Sunday, April 16, 2023

Shine on You Crazy Dimon!

More here.


  1. Whitney Webb is an awesome guest on Jimmy Dore's show. I hope her book sells well.

    As far as Bleccchstink is concerned, I hope Bleccchstink's criminal actions get exposed fully. Child traffickers are beyond evil. Even prison gang members hate those who harm, maim and kill children.

    The scandals are getting exposed big time now. Every spawn of Satan will be rounded up and put into prisons for the remainder of their lives.

  2. You won't fare well in prison, Mystere.

    1. I'm not going to prison, Dervish. You are.

    2. Why am I going to prison? I am not a "spawn of Satan". I assumed you were referring to yourself.

  3. I'm looking forward to the scandals of tRump (and those who conspired with him to overthrow the US government) getting exposed big time. These traitors certainly deserve to be rounded up and put into prisons for the remainder of their lives. Whether that happens or not remains to be seen. I pray Mystere is correct and donald tRump ends up behind bars for the rest of his life.

    It does not look like tRump is ever going to face justice re the 13 year-old girl he and Epstein raped, however.

  4. Spawns of Satan, especially you, Dervish, baselessly accuse others of deeds that they themselves have done. You continue to ignore the fact that God has you on record of falsely accusing Donald John Trump Sr. of raping a girl, when he actually went to save the teenager and got her away from your idol Epstein. You have some serious charges against you piling up for the moment you take your dirt nap, Dervish bin §atan-§ander$666. And no, I'm not gloating with glee over telling you this. You've mocked Jesus every time you've refused to heed His warning to you. You're on your own now, without any protection against Satan's dirty deeds being done dirt cheap. As Jesus said to the Pharisees, "...your guilt remains on you."

  5. Katie Johnson (the 13 year old I was talking about) says tRump and Epstein raped her. Why would she say this if tRump actually saved her? Mystere is suffering from delusions that his idol donald tRump is a "Godly man".

    donald tRump is an evil racist misogynist scumbag who has sexually assaulted dozens of women. He is a tax cheat and a corrupt thief, a traitor who conspires with our enemies, tried to overthrow the US government and stole government documents. He should be tried, convinted and executed.

    I have never mocked Jesus. You mock Jesus when you side with Satan's minion, donald tRump. FYI, donald trump's rape buddy Epstein is not my idol. F*ck your "warning" asshole.

  6. Nice try Dervish bin §atan-§ander$666; seriously? Pulling up some ambulance chaser bimbo who hired a liberal bimbo hack to smear Trump?

    Seriously, Dervish bin §atan-§ander$666, your clown show is a "bigly" flop. And keep speaking out of your behind. That way, when you face serious charges in the High Court Of Heaven at the moment you take your dirt nap, the charges will stick to you permanently. You're on your own for poking Jesus in His Eyes.

  7. Mystere666 keeps poking Jesus in his eyes. Mystere666 is going to face serious charges in the High Court Of Heaven at the moment he takes his dirt nap.

    Yes, Katie Johnson exists. And she was raped by donald tRump. Who does not exist is the teenage girl donald tRump saved. This never happened. donald trump is a rapist, a sexual assaulter and pro-abortion (re women he impregnated).

  8. What's happand Derpy???

    Where is that your bombastic self-honotifics???

    Learned some humility? Ne-e-e. :-)))))

  9. No... I suspect he got over attempts at doxxing him.

  10. According to Mystere I am a juvenile court judge in Waverly TN named Andrew Sanders. He says he "followed the digital breadcrumbs" to discover my true identity. So, yes, Mystere THINKS he doxxed me. But I am not this person. Changing my handle to say I am a judge was a JOKE based on Mystere's doxxing attempt.

    I didn't "get over" it though. Mystere is a scumbag and a fake Christian. For the doxxing attempt and for his continued faking of my ID and the moronic comments he writes (attributing his stupidity to me). Including comments in German. Because he thinks I am a NAZI.

  11. Anthony Sanders, not Andrew. I forgot my own name.

  12. \\No... I suspect he got over attempts at doxxing him.

    And how much time it took for him? ;-P

    \\Changing my handle to say I am a judge was a JOKE based on Mystere's doxxing attempt.

    Fitting of being i.v.

    And... definitely unlawfull... though I don't know if there in USA exist law AGINST pretending being lawyer... as it is surely are for military/police member.
    But... such a affinity to impersonate "people in power" -- smells scoundrel, fer me. ;-P

    \\Because he thinks I am a NAZI.

    And why you not?
    That's just another "people in power" you could try to impersonate.

    Well... I known, because they was utterly and devastaedly stomped into the ground.

    But no prob... there is lots of such scum rised from ground... like that dragon claws of Theseus (FJ, knows ;-))

    You can start impersonate Mighty Russian... or Mighty Chinese... or Mighty TGs. ;-P

  13. I judge Qtard to be a f*cking moron. I never claimed to be a lawyer. I never said context in which I am a judge. Should American Idol judge Simon Cowell be arrested?

    A judge can be "a public official appointed to decide cases in a court of law". Also anyone can be a judge if they "form an opinion or conclusion about [something].

    Qtard judgement of me is "definitely unlawful". Qtard should be arrested.

  14. \\I judge Qtard to be a f*cking moron. I never claimed to be a lawyer.

    Usual Demn-Hypocrisy. :-))))

    Dude who was holding shamless "honorary judge" in his nickname.

    Now pretend "and when I was doing such thing???" demonstrating hypocritical outrage. ;-P


    \\Qtard judgement of me is "definitely unlawful". Qtard should be arrested.

    Totalitarian "judgment". ;-P

  15. I'll remind you

    Blogger The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist) said...

  16. Qtard: Totalitarian "judgment".

    Sarcasm. Used to make fun of your "definitely unlawful" bullshit. And I don't need to be "reminded" of the Blogger display name I came up with.

    Qtard: And... definitely unlawfull... though I don't know if there in USA exist law AGINST pretending being lawyer.

    Report me to Blogger, moron. Be sure to cite where I claim to be a lawyer. I'm sure Blogger will inform the authorities. Then it will only be a matter of time before the police show up at my door to arrest me.

  17. \\Sarcasm

    And why *I* should be giving a slack to you, that that was nothing but merrily sarcastic... spew???

    While you keep trying to twist any of my words (or even invent what I never was saying -- while never able to provide CORRECT quotes) to mean something damning (from your point of view).

    Or trying to accuse me? Or, whatever.

