Saturday, March 25, 2023

Excess Vaccinations?

Ya GOTTA LOVE the MiniTru warning labels on THIS video.


  1. We failed to achieve herd immunity because of too few vaccinations. How is that "excess"?

  2. Herr Dervish Goebbels doth protest too much.

  3. 1) He commenting on himself?


    2) Did you do by that my link?


    ...well, if there was some spam message... that errected that firm "^^Political propaganda spotted^^" :-)))))

  4. Minus: Herr Dervish Goebbels doth protest too much.

    "...existing research has found that conservatives have a greater tendency toward misinformation than liberals do" :P

  5. Yep... because they drowned in it. ;-P

    Socialistic Agenda -- is misinformation in and out. :-)))

  6. Fascist trumptrud agenda is misinformation in and out.

  7. 851 old comments were in my SPAM folder today (I restored them all). There's definitely some form of an internet censorship purge going on...

  8. \\Blogger The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist) said...
    Fascist trumptrud agenda is misinformation in and out.

    Thanky-thanky for more examples of Demn-junky-NewSpeak. ;-P

  9. Qtard: Socialistic Agenda -- is misinformation in and out.

    Thank you for more examples of rightturd-junky-NewSpeak.

  10. But that is... Old Speak.

    As in dictionaries.

    SOCIALISM | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › socialism
    socialism | Business English ... an economic, political, and social system that is based on the belief that all people are equal and should share equally in a ...

    AGENDA | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › agenda
    a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting: Among the items on the agenda were next year's budget and raising the membership dues.

    MISINFORMATION | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › misinf...
    misinformation definition: 1. wrong information, or the fact that people are misinformed: 2. information intended to deceive….

    In short -- all that Demn point you keep trying to push here -- they all FALSE. As in "false medicines".

    Like in.

    Fake medicines kill almost 500000 sub-Saharan Africans a year › story › 2023/02
    Trafficked medical products kill almost half a million sub-Saharan Africans every year, and action is needed to stem the flow, the United ...

  11. Americans die younger in states run by conservatives, study finds.

    Qtard proves once again that he is seriously fact-challenged.

  12. And?

    As foreigner.

    Why should I care???

    I even will not read it -- as it not my f*g business.
    That is your unner problem. Among USAians.

    I can only ask here: "And how it relates to anything we was discussin above"????

  13. It is proof that it isn't Left polices that are "bad medicine" but Right polices that are "bad medicine". But you are obviously too stupid to understand. Why you fell back on your "I'm a foreigner" dodge.

  14. \\It is proof that it isn't Left polices that are "bad medicine" but Right polices that are "bad medicine".

    And... how?

    I will close my noser and will made it look that I do not feel stench of propaganda from it.

    But... go, explain -- how it show it. What logical construction make it possible?

    \\But you are obviously too stupid to understand.

    Yawn. I'm, just not involved, and do not see anything interesting in being involved in your inner quarrels.
    That's why, your in-game arguments do not work on me. ;-P
    But... you are too Demn stoooopid, to phatome it. :-))))

    \\Why you fell back on your "I'm a foreigner" dodge.

    That is not "a dodge".
    That is who I am.
    Would you be interested into diving into pig-shit eating crimes statistic of Indonesia, for example??? :-))))
    I bet you not.
    So, WHY *I* need to give a shit to your inner USA troubles???

  15. The point was that rightturd economic don't work for a majority of people. No matter where they are implemented. USA or anywhere. But you use your "I am a foreigner" dodge yet again. Because you are too dumb to understand.

  16. \\The point was that rightturd economic don't work for a majority of people.

    Go formulate what "rightturd economic" is.
    Because I have absolutely NO CLUE, as foreigner, to what you are refering to.
    So I could decide for myself.

    For now... I see that USA is quite successful.
    And for at least of it -- it is because of Reps. ;-P

    \\No matter where they are implemented. USA or anywhere.

    I DUNNO what "rightturd economic" is.

    But I know what Leftist/Socialistic "economic" is.
    And I totally agree with you -- it sucks. Everywhere. :-)))

    \\But you use your "I am a foreigner" dodge yet again. Because you are too dumb to understand.

    You really are too dumb to understand.
    That I am foreigner. Living in country far-far-away.
    Who know about USA only what I have seen in Hollywood movies.
    And there was nothing like that "rightturd economic" even mentioned.

    So... all I can do about it -- it's try to find some clue from your own words.

    Not very successfully... because words of idiot... is not a words of a wiseman. :-)))

  17. "rightturd" = right-wing. Right versus Left is universal worldwide. Being a foreigner does not preclude understanding. Only being a moron does. Which you clearly are.

    Why you "totally agree" with something I never said.

