Friday, February 3, 2023

The Elephant in the "War with Russia" Room....

Brian Lupo, "Breaking: Canada Monitoring “Potential Second Incident” of Chinese Spy Balloons"
Yesterday, The Gateway Pundit reported on a Chinese spy balloon flying over Montana that the Pentagon had been tracking “for days”. The Department of Defense has ultimately decided against shooting it down as it was flying over a sparsely populated area of Montana and didn’t pose an imminent threat.

“The fact that this balloon was occupying Montana airspace creates significant concern that Malmstrom Air Force Base and the United States’ intercontinental ballistic missile fields are the target of this intelligence gathering mission.” said Sen. Steve Daines of Montana in a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. “It is vital to establish…any compromised U.S. national security assets, and all telecom or IT infrastructure on the ground within the U.S. that this spy balloon was utilizing.”

Now, the government of Canada is reporting a potential “second incident.”

In a press release posted either late last night or early this morning, Canada said “Canadians are safe and Canada is taking steps to ensure the security of its airspace, including the monitoring of a potential second incident.“

It is unclear if this is referring to a second sighting over Canada of this particular balloon being tracked by the United States or if it is an entirely separate balloon.


  1. And now... imagine, that some compact MEGA-Nuke... attached to that baloon.

    Ir even better... some rare and deadly virus/bacila. Like Syberian Hemorarge spores.

    PLUS... plausible denial... that that is NOT RFia, but some other country did, like: China, North Korea... Ukraine???

  2. Which is why I would have shot it down.

  3. ...but hey, Our intelligence are saying that this is "an intelligence gathering operation" (and not some kind of threat dry run)... and we all know how "smart/ intelligent" THEY are. @@

  4. Well... that's self-evidante.

    Actual threat must be MUCH-MUCH-more massive. Per se.

  5. I heard it was the size of 3 busses... that's a lot of atomics and/or bioweapons.

  6. ...with a space shuttle dangling below it?

  7. The size of the arrays is indicative of the power load required for sustaining the primary payload.

  8. Minus: Which is why I would have shot it down.

    Xi commanded "China Joe" to leave it be.

  9. But donald did/does nothing in return for all the money Putin pays him?

  10. What money would that be Dervy? The Biden family's multi-million dollar contracts with the Chinese are documented all over Hunter's laptop.

  11. \\But donald did/does nothing in return for all the money Putin pays him?

    Retard Derpy do not know that Putin do not pay money -- only brag about paying.

    And only want to have all money of the world for himself... with military force. ;-P

  12. What about donald tRump Jr's laptop, Minus? I heard he got coked up and dropped a laptop off for repairs at a NY shop. Then never returned to pick it up. There is security camera footage of him stumbling into the shop and signing an invoice that said he consented to data recovery for $10. Also that the shop owner could view his files (and that they became his personal property) if it wasn't picked up within 2 weeks.

    My sources say that the repair shop owner (a Biden supporter) found that the tRump crime family's multi-million dollar contracts with Russians, Saudis and Chinese are documented all over donald tRump Jr's laptop. Along with pics and videos of DTJ having sex with minor girls and doing drugs.

    If there isn't such a laptop I'm sure Joe Biden could have one dummied up -- similar to how Rudy Giuliani had the "Hunter Biden laptop" dummied up.

    Donald Trump Jr: "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. ... We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia". [2008].

    Nevermind. A fake laptop isn't necessary. Not given Junior's admission of Russian money flowing into tRump coffers.

  13. Ho-ho-ho... Derpy started talking as some... thing, intelligent? :-)))

  14. Don jr. is suing a Computer Shop repairman for stealing his computer? Who knew?

  15. Yeah... only one little problem with cunning Derpy's back-bite (still, I called him intelligent too early) -- nobody spreading "data" from images of his laptop HD.

  16. An image of a coked up Don Jr that was taken from his "laptop". And here is an image of a communication from DTJ's "laptop" confirming Russian collusion. I didn't say anything about a lawsuit against a computer repair shop owner in my comment. Are you confirming that is happening, Minus?