    And well. You yet one time showing that you do not understand words you are trying to use.

    Sarcasm -- do not mean any shit you pretend throwing at opponent, to which he must not respond in same tone. ;-P (as you used it here)

    That is

    Sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say, especially in order to insult someone, or to show irritation, or just to be funny. For example, saying "they're really on top of things" to describe a group of people who are very disorganized is using sarcasm.

    So what???

    Instead of "Qtard should be arrested." I should be given a medal??? :-)))))) For helping police. ;-P

    That is... sarcasm. ;-P

    Sarcasm is a literary device that uses irony to mock someone or something or convey contempt. Sarcasm can also be defined as the use of words that mean the opposite of what the speaker or writer intends, especially to insult or show irritation with someone, or to amuse others.

    \\Report me to Blogger, moron. Be sure to cite where I claim to be a lawyer. I'm sure Blogger will inform the authorities. Then it will only be a matter of time before the police show up at my door to arrest me.

    What a wimp. :-))))))))

  18. Qtard: While you keep trying to twist any of my words (or even invent what I never was saying...

    BULLSHIT. This is what YOU do. For example... When you imagined a "primal scream" from me or that I ever demanded that you stop commenting on this blog. Even when I correct you, Qtard insists he knows what I "really" mean. Qtard invented a claim from me that I am a lawyer. When challenged to report this "definitely unlawful" infraction, the wimp Qtard backs down.

  19. \\BULLSHIT. This is what YOU do.

    And you can BASE this your claim... on some CORRECT excerpt of my words here? :-)))))


    \\When you imagined a "primal scream" from me

    When people say something like "go away" -- that is NOT demonstration of their affectation.

    And that, that you was unable to provide rational base for such your "demand".

    Mean that you did it subconscoiusly.

    That can be called "primal screaming". Because that was unreasonable, irrational reaction from your side. ;-P

    \\Even when I correct you, Qtard insists he knows what I "really" mean.

    Of course.
    As huamn with bigger and more productively working brain -- that is only natural thing to do -- to summarise own observation of those with poor mind condition. ;-P

    \\Qtard invented a claim from me that I am a lawyer.

    So??? You bombasticly claimed being a Judge in your nickname...
    but that SOMEHOW doesn't counts.

    Ou'Key'Dokey. :-))))))))))))))))

    \\When challenged to report this "definitely unlawful" infraction, the wimp Qtard backs down.

    Because AFAIK there is NO laws against it I know.
    That mean that is just a morally questionable.
    That mean there was NO "definitely unlawful infraction" from my side.
    That is your attempt to gaslight and strawmaning. Again.
    Because that is ONLY tactic you can devise against ultimately fact-based and witty observation of your i.v. bechavior. :-)))))))))))))))))))

  20. Qtard: And you can BASE this your claim... on some CORRECT excerpt of my words here?

    "You are. Open book. To me. Derpy.". As per this statement, it does not matter what I say, Qtard will tell me what I mean. Because Qtard keeps trying to twist any of my words -- or even invent what I never was saying.

    Qtard: was unable to provide rational base for such your "demand".

    YOU said you are not involved. This is proven false. You have opinions re American politics and have been sharing them here. This is involvement. I HELPFULLY suggested that (to achieve your "not involved" desire) go away. There was no DEMAND. Only a suggestion. You KNOW this. Why you put "demand" in quotes. Your admission to lying. Yet you continue to lie. A true i.v. move.

    Qtard: You bombasticly claimed being a Judge in your nickname... but that SOMEHOW doesn't counts.

    OF COURSE things that never happened don't count. I never claimed to be a judge in the legal sense. If you assumed that -- your incorrect assumption is NMP.

    Qtard: Because AFAIK there is NO laws against it I know.

    Then how can it be "definitely unlawful"? That is what YOU wrote. Now (being proven wrong) you say "morally questionable". Simon Cowell claiming to be a judge is "morally questionable"? I NEVER said what kind of Judge I am. I never said I am a judge in a court of law.

    Qtard: That is your attempt to gaslight and strawmaning. Again.

    I can't do something "again" that I have never done. Meanwhile Qtard's favorite method of debate involves HEAVY usage of strawman arguments.

  21. \\Qtard: And you can BASE this your claim... on some CORRECT excerpt of my words here?

    \\"You are. Open book. To me. Derpy.". As per this statement, it does not matter what I say, Qtard will tell me what I mean.

    It's easy for an adults to "read mind" of a child. Cause they know more. And have experience of being child and know all petty tricks. Cause they see em as "open book". ;-P

    Well... not all adults though. ;-P

    \\YOU said you are not involved. This is proven false.

    And how?
    Why do I still saw nothing like that from your side?
    That something was "proven" -- on the base of facts... and spound logic.

    Even not poofs... even mere facts, visit your comments VERY rarely.

    And mostly after my nagging attention to it. ;-P

    \\You have opinions re American politics and have been sharing them here. This is involvement


    Cite under which LAW. ;-P

    That is your mere thought.

    And your thoughts -- doesn't counts.

    \\I HELPFULLY suggested that (to achieve your "not involved" desire) go away.

    Apparently hypocritical claim. ;-P


    +1 to your totalitarian rating. :-))))))))))))

    \\There was no DEMAND. Only a suggestion. You KNOW this.

    Very orvellian.

    +2 to your totalitarian rating.

    \\Why you put "demand" in quotes.

    Cause I recognized it in jiffy -- that you have neither rights nor power to state such demands.
    Therefore such your demands -- is like wirlwind in a bushes. ;-P

    \\OF COURSE things that never happened don't count. I never claimed to be a judge in the legal sense. If you assumed that -- your incorrect assumption is NMP.


    \\Then how can it be "definitely unlawful"?

    You do not know what conditional clause is???

    IF there'd be such law, THEN it would be infridgment of that law.

    But I do not know, if there IS such law in USA.

    Cause, I'm foreigner.

    \\Now (being proven wrong) you say "morally questionable".

    I was not "proven wrong". I never claimed something like that in the first place.
    ONLY, that that is morally questionably.
    Self-placed honorifics of a public servant, person in power and etc.

    \\Simon Cowell claiming to be a judge is "morally questionable"?

    Whose that???
    I dunno who he is, and why he is applicable here as example.
    Cause I am foreigner.
    And... do not give a damn to know.

    \\NEVER said what kind of Judge I am.

    Of course, of course.

