Monday, June 19, 2023

Merging Uni-Party Interests - Ukraine, the New "Woke" NeoCon and "War Mongering" Democrat Globalist Alliance

The Anti-War Left is dead.  The Conservative NeoCon is also dead.  With the rise of Donald Trump, old enemies have found a common interest in pursuit of global economic hegemony and capitalism.


  1. "The Anti-War Left is dead".

    RFK Jr, Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Mate, Matt Taibbi, etc?

    Yeah, they're all pro-war.

  2. That is not "common interest", that is Danger for All.

    Isn't it only logical -- to postpone all inner quarrels and unite when Enemy storming the gate???

    Well... sneakily poking you with a poisonous dagger(s)

    Waiting for Pearl Harbor?

    But your enemy NOT that stoooopid. NOT that chavalerous and self-proud.

    And much-much-much more cunning...

  3. Are you playing poker?

    What do you think about falling for obvious bluff??? When it came to final all-in bid?

  4. Our enemies won't submit to our "woke" dictates? We'll show THEM!

  5. With talking em into death... like Derpy trying to do here? :-))))

    But they... won't listen.

    Or... would listen, but for EVERY damn chance to have an audience -- will demand big step-backs from you. Like that recent Blinken's attempt to babble things around was payed with admission that China and Taiwan Forever Together.
    Or... as when Trump tryed to please Little Rocket man Un.

    Nothing good will come out of it.

  6. We need to insist that sodomy gains acceptance through the Russian territories. And "trans" surguries become free for Russian children.

  7. No need. Give em time, and they will do it themself.

    As with Marxism in 1917. ;-P

  8. Minus: Our enemies won't submit to our "woke" dictates? We'll show THEM!

    wtf are you talking about? It's your side that is imposing your White Supremacist dictates on America. "Wokeness" is just respect for others not like you. Why you can't stand it and seek to crush it.

    Minus: We need to insist that sodomy gains acceptance through the Russian territories. And "trans" surguries become free for Russian children.

    Like Russia would listen. Same as Putin is listening to us telling him to get the hell out of Ukraine.

    Qtard: With talking em into death... like Derpy trying to do here?

    LOL! Qtard is the one demanding responses. Seeking to keep conversations going indefinitely. Trying to goad me into responding by claiming I'm "running away with my tail between my legs".

  9. It's your side that is imposing...

    I know. You hate to read links.

  10. \\LOL! Qtard is the one demanding responses. Seeking to keep conversations going indefinitely. Trying to goad me into responding by claiming I'm "running away with my tail between my legs".

    ...and making me babbling all that incredible BS". You forgot to add? ;-P

  11. Qtard is trying to blame me for his incredible babbling of BS? Blame your own defective brain, Qtard. I don't have anything to do with it.

  12. "The current Wokeist incarnation of American globalist evangelism seeks not only to change the governments of other nations, but engineer their very cultures according to the Western progressive model".

    Minus prefers it when the US exports hate. As opposed to promoting tolerance.

  13. ...for the intolerant.

    There, finished it for you. Wokism means always affirming... never discouraging. A post-modern paternalism that requires totalitarianism.

  14. \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard is trying to blame me for his incredible babbling of BS? Blame your own defective brain, Qtard. I don't have anything to do with it.

    Oh, sorry Derp.

    I keep forgoting about miserable conditions of your mind.

    That was continuation of your words, proposed.

    To mock you. ;-P

  15. "That was continuation of your words, proposed".

    Why would I want to continue my words by adding Qtard lies? Qtard babbles incredible BS. Why I assumed he was talking about himself.

    Woke is "a post-modern paternalism that requires totalitarianism"???

    Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination".

    Are Blacks "parenting" Whites in wokeness? Are Blacks going to be our new totalitarian overlords under wokeness? Is that Minus FJ's White Supremacist fear?

  16. That's the least of my fears. It even goes against Adam Smith. The Discourse of Capitalism will ALWAYS reign supreme, even when tainted with SoJus fundamentalism by the Schuldkult. :)

  17. How does it go against Adam Smith?

  18. \\Why would I want to continue my words by adding Qtard lies? Qtard babbles incredible BS. Why I assumed he was talking about himself.

