Thursday, June 22, 2023

Is Larry "The One"?


  1. win the Republican nomination now that DeSanctimonius has flopped.

  2. You are abandoning donald tRump?

    Anyway, Wikipedia says Hogan "was initially seen as a likely contender for the Republican nomination for president of the United States in the 2024 U.S. presidential election, but he declined to seek the nomination".

  3. ...not for my former Governor.

    But I am open to sincere change agents, ala RFK Jr.

  4. Change Minus desires = Embrace of tinfoil hat nuttery. Embrace of White Supremacy. Alignment with Putin and totalitarianism. Exportation of intolerance.

  5. RFK Jr's a white supremacist? Who knew?

  6. Anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made “deeply offensive” comments when he suggested things are worse for people today than they were for Anne Frank, the teenager who died in a Nazi concentration camp after hiding with her family in a secret annex in an Amsterdam house for two years, the Anti-Defamation League and U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum said...

    Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, wrote on Twitter that Kennedy invoking Anne Frank’s memory and the mass murder of Jews by the Nazis to make a comparison with the U.S. government “working to ensure the health of its citizens is deeply inaccurate, deeply offensive and deeply troubling. This must stop".

  7. OMG he offended some snowflakes. You're right, that disqualifies him. Cancellation is too lenient a punishment...

  8. He isn't qualified to begin with.

  9. And who are you to decide... who are qualifed?

    Oh, yeah, you are totalitarian... wannabe. ;-P

  10. The qualifications for President are listed in the Constitution. I'm pretty sure he's qualified.

  11. Qualified to run. Not qualified to win the Democratic Party's nomination. The Democratic base doesn't want a tinfoil hat nutter and Putin puppet as it's nominee. That's what republicans want, not Democrats.

    RFK Jr can't win the nomination. That's democracy, which the totalitarian Qtard hates passionately.

  12. RFK Jr. doesn't suffer from the fetishist's disavowal. He see's the corruption. Those who see the corruption are called "conspiracy theorists". but there's nothing "theoretical" about the Deep State conspiracy.

  13. Wikipedia: According to an American political conspiracy THEORY, the deep state is a clandestine network of members of the federal government (especially within the FBI and CIA), working in conjunction with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders, to exercise power alongside or within the elected United States government.

  14. Want to see a corrupt Deep State? Just look at the House floor... Career politicians directing career bureaucrats. The hubris simply overflows...

  15. "The fetishist disavowal, which Zizek sums up as, 'I know, but I don't want to know that I know, so I don't know'".

    Sounds like Minus FJ and Qtard reasoning. Re donald tRump's proven collusion with Russia.

  16. The censure of Adam Schiff by House republicans for telling the truth about tRump's collusion is a good example of "fetishist disavowal".

  17. As Special Counsel John Durham ultimately proved, it was all a Hillary Campaign bought and paid for PsyOp. And you still need to dupe yourself.

  18. John Durham did not prove that. He didn't charge HRC with anything.

  19. Nope. Just her evidence falsification fabricating minions.

  20. "Minions" who were found "Not Guilty". Because Durham didn't prove anything.

  21. lol! Minions who were found not guilty because of a 99% Democrat DC jury pool.

  22. Bored, Qtard? Nobody is forcing you to read this blog. You can always go away.

    The only thing Qtard had to say about the Durham report was to claim that John Durham was a "USA general prosecutor" and he said "dRumps collusion with Russian was FAKE". Both claims are total bullshit. Given that Durham wasn't a "USA general prosecutor" and he has never referred to donald tRump as "dRump". Durham never said collusion with Russia was fake, he criticized how the investigation was opened.

    Qtard got super butthurt when I called out his LIE that Durham's report says "dRumps collusion with Russian was FAKE". According to Qtard, " ommited that that was YOUR DAMN USA general prosecutor words". But there were NOT his words. Those were Qtard's words. Words the heinous liar FALSELY tried to attribute to John Durham.

  23. You are here... and you'll entertain me. ;-P

    \\Durham never said collusion with Russia was fake, he criticized how the investigation was opened.

    Oh, yes. BIG difference. ;-P

    \\Qtard got super butthurt...

