Wednesday, March 29, 2023

America's Hawks Dictate "No Pause in Slaughter of Russians" to Ukraine/ World.


  1. Putin dictates no pause in slaughter of Russians.

  2. Putin's not the one rejecting cease-fire agreements.

  3. Hitler... didn't knew... that he just needed to ask Ams and USSRians... for a cease-fire. :-))))))))))))))))))

    Well... he tryed, actually.

  4. Minus: Putin's not the one rejecting cease-fire agreements.

    He rejects them by not withdrawing. Putin is the aggressor. Belief in self defense does not make one a "hawk". Your false victim-blaming (and victim-ally blaming) narrative is utter BS.

  5. Only one little problem... with your Oh, Such a Righteous Words, Derpy.

    Putin became agressor in 2014 (and befor that, in 2008... and before that in 1997),
    and self-defence started THEN.


    Where was your "Putin is the aggressor. Belief in self defense does not make one a "hawk"" THAT time???

    That mean only one -- you are DEM-hypocrite.
    The same as all your demn party.

  6. Qtard Is A F*cking LiarMarch 30, 2023 at 1:03 PM

    Qtard: Putin became agressor in 2014... Where was your "Putin is the aggressor... THAT time???

    How U.S. Military Aid Has Helped Ukraine Since 2014.

    donald tRump threatened Zelenskyy. He was going to withhold aid unless Zelenskyy announced a fake investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden. "Do us a favor though".

    Qtard ignores this fact because he is a rightturd hypocrite.

  7. Thank you for being so prudent with showing YOUR Demn hypocrisy, Derp. :-P

    But, I am not in your Demn-disinformation bubble.
    And I am not part of your Northern America Happy-Go-Lucky Echo Chamber too.

    WHAT EXACTLY was amount of MILITARY help which was sent by YOUR Demn prez Obama?

    IN YEAR ANNO DOMINI 2014???!!!!

    How Many Abramses, Bradleys... or Javelines for at least, was in Debaltsevo in February of 2015???

    \\donald tRump threatened Zelenskyy.

    One fool "treatening" another.
    Like *I* care.

    \\Qtard ignores this fact because he is a rightturd hypocrite.

    Budapesht Memorandum.

    By which Ukraine given up THIRD arsenal of Nukes.

    Under most sincerely honest word given by USA... that help would be swift, and decisive.

    But... in your 1984-style world of Demn-hypocrisy... such things do not exist EVEN.

    PS I cannot demonstrate more hypocrisy then you(even if I'd want to). You are just TOO DAMN masterful. Like with that agressively brutal permanence you keep trying to call me -- absolutely uninvolved in your inner domestic political quarrels foreigner -- your inner bad names. :-))))))))))))))

  8. Qtard: One fool "treatening" another. Like *I* care.

    Proof of Qtard's hypocrisy. He only does not care because it was tRump telling his ally Putin that he was with him. The story would be different if Obama had done this.

    Qtard: I cannot demonstrate more hypocrisy then you ... absolutely uninvolved in your inner domestic political quarrels foreigner -- your inner bad names.

    My hypocrisy on this issue is zero. So you absolutely display more. WAY more. Also, you involve yourself by commenting, dipshit. If you want no involvement, go away.

  9. \\Proof of Qtard's hypocrisy. He only does not care because it was tRump telling his ally Putin that he was with him. The story would be different if Obama had done this.

    Only one little problem here.

    Obama HEPLED Putin in many-many ways, and TO MUCH BIGGER EXTENT then any of your Demn-screachings about "collusion" you CAN assign on Trump... and you even CANNOT prove em.

    What a bunch of hypocritical losers!!! %-)))))))))))

    \\My hypocrisy on this issue is zero.

    Yep. With this you just claimed, that you are not a hypocrite -- just a honest idiot. :-)))

    \\Also, you involve yourself by commenting, dipshit.

    Under which law? ;-P
    Go make your rusty cogs of your delirious brain work. Even if just once. This time.
    And cite to me a law... by which mere bubbling in the Internet -- can be called "involvment in political affair". ;-P

    Be advised.
    That THERE IS such laws.
    In totalitarian Rusha and China.

    So... yo, you are really in deep shit now. Shit of you own making -- you digged a hole, yourself; you shitted in that hole, for months and months, yourself; and now you dived into it. Yourself!!! :-))))))

    \\If you want no involvement, go away.

    Why I should want even, something... that even do not exist??? :-))))

  10. "...cite to me a law"... I have no idea wtf you are talking about. I said you involved yourself by commenting. Which is TRUE. I have no idea why you think laws have anything to do with your decision to involve yourself.

