Sunday, May 21, 2023

Never Forget...and Always BE Angry!

On 22 May 2017, an Islamist extremist suicide bomber detonated a shrapnel-laden homemade bomb as people were leaving the Manchester Arena following a concert by American singer Ariana Grande.

Twenty-three people were killed, including the attacker, and 1,017 were injured, many of them children. Several hundred more suffered psychological trauma. The bomber was Salman Ramadan Abedi, a 22-year-old local man of Libyan ancestry. After initial suspicions of a terrorist network, police later said they believed Abedi had largely acted alone but that others had been aware of his plans. In March 2020, the bomber's brother, Hashem Abedi, was found guilty of 22 counts of murder and attempting to murder 1,017 others, and was sentenced to life in prison.

The incident was the deadliest terrorist attack and the first suicide bombing in the United Kingdom since the 7 July 2005 London bombings.

Bonfire of Teenagers
Which is so high in May north-west sky
Oh, you should've seen her leave for the arena
On the way, she turned and waved and smiled: "Goodbye"

And the silly people sing: "Don't Look Back in Anger"
And the morons sing and sway: "Don't Look Back in Anger"
I can assure you I will look back in anger 'till the day I die

Bonfire of Teenagers
Which is so high in May north-west sky
Oh, you should've seen her leave for the arena
Only to be vapourized

And the silly people sing: "Don't Look Back in Anger"
And the morons swing and say: "Don't Look Back in Anger"
I can assure you I will look back in anger 'till the day I die

Go easy on the killer
Go easy on the killer
Go easy on the killer
Go easy on the killer...


  1. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    1. ∆ The laughter of an idiot ∆

  2. And non-idiot can explain -- why that is "laughter of an idiot"? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  3. ∆ the idiot continues laughing ∆

    Can the idiot explain wtf the image it linked to has to do with Minus FJ's post? Nah. Because it has nothing to do with it.

    IDK even what is supposed to mean. Can the idiot explain what the message is?

  4. \\Can the idiot explain wtf the image it linked to has to do with Minus FJ's post? Nah. Because it has nothing to do with it.

    And what's the problem with it? ;-P

    It disturbes miserly coprehensive ability of one certain De-Ru-Pi?

    \\IDK even what is supposed to mean. Can the idiot explain what the message is?

    Well... you can say -- what do you see there? ;-P

    At least one person there are quite recognizable -- to not rise "whozzat" flag.

  5. Maybe the image eludes the miserly coprehensive abilities of Qtard? Given that he was unable to explain it's meaning. FYI, "whozzat" isn't a word.

  6. Word -- that is some latters chained in sequance. ;-P

    As that, "whozzat" is a word... and you know what it means.

    And now just trying to play dumb, and pretend that you do not understand.

    But that play is unsucksecesfool... as you behave like utter idiot nearly 100% of time. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    No difference.

    Where you playing dimb, or you demonstrated being dumb... as that log.


    What more explanations do you need?

    Are you saying that you do not know whozzat on that picture?

    Or... you miserly comprehension abilities do not allow you to parse the meaning of that picture? :-)))))))))))))))))

  7. Qtard (given two chances) is still unable to explain what the message of the image he linked to is. Looks like he does not know. He is so dumb he does not even know what a word is.

  8. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  9. If you have such a low comprehension ability, that you cannot discern yourself -- that there are group of women who carry one man. How can *I* help you? :-))))))))))))))))))

    Or... are you blind? And cannot see pictures? That's why you asking?


    A writing system, technically referred to as a script or an orthography, consists of a set of visible marks, forms, or structures called characters or graphs that are related to some structure in the linguistic system.
    Writing - Logographic, Syllabaries, Consonantal, and Featural › topic › writing › Types-of-writing-systems

    Congrats, De-Ru-Pi... with your moronic claim "He is so dumb he does not even know what a word is." you just YET ONE TIME confirmed that you are u.u.r.b.

    Who are completely oblivious of what "orthography" is.

    Well... predictable. ;-P


  10. Qtard: Who are completely oblivious of what "orthography" is.

    Who? You (the FM known as Qtard).

    Quote: The prefix ortho means "proper" or "correct", while graph means "writing". So, orthography means "correct writing".

    *I* do not think "whozzat" is a valid alternate spelling of "who's that". That would be *You*.

    "Whozzat" is obviously not correct writing.

  11. \\"Whozzat" is obviously not correct writing.

    So, wat??? ;-P

    \\*I* do not think "whozzat" is a valid alternate spelling of "who's that". That would be *You*.

    Of course.

    Because you are u.u.r.b.

    With unexistant erudition.

    That do not know that languages DO CHANGE all the time. ;-P

    Go Google some text in Old English and try to read it. ;-)

    \\Quote: The prefix ortho means "proper" or "correct", while graph means "writing". So, orthography means "correct writing".