    You can assume? And I cannot? How come. ;-P

    YOU... cannot deny me right to decide INSTEAD of you -- what you said or what you want to say. ;-P

    As far, as you yourself ALLOW such babbling to yourself.

    Or... you need to admit that you are totalitarian... wannabe. ;-P

  19. Qtard can decide (lie about) what I say or what I want to say. He does it constantly. He has no right or ability to enforce his decision, however. Though, as a totalitarian, he surely desires that "right".

    The Nash Equilibrium explains why the US should remain a White Supremacist nation?

  20. No. It's bad for them. And everyone else.

  21. Then THAT wouldn't be an application of the Nash Equilibrium.

  22. Shouldn't we bring back slavery then?

  23. It's not "affirmative" enough. Wage slaves work MUCH harder... because they WANT to.

  24. Exactly. The republican party is NOT a "workers' party". The republican party protects the wealthy. The Democrats are the workers' party. Wage slaves don't work hard because they want to. They work hard because they have to.

  25. \\Qtard can decide (lie about) what I say or what I want to say. He does it constantly. He has no right or ability to enforce his decision, however. Though, as a totalitarian, he surely desires that "right".


    LOGIC -- it's "totalitarian invention"... in accordance to totalitarian wannabe Derpy.

    Because it wants TRUE LOGIC of totalitarianism -- "what RULER says THAT IS TRUTH... and people CANNOT have their own ability even, to discern right from wrong -- CANNOT be allowed to analyse words of RULER... and need only to cite and to repeat RULER's Propaganda, indefinitely", isn't it, De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    \\The Nash Equilibrium explains why the US should remain a White Supremacist nation?

    Yay. Idiot Derpy asking to explain Higher Math to him in simple words.

    Naah, Dumbass, go learn it itself. And make you brains go boom. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\The Democrats are the workers' party.


    Of slave-owners. ;-P


  26. Qtard: - "what RULER says THAT IS TRUTH ... repeat RULER's Propaganda, indefinitely"...

    Agreed. Qtard does repeat "ruler's" (donald tRump's) propaganda indefinitely. And consider it "truth".

    Qtard: Yay. Idiot Derpy asking to explain Higher Math to him in simple words.

    Lie. I didn't ask "higher math" to be explained to me in "simple words". No "higher math" is/has been discussed, dipshit.

  27. \\Agreed. Qtard does repeat "ruler's" (donald tRump's) propaganda indefinitely. And consider it "truth".

    And you can give quotes of that "Qtard does repeat "ruler's" (donald tRump's) propaganda"?

    Naah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Lie. I didn't ask "higher math" to be explained to me in "simple words". No "higher math" is/has been discussed, dipshit.

    \\\\The Nash Equilibrium explains why the US should remain a White Supremacist nation?

    Nash Equilibrium -- that is part of Higher Math.

    Your Captain Obvious.

    But you, just now -- konfirmed that you DO NOT know it. ;-P

  28. Qtard: And you can give quotes of that "Qtard does repeat "ruler's" (donald tRump's) propaganda"? Naah.

    Naah? So... donald tRump says the prosecutions he is facing are all being done for political reasons and he is innocent. While Qtard says the prosecutions involve actual law-breaking and that the charges definitely won't go "poof". Yes?

    Also, donald tRump says he did not collude with Russia but was framed by Hillary Clinton. While Qtard says donald tRump did collude with "Rasha" (his "nickname" for Russia) and has never suggested donald tRump is innocent because the DOJ hasn't charged him with collusion (and there has been no trial). Yes?

    Also, donald tRump says the world was safer under his administration. Due to the fact that Putin did not invade Ukraine while tRump was president. While Qtard says tRump gave Putin the green light to invade Ukraine? By suggesting he would pull the US out of the United Nations and for being on board with Putin's lie that Ukraine was involved in framing tRump for collusion? Yes?

    Qtard sees through all tRump's propaganda? He doesn't believe any of it? Because it is such bullshit and obviously false? Yes?

    If no, then I say Qtard absolutely does repeat "ruler's" (donald tRump's) propaganda indefinitely. And consider it "truth". That IS what Qtard has been doing up until now at least. Did Qtard change his mind? Is Qtard embarrassed for believing the Orange Ruler's propaganda? Is that why Qtard is now denying he ever repeated tRump's propaganda?

