Saturday, June 24, 2023

Perfidious Albion Plays its' Best Card Against Putin...

The U.K.: Masters of Soft-Kill
...but don't be fooled for a minute that Wagner is "headed towards Mos-Cow."  Rostov on Don was always their objective... to cut Russian supply lines and isolate Crimea.  The only question now is "how long Wagner can hold on to it?"
The British paid off the Wagner mercenaries.  And as Machiavelli said in "The Prince":
Summary: Chapter XII: Concerning Various Kinds of Troops, and Especially Mercenaries 
All princes must build on strong foundations. The two essential components of a strong state are good laws and good armies. Good laws cannot exist without good armies. The presence of a good army, however, indicates the presence of good laws.

There are three types of armies: a prince’s own troops, mercenary troops, and auxiliary troops. Mercenary and auxiliary troops are useless and dangerous. Mercenaries are “disunited, undisciplined, ambitious, and faithless.” Because their only motivation is monetary, they are generally not effective in battle and have low morale. Mercenary commanders are either skilled or unskilled. Unskilled commanders are worthless, but skilled commanders cannot be trusted to suppress their own ambition. It is far more preferable for a prince to command his own army.

Historically, dependence on mercenaries ruined Italy. During the breakup of Italy, which the Church supported in hopes of increasing its own stature, many townships hired mercenaries because they had little experience in military matters. Since the mercenaries were more concerned with increasing their own prestige and status than with taking risks or accomplishing military objectives, the conflicts between these mercenary forces devolved into a series of ineffective, staged, pseudo-battles, ultimately degrading Italy’s political and military might.


  1. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says Russia's "weakness" has been exposed, with a Ukrainian defense spokesperson calling it a "sign of the collapse of the Putin regime".

  2. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says Russia's "weakness" has been exposed, with a Ukrainian defense spokesperson calling it a "sign of the collapse of the Putin regime".

  3. He would say that. But his British-inspired maneuver will only last a few weeks. Unless Ukraine mounts a serious and successful offensive now, it will have all been for naught.

  4. ps - The word "coup" is pure propaganda. This is a minor mercenary defection.

  5. Ukraine launches offensive amid power struggle in Russia
    Christopher Miller, Ukraine correspondent

    Ukrainian deputy defence minister Hanna Maliar said Kyiv’s troops had “launched an offensive in several directions at the same time” on Saturday, apparently seizing an opportunity to counterattack against Moscow’s forces while a power struggle was under way in Russia.

    “In the direction of Orikhovo-Vasylivka, Bakhmut, Bohdanivka, Yahidne, Klishchiivka, Kurdyumivka . . . There is progress in all directions,” Maliar said.

    “The enemy is on the defensive, making great efforts to stop our offensive actions,” she continued. “At the same time, the enemy is suffering significant losses in personnel, weapons and equipment.”

    Maliar said that several Russian attacks in the east, backed with heavy artillery and air power, had been repelled.

  6. \\Unless Ukraine mounts a serious and successful offensive now, it will have all been for naught.

    Expert in military strategy opinion?

    \\ps - The word "coup" is pure propaganda. This is a minor mercenary defection.

    Only because it was TOO DAMN successful... and main target runned away. ;-P


  8. \\Unless Ukraine mounts a serious and successful offensive now, it will have all been for naught.

    You do not believe to maps and fotos.

    So, what good would make citing to you statistics. ;-)

    Like 2-3 dozens of artilery per day. ;-)

    With around 1000 of it on the front at all.

    I think you can use your Navi-based intuition with it. ;-)

  9. It's about "supply lines". You can't "forage" very well for "artillery shells". Do you know what an URG is?

  10. Know how many URGs it takes to resupply a CVBG in the Gulf of Tonkin conducting full combat tempo operations?

  11. Now shift that combat scenario from Yankee Station to Gonzo Station and tell me how many URGs you'll need..

  12. Supply chains. REMFs aren't always twiddling their thumbs.

  13. How many tanks, howitzers, cannons can make Moscovia???

    How many trucks they can recruit for "supply lines"???

    And most important -- why they STILL didn't achieved that levels, needed to win... or at least to stalemate, ah?

    That is not first days of war. Not first years even, anymore.

    What happend to Hirohito and Hitler? ;-)

  14. Gangsters. We'll reach their levels in a few years.

  15. Yup. If you'd continue being such a reclessly ignorant... USA. :-(((((((

  16. nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people

  17. :-)))

    Well... that is question of intellect of higherups. As they would lose the most.

  18. Yep... but they'll have more dogs to kick. :(

  19. That's why I prefer studing and talking about techs...

  20. The corruption is slowing starting to show its true ugly face.

  21. tRump's corruption has been apparent for a long time, Mystere.

  22. You mean Joe Biden's corruption has been apperent for a long time, Derpi$$ bin 0bama§atan-§ander$666. It's okay, Derpi$$. You Fowcheed up by being drunk on your moonbat moonshine hooch. Your boy is losing control of his bladder and bowel movements. Joe Biden was seen on live TV a few days ago, doing the Jerry Nadler waddle after being interviewed.๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„ He dumped a "bigly" load in his pants while live on TV.

  23. No, Mystere. I was talking about donald tRump's corruption. Not the imaginary corruption of our fantastic president, Joe Biden. btw, donald tRump poops his pants, not Joe Biden. That's been confirmed by someone who worked closely with him on "The Apprentice". It is how he got the nickname "Diaper Don".

  24. \\...our fantastic president, Joe Biden.

    FANTASTIC | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › fantastic
    fantastic definition: 1. imaginative or fanciful; remote from reality: 2. strange and imaginary, or not reasonable: 3. very unusual, strange, or…. Learn more.

  25. Fan·tas·tic /fanหˆtastik/
    adjective. extraordinarily good or attractive.
    "They did a fantastic job".
    Synonyms: tremendous, remarkable, great, terrific, enormous, huge, striking, impressive, outstanding, phenomenal, monumental, overwhelming, marvelous, wonderful, sensational, magnificent, superb...

    very good

    Qtard LIED. He posted the secondary definition and placed a "1" in front of it to make it look like the primary definition.

  26. Noticed. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  27. How scrupulous you are... when it not about your own words... ;-P

  28. Qtard is fantastic aka "remote from reality".

  29. Qtard is obviously silently agreeing with my smart comment.