    I know that you can google already.

    But... that is not you own knowledge.

    Only borrowed one. ;-P

    And you are merely a post-modern u.u.r.b. who can use modern wonders like Google to try to pretend being knowledgible. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  12. You think your horrifically bad spelling and use of made up words is proof of your great knowledge? You also believe that information acquired from other people directly (like teachers) or by reading is "borrowed" and therefore invalid? Even though that is how people acquire much of their knowledge (by going to school where they learn from teachers and by reading books)?

    Your erudition claim is nothing but a proven idiot's narcissistic bragging. And counter-factual, given your stated opposition to learning by "borrowing". Such stupidity is hardly even worth an LOL.

  13. \\You think your horrifically bad spelling and use of made up words is proof of your great knowledge?

    Oh. Here we again.

    Of course not.

    It just a sign that I do not use spellchecker.

    And not a native speaker of English, who do not practiced it for decades, while living in English-only environment...

    \\You also believe that information acquired from other people directly (like teachers) or by reading is "borrowed" and therefore invalid?

    Listening to a teacher? Reading from a book?

    But... was it the case, in anything we talking about here???

    Which teacher tout you that J6 are "insurectionists"???

    What book you have read it from???

    \\Your erudition claim is nothing but a proven idiot's narcissistic bragging. And counter-factual, given your stated opposition to learning by "borrowing". Such stupidity is hardly even worth an LOL.


  14. Qtard: It just a sign that I do not use spellchecker.

    But you claimed it (once, anyway) that your laughably ridiculous misspelling was "on purpose".

    Qtard: Which teacher tout you that J6 are "insurectionists"??? What book you have read it from???

    What teacher "tout" you that they aren't? What book did you read it in that they aren't? I never said that everything I know I learned from a teacher or read in a book. Google is a valid source of information, btw. You can learn by reading a book or learn by reading an article found via Google.

  15. \\But you claimed it (once, anyway) that your laughably ridiculous misspelling was "on purpose".

    Some of them.

    Some other, just mistypings.

    Or mistypings I saw, but did not corrected.

    Or some puns which was intended.

    See any problem with me indulging myself into my Freadom of Speach??? ;-)

    \\I never said that everything I know I learned from a teacher or read in a book.

    Then WHY you rised that things??? Which we NEVER discussed here?

    But... we know why, isn't it?

    It was "clever treak" from your side -- to try to accuse me -- falsely, and deliveratly so. That *I* have something AGAINST education and book-knowladge.

    Isn't it, De-Ru-Pi?

    But that treak didn't work, predictably. Cause ONLY idiot would bewise such a miserly treak... for other idiot to be hooked with it. :-)))))))))))))

    \\Google is a valid source of information, btw.



    But not knowledge.

    Like... recieving weather forecast -- cannot make you a meteorologist.
    Or reading Wall Street news -- cannot make you an economist.
    And etc, etc, etc.

    And your lack of eductaion and idiotic attitude -- makes you unable to extract knowledge from raw information.

    That's why you falling into state of "I believe infacts" AKA Religious Bonker.

    All is perfectly logical. See??? But ugh, of course you not. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Cause you are u.u.r.b.

    \\You can learn by reading a book or learn by reading an article found via Google.


    For sure.

    You? Seems doubtful. ;-P

  16. Qtard: It was "clever treak" from your side -- to try to accuse me -- falsely, and deliveratly so. That *I* have something AGAINST education and book-knowladge.

    HOW can the accusation be false when you admitted it? You called it "borrowed knowledge".

    Quote (from above): ".. that is not you own knowledge. Only borrowed one".

    I accurately pointed out that much of the knowledge people acquire is "borrowed".

    Qtard: \\You can learn by reading a book or learn by reading an article found via Google.\\ I? For sure.

    For sure you do not. Like when you started it was impossible for you to know who Simon Cowell is. Even after I pointed out you could use Google. You still said it was impossible. Obviously you don't know how to use it. Or any search engine.

    Remember you challenged me to name someone famous in Timbuktu and I was easily able to give you several names? That must have amazed you.

  17. \\HOW can the accusation be false when you admitted it? You called it "borrowed knowledge".

    About your "I googled it".

    Of course it's borrowed.

    The same as "recieving weather forecast -- cannot make you a meteorologist."

    That is just SOMEBODY ELSE'S knowledge, you just copy-pasted.

    Clearly, without understanding what it means.

    "Somebody-somebody who said something-something" (tm)


    I know that you can google already.

    But... that is not you own knowledge.

    Only borrowed one. ;-P


    There is NOTHING in that quote, that suggests that I dismiss knowladge received from teachers or read from books.

    ONLY questiuoning "knowledge" from copy-pasting from Google search output.

    Is it NOT apparent???