  18. \\Right versus Left is universal worldwide.

    Bull... Shit.

    Where is Right and Left... in China? ;-P

    Who is right and who is left in Africa??? :-)))

    \\Being a foreigner does not preclude understanding.

    But having not enough info -- do.

    And being a forigner -- means that access to actual info is very-very-VERY limited.
    Even in our "global village" of Internet times.

    Do you know what words "cultural differences", "cultural understanding" is about???

    Surely, not.

    \\Only being a moron does. Which you clearly are.

    Oh, please... from your side of idioticus vulgaris it sound like compliment. ;-P
    As morons are higer rank than idiots, isn't it?

    \\Why you "totally agree" with something I never said.

    Your words? Right versus Left is universal worldwide.


    Either your this words ARE correct? Then... my "totally agree" is coloraly of it. ;-P

    Or... your words NOT correct. And my words should be analysed more thoroughly.

  19. Qtard: "Right versus Left is universal worldwide". Bull... Shit.

    It is a FACT. But you frequently declare that facts are bullshit. So you doing so again is really no surprise. FYI, I never claimed that Left and Right political parties exist in all countries. That I ever made such a claim is your bullshit, asshole.

    Qtard: "Why you totally agree with something I never said"... Your words? Right versus Left is universal worldwide.

    You wrote: "But I know what Leftist/Socialistic economic is. And I totally agree with you -- it sucks".

    I never said "it sucks". So how the f*ck could you "totally agree", liar?

    Qtard: And being a forigner -- means that access to actual info is very-very-VERY limited.

    F*ck off. We aren't discussing a generic foreigner. YOU are the one who claims to be a foreigner. If by "foreigner" you are copping to being ignorant -- I can definitely buy that.

  20. \\It is a FACT.

    Open. Obvious. Self-evidant. Ref to Reality.

    Your reference to some site like can be a FACT only that there is such site exist.

    That it have ANY relation to Objective Reality of Political Preferences of People in the Whole World -- that is NOT obvious, and not self-evidant... and very loosely can be counted as ref to reality.

    Another word... that is not a FACT... that is just another "somebody-somebody who said something-something". ;-P

    \\But you frequently declare that facts are bullshit.

    Yap. Your non-facts.
    That do not pass examination being in accordance with DEFINITION of being factual... even. ;-P

    Which need to be. AGAIN.




    Reference to Reality itself. ;-P

    And only when you'd learn it... you'd be able to produce some arguments, that would have a chance to "win an argument" out of me. ;-)

    See... how generous I am? I even open to teaching obvious itioticus vulgaris the basics of the Logic. ;-P

    \\FYI, I never claimed that Left and Right political parties exist in all countries. That I ever made such a claim is your bullshit, asshole.

    But still... you calling me "rightturd".
    Which by your own admission mean -- >>"rightturd" = right-wing.<<

    If that is not en example of staubch illogical idiocy... then I dunno what is. :-)))))))))))

    \\I never said "it sucks". So how the f*ck could you "totally agree", liar?

    So? You didn't mean it???
    When you said that "The point was that rightturd economic don't work for a majority of people."??????

    As you NEVER explained WHAT do you mean under that "rightturd economic" at all.

    And I... know ONLY ONE type of economic system that "don't work for a majority of people".

    As it's easy to see, my inference was simple and logical. ;-P

    That you was refering to "Socialism".

    And that was easy to agree for me -- that it's sucks. ;-)


    \\F*ck off. We aren't discussing a generic foreigner. YOU are the one who claims to be a foreigner. If by "foreigner" you are copping to being ignorant -- I can definitely buy that.

    What logic in this statement?
    Yes, NONE. :-)))

    First of all -- what "generic foreigner" might even mean??? :-))))

    I am foreigner in respect to you, of course. But I am NOT foreigner to my neighbour peers, also of course.

    That that is so hard for you to grasp concept of "being foreigner" -- that is your own mental deficiency, not mine. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And being a forigner -- means that access to actual info is very-very-VERY limited.

    News headlines... not enough to understand realities of foreign country. EVEN if one know language of that country decently enough for some dumb representatives of that country to think that one is NOT foreigner and/or know all INs and OUTs of local political narratives and have own opinion about it all. Or even... some easily indentifible political stance. :-)))))))))))))))))))

  21. Qtard: That it have ANY relation to ... Political Preferences of People in the Whole World...

    I never said it did. You said my comment about Right versus Left being universal worldwide is bullshit. Then you said "Leftist/Socialistic economic is. And I totally agree with you -- it sucks"

    If the Left/Right political spectrum does not exist (is bullshit), HOW can such a thing as "Leftist/Socialistic economic" exist? As per your qutarded logic, it doesn't.

    Qtard: That you was refering to "Socialism".

