Tuesday, March 21, 2023

This is How Ukraine Ends... :)


  1. It won't end well for the Deep State. The claws of Satan have overreached its boundaries. The Enemy Of My Enemy is my "friend" or in this case, a strange bedfellow. The Satanist Deep Staters poked a Big Bear and an angry roaring lion at the same time. The Big Bear has ferociously gone after them to keep its den free of thieves. The Vipers of the Deep State have reared their hooded heads, hissing at angry lions as well. The angry lions have taken swipes at the head, and now eagles and mongooses abound, ready to take the Deep State serpents out. A righteously angry man had already cracked a whip and turned the tables over on them, putting them on notice; yet the Deep State plotted against the man. They thought they burned his building down with their devious dirty deeds done dirt cheap; however, the man is rising from the ashes, like the Karate Kid who crane kicked his enemy at the end.

  2. IMO, It's not going to end well for anybody. It's going to be like a classic Greek tragedy... everyone dies. :(

    1. That's true under the condition that we don't heed warnings being sent to us. If we heed them and listen for directions on what to do and follow up, we have a fighting chance to survive and rebuild from the ashes.

  3. Yep, if USA'd keep playing chicken. (and not developing new techs ;-P)

  4. \\an angry roaring lion at the same time.

    Lion? Whose zat?

    China? In all anecdotes they are Clever Monkey. Or, well, dragon.
    Tiger... for very least. Panda? :-)))

    Was you meaning... Vacanda? :-))) Ah, Rat?

    1. The angry lions are patriots in the United States and patriots in all other countries that don't want China and the Deep State ruling over them.

    2. "patriots" = White Supremacist fascist democracy haters.

  5. donald tRump is the lion. Mystere is a rightturd christian nutter. The fake prophets he listens to tell him "the time of the lion" (trump's return to power) is at hand.

    1. Derpish Sanders oinks again under an Anonymous account to look for plausible deniability. And of course he thinks I'm Mystere as usual. Hey Derpish, I will say your broken clock is right about Donald Trump, but you need to learn how to spell his name. Hint: the D is supposed to be capital D, not lower case. The T is also supposed to be a capital T, not lower case, and the r in his last name is lower case r. And you need some mental help, Derpish. Being fixated on Donald Trump's rump is not a healthy sign. Get help before Satan eats you for breakfast lunch and dinner.

    2. The last name of our fantastic democratically-elected and 100 percent legitimate president ends with an "N" and not a "T" (as you often write it), Mystere.

      You need help re your fixation on washing anuses.

  6. And WHOM I asked?

  7. And who are Black Minisculist anti-fascist democracy lovers then??? :-)))

  8. Democrats certainly ARE Black minisculists.

  9. And... anti-patriots. ;-P

  10. "Patriot" being newspeak for America-hating trumpturd. So, YES, Democrats are definitely anti these "patriots".

  11. "Patriot" being newspeak for America-hating White Supremacist trumpturd. So, yes, Democrats are definitely anti these "patriots".

  12. Dervy can't break the Democrat's post-1964 Civil Rights Act "unwritten rule"... Never criticize a minority, woman, LGBT+...and blame EVERYTHING that is bad on the white male Republicans.

  13. If he doesn't do the above, they'll cancel his "Democrat privilege" and "Get Out of Jail Free" monopoly card.

  14. So, when you'd start war with that scumbags? To eliminate em all? To put em all in jails, as they deserve?

    Or... you will not? You will allow That Nasty Criminals wlking free??? And it wouldn't make you acomplise of em and criminal too. Thought criminal. ;-P

  15. Fortunately we have a 2nd Amendment. No need to bother with "thought dissidents." :)

  16. You're eager to take to the streets to exercise your 2A rights and start murdering thought dissenters? Maybe a neighbor who had a Joe Biden sign in his front yard?

  17. lol! The only dissident's I worry about are the ones drawing on me with their own personal peacekeepers. They can yak to their hearts content.

  18. The two "No" comments above were submitted by Mystere using the account he created to fake my ID.

  19. How the war ends if the Orange Turd gets back in the White House. Dotard donald calls up Putin and Zelenskyy and (his words) "I'd tell one guy this and I'd tell one guy that". War over.
