Sunday, March 12, 2023 the last Ukrainian!


  1. Yes. You are right. And who cares about that Russian chmobicks who die in thousands. Their worthless lives not need even be to counted. Only Ukrainian lives matter. ;-P

  2. Why should they matter? Our policy show just how expendable Ukranian lives are.

  3. We'll fight Russia to the very last Ukrainian... just watch the video.

  4. That is just Russian Poisonous Propaganda -- you allowed to make its nest in your brains. In the brains of USAians.

    How do you think??? CAN you win, if you ALREADY submitted to a pattern of thought YOUR ENEMY implanted into you?

    Rethorical question.

    Or... you'll still try to answer? To oppose to it? :-)

  5. You are totally clueless and have no conception of the larger game afoot. The banks in the USA were nationalized yesterday. What is the first thing a newly communist country does when the communists take power? Nationalize the banks and industry. THAT is where the USA and European Union are headed.

  6. \\What is the first thing a newly communist country does when the communists take power? Nationalize the banks and industry.


    Nationalisation? :-)))

    Nop. Expropriation. "Rob the robberers". (tm)

    Your understanding of "communism" based on cranky-doodled caricatures.

    Well, the same as understanding of "capitlaism" in China and Rusha.

  7. America can't even bail itself out, let alone Ukraine.

  8. Are you America?

    Or... you can say "America, it's me"? ;-P

  9. Aha... different timezone. CT?

  10. Reaper is Down???

    liliPut jerked off his miniscule penis into your open mouth, America.
    And you... gulped. (not for the first time, to boot)

    PS How to you my "trolling"? ;-)

  11. That is... third time, already. (from open sources, for how many gupls was done in shadow... only CIA knows ;-P)

    After "Ukrainian" Missile Hit Polish/NATO ground.

    After "You, USA did it" blowing up of NS pipes.

    My prediction:

    The longer you will wait and pospone Firm and Manly Response...
    the more everybody in a whole World will be suspicious that you are comming through transition, America. ;-P

  12. The Russian pilot who stopped the Reaper's prop must have been one heck of a pilot.

  13. They had YEAR to devise a plan and for training.

    To attack harmless, slow, non-manuering target.

    And now they'll try to dive in for scavenging remains. ;-P

    Capable vulture. :-))) You, USA can take em as example and learn from them.

    And maybe, even change specie of that bird on your gerb. ;-P

  14. Twinheaded. :-))))))) Chimeric one to boot... one head elephnat, and another donkey.

  15. Well... that way you can claim being Forth Rome. ;-P
    And become "an empire". :-)))

    And Kyiv... as the Mother of the cities of Great America. :-))))

    And Ukraine, to be Little America.

    Yahoo!!! Isn't that'll be great. Win-win condition

  16. 1001th... if only that'll please you. (wide green)
