Saturday, May 20, 2023

On the Globalist Coordinated MSM Psyops Targeting the American People


  1. "Incorrectly ascribed to be a White Supremacist action"? Untrue. Why would the Dutch be doing psyops for us? Sounds like more tinfoil hat nuttery to me.

    White Supremacists always denying White Supremacy.

  2. Are Chinese white? Howdyathnk, Derpy? ;-P

  3. What would a baizuo like Dervy know?

  4. "Are Chinese white?"

    WTF does this qutarded question have to do with either video or my comment?

  5. Absolutely direct. ;-P

    So? Are Chinese White? They not brown for sure.

    And calling em Yellow would be utter trogloditic racism.

    So? If they White... they must be White Supremacists too, isn't it?

    Or... your Demn propaganda do not concocted an answer... so you cannot dewise what to say, ah, De-Ru-Pi?

    Cause you undeniable u.u.r.b. -- unable to produce own thoughts with own miniscule brain. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    Yet one trait conformed. ;-P

  6. Favorite insult of Minus (used above), "Baizuo", translates to "White Left". Wikipedia says it "is a derogatory Chinese neologism used to refer to Western liberals and leftists and to their values". It does not appear to me that Chinese people consider themselves to be White.

    FYI, "White is a racialized classification of people and a skin color specifier, generally used for people of European ancestry".

    Chinese people aren't European, are they Qtard?

    Re, "your Demn propaganda do not concocted an answer"... An answer to what? If people who aren't White can be White Supremacists?

    Turns out that they can. Though the reason has nothing to do with "demn concocted propaganda".

    Re, "Yet one trait conformed"... Confirmed? The only thing confirmed was that I was confused by a comment from a FM that made no sense.

  7. \\It does not appear to me that Chinese people consider themselves to be White.

    And when it was stopping you -- to call WS people who do not think they are WS??? ;-P

    Or... you would protest (with arguments explanations) to that that your use of WS is basicly the same as with that "baizuo" -- merely a name-calling.

    \\FYI, "White is a racialized classification of people and a skin color specifier, generally used for people of European ancestry".

    \\Chinese people aren't European, are they Qtard?

    So? You are racist, Davy?

    Who defines people on the base of their ancestry/ethnicity? ;-P

    \\If people who aren't White can be White Supremacists?

    Congrats! You just confirmed that your Demn Propaganda is propaganda -- that segragate people on the base of their racial/ethnical traits -- racistic propaganda. ;-P

    \\Turns out that they can. Though the reason has nothing to do with "demn concocted propaganda".

    Tinsy little thing needed here. Confirmation from source that is NOT rooted in your Demn propaganda -- that somebody else sees it the same. ;-P

    \\The only thing confirmed was that I was confused by a comment from a FM that made no sense.

    You become confused so damn often...

    that it can be counted as just another trait. Of you know what. ;-P

  8. Qtard: And when it was stopping you -- to call WS people who do not think they are WS??

    When was it stopping you from labeling people with your moronic "religious bonker" "notion" when they say they are not? Or from calling people "totalitarian wannabe" when they clearly are not?

    Qtard: ...basicly the same as with that "baizuo" -- merely a name-calling.

    White Supremacy doesn't exist? It is just "name calling"? Sure.

    Qtard: \\Chinese people aren't European, are they...\\ So? You are racist, Davy?

    Huh? Non sequitur. And who is Davy?

    Qtard: Congrats! You just confirmed that your Demn Propaganda is propaganda...

    Congrats! You just confirmed that you are a FM. Races don't exist? As a social construct they do. This isn't something Democrats came up with, so how could it be "Demn propaganda"?

    Qtard: ...somebody else sees it the same.

    The shooter saw it the same. As proven by his White Supremacist tattoos. Also, as per his diary, "rants include messages supporting Nazism and reminiscing about when he became a full blown white supremacist".

    Qtard: You become confused so damn often..

    That happens often when a smart person tries to decipher the idiotic ramblings of a FM.

  9. \\When was it stopping you from labeling people with your moronic "religious bonker" "notion" when they say they are not?

    If they are not -- why they showing trait of being u.u.r.b.s.? Ah???
    Can you reveal that mystery???

    How something that shows all definite traits of being something -- still cannot be called something??? And that's on that base only -- that it DO NOT LIKE to be called something. Ahh??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\White Supremacy doesn't exist? It is just "name calling"? Sure.

