Friday, February 24, 2023

You've Been Lied to. How Many People Did Capitol Hill Police Kill on J6?

Four Trump supporters died that day in the violence. Dozens more were injured. Two Trump supporters, Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips, died immediately when police started firing on the crowd – without warning.


  1. Interesting.

    But... too bad. Time is out. For such inner quarrels. War/Enemies at the gate.

    Most cunning. Most dangerous.

  2. Our enemies were always inside the gates.

  3. Ba-a-a-ad idea.

    But well, if you like to follow historical example of Ukraine... you are welcome. ;-P To that club.

  4. But you usually cheer when the police kill suspects. You should be disappointed more were not killed resisting arrest.

    1. That's a revealing retort, Dervish. Your confession will not end well for you when you suddenly keel over and take the dirt nap. Are you asking Satan to take you out with lead pumped into you? Be careful what you wish for.

  5. I cheer when unarmed citizens are murdered by the police? Police arrest people by launching stun grenades at them? Who knew?

    I love a good wood shampoo, but not dropping 1,000 police batons on a crowd from 20,000 feet.

  6. ...and pushing citizens off balconies? That's not "arresting".

  7. The capitol wasn't assaulted on Jan 6 until the cops attacked the crowd and thereby instigated a riot.

  8. Entering the capitol was the plan. Entry wasn't "instigated". Or encouraged (Ray Epps).

  9. "I cheer when unarmed citizens are murdered by the police?"... ALL the time. It's your standard response.

    "Our enemies were always inside the gates"... Our enemies are trumpturds.

    "the cops attacked the crowd"... Says Minus (an enemy of the United States). The reality is the crowd attacked the police. Why members of the crowd have been arrested, prosecuted and convicted.

  10. ...because the State illegally withheld exculpatory evidence.

  11. LOL! How do you "withhold" something there is none of? What hypothetical "exculpatory evidence" excuses attacking police officers and illegally entering (and vandalizing) a government building to commit sedition?

  12. \\"Our enemies were always inside the gates"... Our enemies are trumpturds.

    Reciprocity? Isn't it??? :-)))

    \\The reality is the crowd attacked the police. Why members of the crowd have been arrested, prosecuted and convicted.

    Remind to me events around town of Lexington, year 1775?
    Isn't that was lawless insurectionists who uprised against Holy Power of Royal Sovereign? ;-P

  13. Right of revolution - Wikipedia › wiki › Right_of_revolution
    In political philosophy, the right of revolution (or right of rebellion) is the right or duty of a people to "alter or abolish" a government that acts ...

  14. from Wikipedia

    Big Brother is a fictional character and symbol in George Orwell's dystopian 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. He is ostensibly the leader of Oceania, a totalitarian state wherein the ruling party, Ingsoc, wields total power "for its own sake" over the inhabitants. In the society that Orwell describes, every citizen is under constant surveillance by the authorities, mainly by telescreens (with the exception of the Proles). The people are constantly reminded of this by the slogan "Big Brother is watching you": a maxim that is ubiquitously on display throughout the novel.

    In modern culture, the term "Big Brother" has entered the lexicon as a synonym for abuse of government power, particularly in respect to civil liberties, often specifically related to mass surveillance and a lack of choice in society.[1]

    I think we use the term "Deep State" as a synonym for "Big Brother."

  15. That is so funny.

    You just do not know what "big brother" is about.

    It is not outside, it INSIDE us.

    Embodiment of our desire to throw our responsibility at somebody else.

    For millenias that was Gawd... but now, it is "big bro". :-))))

    PS And of course, Lem was writing about it too. ;-)

  16. Minus: Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips, died immediately when police started firing on the crowd.

    BULLSHIT. Kevin Greeson, of Athens, Alabama, was talking on the phone with his wife in a crowd of Trump loyalists on the Capitols west side, when he suffered an apparent heart attack and fell to the sidewalk. Benjamin Phillips died of a stroke before the entourage left to return home to Pennsylvania. That as per Fox News. Ashli Babbitt was the only person who died from a gunshot wound (gun fired by a Capitol police officer).

    Officers defending themselves (and Congresspersons) isn't "police brutality".