    Only "destinguished" and "honorary" -- isn't that is how Court Judges SHOULD be reffered to?

    Even *I*, as foreigner, know it.
    From your TV shows and news reports.

    You do not do that for a baseball judges or whatever. Isn't it?

    \\I can't do something "again" that I have never done. Meanwhile Qtard's favorite method of debate involves HEAVY usage of strawman arguments.

    But you NEVER able to show. Neither first, nor second.
    With PROPER quotes.

  22. Qtard: It's easy for an adults to "read mind" of a child.

    Dodge to avoid addressing the fact that I showed it is YOU who "keep trying to twist any of my words or even invent what I never was saying". You said cite your words. I did. Also false ad hominem.

    Qtard: "YOU said you are not involved. This is proven false". When?

    Right now. It is ongoing. You continue to involve yourself by continuing to comment.

    Qtard: Cite under which LAW.

    There is no law to cite. I never claimed there was. I cite your continued comments. Offering your opinions is involvement.

    Qtard: Cause I recognized it in jiffy -- that you have neither rights nor power to state such demands. Therefore such your demands...

    I made no such demand. Because I recognize that I have neither the right or power to prevent Qtard from commenting. Or desire.

    Qtard: IF there'd be such law, THEN it would be infridgment of that law. But I do not know, if there IS such law in USA. Cause, I'm foreigner.

    There is no USA law that says people cannot judge. Because that would be an infringement of free speech rights. Qtard thinks there might be because he is an FM. Has nothing to do with being a foreigner.

    Qtard: Only "destinguished" and "honorary"...

    ONLY a jugde (a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court) can be honorable, esteemed or distinguished? Others are prohibited from using these superlatives to describe themselves? Cite under which LAW.

    Qtard: You do not do that for a baseball judges or whatever.

    No. Because there is no such thing as "baseball judges". They are umpires. I know this despite not being a baseball fan who does not care to know anything about baseball.

    Qtard: "Simon Cowell claiming to be a judge is morally questionable"... Whose that???

    Simon Cowell is a very famous TV talent show judge. You don't know or "care to know" because knowing would defeat your "whoz zat" dodge.

    Qtard: But you NEVER able to show. Neither first, nor second.

    I have. Many times. For example, your comment, "you have neither rights nor power to state such demands" is a strawman. Your comment implies I believe I have such a right (or power) and tried to assert it via a demand. When there never was a demand. I never believed myself to have the power to command you to leave. Then you (in strawman fashion) ask me to cite a law. When I never said there was any such law.

  23. \\Qtard: It's easy for an adults to "read mind" of a child.

    \\Dodge to avoid...

    I gave a ref to factually correct real deal real world observation.
    There are millions of cildren and parents, as well as other adults.
    And you, as presumably an adult too, should be able to know such facts.

    That children are realy as like that "open book" for an adult -- cause difference in experiences are too wide.

    But... you call it "dodge".

    I can assess it as:

    you don't like me saying that thing, you cannot find what to answer to it -- so, you devised a sneaky trick(as you think, cause you are i.v.) -- to call it a "dodge", factlessly.

    Which mean, that is you are one who dodging it. ;-P


    that you are complete and udenyable i.v. -- and CANNOT grasp the meaning of that stated fact, HONESTLY. Are you? ;-P

    \\Qtard: "YOU said you are not involved. This is proven false". When?

    \\Right now. It is ongoing. You continue to involve yourself by continuing to comment.

    That is TWO different involvments.

    I saying about "political involvment" AKA try to influence your inner politics. In unlawfull. Or questional morally for at least. Manner.

    You... keep trying to twist it, and call my "involvment in conversations" here, as "political involvment" -- which ios obviously non-true... EXCEPT IF... if one would apply TOTALITARIAN logic and legal standards.

    Yeah... by totalitarian standards it can be said, and even more then that -- that is widely applicable in Rasha and China TODAY, as well as in all previous time -- that mere talking, could be PRESCRIBED to be a crime. Deserving Capital Punishment EVEN.

    But... that is NOT how it is in any, even partially, sane DEMOCRATIC country and system. ;-P

    \\I made no such demand. Because I recognize that I have neither the right or power to prevent Qtard from commenting. Or desire.

    That's why precisely. I called it "promal screaming".

    You cannot prescribe.

    But you cannot help it to loathe that fact that you cannot prescribe.

    That's why, you cannot hold it inside, and it breakthroughs... as that primal emotional reaction of hate and intolerance -- "Go Away!!!!". ;-P

    But you understand how much that is indecent. That's why you labouring yourself so frantickly, hypocritically trying to conceal that fact. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Others are prohibited from using these superlatives to describe themselves? Cite under which LAW.

    I already stated it openly.
    And repeated that claim a couple of times.
    That *I* know NO such law. In USA especially.

    \\No. Because there is no such thing as "baseball judges". They are umpires. I know this despite not being a baseball fan who does not care to know anything about baseball.

    And I don't. And that is big news for me. As I saw that word "umpires" before, but didn't know what it mean.
    Cause, I'm foreigner.
    Thank you, for increasing my vocabulary, pal.

    \\Simon Cowell is a very famous TV talent show judge. You don't know or "care to know" because knowing would defeat your "whoz zat" dodge.

    Because it would be too damn long and hard -- to learn EVERY such little trivial facts... which is so easy for a native to know. You lived on that streets... was talking with that people, in USA... for several DECADES, or more.
    You was able to absorb that info from all direction 24/7 for many-many years.

    I... was just reading some (few) books/newspapers. Watched just a handfull of Hollywood movies and TV shows... not in English even, naturally.


    HOW DAMN it could be possible FOR ME???!!!!!!!!!!!

    To know all such trivial matters an par with native speakers and dwellers of USA???

  24. Qtard: I gave a ref to factually correct real deal real world observation.

    You didn't. It isn't "easy for an adults to read mind of a child". Also, (regardless of whether this observation is wrong or not) SO WHAT? Irrelative to discussion. Except in support of your ad hominem attack against me. Ad hominem is a dodge where the FM attacks his superior instead of refuting superior's argument (because he cannot).

    Qtard: you cannot find what to answer to it.

    But I did. The answer is that your assertion that I have the "mind of a child" is an ad hominem dodge. Because YOU cannot find what to answer to it.

    Qtard: CANNOT grasp the meaning of that stated fact, HONESTLY.

    You stated no facts.

    Qtard: That is TWO different involvments. I saying about "political involvment" AKA try to influence your inner politics. In unlawfull. Or questional morally for at least. Manner.