    Obama helped Putin in zero ways. Obama helped Ukraine.

    Re "you are really in deep shit now"... Under what law am I in "deep shit", Qtard?

  11. \\"...cite to me a law"... I have no idea wtf you are talking about. I said you involved yourself by commenting. Which is TRUE. I have no idea why you think laws have anything to do with your decision to involve yourself.

    Do you really have such an... unhealthy need to scream that you are idiot?

    ONLY LAW can be proper reason to DENY me my freedom of speach.

    \\Obama helped Putin in zero ways.

    Aha... by totally eradicating HIMSELF from his hienous road of war criminal.
    Obama that Zero, Obama the Void, Obama that Null, 0-bama -- great name, aren't it? (now I know its True Name, it seems)

    \\Obama helped Ukraine.

    And HOW? :-)))
    By playing chiken? By making belive that he/USA "uninvolved"? By ignoring Budapesht Memorandum? By showing that he ready to "press Reboot button" AGAIN???

    WAS dRump anyway NEAR such blatant fool-accomplice mode??? Ever?!!!

    \\Under what law am I in "deep shit", Qtard?

    Easy-peasy, Derp.
    Under laws of Logic. ;-P
    By showing constantly and continuously, every time practicly, that you have the least idea about what that word "logic" even mean. Well, as most of (all?) other words. :-))))))))))

  12. I referred to your decision to comment. I never said your decision to comment should be denied. You decided to comment, ergo you involved yourself. Idiot. Qtard has no idea what logic is.

    Barack Obama never ignored the "Budapesht Memorandum". There is no such thing as a "Budapesht Memorandum".

    Putin violated the Budapest Memorandum. Barack Obama authorized military aid so Ukraine could defend itself against Russia's aggression.

  13. \\I referred to your decision to comment. I never said your decision to comment should be denied. You decided to comment, ergo you involved yourself.

    And WHAT this your primal scream was about??? ;-P

    If you want no involvement, go away.

    March 31, 2023 at 12:09 PM

    Your... absolutely unlawful, baseless, indecent... but so dareing to such Demn-junkies as you are desire -- to be able to shut up... or even better, just to shut, the opponents. :-))))

    \\Idiot. Qtard has no idea what logic is.

    Funny, that you keep pounding such things. Self-revealingly. To your own demise.
    Problem is... that APART from pure Logic... there is many-many other spheres... you, as idiot, know zilch about. :-)))

    Like, Legal sphere.
    And in that sphere THERE IS NO LAWS, that would define mere babbling in the Internet as "political involvment".


    And I admitted it instantly -- THERE IS countries WHERE such laws exist -- Rusha, China and etc.

    So, my little Derpy-idioti. ;-P
    YOUR claim that -- citing: "You decided to comment, ergo you involved yourself." CAN HAVE any Legal (and any sense at all) sense ONLY by the legal standards of that countries -- totalistarian, terroristic, homicidal states... no, "stationary bandits".

    And that... my little Derpy-idioti... is damning as hell -- as it reveals your ANTI-democratic, ANTI-humanright, thoroughly racistic, fascistic and all scums of the Earth alike... your inner political preferences. ;-P

    \\Barack Obama never ignored the "Budapesht Memorandum". There is no such thing as a "Budapesht Memorandum".

    And then. Instantly.

    \\Putin violated the Budapest Memorandum.

    VERY LOGICALLY :-))))))))))

    Well... it even LOWER then being logical. That is violation of common sense. Fitting... for an idiot. :-)))

    \\Barack Obama authorized military aid so Ukraine could defend itself against Russia's aggression.

    Type? Amount? Time of delivery? Performance in battles? ;-P

    And answer is.

    Best wishes. Micy farts. In the next Millenium. Wadayatkngbout.

  14. "Your ...desire -- to be able to shut up... or even better, just to shut, the opponents"... I have no such desire, dipshit. I have only ever referred to YOUR decision to involve yourself by commenting. I don't give a shit one way or the other.

    "And that... is damning as hell -- as it reveals..."... It doesn't. Because this desire to silence you is BS you imagined.

    "Type? Amount? Time of delivery?"... Read the article I linked to. Do your own research. You have access to Google.

  15. \\"Your ...desire -- to be able to shut up... or even better, just to shut, the opponents"... I have no such desire, dipshit.

    Then... you doing that subconsciously. ;-P
    What a big difference. :-))))

    Or... I'm ready to hear your own excu... ehm, theory. ;-P

    \\I have only ever referred to YOUR decision to involve yourself by commenting.

    And I showed it to you... that that "involve yourself by commenting" exist only in totalitarian states. Like China. Or Rusha.
    That's all. ;-P

    \\I don't give a shit one way or the other.