    WAT??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Words the heinous liar FALSELY tried to attribute to John Durham.

    And you can PROVE it???

    With quotes??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Like. The way *I* DO... with your lies. ;-P

    Go pace PRECISELY CORRECT quote of my words.

    Alongside TRUE quote of that D... gay.

    And provide logically sound explanation -- how meaning of that two examples DO NOT converge... ;-P

    But you will not -- cause you are idiot. And that is totally beyond your miserly brain capacity. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    What you will only confirm, with more lame babbling here. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue... I like to laugh at your lame tricks.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Qtard: You are here... and you'll entertain me.

    I won't. Qtard is "entertained" by his own stupidity. He confuses his stupidity for stupidity from me.

    Qtard: \\Durham never said collusion with Russia was fake, he criticized how the investigation was opened.\\Oh, yes. BIG difference.

    Huge. Qtard doesn't understand because he is a FM.

    Qtard: \\Qtard got super butthurt...\\WAT???

    You falsely accused me of attributing what "USA General prosecutor" said to YOU. You were angrily screaming about it.

    Qtard: \\Words the heinous liar FALSELY tried to attribute to John Durham.\\And you can PROVE it???With quotes???


    Qtard: Like. The way *I* DO... with your lies.

    You never have. How could you? I have never lied in any discussion with Qtard.

    Qtard: \\Words the heinous liar FALSELY tried to attribute to John Durham\\ Go pace PRECISELY CORRECT quote of my words.

    PRECISE QUOTE: NOT ONLY you ommited that that was YOUR DAMN "USA general prosecutor" words. You ALSO ommited quote marks. JUST TO MAKE IT LOOK like that is MY OWN words and claims. Which was NOT!

    When you wrote, "dRumps collusion with Russian was FAKE", those were your words. You tried to falsely attribute them to John Durham. But John Durham never said that. Or wrote it in his report. Qtard lied.

    Qtard: Alongside TRUE quote of that D... gay.

    FALSE quote. Qtard concocted quote from "". "Durham guy"? "Durham gay"? Why are you calling him gay? I have no idea if John Durham is gay. Or what his possibly being gay has to do with this discussion. I don't care if John Durham is gay or not. Google says "He is happily married to Susan Durman, his longtime partner. He has four sons with his wife, and the two share eight grandchildren". So... I'm guessing... he is not gay.

    Qtard: And provide logically sound explanation -- how meaning of that two examples DO NOT converge...

    What two examples?

    Qtard: But you will not -- cause you are idiot. And that is totally beyond your miserly brain capacity.

    Will not what? Apparently you think your fake quote "converges" with what Durham actually wrote in his report? It does not.

    Qtard: What you will only confirm, with more lame babbling here.

    Qtard lamely babbles about a fake quote he concocted "converging" with John Durham's actual words. Which Qtard (by his own admission) doesn't even know. Qtard said he did not CARE to know what John Durham actually wrote in his report.

    Qtard: Continue-continue... I like to laugh at your lame tricks.

    I've never used a lame trick. Meanwhile Qtard uses lame tricks CONSTANTLY. Like concocting fake quotes. Like the quote from me Qtard faked, "I *DO* deny em their rights". And the quote from John Durham that Qtard faked, "dRumps collusion with Russian was FAKE".

  26. \\He confuses his stupidity for stupidity from me.

    What makes you so sure???

    Oh, yes, your own brand new (or more like damn old) stoooopidity. Stoooopid. ;-P

    \\You falsely accused me of attributing what "USA General prosecutor" said to YOU. You were angrily screaming about it.

    Angrily??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Words the heinous liar FALSELY tried to attribute to John Durham.\\And you can PROVE it???With quotes???


    Go DO it. ;-P

    But naaah, you will not. Got no brains. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\I have never lied in any discussion with Qtard.

    Like about YOUR OWN WORDS(Ctrl-Fed and copy-pasted to the words quotes) being your??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\When you wrote, "dRumps collusion with Russian was FAKE", those were your words. You tried to falsely attribute them to John Durham. But John Durham never said that. Or wrote it in his report. Qtard lied.

    That what I heard from news. And from the "experts". ;-P

    Still, at least partially, but it is factually correct -- there is that Durham, he did his investigation and he stated his opinion -- not very favorable for your cause.