    I wasn't "saying about "political involvment". Dipshit. I have no idea if you are involved in that manner. Trying to influence American politics instead of only offering your FM opinions on a blog. YOU added "politically" later. Because you realized I was right and you are wrong. So you sneakily added "political". When I never claimed political involvement (voting in US elections, donating money to US political candidates, offering commentary in a public forum with the intent of influencing US policy or elections).

    Qtard: You... keep trying to twist it, and call my "involvment in conversations" here, as "political involvment"...

    I never have.

    Qtard: my "involvment in conversations"...

    FINALLY. Qtard ADMITS his involvement. After moronically denying it MANY MANY times.

    Qtard: HOW DAMN it could be possible FOR ME???!!!!!!!!!!!

    Google. Or some other search engine. There are many American Idol (show on which Simon Cowell is a judge) clips on YouTube. That's my only exposure. I've never actually watched American Idol on TV. Because I'm not a fan of talent competition shows. Yet I've heard of the judge Simon Cowell.

    If you have access to the internet (which you do. PROVEN by your comments here) you should have access to Google. Or some other search engine. That is how it is damn possible.

  25. \\Qtard: I gave a ref to factually correct real deal real world observation.

    \\You didn't. It isn't "easy for an adults to read mind of a child".

    Well... that only mean that you are from that OTHER type of adults. :-))))))))

    \\Also, (regardless of whether this observation is wrong or not) SO WHAT? Irrelative to discussion.

    How come?

    It demonstrate that there is people with different levels of expertise and experiense.
    Obviously, if I know something. While you don't know that something.
    My ability to understand things are bigger then your.
    Or what??? Or how???

    Please, reveal to me your "wisdom". I'm very interested. In your answer here.

    \\Qtard: you cannot find what to answer to it.

    \\But I did. The answer is that your assertion that I have the "mind of a child" is an ad hominem dodge. Because YOU cannot find what to answer to it.

    I precisely stated -- that because you found nothing (nothing smart, witty ot humorous for at least) to answer to it. You fell back to that dodge -- calling it ad hominem. ;-P
    And now... as proud of itself true idiot -- keep insisting on it. Cause as an idiot, you cannot devise anything better. :-))))))))))))))

    \\You stated no facts.

    Sun rising in the morning.
    Here it is. That is a fact.

    Ref to Reality.
    So... even in your moronic tryes you CANNOT refute it -- that I stated AT LEAST this one obvious FACT.

    Or... would you. :-))))))

    It would be VERY PLEASING to watch for more of your petty tricks. Tryes to dug yourself out of that predicaments you piled over yourself. ;-P

    \\I wasn't "saying about "political involvment".

    Lie. Yawn.

    \\Because you realized I was right and you are wrong. So you sneakily added "political".

    I added nothing.
    Only suggested pointedly -- THAT THERE IS NO LAW or any moral limitation -- why I should self-limit my freespeech rights here.
    if that'll be in NON-free country. Totalitarian country. By totalitarian law and tradition and understanding of "people's rights"(like: people have ONLY ONE right -- to die for their great leader... in a countries like Rasha or China).

    That means that your tryes to "prescribe" to me what I MUST to do -- is not only idiotic, but deeply indecent too. ;-P

    That's all.

    \\FINALLY. Qtard ADMITS his involvement. After moronically denying it MANY MANY times.

    Go do it some more time.
    For me to become bored of you.
    As absolutely and completely idiotic fellow. Yawn.

    \\Qtard: HOW DAMN it could be possible FOR ME???!!!!!!!!!!!

    \\Google. Or some other search engine.

    To google for every damn word???

    Well... anyway, it do not answer to more important part of it -- how would I know about PEOPLE's FEELING and OPINIONS about it.

    Like that that "Simon Cowell" -- "is a very famous" -- "TV talent show judge."

    Is there a way to do that through Google???

    Naah. There is none.

    Because that is information people share in direct conversations. In USA.

    TV -- it is NOT real life. Dimwit. ;-P

    \\Yet I've heard of the judge Simon Cowell.

    Because you are native in a native American environment.
    And somebody of your friends or relatives either mentioned him. Or gave you a link to watch.
    Well... you could find that link yourself even.
    But... the way you ASSESSed what was shown by that link -- is based on your experince living in USA.
    Experience -- I cannot gain. In any viable way.
    Cause it UNIQUE. An distinctivly YOURS.
    INSIDE YOUR dimwit's BRAIN.

  26. Qtard: \I wasn't "saying about "political involvment". Lie. Yawn.

    FACT. Quote me. You won't be able to. You added "political" when you realized your "not involved" argument is moronic. Took you awhile to realize that, however. Because you are a FM.

  27. Qtard: Like that that "Simon Cowell" -- "is a very famous" -- "TV talent show judge." Is there a way to do that through Google??? Naah. There is none.

    There is. You are just too much of an FM to figure it out.

  28. \\FACT. Quote me. You won't be able to.


    Qtard: I cannot demonstrate more hypocrisy then you ... absolutely uninvolved in your inner domestic political quarrels foreigner -- your inner bad names.

    My hypocrisy on this issue is zero. So you absolutely display more. WAY more. Also, you involve yourself by commenting, dipshit. If you want no involvement, go away.

    See. That was about "political involvment" you tryed to accuse me in.

    Even more apaprent, if I'll add PRECISE quote of me -- you deliberately mangled. ;-P

    PS I cannot demonstrate more hypocrisy then you(even if I'd want to). You are just TOO DAMN masterful. Like with that agressively brutal permanence you keep trying to call me -- absolutely uninvolved in your inner domestic political quarrels foreigner -- your inner bad names. :-))))))))))))))

    That's it.
    You tryed to play make believe games -- that I am your political opponent... while I pointed to a fact -- that I cannot be one.
    'Cause, I'm foreigner. ;-P

  29. \\There is. You are just too much of an FM to figure it out.

    Yes??? :-)))

    Than go say here -- who are most famous... in Timbuktu. ;-P

  30. And... what???

    From every other your claims (like: about what FACT is, or why anybody NEED to to believe in it), in comments under previous posts here -- you backing off, already?

    While admitting with it -- that I was right about every damn thing? ;-P

  31. Qtard: See. That was about "political involvment" you tryed to accuse me in.

    You did NOT quote me. You quoted yourself. In any case, "political quarrels" isn't voting. I never said you involved yourself by voting. I have no way of knowing if you can vote in USA elections or if you are a foreigner (as you claim).