    And that way you are *not* showing that primal subconscious screaming...

    If you want no involvement, go away.

    March 31, 2023 at 12:09 PM

    \\"And that... is damning as hell -- as it reveals..."... It doesn't. Because this desire to silence you is BS you imagined.

    Aha... the same as your Demn "equality policies" which do not help nigers and latinos and etc to come out of poverty... they just imagioning that it DO NOT HELP.

    The same as you unexistant "Obama's military assistance" to Ukraine... they just imagioning that it DO NOT HELP.

    The same as Demn economical policies that throw World and USA into stagnation and succession wars... WHOLE WORLD just imagioning that that: wars, crimes, poverty and hunger HAPPEN.

    Yes? :-)))

    Because they cannot see it through that Demn rosy glasses. :-))))))))))

    \\"Type? Amount? Time of delivery?"... Read the article I linked to. Do your own research. You have access to Google.

    That's it, stupid. I have read that article. As I always do -- investigate facts before commenting.

    And what I saw there?

    Fact 1: That "help from Obama" DID NOT started in 2014, when ALL MAIN battles happend.

    Fact 2: There is NONE info about WHAT ACTUAL help was provided. Just some sums of money for a prolonged period of time.

    Fact 3: Most of that help was reported in year 2019... means, when Obama was not in the office ALREADY.
    So, your Demn propaganda made a big "leap of faith"... that ONLY Demn-junkies accustomed to intake and call it chocolate... that smelly borwn substance -- to present dRump's help (exactly, Javelines) to Ukraine... as Obama's help efforts. :-))))

    Fact 4: Sheer amount of money mentioned... miserly 1.5 billions. In compare with 150 billions in year 2022 THAT STILL DO NOT COUNTS, DO NOT HELP, DO NOT MEAN SUCCESS, DO NOT GIVE END OF THE WAR... and Victory.

    So... even if one would admit that "Obama helped"... that would be hypocritical lie.
    Like idea that giving 1$ to a beggar IS lifesaving to him, and made giver an earthly saint... for such a staunch jest of generosity from his side.

    Hypocrisy... as it is.

  16. \\Nein!

    And what you are reaction on, Derpy??? :-))))

    Phantome pains??? From remnants of consciousnes. Which was blowed into your dry creeked heart as that dandelion seeds? ;-P

  17. Money is help. tRump threatened to stop the help. Whereas Biden increased it. Yet you only criticize Democratic presidents. Because Qtard is a righturd-junky hypocrite.

    "involve yourself by commenting exist only in totalitarian states. Like China. Or Rusha"... No, this is a fact that exists everywhere for everyone. Aside from the fact there is no state called "Rusha".

    You are subconsciously projecting your desire to silence those who disagree with you onto me. I never scream about idiots (like you) commenting on the internet. That is mostly what the internet is.

    FYI, it is right-wing economic policies that throw the World and USA into stagnation and continual wars.

  18. \\Money is help.

    Even when they eaten by Ams themself? :-)))
    Like all that billions, about Joe whining to no end not good to be "given to Ukraine"... but in reality, that is just money to USA military folk and producers of weapon, and for stockpiles of ammo recharge. Bu-ga-gah!

    \\tRump threatened to stop the help.

    Result -- that's what counts.

    Not tryes. ;-P

    \\Whereas Biden increased it.

    Like WHEN???

    Remind me. What amount and type of that "help" was given to Ukraine... year ago, ah?

    \\Yet you only criticize Democratic presidents.

    Because THAT'S ON THEIR WATCH it happend. In 2014 -- 0-bama. In 2022 -- Bi-donette.

    As well as... Budapesht Memorandum -- thar ROBED Ukraine from chance to have something for own protection.
    What prez was that time? Republican maybe? Naah, that was Demon... again!

    \\Because Qtard is a righturd-junky hypocrite.

    Your repetitivness -- talk for itself. ;-P

    \\"involve yourself by commenting exist only in totalitarian states. Like China. Or Rusha"... No, this is a fact that exists everywhere for everyone.

    Cite it. ;-P

    \\You are subconsciously projecting your desire to silence those who disagree with you onto me.

    WAT???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    I want you to talk more, more, MOAR!!!!

    Because... you are so demn funny. :-)))))

    \\FYI, it is right-wing economic policies that throw the World and USA into stagnation and continual wars.

    And you can explain it -- where and how? ;-P

  19. Qtard: "...this is a fact that exists everywhere for everyone". Cite it.

    If you enter into a conversation, share your options on the subject, you have involved yourself. I cite objective reality. "Simply put, objective reality is an observable fact". FACT: you commented and continue to comment. Ergo you have involved yourself. This is a fact as per objective reality.

