is YOUR quote of that "ORIGINAL claim"???

    Oh, I forgot... you declared "not playing silly games"... and now you'd NEVER be basing you claims on facts.

    Well... like you ever did. ;-P

    \\Because that is what we are discussing RIGHT NOW.

    Don't look like that.

    For the past several month we was discussing your silly hypocritical bad-mouthing, and trying to throw some shit at uninvolved in your inner political quarrels foreigner... ;-P

    And now, you even declared that you "never again" will be using facts(quotes) and logic(some rational explanations), which makes our talks even MORE distantiated from being admitted DISCUSSION.
    About such a complex matters as politics, especially.

    \\So WHY would I say you ARE involved? I wouldn't. And I didn't.


    And how... can somebody wise say it to me -- HOW it possible???
    To have a discussion... with something, that cannot show stability of mind even on the span of several sentences.

    First you cried that I "involved" and too dumb if not noticing it.

    And now you trying to say that you NEVER EVER have said that I involved.


    Go figure... what your words ever mean.

    \\Your comments here prove your claim is untrue. We're discussing American politics NOW.

    And you will use correct quotes to confirm this baseless claim... not?

    Am I right? :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\*YOUR* silly, stupid, idiotic, moronic, counterfactual, reality-denying rebuff.

    From something... that visibly even cannot decide for itself... involved I, or not. :-))))))))))))))

    \\Well, I earned a degree in working with computers. And I have worked with computers. I don't know how that would be possible if I knew nothing about how computers work.

    Dunno... I cannot know how idiot's brain works.

    That's why I observing YOU. ;-P

    \\It's information for the people authorized to be working with them. It's up to them to follow the rules.

    Ha-ha-ha... SO, STILL... THAT PEOPLE...

    HAVE intellectual and bodily autonomy... to decide for themself. To "follow the rules". Or not?

    That is only that NASTY-NASTY-WRONG scum J6 rioters, insurectionists -- do not have, and cannot have... such autonomy?

    See, I'm asking. That is a QUESTION. ;-P

    \\By viewing sensitive info in a SCIF and then holding a press conference in which she told the media about the sensitive info she had viewed. But, being a republican, she gets a pass. Nobody even really mentions it.

    Isn't that what Democratic Representative of WE, the People SHOULD DO???

    \\Qtard = captain obvious.

    Are you trying to complement me now? :-))))))))))))))))))))


  42. \\Qtard: ...NOR help with tracking their circulation and access to em of only EXPLICITLY ALLOWED personel.

    \\Obviously that's an issue. Otherwise the government would have known a long time ago that Joe Biden and Mike Pence had documents. And would have told them to return those documents. More "captain obvious" remarks from Qtard.

    Ho-ho-ho... Derpy-Doodle admitting obvious facts.

    What a rare occcasion.

    We need to celebrate.

    Such a less than once per month happening. :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\Is it? Or is it to let the viewer (person who is presumably authorized to look at them) know the classification status?

    What for???

    If he EXPLICITLY ALLOWED to see em -- that is overkill.

    If he not... like some spy, or tresspasser like that Teisheira -- it's useless.

    \\The leaking was NOT prevented by "classy markings".


    \\"Protection" is provided by the person viewing them following the rules. Getting charged with crimes if they do not.

    WAT???? :-))))))))))))))

    \\"Untrue payload" is that Joe Biden accepted bribes.

    Maybe yes. Maybe not.

    What is FOR SURE -- if it NOT provided in court, as solid evidance -- most surely it is not exactly true, or even completele concockted story. Political trick. To destroy opponent chances during next elections.

    Oh... NOW you need to start calling ME Bi-den defender, yes??? :-))))))))))

    \\It's similar to how republican party creators of trumpturd propaganda use some true things to disseminate their "nasty untrue payload" to the minds of willing idiots...


    \\ Qtard.

    Your wish. ;-P

    \\"Alber Einstain"??? Who's that? NOTE THE SPELLING, dipshit.

    So what, dipshit. Got your minute of feeling itself great? :-)))))))))))))))

    Minute I served to you (intentionally or unintentionally, who knows ;-P).

    You welcome! Be my guest. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    You will not have any more. As you incapable of anything even ordinary rational people can do.

    So... "thought experiments", totally above your miserly abilities.

    \\And Albert Einstein isn't "trully sophisticated". He can NOT do any "thought experiments". He is dead.

    Dead Einsain... still much more sophisticated than you, stooooopid.

    And you even do not know HOW, isn't it???

    Your version, dipshit? ;-P

    Can you solve such a simple quiz, even smart schoolboy can?


  43. No comments, De-Ru-Pi? :-)))

  44. Qtard: I [am] ... absolutely uninvolved in your ... political quarrels ... As it's easy to see... there was NOTHING about ME "not be involved in discussions about American politics".

    Quarrel, definition: "a heated argument or disagreement".

    Qtard is now claiming he always agrees with me re our discussions about American politics?

    Yet another qtarded lie.

  45. Qtard: now, you even declared that you "never again" will be using facts(quotes) and logic(some rational explanations)...

    Lie. I never declared this. Qtard declares it. By never doing it. He likes fake quotes and illogic.

  46. \\He likes fake quotes and illogic.

    And you can confirm it with CORRECT quotes???

    Naaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You can can only screach in youir bonker's idiocy that
    Ctrl-Fed and COPY-PASTED word to word quotes of your bullshit talking... somehow are FAKE???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard is now claiming he always agrees with me re our discussions about American politics?

    And we do discuss American politics... WHERE???

    I only see "discussion" of your pretentious moronity here. ;-P

  47. The discussion is over, asshole. I'm done with you. We absolutely have been discussing American politics. Also YOUR moronity. And I'm tired of it

  48. Means... you lost. ;-P

    Cause -- you are idiot.

    Idiots -- cannot stand in rational discussion of complex matters.

    YET ONE trait being idiot -- CONFIRMED!

  49. No, you lose. You got caught lying, yet you keep screeching the same lies. Definitely a trait of an idiot. An idiot who insists a partial quote it ADDED to ("em their rights") isn't fake.

  50. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  51. You just admitted with this... that you are I-D-I-O-T

    who do not know how to lose. ;-P

    And yeah... you will show now that YOU even bigger idiot -- with trying to throw that MY smart remark back at me. :-))))))))))))))))))

  52. Quote my "admission". There isn't one.

  53. Like you'd admit it...

    Idiots -- NEVER admit being defeeted.

    YET ONE trait of an idiot. Confirmed!

  54. I still have both my feet. I have not been "defeeted".

    YET ONE trait of an idiot (can't spell worth shit). Confirmed!

  55. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Yep, Derpy, yep. That is your MAXimum -- pointing to opponent (deliberate?) mystypings.

    Which shows your amount of imtellect -- that of some schoolboy...

    but, are you schoolboy, still??? :-))))))))))))))))

    That means that you are functionally idiotic -- stoped in your intellectual development imbecile. ;-P

  56. Dodgy Derpy runned away ahain. :-)))))))))))))))

  57. Qtard wrote that I "runned away ahain" as a comment on multiple threads. Possible to spell "again" WRONG, once... But many times? Trait of an idiot... CONFIRMED!
