Thursday, March 9, 2023

Will China's Xi Convince the Globalists to Sell Out Ukraine?


  1. You do not know that parable.

    About Gold an Sword.

    Gold says: "I'll buy everything"

    Sword says: "I'll take it with force".

    Now. It's time of Sword.

  2. ...unless you're the one sitting "under" Damocles' sword. THEN you say, "Need any gold?"

    1. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈ

  3. Cultural miscommunication here. :-(

    Because I do not see, do not comprehend what is the link between "Sword" AKA Might Make Right in my post above.
    With transparent as I assumed (wrongly as it seems) missive -- that rules of (fair?) TRADE do not work, if other part think that it can have your goods for free.
    AKA robberer pointing gun at one, why *politely* asking his wallet.
    AKA "good word and gun can give you more than just good word" (tm).


    Legend about Damocles Sword -- which is about State Power and Ruler of a State problems.
    Well, obviously, his such problems... cannot be fixed with money... alone, or even as a paliative remedy.

    King Carl of England, and King Ludovic of France... can say, that there is NO money in the world, that can save your neck...

  4. Okay, well, in 1776 Adam Smith wrote "The Wealth of Nations" to castigate the British trade policy of the day known as "Mercantilism". Mercantilism is when you show up in China with a boatload of opium and say to the Chinese, "Buy this Opium or I'll fire my canons at you". It's a zero-sum game for gold using the threat of the sword.

    Americans used to be against "mercantilism" but the corporate globalists now seem to be in favor of it (2022) since they're telling Europeans that they can't buy Russian oil/gas, but have to buy American/Saudi oil/ LNG.

    Mercantilism. It's a "thing", really.

  5. Instead of offering "better products" we tell you, "Buy from us, or else!"

  6. There was a kerfluffle in the 1760's over "tea taxes" when the British tried to force American's to buy their tea. We started drinking coffee instead.

  7. Which oligarch's should you buy your tea from? Russian Ukrainian or American Ukrainian ones? Think I care?

  8. I think that you should buy the best/ cheapest tea.

  9. \\It's a zero-sum game for gold using the threat of the sword.

    So... those who try to break rules -- must not be punished?
    Well, am I only one who see a problem here.
    That that eliminates whole idea of "rules".
    Would you... well, anyone, would like to play a game where rules do change constantly.
    Well, like in ST with that nasty Q. ;-P

    \\Mercantilism. It's a "thing", really.

    Aha... as well as Instinct of Survival. ;-P

    \\Instead of offering "better products" we tell you, "Buy from us, or else!"

    Ehm??? And how it working?
    Can you show some historical examples. ;-P
    But yeah... you gave it right away

    "There was a kerfluffle in the 1760's over "tea taxes" when the British tried to force American's to buy their tea. We started drinking coffee instead."

    Hmmm... do not look like it worked as planned, yes?

    I can add one more recent -- your economical war with Japan. On the market of automobiles. ;-)

    \\Which oligarch's should you buy your tea from? Russian Ukrainian or American Ukrainian ones? Think I care?

    You know nothing either about Russian Ukrainian or American Ukrainian... so really -- there is NO need for you to care about things that you don't know.
    Isn't that a truism? ;-)

    But well... there is, people who care to know and care about things they don't know... can you call em by name?
    Must be they are fools and idiots?

    \\I think that you should buy the best/ cheapest tea.

    Naturally... but common sense tells that that is the best possible only when there is no sword at your throat. ;-P
    Truism, trusim. What can I do to not talk with truisms here?

  10. See, that's just it, Q. You have a tainted "globalist" perspective. Free trade.

    America, at its' founding, did NOT. There were no taxes on American citizens EXCEPT for TRADE BARRIERS like tariffs, that made ALL foreign imports EXPENSIVE. Free trade is something for only "inside" your own country. domestic tea is then ALWAYS the cheapest tea.

  11. We taxed British manufactured goods and exported raw materials (cotton/tobacco) to Britain in "exchange". There was nothing "free" or "fair' about it.

  12. ...that of the "average" American (who needed a job). Not some wealthy global trader.

  13. Our American "elites" are all "wealthy global traders". 'F THEM!

  14. In WWII America became the guarantor of global trade. We were the only ones with a fully functional economy. Those times are past. It's time for us to step back and take care of those we care about most, the American people... the "average Joes".

  15. \\We selfishly protected OUR OWN interest.

    Isn't that what "invisible hand of a market" is about?

    \\We taxed British manufactured goods and exported raw materials (cotton/tobacco) to Britain in "exchange". There was nothing "free" or "fair' about it.

    And still you trying to play it like you DO NOT know what Ukraine's struggle against RFia is about?

    \\See, that's just it, Q. You have a tainted "globalist" perspective. Free trade.