  17. ...cherry picked pictures. You'll probably be able to find some that fit the false narrative you're looking to construct. Remember your previous false narrative (video posted by you on this blog) said Ashli Babbit was a "crisis actor". Now (as per your current false narrative) she is a martyr who was "murdered".

  18. Will there be pictures showing Greeson and Phillips dying immediately after being shot by the Capitol Police? Is Tucker working on producing some deep fakes?

  19. \\Officers defending themselves (and Congresspersons) isn't "police brutality".

    Yep. Same as pressing neck with a knee... "that is just ordinary police procedure". Nothing to look at here. Scram! ;-P

  20. How many insurrectionists already convicted will file appeals citing "exculpatory evidence" (that was previously suppressed) and have their convictions overturned? Maybe a fund will need to be set up to reimburse those who have been "wrongfully prosecuted"? When that doesn't happen (no doubt) Minus will end up blaming a vast "deep state" conspiracy.

    Qtard: Same as pressing neck with a knee... "that is just ordinary police procedure".

    No. Completely different. Officer who murdered George Floyd with a knee to the neck was convicted and sent to prison. Whereas officer who shot Ashli Babbit is free man. Never charged. Never will be charged. Because he was doing his job.

    Re Qtard's comment about the "Right of Revolution"... that means the Capitol insurrectionists have to be let go? They were just exercising their right to overthrow the government? Qtard should contact the lawyers for the insurrectionists asap. And tell them he knows how he can get their client's convictions overturned. They will probably be very grateful to Qtard. Though embarrassed they didn't think of it.

  21. \\No. Completely different. Officer who murdered George Floyd with a knee to the neck was convicted and sent to prison.

    Ha-ha... See. You said it... itself. ;-P

    \\Re Qtard's comment about the "Right of Revolution"... that means the Capitol insurrectionists have to be let go?

    As far as I know... they are. Most of em. ;-P
    Am I wrong?
    And there is secret camp where each one of em confined???

    \\They were just exercising their right to overthrow the government?

    Please. Try to answer that question... ITSELf, first. ;-P

    \\Qtard should contact the lawyers for the insurrectionists asap. And tell them he knows how he can get their client's convictions overturned. They will probably be very grateful to Qtard. Though embarrassed they didn't think of it.

    And... how many "insurectionists" was prosecuted, or put on tryal... for "insurection" exactly??? ;-P

    My claim. 0.0% ;-P

  22. The insurrection was Nanshee's plot based on FDR's plot hatched by FDR, General John DeWitt and William Randolph Hearst to get the Japanese deported from ALL the Americas. FDR's plot almost went through completely. General DeWitt convinced Panama to deport the Japanese to several prison camps in the USA. Poston Arizona, Rohwer Arkansas, Topaz Utah, Manzanar California and Tule Lake California took the brunt of the deported Japanese Panamanians. But their plot failed because missionaries in the camps intervened and exposed the dirty deeds to the public outside of the camps. Just like that, J6 will get exposed for the Democrat's dirty deeds done dirt cheap that it really is.

  23. Mystere: The insurrection was Nanshee's plot ... Just like that, J6 will get exposed for the Democrat's dirty deeds done dirt cheap that it really is.

    This will never happen. The J6 insurrection was donald tRump's plot to illegally retain power. Proven by the J6 committee's exhaustive report.

    1. What say you now, Dervy? The J6 evidence is starting to surface. Oh wait... You'll say "tRumpturds had enough time to cook up fake evidence to present to the public"?

  24. "Ha-ha... See. You said it... itself"... WTF? What is the *it* you are referring to?

    "As far as I know... they are. Most of em. Am I wrong?"... Yes, you are wrong. Over 1000 people who entered the capitol have been arrested and charged with crimes.

    "Please. Try to answer that question... ITSELf". The answer is NO. Proven by the fact that insurrectionists were arrested, charged and convicted.

    "how many insurectionists was prosecuted, or put on tryal... for insurection exactly. claim. 0.0%... Your claim is wrong. Insurrectionists have been charged with, and convicted of seditious conspiracy.

  25. \\"Ha-ha... See. You said it... itself"... WTF? What is the *it* you are referring to?


    \\Your claim is wrong. Insurrectionists have been charged with, and convicted of seditious conspiracy.

    Ok. Good for you. If that is true. NMP. So I will not be doing double-check of it.

