Friday, February 24, 2023

Who Loves Ukraine?



  1. What en excellent Example of Propaganda.

    Only sad thing -- I asked you to give propaganda of UA, not US. ;-/

  2. So? Infestaqtion with fleas... you think as more important and deadly then... you know what.

  3. To them the Russians are a "convenient distraction".

  4. \\Russians in Russia? Yep.

    Same as Japanese in Japan and Germans in Germany? ;-) Century ago. Almost.

    \\To them the Russians are a "convenient distraction".

    So-o-o-o??? Cold War was a hoax (in your modern american terms)? :-)))

  5. The USSR was no joke. Russia today is, or the idiots in DC wouldn't be poking the bear and using Ukraine as bait.

  6. \\The USSR was no joke.

    That was delusion too.

    \\Russia today is, or the idiots in DC wouldn't be poking the bear and using Ukraine as bait.

    Russia WOULD NOT do that... without feeling China IS behind their back.

    And who are behind YOUR/USA back??? ;-)

  7. No one. There is no "big other". There is only George Orwell's "Big Brother".

  8. If only all was that simple. ;-P

    It looks like RFia's secret plan is to be conqured -- so all it's problems, like: disfunctional government, poor peaple... would be solved by someone else. ;-P

  9. If we still had 2 minutes, Emmanuel Putin Goldstein would pay dearly!

  10. You don't believe that Putin loves Ukraine? He didn't invade to "liberate" Russian speakers who the nasty Ukraine Nazis were slaughtering?

  11. Seconding this questions. ;-P

  12. There were better casus belli?

    Again, a casus belli is usually a pretext, often true used to "justify" a war. What is America's in supporting Ukraine? An unprovoked invasion?

    The latter is most definitely a lie, as there were MANY provocations in the increasingly threatening NATO expansion and encirclement.

  13. \\The latter is most definitely a lie, as there were MANY provocations in the increasingly threatening NATO expansion and encirclement.

    Like in provocing Sweden and Finland to throw aside their "neutrality" and speedup to became fullfledged members of NATO???

    You really know VERY little of history of Europe, isn't it?
    How in your american school program they told you about Gleiwitz Incident???
    Same way as modern Dem media???
    That that was nasty Poles that started firing?
    Because they have had a CNN corespondent on-site.
    Who saw it all.
    And ready to present THE FACTS.
    Like interview with Polish attacker who said: "Ya, ya. Ih bin attaken das Doitche Swaines!"

  14. Double-checked that numbers in post.

    Half of it is a lie... well, deceptive misinformation.
    Neither Abramses nor Patriots are in Ukraine YET.

    Without it... it's equipment for around 10 light infantry divisions.
    Is it big???
    Well, everything are in comparation.
    For example countries that have less then 10% percents of your might
    provided equipment for 10 ARMORED divisions.
    Countries like Poland, Chechia, Bolgaria.

    Well, roughly same amount... unwillingly, though... provided agressor itself. ;-P

  15. We don't need to study the Gleiwitz incident to understand casus belli and false flags. The Gulf of Tonkin incident suffices. Remember the Maine!

  16. "The first casualty in every war is the truth".

    Indeed. This blog and all of your comments are the proof.

  17. \\We don't need to study the Gleiwitz incident to understand casus belli

    And when for the last time there was PROPER casus belli stated? and war proclaimed? ;-P

    \\The first casualty in every war is the truth.

    "War it's a path of lies" (c) Sun Tzu ;-P

    \\Indeed. This blog and all of your comments are the proof.

    So??? Are yopu IN WAR with Joe? ;-P

  18. And when for the last time there was PROPER casus belli stated?

    That's the point. Never. WMD's in Iraq anyone? I said we should just call out the real reason... failure of Iraq to comply with its' Guld War peace treaty for inspection of nuclear facilities.

    ...but it wasn't "scary" enuf.

  19. I agree that war with Iraq and with Afghanistan was a very bad idea. One of the worst ideas ever. An idea donald tRump agreed with, btw.

    "So??? Are yopu IN WAR with Joe?"... No. The topic of discussion is the war Russia is waging ON Ukraine. Try paying attention, Qtard.

  20. \\The topic of discussion is the war Russia is waging ON Ukraine. Try paying attention, Qtard.

    Derpy, Derpy, Derpy...

    Reality is that... that they, in Russian, non-stop babbling about how they fight in a war with USA.
    The same as it was with Germans and Hitler.

    Like, recent revelation from their experts -- that their GOAL in this war "against Ukraine" IS TO "push out USA out of Eurasia". And even better, to put USA on knees.

    THAT'S IT.

    Yet one example of you showing inambigiously traits of any idiot -- inability to grasp The Reality.

    ww3 started.

    \\...but it wasn't "scary" enuf.