    \\Free trade is something for only "inside" your own country.

    Well... Naturally.
    That is plainly impossible... in Europe.
    Just look at the map.
    And try to imagine that you INSIDE your country have such a borders... and there is customs and separate taxes for every bridge. (well, that is how it was in Europe... centuries ago ;-P...)

  16. \\It's time for us to step back and take care of those we care about most, the American people... the "average Joes".

    I do not understand that.
    Who will be thinking about your "average Joes" better?
    Some United Pirates of Somalia and Carribiean Sea CORP???

    Or you think that "it will solve itself, somehow"?

    Yes-yes-yes... and that nasty worms will jump back into that box... if you'd not look at em. ;-P

  17. Ehm???

    Marshal's Plan? ;-)

  18. \\Europe's borders are NMP.

    You as a person -- yes.

    But your USA... have had sent lots of your fellow americans... on mission to secure that borders... in Europe... you now claim as "Europe's borders are NMP."

    Good deeds... don't end unpunished. ;-P

    \\Marshal's plan was for 1945, not 2025.

    Well... what will be in 2025, nobody knows... so, that is quite natural.

  19. Yet again... some different timezone???

  20. You are part of Old World, USA. ;-P

  21. The USA made a wrong turn after the US Civil War in 1865 and began to seek Empire as the industrial North had neutered the agricultural South. It lead eventually to the Spanish-American War, then WWI and WWII. Since then, the Empire phase has only grown stronger, but it has been at the expense of, not benefit to, average Americans.

    My family's two branches come from Ohio and Iowa. The Ohio branch fought on the Union side in the Civil War and were small petit bourgeouis merchants. The Iowa branch was only just arriving from Ostfrisia and becoming farmers. My uncles/aunts were the last generation of our family to be farmers.

    THAT is my "ideal" America. Small towns and lots of farms and ranches, all privately owned, not cities and WalMarts, let alone cities like Baltimore where 50% of the people no longer have legitimate work to do (have you seen "The Wire"). America needs jobs, and right now, all those jobs are being done in China. The jobs need to come home.

    And so as far as I'm concerned, Europe/ Asia are NMP. America First.

  22. America's destiny is to colonize Space, not planet Earth.

  23. ...and it needs to do so in an anti-fragile way. Small business. Private enterprise. Little government. And no foreign idiots making trouble.

  24. ps - It's NOT that 50% of Baltimoreans don't have jobs. It's that they can't even make their own jobs providing for themselves and their neighbors. The goods from China at WalMart are just too cheap. So what do they make instead? Rap music. Illegal drugs (largely foreign supplied). Those are the only two avenues for employment available. Generations of America's made "obsolescent" and "unnecessary".

    Soon the rest of Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia will be just like Baltimore... jobless. obsolete. unnecessary.

  25. Economic efficiency comes at the expense of fragility. It's time we became "less efficient" and more "anti-fragile". Meden agan!

  26. \\Ukraine? NMP. Georgia? NMP.

    You are part of the World, USA. Bear with it. ;-P

    \\Economic efficiency comes at the expense of fragility. It's time we became "less efficient" and more "anti-fragile". Meden agan!

    Not a problem.
    Go learn from Zimbabve abd Nigeria. ;-P

    \\Generations of America's made "obsolescent" and "unnecessary".

    Not a problem. WW3 ckocking at your door.
    Lots of cannon fodder will be needed.

    \\Soon the rest of Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia will be just like Baltimore... jobless. obsolete. unnecessary.

    Hmmm... begging that question -- andwhat do you know about that other world...

    \\...and it needs to do so in an anti-fragile way. Small business. Private enterprise. Little government. And no foreign idiots making trouble.

    Then... go became Ruler of the World.
    And reshape it to your such ideas.
    I? I can help you with techs to make it possible? ;-)

    \\America's destiny is to colonize Space, not planet Earth.

    My techs again.

    \\...then WWI and WWII.

    Well... ww2 is by all means result of your involvment in ww1.

    But in ww1... naah, that is not USA doing.
    That was just a continuation of usual for Europe quarrels.
    You know. 20 year war. 100 year war. And all that. ;-P

  27. Earth to Q... Americans won't be fighting your wars for you anympre. :(

    Get used to it.

  28. Replies
    1. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈ

  29. \\Americans won't be fighting your wars for you anympre. :(

    Yep. Because THIS IS USA's war. War from which you tryed cowardly to diserter yourself. ;-P

  30. Send you complaint's to the State Department, not me.

  31. Your Deep State and Pentagon are on one board with me. ;-P

    That is you are one who try rowing backward.

  32. I don't see US troops on the ground... cuz if there were, politicians would be hanging from Cherry trees in Washington DC.
