Saturday, February 11, 2023

Biden's 87,000 New IRS Agents to Target 'Tip' Reporting by Poorest Service Industry Workers Instead of Billionaires

Meanwhile...back in Congress...
...One of Dervy's Heroes Speaks Up!


  1. IRS Will Target High-Income Tax Evaders with New Funding, Contrary to Social Media Posts. ... Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen directed IRS Commissioner Charles P. Rettig not to use the new funding to increase enforcement of taxpayers earning less than $400,000. [, 8/18/2022].

  2. That link was the promise Democrats made. How come it doesn't match with today's reality Dervy? Why the move to crack down on service industry worker tips NOW?

    Acta non Verba. For a "different" view of "truth".

  3. A truth that doesn't only come in through your ears.

  4. Tips are supposed to be untaxed?

  5. People making over $400k don't make tips.

  6. It's an unscrupulous "marketing" technique well recognized as a "bait & switch".

  7. So the IRS is looking into a change in the system for reporting tips. Does not mean audits of people who make tips will be increasing or that this is any kind of "crackdown". Don't have the MB to look at the video right now, so I don't know what Tarl Warwick says. Does he cite any facts that validate this claim? Maybe something from the IRS where they say this is a "crackdown" that will catch cheaters and increase revenue?

  8. What this is REALLY all about is the Right going on the offensive to protect rich tax cheats. By scaring poor and middle class taxpayers. republiturds represent the wealthy. Democrats represent workers.

    btw, we know Minus worships wealthy individuals, given his bigly praising of Elon Musk in a prior thread. So it's no surprise at all that he'd be all in on this lie.

  9. Partisan Posts Misrepresent IRS' Voluntary Program Proposal on Tip Income. The IRS has proposed a voluntary program that employers could choose to use in order to manage the taxes owed on employees’ tips. The program would replace similar existing programs. But some partisan social media accounts have wrongly suggested that the program indicates either new taxes or increased enforcement. Neither is true. ... The proposal is "just a streamlining, essentially, of the whole setup", Eric Smith, spokesman for the IRS said [ 210/2023].

  10. Yeah, like "digital dollars." It's just a test... @@

  11. Who's returns will those IRS agents be auditing? You tell me. :(

  12. See that $100-$200k line? Yep. THAT is where the money is/ comes from.

  13. "Who's returns will those IRS agents be auditing? You tell me"... people making 400k and up. As has been stated. Because that is where the cheating is occurring.

    Who are the biggest tax cheats? The 1% ... A new study by a team of IRS analysts and academic economists, however, tells us that ... the 1% conceal as much as 21% of their income from tax collectors ... The unreported income for the 1%, households with more than about $420,000 in annual income, is as much as one-third higher than previously estimated... For the 0.1%, households with at least $7.5 million in annual income, it's 80% higher. [3/23/2021]

  14. There are 3.4 million people in the top 1%. w/87,000 new IRS agents, that's one agent for every 40 men/women/children in the top 1%.

    And given the IRS Audit history, they only recover at most 8% of the funds concealed out of those higher income categories.

    ps - Wanna know where the "real cheating" occurs? With criminals who file NO INCOME TAX RETURNS (nothing to "audit").

  15. The hiring of 87,000 is over 10 years. Many of the hires will be replacing people who will be retiring. The IRS is also understaffed. Of the new hires, many will be assisting ordinary taxpayers.

    "They have about 8 million unprocessed 2021 returns and only answered 11% of calls in 2021", says Bill Smith, national director of tax technical services at CBIZ MHM's National Tax Office in Washington DC" :P

    All new 87k IRS agents won't be auditing taxpayers earning over 400k. Only a small percentage of them will do that.

  16. It was in regards to what income category would be seeing increased audits.

  17. lol! Really? How many employees does HR Block have? IRS agents must be really slow and stupid workers.

  18. Huh? Non sequitur.

  19. HR Block is one of the largest tax return preparers in the country. It's better than a direct comparison. The IRS audits about the same number of returns as HR Block prepares.

  20. Apparently you believe that ALL the IRS does is audit returns. Who processes the returns in the first place? Another government agency? Which one?

  21. lol! The original 87k employees already working for them, of course. The IRS audits the returns that the processing computer algorithms spit out. You think that humans still process the returns?

  22. No doubt they will be hiring many programmers to keep everything current and updated.

  23. audit the tips of service industry workers making sub-minimum wages.

  24. ^^Minus derping^^

    derp: The constant repeating of an opinion after facts have proved it incorrect, especially as a rhetorical tactic.

    Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen directed IRS Commissioner Charles P. Rettig not to use the new funding to increase enforcement of taxpayers earning less than $400,000.

  25. Who needs "enforcement" when you can intimidate them into voluntary compliance?

  26. LOL. Who needs facts when "you can just bkurt out anthing"?

    1. 🔺🔺"The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist)February 18, 2023 at 4:13 PM
      LOL. Who needs facts when "you can just bkurt out anthing"?"🔺🔺

      Derpish is posting while half drunk.

    2. Nun, golly gee, dieses hier Blog aint kein Stück gebratener Bratwurst auf einem großartigen Stumpfloch Bung Halter.

      Beugen Sie sich, Q-tard!


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