    Qtard: I want you to talk more, more, MOAR!!!! Because... you are so demn funny.

    Do you want me to talk more or "moar"? Doesn't matter. I will comment as much as I want. No more or less. As will you. This accusation that I give a shit about a moron sharing his opinion online is complete BS. Yak away, dipshit.

    Qtard: And you can explain it -- where and how?

    I was responding to your false comment about "Demn economical policies that throw World and USA into stagnation and succession wars". You never explained where or how.

    Maybe, if you did, that would be good for a laugh. Though mostly I find your idiocy annoying rather than funny.

  20. \\If you enter into a conversation, share your options on the subject, you have involved yourself.

    That is NOT the same as "involve yourself politically".

    Your Captain Obvious. ;-P

    And I, as foreigner, freakingly CANNOT involve myself politically into your inner political quarrels. ;-P
    I have no right to vote.
    I have no political interests.
    No political influance or anything.
    Nothing... at all.
    By any law you can find in your USA codexes. ;-P

    But yeah, there is lots of examples in the World, in non-democratic countries, totalitarian countries -- WHERE EVERYTHING is politics, and you cannot spout a word... without it being looked at as political statement... even more than that, even one's silence CAN BE and there is lots of examples, declared as "political activism"... which mean Political Police/Gestapo/Etc will visit YOUR home -- and then one'll visit... some non-turistic places, for a long-long years.

    \\I cite objective reality. "Simply put, objective reality is an observable fact". FACT: you commented and continue to comment. Ergo you have involved yourself. This is a fact as per objective reality.

    I'm very glad that you was able to admit... that Objective Reality do exist. ;-P

    But... see above.

    \\This accusation that I give a shit about a moron sharing his opinion online is complete BS. Yak away, dipshit.

    See... you doing it AGAIN. :-)))))
    You primal scream. On non-tolerance and totalitarian submission preference. ;-P

    \\I was responding to your false comment about "Demn economical policies that throw World and USA into stagnation and succession wars". You never explained where or how.

    Do we see stagnation and wars behind the window?
    And that is Objective Reality.

    You can try to ignore it. And try to devise excuses.
    But that is fact -- that wars have started WHEN Demn POTUSes was AT HELM.
    That... cannot be denyed. If one is not Demn-junky... of course. :-)))))) To whom "blame all on dRump" is perfectly O.K. excuse and explanation... to pretty much EVERYTHING. :-))))))))

    \\Maybe, if you did, that would be good for a laugh. Though mostly I find your idiocy annoying rather than funny.

    I like you too. ;-P

  21. Qtard: And I, as foreigner, freakingly CANNOT involve myself politically ... I have no political interests. No political influance or anything.

    Bull shit. You can and have involved yourself. You add the word "politically" because you think it makes a good straw man for you to knock down. I never suggested foreigners could vote in US elections.

    Commentators in foreign countries (people who can't vote in US elections) do offer opinions and try to influence results, however. Not that Qtard has any influence. So why the hell would I care if you comment? I don't f*cking care if you comment or not.

    Qtard: See... you doing it AGAIN.
    You primal scream. On non-tolerance and totalitarian submission preference.

    You lie, asshole. I have no "totalitarian submission preference". Also, I can't do something "again" that I have never done even once. There has NEVER been any "primal scream" from me in reaction to anything you have written.

    Qtard: But that is fact -- that wars have started WHEN Demn POTUSes was AT HELM.

    Wars have also started when republicans were president, dipshit. For example, the unending "War on terror" (Afghanistan and Iraq) was started by gwb, a republican. The unwinnable war in Afghanistan was ended by President Joe Biden, a Democrat.

  22. \\Commentators in foreign countries (people who can't vote in US elections) do offer opinions and try to influence results, however. Not that Qtard has any influence. So why the hell would I care if you comment? I don't f*cking care if you comment or not.

    why you keep screaming "go away"???
    Why you keep trying to rub into me that I'm "righturd"???
    Why you stubbornly trying to "prove" that *I*am "political involved", somehow???

    \\\\You primal scream. On non-tolerance and totalitarian submission preference.

    \\You lie, asshole. I have no "totalitarian submission preference".

    it would be not that hard for you, to propose YOUR version -- what all that "go away" of yours mean?
    Isn't it? ;-P

    \\There has NEVER been any "primal scream" from me in reaction to anything you have written.

    State of denial you demonstration -- proving my point, still. ;-P

    \\Wars have also started when republicans were president, dipshit. For example, the unending "War on terror" (Afghanistan and Iraq) was started by gwb, a republican. The unwinnable war in Afghanistan was ended by President Joe Biden, a Democrat.