    I was "referring" to rightwing economics. AS I STATED. You did not need to "infer" anything. Rightwing is ONLY type of economics that does not work for a majority of people.

    Qtard: That that is so hard for you to grasp concept of "being foreigner"...

    It is not hard for me to grasp at all. I totally get that you use it as a dodge. Like when I linked to the article that says rightwing economics does not work for a majority of people -- re a United States study. You focused on the fact that it was a US study -- thus dodging addressing my point.

  22. \\If the Left/Right political spectrum does not exist (is bullshit), HOW can such a thing as "Leftist/Socialistic economic" exist? As per your qutarded logic, it doesn't.

    Why I must not use word "Left/Leftist"???
    Isn't that common sense that one need to use words that other people use???
    Like, I would not be able to talk with you here, if I would not use English words you know???

    While "Left/Right political spectrum" is more complex question, then just an obvious, self-evident fact.
    That's all what my claim was about. That your claim it "being FACT" is bullshit. Misunderstanding. Or, more like low-brow "understanding".

    Not that "Left/Right political spectrum" as an idea, a concept exist and have some benefits of doubt to exist. ;-P

    \\I was "referring" to rightwing economics.

    Without you explaining, DEFINING what "rightwing economics" mean. For you.
    That is just a bunch of letters without meaning. To me.

    \\Rightwing is ONLY type of economics that does not work for a majority of people.

    And SOCIALISM "is ONLY type of economics that does not work for a majority of people."

    Or... you know YET MORE types "of economics that does not work for a majority of people." :-))))

    Feel yourself free to give comprehensive list. ;-P

    \\It is not hard for me to grasp at all. I totally get that you use it as a dodge.

    Your "dodge" mean that I can do it some other way. But I can't.
    I do not feign not knowing... I REALLY do not know... such a fine details of your inner political quarrels.
    And why I should be??? While I AM foreigner from country far-far-away, who have no relation to your "inner political quarrels" what so ever.
    Apart from talking via Internet with dumb asses like you are.
    Which absolutely NOT helpful.

    \\Like when I linked to the article that says rightwing economics does not work for a majority of people -- re a United States study.

    Of course. Because as foreigner... I cannot double-check it -- like I cannot visit your supermarket, or talk with people on the street, to confirm that what that "research" talking about IS REAL.
    Have no access. Have no chances. Have no money. Have no dire interest. Have no time for that. ;-P

  23. The researchers lied and Qtard could prove it. If only he could visit some US supermarkets and talk to some people there and on the street. He could discover the truth.

    The problem is that you are a f*cking idiot, not that you are a foreigner.

  24. \\The researchers lied and Qtard could prove it. If only he could visit some US supermarkets and talk to some people there and on the street. He could discover the truth.

    No. I CANNOT distinguish -- lied they or not.
    And even more then it -- have their "researches" even any meaning.

    The same as I CANNOT know about levels of pig-shit eating crimes in Indonesia. ;-P


    1) Have no relation to it and no information about it.

    2) Do not care to know it. ;-P

    \\The problem is that you are a f*cking idiot, not that you are a foreigner.

    The preoblem is that you USAians thinking that you are SO DAMN IMPORTANT that all World and everyone in it SHOULD know everything about your miserly self and your miserly problems. ;-P

  25. Now you're trying to spin my calling out your your LAME "I'm a foreigner" dodge as me being prejudiced against foreigners? No. I am only prejudiced against idiots who do not care to know (as you admit) any fact that disproves narratives they like. In this case your FALSE assertion that Leftist/Socialist economic polices don't work for a majority of people. THEY DO.

    It is rightwing economic policies that don't work for a majority of people. As the linked to study proves. FYI, I've seen other studies that say the same thing. When I Googled I was looking for a UK study that says the same thing. What I found was the US study. So (of course) you pulled your "I'm a foreigner" dodge to dismiss it. Then ludicrously suggested you could get to the truth by doing your own study (talking to people in grocery stores and on the street). Because you are dumb.

  26. \\Now you're trying to spin my calling out your your LAME "I'm a foreigner" dodge as me being prejudiced against foreigners?

    And it seems you doing it sincerely. Because, that is too much dumb to claim here "prejudiced against foreigners". FROM WHAT my WORD did you smudged it out, exactly?

    Well, given your rediculous political culture... that is not that dumb even... just normal. :-))))))
    From my perspective as foreigner -- all you do there -- it's running like that brainless chicken, screaming about "prejudgeses" and "privilages" and etc... :-))))) at each other.

    \\I am only prejudiced against idiots who do not care to know (as you admit) any fact that disproves narratives they like.