    Qtard: Nash Equilibrium -- that is part of Higher Math. But you, just now -- konfirmed that you DO NOT know it. ;-P

    Qtard "konfirmed" he doesn't know it.

    "The Nash equilibrium is a decision-making theorem within game theory that states a player can achieve the desired outcome by not deviating from their initial strategy. In the Nash equilibrium, each player's strategy is optimal when considering the decisions of other players".

    A "theorem" is a general proposition not self-evident but proved by a chain of reasoning; a truth established by means of accepted truths.

    The United States' Economic Strategy used to be to use free labor (slavery) to keep down costs. Why I asked Minus if we should bring it back. We deviated from our initial strategy. I wasn't asking him to "explain Higher Math... in simple words".

  29. \\While Qtard says the prosecutions involve actual law-breaking and that the charges definitely won't go "poof". Yes?

    WAT??? :-)))))))))))))

    I salute to your try to start analysing my words, for once.

    But... you still seems like far-far-away from ability to do it properly.

    Try to use shorter sentences. And only direct facts. (like... quotes of my words)

    Because your wild hypothetising... it is too wild. Upo to incomprehensibility. ;-P

    Your Captain Obvious.

    \\Qtard sees through all tRump's propaganda? He doesn't believe any of it? Because it is such bullshit and obviously false? Yes?

    I just don't care.

    As foreigner, remember? dRump's propaganda means just nothing to me, because it is not directed at me. Can propose to me nothing interesting to me. And why it would???

    Propaganda. Political propaganda -- it's for duping IMMEDIATE electorate.

    Or... you can point to me propaganda directed at outsiders. I'd liek to see it.

    \\If no, then I say Qtard absolutely does repeat "ruler's" (donald tRump's) propaganda indefinitely.

    Quotes! Quotes! Quotes!


    \\Qtard "konfirmed" he doesn't know it.


    Your own words.

    \\The Nash Equilibrium explains why the US should remain a White Supremacist nation?

    Showed enough, that you far-far-away from discussing politics in terms of Game Theory. ;-P

    And NO amount of copy-pasting excerpts from Google can "prove" that you DO unaderstand what it mean. ;-P

    That "decision-making theorem within game theory that states a player can achieve the desired outcome by not deviating from their initial strategy."


  30. No comments, De-Ru-Pi? :-)))

  31. Derpy showed how much he fears talks about High Math. ;-P

    Too high-brow for such an idiot? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    YET ONE trait of being idiot -- CONFIRMED!

  32. There are zero comments from "Derpy" (or from me) that show "he fears talks about High Math".

    Qtard lied when he wrote "Idiot Derpy asking to explain Higher Math to him in simple words".

    I talked about it, Qtard did not. Proving that it is Qtard who fears such talks.

    Qtard's idiocy has been confirmed. Or "konfirmed" (in qtardese). Qtard keeps konfirming his idiocy -- OVER AND OVER.

    "The Nash equilibrium ... states a player can achieve the desired outcome by not deviating from their initial strategy".

    Seems very simple. Yet Qtard does not understand. Because Qtard is an idiot.

  33. Lie. Qtard said nothing about the Nash Equilibrium, except to falsely claim I don't know what it is. And to lie about me asking for it to be explained to me. Because the liar Qtard doesn't have any clue what it is. He can't actually say anything about it.

  34. In respect to what?

    Made you some smart claim I can, I need to comment???

    Only your idiotic pretence... but I already commented on it. ;-P

    Happy??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  35. Lie. You did not.

  36. Derpish brain deteriorating... under summer heat? :-)))))

    No more tryes to flood everything with verbal feces?

  37. "Flooding with verbal feces" is the Qtard strategy.

  38. Counter-factual. ;-P

    Only stopid rebutal from De-Ru-Pi... it stinks that repeating smart word of wise opponent... would make its sound smart too. Naah.

    What a loser. And funny brain. ;-P

  39. Flooding with verbal feces does not make Qtard smart. It proves it is dumb.

  40. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You think you talking about High Math here?

    Trully, in your breazy idiotic mind... you could think so. :-)))))))))))))

  41. Qtard's verbal feces has nothing to do with "high math". Idiot.
