Saturday, March 18, 2023

PATRIOT ALERT!: Whatever it Takes... a Lesson in Handling Mid-level Violence Provocations.

"Don't fall into the RE-action trap Folks... take ACTION Now"  

Contact your Representatives and Let EVERYONE know   THIS is a deliberate provocation by Corrupt NY State Manhattan District Officials to induce the Federal National Security State to prevent DJT from becoming President in 2024.  There will be no cloak of Gyges thrown over Alvin Bragg's CORRUPT NY State and George Soros' Bought and Paid for Prosecutors who have manufactured this outrageous criminal charge.


  1. This alert is aimed at White Supremacist America-hating magaturd terrorists, not real patriots.

    "Patriot" here means an America-hating tRump supporter. This is an actual example of NewSpeak (unlike the fake examples Qtard offers).

  2. No, it's not aimed at your former KKK DNC enforcers, it's aimed at Patriots.

    This is a deliberate "provocation" eliciting a reaction. And don't worry, you're going to get one... only it won't be the one you're expecting. :)

  3. More magaturds will soon be on their way to prison? "Will be wild"?

  4. Democrats voting rolls are about to get much, much longer. :)

  5. And? Will I meet you on the street? ;-P

    PS Sorry for this apparent trolling. It was too nagging. :-)))

  6. \\"Patriot" here means an America-hating tRump supporter. This is an actual example of NewSpeak (unlike the fake examples Qtard offers).

    You know what you did, Derpy? ;-P

    You just showed that that my remark abeou DemNewSpeak pierced throught your sick scull. :-))))

    Well... calling your (and only your) political supporters patriots -- WHAT politicians DO NOT use such miserable treak???
    To pump up his base.
    Ahh??? :-))))

    \\This is a deliberate "provocation" eliciting a reaction.

    Lawful legal procedure is a "provocation"???

    You will not go too far with such a claims.

    Or... you need to go TOO FAR and declare The Revolution.

    Or uprise and (re?)Install Trump as Empreor... Palpa... naah. :-)))))

    Well, YOU need to show MUCH MORE efforts... than that. Yawn.

  7. We-e-e-e-ell... now we have perfect excuse to start making DemNewSpeak dictionary. ;-P

    Here we go.

    Dervish Sanders said...
    I strongly suport inalienable rights, Qtard, you dipshit. You are Putin's useful idiot. Putin was rooting for the insurrectionists, same as you. He has the same distain for democracy as you too.

    March 17, 2023 at 9:26 AM

    "I strongly suport inalienable rights" -- I, Derpy, wholeheartedly support UNalienable right of somebody-somebody(but, only when they Dem-aligned) who saying something-something, to be revered as UNdoubted Truth.(even if it complete bullshit)

    "Qtard, you dipshit" -- I, Derpy, with this admit that my opponents posess UNpossible for me levels of intelligence.(and that makes me SO DAMN upset, that only shit comes out of my mouth)

    "You are Putin's useful idiot" -- I, Derpy, this way admitting my unshakable loyalty to Putin's Poisonous Propagandistic Narrative, because that is what every "faithful" Putin's Idiot DO -- calling White Black and vice versa.(because that is ONLY thing my miserly mind capable to produce as an argument, too)

    "Putin was rooting for the insurrectionists" -- I, Derpy, always wo factless, unproved claims and try to pretend that it is facts.(because, you know, my minisculller brain)

    "same as you" -- look above.

    "He has the same distain for democracy as you too." -- look above.

    1. Q, you just made Dervish dump in his thong panties and pants. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

      You watch; he'll make up some excuse about being faked again by Mystere over the posts he made here without using his real account.

    2. F*** you, uptheEndo aka Rattrapper, Mystere, Qanon, fake Dervish Sanders, Adolf Schittler and fake President Biden. Unlike you, I never use fake or multiple identities.

    3. Mystere: You watch; he'll make up some excuse about being faked again by Mystere...

      The "excuse" is that you are a comment-faking POS. LIKE your admission above (not authored by me) where you list all the IDs you use. These are not all different people. They are all you, Mystere.

    4. πŸ”ΊDervish uses his fake ID to πŸ–πŸ– to himself again.πŸ”Ί

      Oink on, Dervish! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  8. And with that... you just admitted defeat, Derpy. ;-P

    But I have faith in you -- you will resurect... ehm, reassure your rectum... and will oppose this apparent Truth yet one, then yet one, and many more times.

    'Cause you

    "Unredeemable idiot... :-)))) but well, that's whay I lik in you. ;-P"

  9. America's supply chain depends on trucks. 3/4's of America's trucks will get parked on Tuesday. You won't meet us on the streets. You can have them.

  10. Just call me "Bartleby".

    You: "Get to work!"

    Me: "I would prefer NOT to."

  11. And??? With whom you talking here?

  12. .

    Resolve, Result and Responsibility.

    That is three things I, we, anybody in the world would like to see from Politicians.


    When last time you saw politician that are Responsible?

    Politician who deliver Result?

    Well, they do not like even to demonstrate Resolve, lately.


    They trying to play a card of Identity Politics.

    That is when NOT THEY must demonstrate their efforts... as honmest and diligent servants who they trully and only are.

    But, turn table completely around. And make people only think about WHOM they obliged to follow, to hail to, to listen every word.

    I see what so good for THEM in such setup. But what is good for people???

  13. /And??? With whom you talking here?

    Didn't you jokingly say something about "meeting in the streets"?

    /I see what so good for THEM in such setup. But what is good for people???

    So long as they're not spending more of my money on stupid sh*t, I'm happy. :)

  14. \\Didn't you jokingly say something about "meeting in the streets"?

    Yep. That was begging the question/trolling too much. (shy)

    \\So long as they're not spending more of my money on stupid sh*t, I'm happy. :)

    Well... they'll start think that that is THEIR money. That ALL money is their. That way.

    Yet one time. Equilibrium need TWO forces.
    If one force start saying something like "I better NOT to" -- equilibrium and all pleasanties it create -- it disappears. ;-P

    Or, like that nasty Queen in Alice in Wonderland saying: "to stay put, you must run... to come somewhere, you need to run TWICE as fast". ;-P

    And that is not a joke.. that is -- entropy. ;-)

  15. Notice everything so far about the so called arrests are coming dog whistling from the left have been met with peace from the conservatives? No one so far has fallen for the bait from the left behinds.

    In the meantime, Bragg seems to be falling flat on his carcass while trying to inflate his blow up doll of a sad excuse for a criminal case against Donald J Trump. Please pass the popcorn! The circus clown show is about to continue.

  16. Qtard: And with that... you just admitted defeat...

    That is your delusion, Qtard. I did not admit anything.

    Mystere: The circus clown show is about to continue.

    If Bragg and his office's potential case against donald tRump is such a joke, Mystere, why is donald tRump attempting to incite violence? Death threats are not "peace", liar.

  17. \\That is your delusion, Qtard. I did not admit anything.

    That is not about what you think or feel. That is *factual*. ;-P

    Of course, as true idiot you will not admit your defeat. EVER. :-)))

    That's why talking with you ios so much fun.

    But still, I curious... why you not commented my post about "Resolve, Result and Responsibility", ah, Derpy? ;-P

  18. Qtard: That is not about what you think or feel. That is *factual*.

    You did not cite any facts. Qtard feeling his BS is "factual" does not make it so.

  19. Try applying the fact-value distinction for a change, Dervy.

  20. There are no facts in the statement: "There will be no cloak of Gyges thrown over Alvin Bragg's CORRUPT NY State and George Soros' Bought and Paid for Prosecutors". That is simply complete nonsense.