    Well... you CANNOT have it BOTH ways.

    You cannot protest that "religious bonkery" do not exist.

    While same time proclaim that WS DO exist.

    Well... if you are not u.u.r.b.

    Because for u.u.r.b.s. -- everything is possible. ;-P

    So... why you not like, not want to be called u.u.r.b.???

    See... what immense pover of relentless idiocy, of sheer denial of Reality -- you'd posess. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Yeah. But you will not understand it. And will continue showing what a complete u.u.r.b. you are. Because u.u.r.b. -- that's what you are. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Chinese people aren't European, are they...\\ So? You are racist, Davy?

    \\Huh? Non sequitur. And who is Davy?

    Of course!

    Cause you made incorrect quote. It may look like "non sequitur".

    And that's why you NEED TO make incorrect quotes -- because there is NO OTHER way fer ya to "prove ya point". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because correct quote would include this sentence: "Who defines people on the base of their ancestry/ethnicity? ;-P

    Racists -- that is people who (try to) prescribe this or that (nasty,ugly,shameful usually) trait to other people... on the base of their ancestry/ethnicity/visible distinguishable traits like skin color.

    Like. Chinese visivly have white skin... but somehow, you deny em right to b called Whites... and that is on that base '''FYI, "White is a racialized classification of people and a skin color specifier, generally used for people of European ancestry".''' which is obviously and undeniable IS racistic definition. ;-P

    Who can do such racistic things if not racist?

    Yet one trait. Confirmed!

    \\Races don't exist? As a social construct they do.


    As a "social construct" for segragation and oppression. As in KKK.

    You are right, my little totalian non-friend, with clearly racistic attitude. ;-P

    \\This isn't something Democrats came up with, so how could it be "Demn propaganda"?

    I. Would not be SO DAMN sure... with history of Demn Party in USA given. ;-P

    But well, you ARE u.u.r.b. SO you will not dive into history records, to research it fer yaself. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    And I... don't care to push ya in zat direction -- cause I am uninvolved in your inner political discurses -- and don't care if you'd continue have such a preposterous and idiotic beliefs. ;-P

    More than that... it would not be so much fun. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    So, continue-continue, my little grasshopper.

    \\That happens often when a smart person tries to decipher the idiotic ramblings of a FM.


    Not THAT often... if that is really smart person. And not just some u.u.r.b. who hypocritically trying to pose itself as one. Yawn.

  10. Qtard: If they are not -- why they showing trait of being u.u.r.b.s.? Ah??? Can you reveal that mystery???

    Someone cannOT show any traits of something Qtard made up. There is no such thing as a "u.u.r.b." That is just Qtard stupidity.

    Qtard: How something that shows all definite traits of being something -- still cannot be called something??? And that's on that base only -- that it DO NOT LIKE to be called something. Ahh???

    That "something" (or someone) ABSOLUTELY can. THAT is what isn't stopping me from calling "WS people who do not think they are WS". I was talking about you calling me a "religous bonker" when I exhibit ZERO traits of this qtarded "notion".

    Qtard: You cannot protest that "religious bonkery" do not exist.

    It does exist. Except it's called (by almost every other living person on planet earth), "religious nuttery". Those who understand the English language, at least (so, obviously not Qtard).

    Qtard: Chinese visivly have white skin... but somehow, you deny em right to b called Whites... ... "White is a racialized classification of people and a skin color specifier, generally used for people of European ancestry". which is obviously and undeniable IS racistic definition.

    I denied NOTHING. I just gave you the definition. "White" generally DOES refer to people of European ancestry. This is a FACT. Facts JUST ARE. It does not matter if Qtard believes them or not.

    Qtard: Who defines people on the base of their ancestry/ethnicity? Racists -- that is people who (try to) prescribe this or that (nasty,ugly,shameful usually) trait to other people.

    I do not DEFINE anyone on the base of their race or ethnicity. It is one quality, not a defining quality. And I have never engaged in racist stereotyping. I have never tried to do this either (as you imply).

    Qtard: As a "social construct" for segragation and oppression. As in KKK.


    Qtard: You are right, my little totalian non-friend, with clearly racistic attitude.

    Being aware of the existence of the "social construct" of "race" does not make me a racist, idiot. It makes me an informed person.

    Qtard: Yet one trait. Confirmed!

    Agreed! A trait of a lying POS confirmed. Which is what Qtard is.