  17. There are no goofy pictures a Bernie Sanders? Who knew?

    And Don Jr. never disavowed his e-mail about the Trump Tower meeting. It was also thoroughly investigated by Mueller, and it turned out to be a lie in the Russian's proffer of information damaging to Hillary. There was no such info. There was no quid for a pro quo.

    Unlike the millions in Joe and Hunter's bank accounts.

  18. Muller knows what the participants of the meeting told his investigators. I say they lied. Given that info damaging to HRC WAS released. Who's to say DTJ wasn't informed that WikiLeaks had hacked DNC data and that they coordinate the release of that material to help the campaign :P

    It is illegal for campaigns to accept help from a foreign government or from foreign nationals. Doesn't matter if they got no help (so DTJ says). He agreed to accept offered help. Just think if it had been Chelsea Clinton who met with Russian agents! Minus wouldn't see it as "confirmation" of the Russia "hoax"? Sure.

    "Unlike the millions in Joe and Hunter's bank accounts"... Sounds like you can prove the money is there due to illicit activities and that both Hunter and his father are guilty of crimes. So why don't you? LOL!

    Joe Biden has released his tax returns and accounted for the sources of all his income. Is there a line on his returns that says "big guy cut bribes"? While donald tRump refused to release his tax returns. And the IRS (under tRump) refused to audit him.

  19. You mean those Hunter Biden $40k monthly "rent" on the Delaware home in his tax filings? Talk about "inflating real estate values"...Trump's got nothing on jOE bIDEN.

  20. BTW - Can you prove that the data released on Hillary came from Russia, and not a certain murdered DNC staffer? Got any evidence other than reports faked by a DNC/Ukrainian Computer Security firm and never turned over to or validated by actual Law Enforcement?

  21. "...those Hunter Biden $40k monthly rent on the Delaware home in his tax filings?"... PolitiFact says false.

    "Hunter Biden paid $50,000 in rent for office space in DC, not to his father to live at Delaware home".

  22. Konstantin Kozlovsky says he did it. On orders from Russian intelligence. There aren't any "faked" reports I know of. What is your proof that Crowdstrike faked anything? What is your proof that Seth Rich gave any data to WikiLeaks? His family denies this.

  23. \\An image of a coked up Don Jr that was taken from his "laptop". And here is an image of a communication

    Captured by a "hiden pixel"? ;-P :-))))

    \\Ukrainian Computer Security

    WAT?? computer security firm??? they all sheep herder, who unable to grasp control of "highly computerised" US weapon. ;-P

    \\"Unlike the millions in Joe and Hunter's bank accounts"... Sounds like you can prove the money is there due to illicit activities and that both Hunter and his father are guilty of crimes. So why don't you? LOL!

    Derp finally admits... that proofs needed?
    Or... that is ONLY when it not about DD's nasty heinous trisinous (mis)deeds??? Yess? :-)))

  24. But well, Derpy started showing some traits of a sober talker... WAT happend?

    His dem-junky pot gone empty??? :-))))

  25. Qtard: proofs needed ... that is ONLY when it not about DD's nasty heinous trisinous (mis)deeds??? Yess?

    No. The proof exists. Qtard just pretends it doesn't count. Due to "someone said something something" and republicans being "Dem-sources" stupidity. Also blaming Democrats for being "cowards" and "useless" stupidity. When it is republican enablers who are the cowards :(

  26. ...or is he Cozy Bear, CrowdStrike's other hacking "nemesis"?

  27. I don't have access to him and therefore can't ask him. Konstantin Kozlovsky said it was him. You said it was Seth Rich. Seth Rich never said it was him. His family said it wasn't him. They sued Fox and Fox retracted the statement. And agreed to a settlement for their false story.

  28. \\The proof exists. Qtard just pretends it doesn't count.

    Yes. "Sombody-somebody said something-something" (non)"proof". NOBODY even have balls to use it in court.