    Qtard: You tryed to play make believe games -- that I am your political opponent.

    I did not. You are an idealogical opponent. I have no way of knowing if you are a political opponent or not. I only know you claim to be a foreigner.

    Qtard: who are most famous... in Timbuktu.

    Salif Keita, Youma Diakite, Rokia Traore, Aissata Cisse and Ali Farka Tore.

    Qtard: admitting with it -- that I was right about every damn thing?

    Why would I do that? When you are wrong about almost everything.

  32. \\You did NOT quote me. You quoted yourself.


    Yes... that is *I* who calling myself "Qtard"??? :-))))

    And that is *I* who in response to MY claim being "uninvolved in your inner political quarrels" started pounding "NO, YOU ARE!!! You -- Involved. Because? Because you are COMMENTING here. Commenting -- Means Involving! Because??? Because GREAT ME said so!!!! GO AWAY!!!"??? :-))))))))))))

    Clearly a r.b.

    \\In any case, "political quarrels" isn't voting.

    But IT IS about voting. Voting Right, or voting Wrong... I mean, Left, of course. ;-P (but you'd make of this my *deliberate* word play -- that I inclined to vote Reps... even if I have neither ability nor need nor reasons EVEN)

    \\I have no way of knowing if you can vote in USA elections or if you are a foreigner (as you claim).

    Still trying to rub in me that I am not foreigner.
    And need to be prozelitised to VOTE RIGHT... I mean to vote Left. FOR THE DEMONRATS!!!!! (battle cry) :-))))))))))))))))))

    No, I'm not. And will not. Cause... I'm foreigner.

    Who only laughing from all such merry tricks of an obvious Demn-aligned r.b.

    \\You are an idealogical opponent.

    In your delirious mind. Yes.
    But that is not problem of a psichiatrist when patient sees him an alien, pink elephant, tooth feiry or whatever. :-)))))))))

    Well, I am not a psychiatrist. Just a mere passerby. ;-P

    \\I have no way of knowing if you are a political opponent or not.

    And my word is not enough? How come?

    Well, as I see it -- it is only for religious believer it can be that way.

    As militant believer trying to prozelite EVERYONE around to became SAME FAITH with him... because any other way, it is SO DEMN scary. %-)))

    \\Qtard: who are most famous... in Timbuktu.

    \\Salif Keita, Youma Diakite, Rokia Traore, Aissata Cisse and Ali Farka Tore.

    And you know that as native? Or from native thenself???

    That is like I'd start claiming that Elvis Presley is The Most Famous in USA.

    Well, if I would be that idiotic.

    And did not know that fame -- that is thing that fades very quickly.
    As well as have many types and conotations.

    \\Why would I do that? When you are wrong about almost everything.

    But still, you are not able to provide refutation.

    Or even state contra-point. ;-P

    Well, because you are mere r.b.

  33. Qtard: And you know that as native? Or from native thenself???

    From using Google. Same way you could know who Simon Cowell is. But you (stupidity) claimed that Googling a person's name (to find out more about them) is impossible. For you, at least. Because you are a FM.

  34. \\From using Google. Same way you could know who Simon Cowell is.

    That was not the question.

    With Google I could get some facts.

    But that is NOT what I would be interested. What that facts to me???
    Nothing interesting.

    Attitude of people. Actual attitude, not some fossiled one.

    That one could get ONLY through conversation.

    Only that way one can ask additional questions. Like "and WHY he's famous? how do YOU think???"

  35. "Attitude of people. Actual attitude, not some fossiled one"... Who gives a shit? I surely do not. I only gave Simon Cowell as an example of someone who is a judge NOT in a court of law. "Attitude of people" has absolutely nothing to do with my bringing up his name. Oh well... Your dodge continues. Not that I thought you would stop. Because you are a FM.

  36. btw, I have never (not even once) engaged a fellow American in a conversation about Simon Cowell. I am also not interested in him. I ONLY brought up his name as an example of a famous judge. Because you moronically said claim to be a judge possibly breaks some law. Or is immoral. Similar to "stolen valor", a law that "made it a federal misdemeanor to falsely represent oneself as having received any U.S. military decoration or medal".

    I have never falsely claimed to have a law degree or to be serving as a judge in a court of law. Or to have ever served as a judge in a court of law.

  37. \\"Attitude of people. Actual attitude, not some fossiled one"... Who gives a shit? I surely do not.

    You not. I do.

    Cause. People ARE different.

    And for me, as foreigner, it's interesting.

    But, for r.b. as you are... that is not only incomprehensible... blaschemious even. Isn't it? ;-P
    Everybody just should be a COPY of you, yes?
    With same ideas? Same attitude? Same bihavior quircks?

    \\ I only gave Simon Cowell as an example of someone who is a judge NOT in a court of law.

    Aha... after that as I refered to a sport events referi as a "judge".

    But well, in you broken mind your retorts are always perfect. :-))))))))

    Synonims -- yet one smart word you in your uneducated idiocy do not know. ;-P

    \\"Attitude of people" has absolutely nothing to do with my bringing up his name.

    Aha... while you called him famous. That much that even foreigner should be know him.

    But... being famous -- have nothing in common with "attitude of people". Ough, coughs. :-)))))))))))))))

    \\Oh well... Your dodge continues. Not that I thought you would stop. Because you are a FM.

    You still militant with that that I am native USAian... who just pretend being foreigner??? :-)))))))))))))))))))

    That's funny.

    \\btw, I have never (not even once) engaged a fellow American in a conversation about Simon Cowell. I am also not interested in him. I ONLY brought up his name as an example of a famous judge.

    So, what???

    How it repudiates my claim that that is known and important... only for USAians??? ;-P

    \\Because you moronically said claim to be a judge possibly breaks some law. Or is immoral.

    Is claiming "I'm doctor" are immoral?
    Especially if someone would need medical help?

    Is impostering is morally questionable, in general?

    Who knows, maybe it's not... might be not... must be not... for a heinous hypocrites like you are. ;-P

    That's why it's so damn hard for you to imagine, that there is Truth, and truthful people. ;-P

    \\I have never falsely claimed to have a law degree or to be serving as a judge in a court of law.


    Like for example calling oneself "distinguished and honorary judge".

    With a name of REAL ONE to boot.