    While then (sneaky question) Biden himself (trying to not burst in laughter) recently (no, I cannot hold it) blamed that "honor" on dRump??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (homeric laughter, you know)

  23. Qtard: why you keep screaming "go away"???

    I never screamed "go away". My "go away" was offered as a solution to you wishing non-involvement. I didn't care whether or not you accepted the solution. I suspected you wouldn't. You choose to involve yourself. Yet still deny involvement. Because you are dumb.

    Qtard: State of denial you demonstration -- proving my point, still.

    YOUR state of denial re the "primal scream" you imagined. I doubt you will stop imagining that I'm screaming after reading comments you've authored. Obviously you NEED this.

    Qtard: Biden himself (trying to not burst in laughter) recently (no, I cannot hold it) blamed that "honor" on dRump?

    LOL. That is another of your delusions. tRump surrendered to the Taliban which is what made the withdrawal a lot more difficult. But the withdrawal occurred under Joe Biden. Why republicans blame him.

  24. \\I never screamed "go away". My "go away" was offered as a solution to you wishing non-involvement.

    That is "solutiuon" to a non-problem you yourself "invented".

    And keep pounding here, idioticly. ;-P

    Which mean -- that is not light matters for you, and that it really is result of you having uneasy feelings out of our conversations (I do not need to prove it even, you declared it yourself) -- so, I make my conclusion, that is consistent with observations -- that is YOUR DESIRE to go-me-out of here. ;-P

    Your primal scream of idioticus vulgaris. Against those who show unadmittable and unreachable to em (and that is, pretty much everybody else who are not i.v.s) level of... sheer brain power. :-))))))

    \\You choose to involve yourself. Yet still deny involvement. Because you are dumb.

    And how much people have you met, that would fall for such a miserly i.v.s treak??? :-))))))))

    \\YOUR state of denial re the "primal scream" you imagined. I doubt you will stop imagining that I'm screaming after reading comments you've authored. Obviously you NEED this.

    Stop reading to me prescription of your psichatrician. ;-P
    Will ya? :-)))))

    \\LOL. That is another of your delusions. tRump surrendered to the Taliban which is what made the withdrawal a lot more difficult. But the withdrawal occurred under Joe Biden. Why republicans blame him.

    I get it.
    Biden layed out ton of shit into his pants.
    But that is dRump to blame for it.
    And... that fragrance of shit -- that is really rosy flover scent -- to a Demn-followers. :-))))))))))))))))

    Because their Great Prophets Somebody and Somebody said that to em. :-))))))))))))))

  25. Blogger The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist) said...
    Qtard: why you keep screaming "go away"???

    I never screamed "go away".
    April 7, 2023 at 3:32 PM


    Also, you involve yourself by commenting, dipshit. If you want no involvement, go away.

    March 31, 2023 at 12:09 PM


    You are subconsciously projecting your desire to silence those who disagree with you onto me. I never scream about idiots (like you) commenting on the internet.

    April 4, 2023 at 10:29 AM

    PS Clearly... your Left hemisphere do not know, do not grasp what your Right hemisphere doing/thinking/talking about.

    Might it be because yout left is of Left Demn-junky? And right of a MAGA righturd. ;-P

    They are Left and Right. As in "Left/Right political spectrum" which is "Right versus Left is universal worldwide." :-)))))))))

  26. Above two comments = The primal screams of idioticus vulgaris. AKA Qtard.

  27. Qtard: I get it. Biden layed out ton of shit into his pants. But that is dRump to blame for it.

    President Biden bravely made the hard call to get us out of the unwinnable Afghanistan war. donald tRump is to blame for what donald tRump did. Which was to surrender to the Taliban.

    You do NOT get it. At all.

  28. Why not?


    "Blame opponents for your own errs AND advertise their wins as your own" (tm)

    What's so hard??? :-)))))

    99% of politicains, crooks and other scumbags using that simple algorithm ALL AROUND the World. And for all known History.

    Especially... that tactic liked by religiots. ;-P

  29. donald tRump surrendering to the Taliban was an "err" of donald tRump, not Joe Biden.

  30. So?
    It's O.k. to continue doing it?
    Instead of fixing.

    What can I say... only No Comments. :-))))

  31. The problems caused by tRump were unfixable. The Taliban leaders he allowed to be released weren't going to volunterly go back to prison. The troops he drew down (to dangerously low levels) could not teleport back to Afghanistan.

  32. Where are you, Qtard? Looks like Qtard ran away.

  33. What can I say... only No Comments. :-))))

    April 12, 2023 at 10:52 AM