    My condolences.
    To your struggles with yourself. :-)))))))))))))))))
    You like Demn narratives. And you are so obviously dimb. And you "don't care to know any fact that disproves narratives u like". ;-P

    Well... surely you will try to turn that table and say ME doing it -- but, try to provide at least ONE "narrative I like"???

    That is you are one who spouting only Demn narratives.
    Because you lacking your own brains to have own opinion and ideas. Dummy.

    \\In this case your FALSE assertion that Leftist/Socialist economic polices don't work for a majority of people. THEY DO.

    They pefectly do -- with producing GULAGs and starving people to death and putting Humankind on the verge of Atomic Holocaust.
    I agree with you.
    See. ;-P

    \\It is rightwing economic policies that don't work for a majority of people.

    Well... you did not provided DEFINITION of "rightwing economic policies". And seems like you will not. Toom hard task for a such brain-dmaged one.
    can you give me a list?
    At least ONE example.

    With explanation -- how it work (as YOU see it) and why it so bad (again, as YOU see it).

    \\As the linked to study proves. FYI, I've seen other studies that say the same thing.

    "Somebody-somebody saying someting-something" again??? :-))))

    CAN. YOU. State. Your. Own. Thought. For once????

    \\When I Googled I was looking for a UK study that says the same thing. What I found was the US study.

    So, what???
    Does ANY material you Googled out from Internet -- is automaticly true? :-)))))
    Go google for Martians, Chupakabras and Bigfoots then. ;-P

    \\So (of course) you pulled your "I'm a foreigner" dodge to dismiss it.

    So... you STILL do not believe that I am (could be) a foreigner??? :-))))

    What a dumb shithead you are. Unbelievable. :-)))))
    But... I like you, for that.

    \\Then ludicrously suggested you could get to the truth by doing your own study (talking to people in grocery stores and on the street). Because you are dumb.

    Aha... so, people who "doing their own study" -- they are dumb? Obviously??? :-))))
    Only that who Googling for somebody else's researches are smart? :-))))

    But... where that researchers from Google-Land taking their stuff??? From some secret Google that even Deeper??? :-))))))))))))

  27. Qtard: FROM WHAT my WORD did you smudged it out...

    "The preoblem is that you USAians thinking that you are SO DAMN IMPORTANT".

    Qtard: Does ANY material you Googled out from Internet -- is automaticly true?

    What a dumb shithead you are. Unbelievable. Published peer-reviewed research isn't the same as nutters blogging about Martians, Chupakabras or Bigfoots.

    Qtard: people who "doing their own study" -- they are dumb?

    They are some of the dumbest dumbf*ckers on the planet.

  28. \\Qtard: FROM WHAT my WORD did you smudged it out...


    I'll place it here. Closer to each other.

    \\"The preoblem is that you USAians thinking that you are SO DAMN IMPORTANT".

    \\\\Now you're trying to spin my calling out your your LAME "I'm a foreigner" dodge as me being prejudiced against foreigners?

    For you to have a chance to rethink it.

    Or... to double-down on it -- but now with POINTING DIRECTLY -- to where is "prejudges" implyed. ;-P

    \\Published peer-reviewed research isn't the same as nutters blogging about Martians, Chupakabras or Bigfoots.

    And what make it that special?
    Go... I give you a chance to explain it with your own words. ;-P

    \\They are some of the dumbest dumbf*ckers on the planet.

    Like that who doing "Published peer-reviewed research"??? ;-P

  29. Qtard: where is "prejudges" implyed.

    Nowhere. I wrote "prejudices", not "prejudges". In response to, "The preoblem is that you USAians thinking that you are SO DAMN IMPORTANT".

    And what make it that special?

    Researcher's degree and reputation. Reputation of research institute. Verifiable data. Peer review process.

    Qtard: Like that who doing "Published peer-reviewed research...


  30. \\Nowhere. I wrote "prejudices", not "prejudges". In response to, "The preoblem is that you USAians thinking that you are SO DAMN IMPORTANT".

    form a judgement on (an issue or person) prematurely and without having adequate information.

    Well... not a big difference I see.
    But you are free to help me, a foreigner, to understand how much and why you see it THAT different.

    \\Researcher's degree and reputation. Reputation of research institute. Verifiable data. Peer review process.


    But again. Why that important?
    What's the difference from other people?

    \\\\They are some of the dumbest dumbf*ckers on the planet.

    \\Like that who doing "Published peer-reviewed research"??? ;-P


    What the difference?
    That who doing "Published peer-reviewed research" DO NOT "doing their own study"???

    Then... HOW they achieve their results??? :-)))

    Really. I don't get it.

    Can you explain?

  31. No, I cannot explain so that someone whose intelligence is as low as yours would be able to understand. It will have to remain a baffling mystery to you for the rest of your life.

  32. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