    Impostering a real people -- is not a crime. Oh yes??? :-))))))))))))))))))))

  38. So what, what Mystere doing with mimicing your creds -- is not morally flawed??? ;-)

    So, why you fuss about it so much -- he do not do anything YOU not doing. ;-P

  39. "You not. I do"... bullshit. Also irrelevant.

    "And for me, as foreigner, it's interesting"... You lie. I brought up Simon Cowell and you were clear you have zero interest regarding who he is.

    "Is claiming "I'm doctor" are immoral?"... No. Though Qtard probably thinks the Rug Doctor is an immoral company. And Doctor J (Julius Erving) is an immoral person.

    "Especially if someone would need medical help?"... I never represented myself as a judge and offered someone legal advice. Which you baselessly imply I have. Because you are a lying FM.

    "That's why it's so damn hard for you to imagine, that there is Truth, and truthful people"... WTF? It is easy for me to imagine this. Because there is and there are. But Qtard surely is NOT a truthful person. He is a proven liar.

    "With a name of REAL ONE to boot. Impostering a real people -- is not a crime. Oh yes?"... Being falsely accused of "impostering" a real person is NOT a crime. My true identity (as per Mystere) is "Anthony Sanders". He is a real judge in a court of law. I have NEVER claimed I am this person. I have said many times I am NOT this person. That is not "impostering". Except to a FM like you.

    "Like for example calling oneself distinguished and honorary judge"... I never called myself that.

    "why you fuss about it so much -- he do not do anything YOU not doing"... You lie. I'm not Anthony Sanders. I have never said I was. I am not a judge that presides in a court of law. I have never said I was. I never offered anyone legal advice or services.

  40. \\"You not. I do"... bullshit. Also irrelevant.

    Cause you are totalitarian, who do not care about other people's attitudes and feelings. ;-P

    \\"And for me, as foreigner, it's interesting"... You lie. I brought up Simon Cowell and you were clear you have zero interest regarding who he is.

    Have problems with understanding?
    That is not some Simin I interested in -- what for?
    But in understanding of attitudes of people, actual people -- like you, toward him.
    Like "Why do you think he is so important?".
    And you gave me that info -- that he is totally unimportant.
    That is just part of that noise you living in as native USAian.
    Thank you for that.
    That is pretty valuable info. ;-)

    \\"Is claiming "I'm doctor" are immoral?"... No. Though Qtard probably thinks the Rug Doctor is an immoral company. And Doctor J (Julius Erving) is an immoral person.


    \\I never represented myself as a judge and offered someone legal advice. Which you baselessly imply I have.

    And who asks judges some "legal advices"??? ;-P
    Totally irrelevant.

    \\"That's why it's so damn hard for you to imagine, that there is Truth, and truthful people"... WTF? It is easy for me to imagine this. Because there is and there are. But Qtard surely is NOT a truthful person. He is a proven liar.

    That is because you are religious bonker. Who "bleive in facts".
    And your cognition is totally screwed by this. To declare things to be totally upside down. Like "black is white" and "truth it's lie". And etc.

    Yet one proof of you being totalitarian. ;-P

    \\ He is a real judge in a court of law. I have NEVER claimed I am this person. I have said many times I am NOT this person. That is not "impostering".

    Except... you used it as your nickname. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\"Like for example calling oneself distinguished and honorary judge"... I never called myself that.

    Except... you used it as your nickname. :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\"why you fuss about it so much -- he do not do anything YOU not doing"... You lie. I'm not Anthony Sanders. I have never said I was. I am not a judge that presides in a court of law. I have never said I was. I never offered anyone legal advice or services.

    Except... you used it as your nickname. :-)))))))))))))))))))

  41. Qtard: Cause you are totalitarian, who do not care about other people's attitudes and feelings

    Qtard is a totalitarian who does not care about the overthrow of a democratically elected president. Only "feelings" of trumpturd sore losers.

    Qtard: That is not some Simin I interested in -- what for?

    Your interest is irrelative. I brought him up as a famous judge. Qtard originally used his "who zat" dodge to avoid addressing my point. which is that people who are not judges in legal setting use "judge" moniker. The dodging continues.

    Qtard: "Doctor J (Julius Erving) is an immoral person"... Whozzat???

    DODGE. He is an American basketball player. NOT a doctor. But you (if you were a tiny bit smart) could have deduced he isn't a doctor. Even without knowing who he is. Instead you dodged my point AGAIN. My point being that he is called (and has accepted the nickname) "Dr. J". Even though he is not a doctor. Must be because he is immoral? (Qtard will dodge again and/or simply not answer).

    Qtard: "I have NEVER claimed I am this person"... Except you used it as your nickname.

    I didn't.

    Qtard: Except you used it as your nickname.

    NO. I DID NOT. I NEVER used "Anthony Sanders" as a "nickname". You lie.

  42. Qtard: "Like for example calling oneself distinguished and honorary judge"... I never called myself that.

    Except... you used it as your nickname.

    I didn't.

  43. Yeah, yeah... after you changed your nickname to a more proper one.

    Now you will deny your tresspassing.


    As any criminal would do. ;-P

  44. \\NO. I DID NOT. I NEVER used "Anthony Sanders" as a "nickname". You lie.

    Dirty consciesnes? ;-P

    There is NO END of people with same name as "Anthony Sanders".

    So that is NOT a problem and not a question we discussing here.

    You trying to derail it -- means that you KNOW that you are guilty.

    Of hypocritically trying to pretend being high and mighty. ;-P

    \\DODGE. He is an American basketball player. NOT a doctor. But you (if you were a tiny bit smart) could have deduced he isn't a doctor.

    I'm good enough in English.

    To know that is not medics who call themself doctors. In English. ;-P

    So. Your try to derail, is for naught.

    You just showed that you full well understand your guilt. ;-P


    You can dodge it... but claiming that you complete idiot. Uneducated and unteachable. And you really DO NOT know that trivia. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Both is goos for me. And funny as hell. :-)))))))))))))))))00

    \\Qtard is a totalitarian who does not care about the overthrow of a democratically elected president. Only "feelings" of trumpturd sore losers.

    Was Biden actually overthrowed??? No.
    Means he need not my pitty.

    Was that J6 rioters put into jail? Yes.

    Well... I don't care much about that sore losers.


    That very precedent, that Totalitarian Propagands starts frourishing on their pittiful misdeeds -- that is hella disturbing.

    Am I eloquent enough? Here.

    That why your inner struggles is none of my business. And nothing interesting in it to me. As foreigner.

