Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter Easter Rituals

...for both the secular, and NON-secular


  1. Replies
    1. ...says the Satan-worshipping Mystere.

    2. 🔺Another retort from the Satan worshipping coward Dervish Sanders.🔺

      Your fixation on attacking Mystere behind his back at Joe's blog is backfiring, Dervish. You just opened the door for the Angel of Death to come in and take you before your time.

  2. 🔺Another retort from the Satan worshipping coward Mystere🔺

    YOUR fixation on attacking ME on Minus FJ's blog is backfiring, Mystere. NICE (and very "Christian" of you) to AGAIN wish death upon me. Or, pray to your master Satan that I die.

    1. Satan is YOUR master, The Dishonorable, Egotistical Dimwitted Dervish Sanders666 (A No IQ deranged psychopath). You brought this upon yourself by attacking me and Mystere behind his back with your cheap shots.

      I never pray to your fake god Satan, nor do I wish death on anyone. Your idol Satan came to steal, kill and destroy life, Dervish Sanders666. My Lord And Savior Jesus Christ came to give life, blessings and all good things in abundance to everyone who asks for it.


  3. When you write "I never pray to your fake god Satan, nor do I wish death on anyone", you LIE. Satan is YOUR god. And I never opened any doors for the "Angel of Death" to take me before my time. That is you expressing your desire for me to die. I also never attacked you behind your back, Mystere. You are HERE (commenting using your "Rattrapper" account).
