Monday, April 24, 2023

RFK Jr., Opens Strong!


  1. So 14% of Democrats are idiots. Yesterday I heard that 70% of republicans are idiots. Krystal Ball seems excited at the prospect of RFK acting as a spoiler and helping the Orange Turd get back in the White House.

  2. 14% of Democrats don't want a senile brain-dead octogenerian President to sleep walk us deeper into WWIII.

  3. (saddly) That's not up to you to decide. You, all your consecutive presidents -- Demn and Rep, successfully scirted all that moment where that pack of worms could be contained and not allowed to crawl out of a bottle.

    Now question are -- how long will be that ww3 event... and how many lives will be lost.

    And that number keeps ticking up and up... :-((((

  4. Qtard ends his comment with a frowny face. Yet he seems quite excited about WWIII. Qtard knows exactly what "all your consecutive presidents Demn and Rep" could have done so that Putin never moved on Ukraine? I've read that Obama wanted to do something, but that European leaders did not. I don't know what you think Congress would have approved. Monies were approved to fund self defense. You poo-poo this. Qtard thinks "moar" should have been done but does say what. He probably has no idea what. He just likes to criticize. Except for tRump. Because the big invasion didn't happen "on his watch".

    "successfully scirted all that moment where that pack of worms could be contained and not allowed to crawl out of a bottle".

    When was this moment (or moments)? What should have US presidents done to contain "that pack of worms"?

  5. \\Qtard ends his comment with a frowny face. Yet he seems quite excited about WWIII.

    Are you idiot?

    Well, what am I talking about. You are.

    But. This comment adds new colors to it.

    In addition to being idiotic hypocrite and totalitrian wannabe.
    You are totally amoral creap too, :-((((

    \\Qtard knows exactly what "all your consecutive presidents Demn and Rep" could have done so that Putin never moved on Ukraine? I've read that Obama wanted to do something, but that European leaders did not.

    Operation "Chrome Dome".

    Or... leave Ukraine to have nuclear weapon for at least. Or, take it into NATO.

    Well, many things... all of which was postponed. By all your irresponsible POTUSes.

    \\Except for tRump. Because the big invasion didn't happen "on his watch".

    That is THE Fact. But... HOW do you NOT like to "believe in it". :-))))))))))

    Why so? ;-P

  6. Well.

    Now it's official.

    Biden to blame.

    Because of his words "Ukraine do not need F-16".

    And his fault will continue piling up, I presume. :-(((

  7. No doubt. Joe Biden loves living in his basement... and a Presidential nuclear bunker is much roomier.

  8. It is a shame we did not have a US president Qtard. He would have saved us from the coming inevitable nuclear Armageddon.

  9. Yap.

    I'm that great.

    But, you have not enough money to buy my service.

    Go make Swartzneger your prez. ;-P

  10. Qtard should offer his services for free. By saving everyone else from nuclear Armageddon he would also save himself. Proof that nuclear Armageddon is what Qtard wants. Now proven. Yet, when I made that observation above, Qtard said it is because I am an "amoral creap". Qtard must have been talking about himself again.

  11. Quite contrary.

    Seeing me as POTUS, all scum of the world would unite to start WW3 preemtively.

    Because of being scared.

    And you'd know it yourself, if you'd not be such a hopeless i.v.

  12. "Because of being scared" = LOL. Only in Qtard's delusions.

  13. Well.

    Why not? ;-P

    Because that is not how it happen in you personal imaginary la-la-land??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))

  14. It would happen that way only in Qtardia (Qtard's personal imaginary la-la land).

  15. Still.

    That was YOUR and only YOUR claim. ;-P

    Remind you: "It is a shame we did not have a US president Qtard. He would have saved us from the coming inevitable nuclear Armageddon."


    So... it proves that you are funny with your brain.

    And well, you know about it yourself -- that's why you trying to play it like it's your opponent's problem, like: "It would happen that way only in Qtardia (Qtard's personal imaginary la-la land)."


    Have something to say?

    Oh, yes, you have A LOT... but, it is same and same, and same shit again.

    Couse your brain capable to produce only that shit. Of denial, bad-mouthing and r.b.'s hypocrisy. ;-P

  16. "That was YOUR and only YOUR claim"... That was sarcasm, dipshit.

    Why are you writing "rb" now? When previously you were writing "iv".

  17. \\That was sarcasm, dipshit.

    Naah. :-)))))

    Yet one "smart" word about meaning of which you are totally oblivious. ;-P

    (EVEN after I gave you citation from dictionary.)

    \\Why are you writing "rb" now? When previously you were writing "iv".

    At your service. ;-P
    Go learn to make your own researches. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. "Ctrl-F. At your service"... Go f*ck yourself.

  19. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