  26. "Ha-ha... See. You said it... itself"... What *it* refers to remains unanswered. You were implying that there are similarities between people arrested for J6 lawbreaking and someone like George Floyd (who was murdered with a knee to the neck)? J6 lawbreakers attacked police. George Floyd was attacked BY police. Yet Qtard is confused?

  27. \\You were implying that there are similarities between people arrested for J6 lawbreaking and someone like George Floyd (who was murdered with a knee to the neck)? J6 lawbreakers attacked police. George Floyd was attacked BY police. Yet Qtard is confused?

    Question was "is police practices allow... breaking necks... shuting people who just came to a place We The People installed"? ;-)

    Or... we might conclude that USA IS NOT country of "of the people, by the people and for the people" any more?

    And just a regular country -- Police State -- where Police protecting Nobles from that lowlife scum? ;-P

    Yes, Derpy? :-)))

  28. Question was "is police practices allow... breaking necks... shuting people who just came to a place We The People installed"? ... NO. We The People voted for Joe Biden. Sore loser minority came to overturn results of We The People.

    "Or... we might conclude that USA IS NOT country of "of the people, by the people and for the people" any more?" ... NO. The winner elected by We The People took office. The insurrection of the sore loser minority was unsuccessful.

    Qtard concludes trumpturds should be able to overturn the Will of The People because Qtard is an anti-democracy tRump admirer. Or just an America-hater who wants to see American democracy fail.

    "And just a regular country -- Police State -- where Police protecting Nobles from that lowlife scum? Yes, Derpy?"... What the American Right wants (Minus liking "wood shampoos"). Also clearly what Qtard wants. Why he cheers J6 useful idiot insurrectionists.

  29. \\Sore loser minority came to overturn results of We The People.

    So? Minority have NO rights???

    Because... that is DEMOCRACY!!!! :-))))

    \\Qtard concludes trumpturds should be able to overturn the Will of The People because Qtard is an anti-democracy tRump admirer. Or just an America-hater who wants to see American democracy fail.

    Yes, yes, yes... and there NO other variants possible.
    No other expalknations.
    Only that feverish delusions of Pretcel Shaped Derpy's brain. ;-P

  30. Qtard: Because... that is DEMOCRACY!!!!

    NO. Sore losers using violence to overturn results of election they lost is the OPPOSITE of democracy.

  31. Because losers... do not have? cannot have? are not self-entitled to have? Rights??? :-))))

    Well. YOU was losers in 2016.

    And will be in Future. For sure. ;-P

  32. "The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist) March 2, 2023 at 2:50 PM. 'Sore losers using violence to overturn results of election they lost is the OPPOSITE of democracy.'"

    Yep, your Democrats did that in the 2020 election when the proof exposed your party cheating. Your party will try that again in '24 and incite violence again, Dervish.

  33. Post missing. :-(

  34. Bill Gates hates me... he keeps filling my SPAM folder. :(

  35. Mystere: Yep, your Democrats did that in the 2020 election when the proof exposed your party cheating. Your party will try that again in '24 and incite violence again, Dervish.

    No proof of cheating by Democrats has been exposed. Proof of cheating (fake electors) was exposed by the J6 Committee report. Violence was incited by donald tRump. It was his supporters who attacked the Capitol to try and stop the counting of the electoral votes.

  36. \\No proof of cheating by Democrats has been exposed.

    Yeah? But when it was stopping you? ;-P
    To claim that something that you cannot prove exist, because it doesn't...
    because somebody-sombody said that it IS, because it "highly plausible".

    So what? That Dem's cheating is NOT highly plausible? ;-P

    \\Proof of cheating (fake electors) was exposed by the J6 Committee report.

    And where's courts judgments?

    \\Violence was incited by donald tRump. It was his supporters who attacked the Capitol to try and stop the counting of the electoral votes.


  37. Yep.
    "Fake evidances".
    With stamp of Holy Only True 6 Jan commitee on it...

    I bet that is the reason why we do not see much if Derpy's babbling lately. ;-P

    He stuck glued to TV tube in his basment, wating while CNN will give him viable talking points. :-)))))

    As it's impossible for likes of him to think with own brain.

  38. No. I have been very sick. Not with covid. I don't watch CNN.