    \\Quote (from above): ".. that is not you own knowledge. Only borrowed one".

    False quote. With deliberately cutted out my words: "I know that you can google already.


    WHY you cutted it out??? Ah, Derpy? If not for that purpose, to produce FALSE quote???

    Can it be called honest? Such behavior? ;-P

    Can it be called truthful? Such claims? Deliberately mangled.

    We both know the answer, isn't it, De-Ru-Pi?

    And the answer is -- that you are miserable liar. An idiot. Who trying to cover his stupidity with such a miserly, too damn obvious, so disingenious, so low-brow, so incredibly lame... stupid treaks. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I accurately pointed out that much of the knowledge people acquire is "borrowed".


    Yet one word sheer meaning of which you do not understand? "Accurately" -- what does it mean, from your POV???

    Can you say it without help from Google? ;-P

    \\For sure you do not. Like when you started it was impossible for you to know who Simon Cowell is. Even after I pointed out you could use Google. You still said it was impossible.

    Cause... there is NO such service of the Google Company -- that would summarise and deliver attitudes of people directly from their brains.

    Maybe, just yet. ;-P

    \\Remember you challenged me to name someone famous in Timbuktu and I was easily able to give you several names?


    You just gave some names which was CALLED famous. Well, it was based on YOUR idea of who is famous -- some bunch of singers, to boot. HOW can you be so sure -- that that is singers who are TOP NOTCH famous in Timbuktu??? And not some TV judges??? Ah, De-Ru-Pi??? :-)))))))))

    Being famous. And being just CALLED famous -- not one and the same.

    To know ACTUAL info, WHO people of Timbuktu THINK are famous and important.
    You'd need to perform quite complex and intrinsic research. ;-P

    But... that is too much to understand for a such an idiot like you. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. Qtard: That is just SOMEBODY ELSE'S knowledge, you just copy-pasted. Clearly, without understanding what it means.

    Wrong. I have never copy-pasted without understanding. Sounds like what you do with your long dictionary excerpts. You think it proves that you know what words mean. Even though you don't.

    Qtard: I know that you can google already. But... that is not you own knowledge.

    It is mine. Even if I did not already know it and was only Googling for a well written version. Or for confirmation of what I already know. If I don't know it, I MAKE it mine. Same as if I read it in a book or learn from a teacher. That is what learning is. Or "borrowing", as you call it.

    Qtard: And the answer is -- that you are miserable liar. An idiot. Who trying to cover his stupidity with such a miserly, too damn obvious, so disingenious, so low-brow, so incredibly lame... stupid treaks

    No "treak". Like I said, they are all the same to me. So, when you said knowledge obtained from Google is "borrowed", I assumed you meant the same thing regarding knowledge obtained from teachers and books.

    I didn't copy and paste that portion because I didn't know it was vital to your qtarded false allegation of copying and pasting "without understanding". That is something new you just added.

  19. \\Wrong. I have never copy-pasted without understanding. Sounds like what you do with your long dictionary excerpts. You think it proves that you know what words mean. Even though you don't.

    And surely you can EXPLAIN why you think that way?

    And back your explanation with some facts and logic?

    Naah :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You only will continue showing that you DO NOT freakingly understand what that phrase "back your explanation with some facts and logic" even mean. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    That's why it's so funny to observe you. ;-P

    \\Qtard: I know that you can google already. But... that is not you own knowledge.

    \\It is mine. Even if I did not already know it and was only Googling for a well written version.

    See. With your own words you confiremed. That "well written version" is not yours.

    Of course it is. I agree with you. You freakingly unable to produce anything concise yourself. ;-P

    Well... I congratulate you -- for that that you able to admit at least THAT MUCH.

    \\ Or for confirmation of what I already know.

    Is that what standards that your teachers used? Just an ability to point what confirms what you "know"???

    Instead of abolity to EXPLAIN it with your own words.

    Well... explains a lot.

    Well... I cannot blame you, for having such a stupid teachers.... only pitting you.

    \\If I don't know it, I MAKE it mine.

    Good for you.

    Thought I saw not a speck of it from you. In almost year of communication. ;-P

    \\Same as if I read it in a book or learn from a teacher. That is what learning is. Or "borrowing", as you call it.


    In e very general sense.

    Without much regard toward HOW MUCH and WHAT EXACTLY did you learned.


    \\I didn't copy and paste that portion because I didn't know...



    You "didn't know". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  20. Dodgy Derpy runned away ahain. :-)))))))))))))))

  21. Qtard : \\I didn't copy and paste that portion because I didn't know...\\ Yep. Exactly. You "didn't know".

    Qtard the fake quote fabricator fabricates a fake quote... AGAIN.

  22. Yep. Ctrl-Fed and COPY-PASTED... but still, "fake"... couse idiot Derpy cannot find what to answer to smart questions. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))