    That's why you are so sad and grumpy. And trying to "reinterpritete" his words. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\FALSE quote. Qtard concocted quote from "". "Durham guy"? "Durham gay"? Why are you calling him gay? I have no idea if John Durham is gay. Or what his possibly being gay has to do with this discussion.


    Now you have that feeling. Of anxious amusment. As I have from 99% of your bulshit talking here. ;-P

    \\So... I'm guessing... he is not gay.

    Gays... cannot have children??? How come?
    That is big medical news for me. ;-P

    \\Qtard: What you will only confirm, with more lame babbling here.

    \\Qtard lamely babbles about a fake quote he concocted "converging" with John Durham's actual words. Which Qtard (by his own admission) doesn't even know. Qtard said he did not CARE to know what John Durham actually wrote in his report.


    Just more lame babbling.

    Yawn. :-)))))

    \\I've never used a lame trick.

    Ough Coughs... cause for you in your stupidity that lame tricks (like repeating my words) looks "smart". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ Like concocting fake quotes.


    Even though they are Ctrl-Fed and COPY-PASTED... they still "fake". :-))))))))

    Cause... as Wisest of the Wise De-Ru-Pun said... it do not reflect what Wisest of the Wise De-Ru-Pun MEANED :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Like the quote from me Qtard faked, "I *DO* deny em their rights".

    Err... That was "I *DO* deny..." quote.

    SEE... again and as always ONLY YOUR fake quotes here. ;-P

    \\And the quote from John Durham that Qtard faked, "dRumps collusion with Russian was FAKE".

    That was placed in quote marks. Which mean "allegedly said by".
    Well... I admit, I'm guilty, as I believed to news reporters, and never double-checked is it absolutely correct quote.


    Why De-Ru-Pi so against it??? He likes to provide quotes from some repoters and "experts". And ready to torn with his teeth, those who would point that that is just a "somebody-somebody who said something-something". ;-P

  27. No comments, De-Ru-Pi? :-)))

  28. Qtard: Which mean "allegedly said by".

    No. Quote marks means you are quoting the person in question. But Qtard's fake quote isn't an "allegedly said by" either. John Durham didn't say what Qtard says he did. Nor did he "allegedly" say it. The "quote" is a Qtard fabrication.

    ...placed in quote marks. Which mean "allegedly said by" = Qtard lame trick. An attempt to run away from his fake quote. But the quote-faking Qtard failed.

  29. \\No. Quote marks means you are quoting the person in question.

    It... do not stop YOU for example, from trying to present your own babbling "what I think Q said" as MY words...

    That way, your this argument... negligible. ;-P

    It's idioticly stupid -- to try to demand of others -- what you yourself NOT doing.

    Your Captain Obvious.

    \\John Durham didn't say what Qtard says he did.

    I already explained -- I just took words from news reporters.

    Is it *MY* fault... that that nasty lying reporters like to mangle words and not provide correct citations???

    Still, it is factual correct...

    \\...placed in quote marks. Which mean "allegedly said by" = Qtard lame trick. An attempt to run away from his fake quote. But the quote-faking Qtard failed.

    Yap-yap-yap... so damning accusation... from bullshit babbler, who do not care about correctness of anything it trying to present as quotes. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  30. "What I think Derpy said" is mostly what Qtard posts.

  31. "Still, it is factual correct".

    It isn't.

  32. Takeaways from the Durham report on the Trump-Russia probe › news › 2023/05/15 › durh...
    For four years, Special Counsel John Durham examined the origins of the FBI's investigation of links between Russian officials and Donald ...

    Or... you can take any other link you like... and use it as a base for your FACTUAL statments in a discussion of politics of USA.

    But naaaah... you will not. Got no brains.

    Cause you are idiot.

    So... only monkey screams and feces throwing... and no discussion.

    But you continue-continue. ;-P

  33. Qtard is the feces throwing idiot...

    What Qtard posted does not prove that "dRumps collusion with Russian was FAKE" is a factually accurate summary of anything John Durham wrote in his report.

    Article you cite (I believe) says...