    I'll just admit here... HOW your this claims are identical to any religious junky claims.

    "THE proof exist. Jesus said it!!! But you infidel, pretend that it doesn't count."

    "THE proof exist. Muhamed said it!!! But you infidel, pretend that it doesn't count."

    "THE proof exist. My guru/greatest witch/highest daos/Satan himself... said it!!! But you infidel, pretend that it doesn't count."

  29. Qtard is a bigly liar. I have never cited Jesus, Muhammed or Satan. But, as Qtard has previously admitted, he doesn't f*cking care about facts.

  30. You are idiot. Trully.

    WHERE I said that YOU said it???

    Try to read it latter by latter, if it's so hard for you to grasp.

    "your this claims are identical to any religious junky claims."


    You words have IDENTICAL structure.

    (1) "The proof exist!!!"

    (2) "___(somebody, place your babbler here)___ said it!!!!"

    (3) "But you __(place your variant here)___ pretend it doesn't count"

    And that is... structure of claims of any other religious junky/fanatic/fagot.

  31. Qtard lies. I say WHO said it. Not "somebody, place your babbler here". People in a position to know because they have access to the facts. Religious belief isn't a factor. At all. Only a non-belief in conspiracy theories about US intelligence colluding with Democrats to "frame" dotard donald. A claim dotard donald presented to a court. Which was then laughed out of court.

    "Judge Middlebrooks... dismissed the lawsuit against Clinton and all other defendants WITH PREJUDICE, which bars Trump from refiling the complaint" :P

    Apparently the FBI/CIA also faked dotard donald's plea for help from Russia ("Russia, if you're listening") and his son's admission of a meeting with Russian agents at tRump tower (even though DTJ admitted it happened).

  32. Earth to Dervy, How do Hunter and Joe explain this one? More "Russian Disinformation"?

  33. Hunter Biden is a lawyer. His employers asking him for legal advice is a "smoking gun"? I don't see anywhere in the email chain (alleged to be from "Hunter Biden's laptop") any mention of getting VP Biden to get the prosecutor fired to protect Burisma.

  34. \\Qtard lies. I say WHO said it. Not "somebody, place your babbler here". People in a position to know because they have access to the facts.

    "People in a position to know"?
    "because they have access to the facts"?


    \\Religious belief isn't a factor. At all.

    That is what ANY and EVERY religious believer claims. Like for example "God -- exist, and that is FACT!!!". BUT. If you'd start asking em "Ok, if it's a facts... which is obvious, self-evidant reference to Reality -- then it would not be hard for you to SHOW IT"... ha-ha-ha, and that's WHERE all the fun begins -- as that believer KNOWS PERFECTLY WELL that his that "fact" is not fact at all, but merely a figment of his imagination... he starting to devise all kinds of excuses.

    One to one -- the same -- as Derpy behaves. ;-P

    \\Only a non-belief in conspiracy theories about US intelligence colluding with Democrats to "frame" dotard donald. A claim dotard donald presented to a court. Which was then laughed out of court.

    Of course... because that is not function of the court -- to discern hearsays.
    Courts are ONLY for REAL things, REAL crimes, REAL facts.

    That's why that your "People in a position to know", WHILE KNOWING that they have NO facts, eligable for a court... they DO NOT dare to go to the court.

    To no show themself sto-o-o-o-opid... same as that dRump.

    And that is wise of em... But, not symbol of their intelligence -- but only their fleamsiness. ;-P


    That's ALL what they have -- THEIR PRETENCE, that they ""have access to the facts"?" :-))))))))))))))))))

  35. Your link = NYP getting republiturd lies straight. Though you might have trouble proving them if Hunter Biden decides to sue. For faking up a "laptop", being in possession of stolen data (from the cloud).

    "that believer KNOWS PERFECTLY WELL that his that "fact" is not fact at all, but merely a figment of his imagination... he starting to devise all kinds of excuses" = Qtard.