    And now your enemies trying to use that your weakness on you.
    By spreading propaganda "that is just a war in Ukraine, USA should not pay attention to, and need to agree with generous condition of unconditional surrender from Noble Rusha". ;-P

    And you... you buying that crap.
    Leaving me flabbergasted -- why so??? While you visibly have NO REASONS to put up with RFias demands...

  21. "And now your enemies trying to use that your weakness on you"... weakness is that former (and possibly future) president donald tRump and majority of republican party SIDE WITH PUTIN. Which Qtard denies. Yet one example of Qtard's showing unambiguously traits of any idiot -- inability to grasp The Reality.

  22. \\ Which Qtard denies.

    As always. You'll not prove it with citations. Because there is none. ;-P

    \\Yet one example of Qtard's showing unambiguously traits of any idiot -- inability to grasp The Reality.

    Yet one demonstration how Derpy envious of my smart words.
    Like that monkey envious of human, and trying to copycat it.
    Monkey see, monkey do. :-))))))))))

  23. Qtard: You'll not prove it with citations. Because there is none.

    Citations where you agree that donald tRump and republicans side with Putin? Of course there are none of those.

    Qtard: Yet one demonstration how Derpy envious of my smart words.

    You've never written any. How could I be envious of words there aren't any of? Not on this blog at least. I don't know about "smart words" on other blogs you might comment on. I don't know what other blogs you comment on. Seems unlikely that you've ever written any "smart words". Anywhere.

  24. \\Citations where you agree that donald tRump and republicans side with Putin? Of course there are none of those.

    Yep, Derpy, yep.

    Now... in experimental way... you came to long as existing logical conclusion -- ubi nihil nihil -- it's impossible to PROVE that something DO NOT exist... if it do not exist. ;-P

    \\You've never written any. How could I be envious of words there aren't any of?

    Why you repeating my words then? ;-P Why Dems do repeat Reps taunts, in general? If they are so stooopid??? :-)))
    To look stupid yourself? Do you (and other Dems) have such a perversion? :-))))

  25. Hey Q, let's not forget that Assface Dervish Sanders is dumber than a mental midget. He can't grasp the fact that the farts running and ruining the United States are embezzling our hard earned money to make the world miserable by instigating a needless war. Assface Dervish Sanders can't stand the fact that his idols can't fool the public and distract us by bombing Ukraine, getting our troops needlessly maimed and killed while his gods Joseph Robbingit Bidet Jr and his crooked drug addict boy "Boofing Bobby" Robbert Hunter Bidet launder our embezzled taxes to get rich off of.

  26. Sorry Rat, but I am PRO-war here. ;-P

    1. I partially support where you stand. Sometimes, things need to happen to expose corruption going on. Sadly, Bidet is trying to use a war as a distraction. Now some of the fighting was needed to destroy biolabs. That part is what I'll support.

  27. I think Dervy just doesn't like you. He probably believes that you "think" for yourself, not your political party, like he does.

  28. I am VERY STRONGLY OPPOSED to the war in Ukraine, Mystere. You are a quarter-wit and a useful idiot for the pro-war side. The war was instigated by Vlad Putin, not the United States. The US is not bombing Ukraine nor have we sent any troops. FYI, Mystere, Hunter Biden does not have a governmental position. He isn't in a position to "embezzle" taxpayer money.

    Qtard: Why you repeating my words then?

    Qtard keeps blabbering about the "traits of an idiot". I repeat these comments back to Qtard because they apply to Qtard. Qtard is too dumb to realize this. Not as dumb as Mystere, though. Very few people are.

    1. Once again, Derpish, you play the blog clown role. Bravo!

  29. Minus: So's Dervy (pro-war in Ukraine).

    No. I am strongly opposed to this war. Unlike you.

    Minus: He probably believes that you "think" for yourself, not your political party, like he does.


  30. \\Qtard keeps blabbering about the "traits of an idiot". I repeat these comments back to Qtard because they apply to Qtard. Qtard is too dumb to realize this. Not as dumb as Mystere, though. Very few people are.

    Depry is an idiot, without any doubt.
    'Cause, it thinks that kindergarner's back-bite "no, you are fool" demonstrate anything else bit his idiocy. ;-P

    You. Just now. With your own words. Admitted.
    That you freakingly have no brains to devise your own argument(s). :-))))

    \\ The war was instigated by Vlad Putin, not the United States.

    No, Dimwit.
    Putin started that war BECAUSE USA showed weakness and unsteadiness in helping it's own allies and protecting it's own interests and following it's own principles.

    Showed that it is drowning in Uvalde Syndrome -- when bunch of highly professional and trained and prepared for such cases -- was waiting for villian to kill as many children as it wants...
    That time situation was "fixed" by brave vigilant actor.
    But there cannot be vigilant hero... in response to Nuclear Threats.


    If you don't want it anymore. Go proclaim that from now on EVERYBODY should have their own Nukes, and protect themself with em hovever they like (like... by throwing em at Washington, because they didn't liked snarky comment from latest POTUS)

  31. Crying... definitely. :-)))