    Durham said other FBI agents would also have been more skeptical about Trump/Russia allegations had they seen the intelligence, which would have "reduced the risk of reputational damage both to the targets of the investigation as well as, ultimately, to the FBI". Link

    Same as "dRumps collusion with Russian was FAKE"?


  34. Was that "dRumps collusion with Russian" was proved??? Naah.

    And that mr.D explained why... wordyly.

    Of course he would not use same brainless journalist/general public rethoric like screaming "FAKE"...

    but meaning of it -- the same. That all investigation are fake.

    Because that FBI agents showed eager inapropriate to their duty as law-abiding law-enforcers.

    And NO RESULTS!!!

  35. "Was that dRumps collusion with Russian was proved???"... Yes.

    Qtard uses brainless rhetoric screaming "fake". Because Qtard is brainless.

    "that mr.D explained why... wordyly"... He did not.

    "but meaning of it -- the same. That all investigation are fake"... Durham's investigation? Yes, it was fake.

    "Because that FBI agents showed eager inapropriate to their duty as law-abiding law-enforcers"... FBI agents showed lack of eagerness inapropriate to their duty as law-abiding law-enforcers.

    "And NO RESULTS!!!"... Exactly. FBI let tRump get away with colluding.

  36. \\"Because that FBI agents showed eager inapropriate to their duty as law-abiding law-enforcers"... FBI agents showed lack of eagerness inapropriate to their duty as law-abiding law-enforcers.

    Yap-yap-yap... in an eyes of totalitarian wannabe Derpy.

    In totalitarian countries like Rush'A or China... such miserly obstacles like lack of evidances and even common sense (that POTUS candidate MUST keep in touch with foreign countries diplomats, to perform duty of POTUS -- playing as primary face in foreign relations) would not stopped em from persecution... and even execution. Of that nasty dissidents.

    \\"And NO RESULTS!!!"... Exactly. FBI let tRump get away with colluding.

    Well. YOU said it.

    And you even NOT added banner SARCASM!!!

    Which mean that is your GENUINE assessment of state of affairs... in USA.

    Yes, Derpy?

  37. Qtard (again) has absolutely no idea what it is talking about!

    POTUS candidates must NOT keep in touch with foreign countries agents/spies.

    Such contact is illegal under US law.

  38. Qtard (again) has absolutely no idea what it is talking about!

    POTUS candidates must NOT keep in touch with foreign countries agents/spies.

    Such contact is illegal under US law.

  39. Then... 0-bama was POTUS candidate (on second term)...

    and he was colluding with Put-in. Telling him that he'd have his hands less binded, after his second come into Oval Office. To serve his Puppet Master. ;-P

    And of course.

    You lied.

    ""Federal law prohibits contributions, donations, expenditures(including independent expenditures) and disbursements solicited, directed, received or made directly or indirectly by or from foreign nationals in connection with any federal, state or local election. ""

    There is NOTHING... about establishing DIPLOMATIC links, NEEDED for a POTUS gonnabe...

  40. Qtard (again and again and AGAIN) proves it has absolutely no idea what it is talking about!!!

    USA Today: Federal campaign finance law prohibits any person from soliciting campaign contributions, defined as anything of value to be given to influence an election, from a foreign national, including a foreign government. In asking Russia to find Clinton's emails, presidential candidate Trump violated this statutory prohibition on seeking help from a foreign country to influence an election. Trump in essence called on a foreign adversary to locate and release something that was of great value to him and his campaign. (1/2/2019).

    LA Times: Several campaign funding experts say the emails strongly suggest that Donald Trump Jr. violated federal election laws by arranging a high-level campaign meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised to reveal damaging information about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. (7/11/2017).

    Qtard: Then... 0-bama was POTUS candidate (on second term)... and he was colluding with Put-in.

    Illegal for Barack Obama running for a second term as the sitting president, but not illegal for dotard donald a private citizen running for the presidency? A sitting president communicating with foreign leaders re matters of foreign policy isn't "collusion". Obama didn't ask Putin for dirt on donald tRump. Obama didn't ask Russia to hack donald tRump's servers. Qtard TRULY is an IDIOT.

  41. Qtard is obviously silently agreeing with my smart comment.