    Rising wave of totalitarian propaganda... in USA too... that is damn disturbing. And important for whole world.

  45. "So that is NOT a problem and not a question we discussing here"... You did allege this. You falsely claimed I was impersonating him.

    "So. Your try to derail, is for naught"... IGNORING my point -- that there are people called "Judge" who aren't legal judges and people called "Doctor" who aren't medical doctors (or who even earned a doctorate degree) -- is YOUR derail/dodge, asshole.

    "So. Your try to derail, is for naught. You just showed that you full well understand your guilt"... There is no "guilt" for me to understand.

    "that Totalitarian Propagands starts frourishing on their pittiful misdeeds -- that is hella disturbing"... Something that didn't happen can't be disturbing. It is disturbing that facts regarding the J6 rioters are being mischaracterized as "propaganda".

    "...nothing interesting in it to me. As foreigner"... BULLSHIT. There would be zero comments from you here if you had no interest. Dipshit. And such a stupid lie.

  46. \\"So that is NOT a problem and not a question we discussing here"... You did allege this. You falsely claimed I was impersonating him.

    Go take my citations. And go into court with em. ;-P

    But... you will found NONE.

    And no court will help you. (well, except for Rusha or China's one, maybe) ;-P

    \\"So. Your try to derail, is for naught"... IGNORING my point -- that there are people called "Judge" who aren't legal judges and people called "Doctor" who aren't medical doctors (or who even earned a doctorate degree) -- is YOUR derail/dodge, asshole.

    And that "judges" and "doctors" call themself and called by other people "destinguished" and "honorary"??? On regular base?

    \\"So. Your try to derail, is for naught. You just showed that you full well understand your guilt"... There is no "guilt" for me to understand.

    Of course.
    How wrong I was.
    Because you are amoral twerp.
    Such thing as shame do not bother you. ;-P

    \\"that Totalitarian Propagands starts frourishing on their pittiful misdeeds -- that is hella disturbing"... Something that didn't happen can't be disturbing.

    Climate Change did not happened YET(?)
    But you are and your DEmns are hella diturbed by it. How come???

    If you yourself saying that -- CORRECT CITATION "Something that didn't happen can't be disturbing." ;-P

    I smell something fishy here. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\"...nothing interesting in it to me. As foreigner"... BULLSHIT. There would be zero comments from you here if you had no interest. Dipshit. And such a stupid lie.

    How come???

  47. Qtard: Go take my citations. ... But... you will found NONE.

    Qtard wrote (above), "Is impostering is morally questionable, in general?". Now watch, Qtard will claim this citation is "incorrect". Even though I cut and pasted it. It is precise. Exactly what Qtard wrote (a false allegation of "impostering").

    Qtard: And that "judges" and "doctors" call themself and called by other people "destinguished" and "honorary"??? On regular base?

    Only judges can be distinguished? Only judges can be honorable (not "honorary")?

    Distinguished, definition: "made conspicuous by excellence; noted; eminent; famous: a distinguished scholar".

    Honorable, definition: "in accordance with or characterized by principles of honor; upright:
    They were all honorable men".

    Qtard's assertion that ONLY legal judges (or medical doctors?) can be "distinguished" and "honorable" is BS.

    Qtard: Climate Change did not happened YET(?) But you are and your DEmns are hella diturbed by it. How come???

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Though we often think about human-induced climate change as something that will happen in the future, it is an ongoing process. Ecosystems and communities in the United States and around the world are being impacted today.

    Global temperatures rose about 1.8°F (1°C) from 1901 to 2020.

    Sea level rise has accelerated from 1.7 mm/year throughout most of the twentieth century to 3.2 mm/year since 1993.

    Glaciers are shrinking: average thickness of 30 well-studied glaciers has decreased more than 60 feet since 1980.

    The area covered by sea ice in the Arctic at the end of summer has shrunk by about 40% since 1979.

    The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen by 25% since 1958, and by about 40% since the Industrial Revolution.

    Snow is melting earlier compared to long-term averages. Link.

    Qtard: Because you are amoral twerp. Such thing as shame do not bother you.

    "Shame" over a Blogger screen name? You REALLY are a FM.

  48. Qtard: Impostering a real people -- is not a crime. Oh yes???

    Dervish Sanders: You falsely claimed I was impersonating him [Anthony Sanders].

    Qtard: Go take my citations. And go into court with em. ;-P But... you will found NONE.

    Qtard is a liar.

  49. And where in that citation, here: "Impostering a real people -- is not a crime.Oh yes???"

    Is anything related to your scream: "You falsely claimed I was impersonating him [Anthony Sanders]."

    WHERE did I STATED that YOU are one who "impostering real people"???

    Question marks. Do you see em?

    That was obviously -- RETHORICAL QUESTION. Dumbass. ;-P

    Like in court. ;-)


    YOUR FALSE CLAIM is apparent.

    You called me a liar, here: "Qtard is a liar."

    And as *I* showed here, that is BASELESS ACCUSATION.

  50. \\Qtard wrote (above), "Is impostering is morally questionable, in general?". Now watch, Qtard will claim this citation is "incorrect". Even though I cut and pasted it. It is precise. Exactly what Qtard wrote (a false allegation of "impostering").

    This time... that was CORRECT citation. For a change.

    How did I know? I Ctrl-Fed it, here: Ctrl-F + ""Is impostering is morally questionable, in general?"" gives 2(two) occurances in previous text.
    With this text it gonna be 4.


    What you tryed to squeeze out of it -- is blatantly false.

    Your "Exactly what Qtard wrote (a false allegation of "impostering").
    " -- false.

    Because that was general statment. And truthful one. Undenyably.
    Or what? You'd try to oppose that and claim that people LIKE other people impostering em? That impostering cannot be criminal act???

    Obviously. That was QUESTION.
    Queastions ARE NOT statments.

    Or there is place for some ambiguity? For someone whose brain in such a poor shape???

    \\Only judges can be distinguished? Only judges can be honorable (not "honorary")?

    You say. You are "expert in English". ;-P

    \\Qtard: Climate Change did not happened YET(?) But you are and your DEmns are hella diturbed by it. How come???

    \\National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Though we often think about human-induced climate change as something that will happen in the future, it is an ongoing process. Ecosystems and communities in the United States and around the world are being impacted today.

    And NO climate changes have heppend before? (like... Ice Age, remember?)

    Well, it is damn obvious -- climate do change ALL OF THE TIME.