    Qtard's imagination tells him that there is no evidence that confirms donald tRump colluded with Russia. Qtard's imagination tells him "they DO NOT dare to go to the court", when going to court is the decision of the DOJ and state AGs. They (the senate bipartisan intelligence committee and the FBI/CIA) don't bring cases to court.

  36. No, they bring cases and evidence to DOJ (like the J6 Committee investigation). :)

  37. Face it dervy, Q is right when he says that the Legal System has it's own standards of truth and reality... and those truths are only established with Court cases. As far as the "Justice System" is concern, convictions and acquittals are the ONLY truths.

  38. Now "outside" the Justice System, we have other standards of truth. And in the Court of Public Opinion, the "truth" can completely contradict the "truth" findings of the legal/justice system (ala OJ Simpson).

  39. Qtard "is right when he says..."... he didn't say that. He said facts aren't facts and proof isn't proof... UNTIL adjudicated by a court.

    Using Qtard logic, OJ Simpson was cleared. Proven to be 100 percent an innocent wrongly accused man. To suggest otherwise is garbage. That he was guilty is religious/magical thinking.

  40. \\Qtard "is right when he says..."... he didn't say that. He said facts aren't facts and proof isn't proof... UNTIL adjudicated by a court.


    Or... you can provide direct citation. Word to word citation. Where *I* said it... and NOT YOU said that I said it -- see the difference, no?

    "Now outside the Justice System, we have other standards of "truth"."

    I fixed it for you.

    No thanks needed.

  41. Well, Joe...

    with this, I think, we can sagfely assume -- that Derpy faked that calliong himself "judge"?

    Is there in US a law against faking own identity while pretending to be a judge?

    Like that about wearing military uniform, or something?

  42. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    Face it dervy, Q is right when he says that the Legal System has it's own standards of truth and reality... and those truths are only established with Court cases. As far as the "Justice System" is concern, convictions and acquittals are the ONLY truths.

    Even more damning. Actually.

    That is part of Democracy and Human Rights -- right to NOT be accused wrongly, right to be accused ONLY through court, right to be judged ONLY through correct and lawful procedure.
    (AFAIK, they call it "rights of miranda" or something -- cited by your US policeman EVERY DAMN time)

    Very basic right... sole trespassing of which, mutates such "democracy" that allows it... into despotia, and even totalitarism.

    I know it for sure. Because that is type of "democracy" USSR have had.

    Where all kinds of "democratic" rights was proclaimed... but NONE of it could be protected through courts. Period.

  43. Qtard: DIRECT AND APPARENT lie.

    FACT. You have done so many times and will continue to do so.

  44. "He said facts aren't facts and proof isn't proof..."

    THAT is FIRECT FACTUAL LIE from your side.

    LIE you UNABLE to confirm with anything FACTUAL. Like with correct citation of my words.

    BUT. To heinous putin-style lyars that is not a problem AT ALL. :-))))))

    If there is no facts suitable... you can just bkurt out anthing -- and call it FACT.

  45. And what about uts relaton to Democracy and Human Rights, ah Derpy?

    But... you will run awat from commenting that damning topic... as Satan would run away from Holy Water. :-))))))))))))

  46. Yap. No answer. Fronm sulfur reaking Derpy. ;-P

  47. Re "uts relaton to Democracy and Human Rights"... I have no idea. I don't know what "uts" is.

    "sulfur reaking Derpy" is a figment of your imagination. He will never answer.

  48. Ah... I see... split personality. :-))))

    \\Re "uts relaton to Democracy and Human Rights"... I have no idea. I don't know what "uts" is.

    And what did I said.

    \\But... you will run awat from commenting that damning topic... as Satan would run away from Holy Water. :-))))))))))))

    And you showed... that Father of all lies is your papa. ;-P
    Teached you to avoid answering to that damning questions.
    And a ways to derail em.

    Dervy Sanders Is That Puppet of Satan. ;-P

  49. So what's with Human Rights, Derpy? ;-P