    Qtard: \\This isn't something Democrats came up with\\ I. Would not be SO DAMN sure... with history of Demn Party in USA given.

    Quote: "The concept of race emerged in the mid-17th century as a means for justifying the enslavement of Africans in colonial America... and scientists eventually devised theories to uphold the system of forced labor".

    The Democratic party did not exist during colonial American times. No US political parties did.

    Qtard: But well, you ARE u.u.r.b. SO you will not dive into history records, to research it fer yaself.

    There is no such thing as a "u.u.r.b." I could therefore not possibly be this string of letters that stands for a qtarded "notion". And, as I already pointed out, the concept of "race" came into being well before the US Democratic Party did.

    Qtard: ...and don't care if you'd continue have such a preposterous and idiotic beliefs.

    Such as? What are these "preposterous and idiotic beliefs" you incorrectly think I have? Give some examples.

  11. btw, there is no "Demn Party in USA". There never was. There is not now. There likely never will be. There is no "N" in Democratic Party.

  12. \\Someone cannOT show any traits of something Qtard made up. There is no such thing as a "u.u.r.b." That is just Qtard stupidity.

    That is... only your baseless claims.

    HOW there is no u.u.r.b. -- if you yourself trying to use "stupidity" on me???

    So, there is NO "stupidity"? Of which is direct direvative.

    Or what??? ;-P

    \\That "something" (or someone) ABSOLUTELY can.

    So? What do you opposing here, then?

    \\I was talking about you calling me a "religous bonker" when I exhibit ZERO traits of this qtarded "notion".


    Qouting. Proprly and directly. YOUR own words.


    Do a proper and logical explanations -- why that factual quotes can be demonstration of this or that traits.


    Claims -- have factual base and logic behind.

    Your -- not. ;-P

    That's why you are saaa grumpy here. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Except it's called (by almost every other living person on planet earth...

    Apparent and idiotic BULL SHIT.

    There's around 8 BILLION people on the Earth.

    And of them... like ONLY 500 millions (I took bigger number deliberately)

    With this.

    Perfectly and logically, and easy to see even to kindergardner -- that your claim about "almost every other living person on planet earth" -- is OBVIOUSLY and UNDENIABLY -- false. ;-P

    \\Those who understand the English language, at least (so, obviously not Qtard).


    You are u.u.r.b.

    With unexistant erudition.

    And do not know that there is people like Inmduses and Chinese... who ALSP speak English... their version of English.

    Well... the same as anybody and everybody -- can and have THEIR OWN version of language. With own set of words and notions they prefer to use. ;-P

    But you are u.u.r.b. And totalitarian wannabe. And oibviuous idiot.

    THAT'S WHY you trying to PRESCRIBE to ALL World, to people you do not know and will never know -- how they MUST use their tongues. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    In accordence to your miserly ideas.

    Clearly Religious Bonker... or Nutter, if ya prefer it that much.

    \\I just gave you the definition.

    Yap. Definition which racists useing. ;-P

    \\I do not DEFINE anyone on the base of their race or ethnicity.

    Yap. You just using definition of racists. Where it seemlessly instilled. ;-P

    \\And I have never engaged in racist stereotyping. I have never tried to do this either (as you imply).

    That is YOU are one who keep implying... this and that.


    Only stating facts.

    And do logical inference of em. ;-P

    \\Being aware of the existence of the "social construct" of "race" does not make me a racist, idiot. It makes me an informed person.


    The same as KKK members? ;-P

    \\Agreed! A trait of a lying POS confirmed. Which is what Qtard is.

    Ehm??? And... quotes? inferences? explanations?


    As always.

    Only baseless accusations. Yawn.

    \\The Democratic party did not exist during colonial American times. No US political parties did.

    Please, remind me. When EXACTLY Slavery was Abolished? Was it in "colonial American times"??? ;-P

    And... where CORE of Dem party was situated... in that times??? ;-)

    \\And, as I already pointed out, the concept of "race" came into being well before the US Democratic Party did.

    So what???

  13. Derpy Derpy Doo, Where R U??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

  14. Dodgy Derpy runned away ahain. :-)))))))))))))))

  15. Google says u.u.r.b. is an "Unfunded Unapproved Retirement Benefit". How can I (a human) be an Unfunded Unapproved Retirement Benefit?

  16. Qtard ran away.

    Or, in qtardese...

    Qtard runned away ahain.

  17. 9 months later? Ultimate Last-wordism?