    From most ancient time when Earth was only forming.
    Climate was... with rains of meteors and with clouds of acidic fumes from vulcans. ;-P

    That was "human-induced" too??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Because you are amoral twerp. Such thing as shame do not bother you.

    \\"Shame" over a Blogger screen name? You REALLY are a FM.


    No shame.

  51. Qtard should be ashamed. For persisting with his moronic claim that I should feel shame due to a Blogger screen name.

    Qtard wrote, "Impostering a real people -- is not a crime. Oh yes???"... I did not "squeeze" anything "blatantly false" out of this comment. You accused me of "impostering" Anthony Sanders. Which I never did.

    You phrased it as a question because you were JAQing off. You use this dishonest debate tactic A LOT.

  52. \\Qtard should be ashamed. For persisting with his moronic claim that I should feel shame due to a Blogger screen name.

    And why? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Can you give any plausible explanation??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))


    You just produce noise.

    You are Brainless Buzz-wordy Derpy from now. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard wrote, "Impostering a real people -- is not a crime. Oh yes???"... I did not "squeeze" anything "blatantly false" out of this comment. You accused me of "impostering" Anthony Sanders. Which I never did.

    So what? That was not a question?

    Even despite "?" question signs???

    Well... make believe games, again. Yawn. :-))))))))))))

    \\You phrased it as a question because you were JAQing off. You use this dishonest debate tactic A LOT.

    Can you show ANY link, that somebody else call it "dishonest debate tactic".

    Cause I know OPPOSITE.

    ""Socratic questioning is a method of inquiry that seeks to explore complex ideas, concepts, and beliefs by asking questions that challenge assumptions, clarify meaning, and reveal underlying principles.""

    And that is VERY famous and very revered way of debating.

    Means -- ALL is totally opposite to your claims.

    That is most honest and most correct... "debate tactics".

  53. Qtard: "You accused me of impostering" Anthony Sanders. Which I never did". So what? That was not a question? Even despite "?" question signs???

    No. It was not a question. It was an allegation you disguised as a question. I said upfront that I always denied being this person. So you had no reason to ask this question. You already knew the answer. You asked it to slime me. The allegations fit with your false narrative that I did something immoral.

    Your fake questions are NOT you employing the Socratic method.

    Just asking questions (also known as JAQing off) is a way of attempting to make wild accusations acceptable (and hopefully not legally actionable) by framing them as questions rather than statements. It shifts the burden of proof to one's opponent...

    The tactic is closely related to loaded questions or leading questions (which are usually employed when using it), Gish Gallops (when asking a huge number of rapid-fire questions without regard for the answers), and Argumentum ad nauseam (when asking the same question over and over in an attempt to overwhelm refutations).

    The Socratic method is a valid debate tactic. JAQing off (as you do) is a dishonest debate tactic.

  54. \\No. It was not a question. It was an allegation you disguised as a question.

    I cannot be responsible for your delusions. Yawn.

    \\ I said upfront that I always denied being this person.

    That... cannot be treated as fact, you know.

    Cause, people prone to lie. About such things especially. When it comes to a question about themself.

    \\So you had no reason to ask this question.


    Cannot decide that in my stead.

    But you seems like trying to do that.

    And that is a trait... very close to one of totalitarians would do.

    \\You already knew the answer. You asked it to slime me. The allegations fit with your false narrative that I did something immoral.

    What narrative???

    \\Your fake questions are NOT you employing the Socratic method.

    Well. I admit. I am still not honed it that much.

    And that is not that trivial -- to employ Soicratic method while talking with dumba... religious bonker who do not honor Logic and do not know what FACT is... even after definition was provided, too.

    \\The tactic is closely related to loaded questions or leading questions (which are usually employed when using it),

    Like when teacher asking pupil, to help him to come to correct answer?

    \\Gish Gallops (when asking a huge number of rapid-fire questions without regard for the answers)

    Hmmm... and how you see it possible even??? Here, in comments.

    Well... even that how I formating my responses -- clearly NOT like that.

    \\Argumentum ad nauseam (when asking the same question over and over in an attempt to overwhelm refutations).

    Well... that looks like what you do here.

    Like when you keep claiming that I "involved".

    \\JAQing off (as you do) is a dishonest debate tactic.

    Gaslighting. Yawn.

  55. Gaslighting? How? Do yo know what "gaslighting" is? Does not appear that you do.

    As for things that cannot be taken as fact, what is the evidence that Qtard is not sought by the police for raping many men? I surely cannot believe Qtard's denials, given the fact that people prone to lie about such things.

    Re "Like when you keep claiming that I involved"... No claim -- statement of fact. Confirmed by you as well.

  56. \\Gaslighting? How? Do yo know what "gaslighting" is? Does not appear that you do.

    I gave a link to definition... in some other thread, it seems. And it perfectly matching to your behavior. Well, you can google for it yourself. ;-)
    And test me. ;-P

    \\As for things that cannot be taken as fact, what is the evidence that Qtard is not sought by the police for raping many men?

    Yeah. What facts??? What evidances???
    Obviously, ones which Derpy "believes in". Non-facts.
    He either took from Demn propaganda. Or concocted... itself. :-))))))))))))))))

    Like in this excerpt. ;-P

    Perfect example of how much u.u.r.b..... it is.

    \\I surely cannot believe Qtard's denials, given the fact that people prone to lie about such things.

    You said you believe in non-sense. Like you said that you believe that it's possible and even good to "believe in facts".
    That disprove your beliefs as something viable. ;-P
    Who cares what some nutter can ot cannot believe??? :-)))))))))))))))))))

    \\Re "Like when you keep claiming that I involved"... No claim -- statement of fact. Confirmed by you as well.

    Like "involvment in your inner politics"??? Naah.

    That is not factual.

    Quite contrary it's your baseless and contre-factual attempt of strawmanning and gaslighting. Yawn.

    And well... words like "statement of fact" or "Confirmed by you as well" cannot be admitted being true, when they came from your side.

    Because you showed enough here, how much you like to lie about such things.

    I guess... because you declared that you "believe in facts".

    And because of that, you think that you can write any lie you like and call it fact. And dismiss any fact (even most apparent, like quotes of your own words... even if as close as in recent comment, or even very next sentence -- which disprove possible explanation that you have poor memeory and just keep forgetting what you said) on the base of your sheer disbelief. ;-P

  57. Derpy Derpy Doo Where r u???
