Tuesday, February 14, 2023

And So it Begins...


  1. She will never be president. Many people run to raise money, raise their profile, get a book deal, increase speaking fees, etc. But I don't know her level of delusion re actually having a chance.

  2. Dervish Sanders is a KKK racist.

    But about Nikki Haley: she won't be President at least at this time. It's not her time yet. The first thing needed is the exposure of the Deep State and sending them to prison, and in worst of the worst cases, executing those who committed treason or acts of war. If Haley is found to be clean, then that's step 1 of many. There are many on both sides who will get taken down, not only in the USA, but worldwide. The USA is only the beginning, as many desire to come to the USA and become citizens.

    Is Nikki Haley an active member and believer in the WEF? That remains to be seen. If she is, that is reason not to vote her into office. If she's not, further investigations to see if she's a candidate

    1. ...will be a smart move. Security is not to be taken lightly.

      No matter what side you stand on, one needs to make sure the candidate stays focused on our constitution and follows it. Traitors put chinks in our armor of security and thin it out as thin as a German beer can.

  3. KKK racists are tRump's base. I'm not a trumpturd, Mystere. You are. I don't hate anyone due to their race, ethnicity or heritage. I support equality, inclusivity and representation. KKK racists oppose those things.

    1. 🔺Derpish speaks his pappy's language. Derpish is a son of Satan, and lies through his fangs.🔺

      Derpish is a Biden Turd. Biden is a KKK puppet.

  4. You decided to take up the Mystere challenge for stupidest comment? Putin-lovers like YOU make up a large portion of donald tRump's base. I'm not a trumpturd or a fan of the Putin-loving "left" (Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore). Nor am I a fan of the Putin-loving Billionaire Elon Musk. You are. A bigly fan of Musk, that is (re your comment fantasizing about his balls).

    btw, I have nothing against ordinary Russian citizens who oppose this war. Or Russian soldiers who surrender because they realize they are on the wrong side.

  5. btw, I have nothing against ordinary Russian citizens who oppose this war. Or Russian soldiers who surrender because they realize they are on the wrong side.

    What's that 5% of the Russian population?

    I don't hate people who bend over and kiss my ass either.

  6. \\You decided to take up the Mystere challenge for stupidest comment? Putin-lovers like YOU make up a large portion of donald tRump's base. I'm not a trumpturd or a fan of the Putin-loving "left" (Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore). Nor am I a fan of the Putin-loving Billionaire Elon Musk. You are. A bigly fan of Musk, that is (re your comment fantasizing about his balls).

    But still.
    That is your *beloved* Dems... that pushed reboot button with Russians.
    And was giving and still giving limp dick reactions to all Putin's "mischiefs"... so did Obama, so do Biden.

    HOW COME???

    That putin-loving are trumpturds... but most profit Putin have from your "hollier than holy" Dems????

    \\btw, I have nothing against ordinary Russian citizens who oppose this war.

    NONE. They fuckingly hailing for Putin to throw H-Bomb on the Washington.

    \\Or Russian soldiers who surrender because they realize they are on the wrong side.

    Again, NONE. Yeah. Realized it so much... that they became prisoners SECOND time.
    And will be THIRD and more time... if that war would continue long enough.

    \\I don't hate people who bend over and kiss my ass either.

    Yeah... unti they'll bite it. ;-P

  7. Sun Tzu, "Know your enemy".

    I think I have a pretty good handle on Putin.

  8. It's not that easy when discussion goes in many threads, isn't it

  9. Let's hope that your super-duper AI scrolling it to learn some strategic hints... and not some Chinese one. ;-P
    That already stole that GPT stuff... and already launched it on 10x more powerful supercomputers, which mean that it'll learn 100x times facter. ;-P

  10. Qtard: And was giving and still giving limp dick reactions to all Putin's "mischiefs"... so did Obama, so do Biden.

    So I guess donald tRump's strategy of sucking Putin's dick DIDN'T convince Putin it was almost time for him to make a move against Ukraine? Just as soon as donald tRump pulled the US out of NATO? It seems Qtard believes that wasn't a factor at all. The Ukraine invasion is all due to Obama and Biden's limp dickness. What qtarded bullshit.

    An H-bomb taking out Washington DC sounds like a Qtard fantasy. The US Capitol getting nuked would make Qtard so happy, YES?

    1. Derpish Sanders confesses to what xe wants to do at hir Highway 69 Brothel in Paris TN. Sorry Derpish, your fantasy will stay a crack pipe dream. Putin isn't a queer.

  11. \\So I guess donald tRump's strategy of sucking Putin's dick DIDN'T convince Putin it was almost time for him to make a move against Ukraine?

    Why Putin NOT attacked Ukraine on DD's watch, then?

    \\Just as soon as donald tRump pulled the US out of NATO?

    So? That was NOT a problem, that europians didn't want to pay their fair share of NATO expenses? To prepare themself for possible attacks?
    And instead happy-go-luckily continue to collude with Putin, to be bought with his dirty money???
    USA could and should and ought to... take all respomnsibilities and all expenses on itself???

    What Dem party dogmas saying about it. I'm really interested to know.

    \\It seems Qtard believes that wasn't a factor at all.

    Yes. Non-USA NATO members was warned... that their behavior is not O.K.
    That collusion with Putin -- that's no-no.
    That sitting on a dirty niddle of Russian Gas supplyes -- can be dangerous for their sovereignity.
    WHEN sanctions against North Stream started, ahh?

    \\The Ukraine invasion is all due to Obama and Biden's limp dickness. What qtarded bullshit.

    Time tells no lies.

    2008 -- Russian invade Georgia. Obama/Dem placate it with pushing reboot button

    2014 -- Russian invade Ukraine and annex Crimea. Obama/Dem placate it with their mouths wide shut to condemn such a breach of international laws. Hitler-style. Well, SECOND time, because annex of Osetia was by the same Hitler's old rulebook.

    2016 -- Russian invade Syria and making it in a blood bath, inflicting Migration Crysis on Europe. Obama again... well, as lame duck... but wasn't he was just the same lame all his two terms???

    2022 -- ... Well, what "strong moves" of Biden you can list??? ;-P
    Appart from proposal of refuge in exile for Zelensky??? VERY STRONG MOVE.
    Putin was in panic.

  12. \\An H-bomb taking out Washington DC sounds like a Qtard fantasy. The US Capitol getting nuked would make Qtard so happy, YES?

    No, flubbergasted.

    Well, it will not be THAT simple.

  13. "Why Putin NOT attacked Ukraine on DD's watch, then?"... because Putin and tRump were allies. tRump/republiturds wanted (and still want) to hand Ukraine to Putin. Putin hoped donald would pull the US out of NATO (as donald said we should).

    If donald tRump had been able to steal a second term the support President Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats have provided for Ukraine would never have happened. His puppets are currently working to get tRump back into the White House. You've seen the posts on this blog about how "Russiagate" was a "hoax".

    In 2024 (it tRump wins reelection) you can be SURE the US will give Ukraine to Putin. And try to blame Joe Biden and the Democrats. 100 percent guaranteed.

    Qtard is a bigly Putin puppet. Why he (in his "Time tells no lies" highlights above) completely skips over donald tRump's presidency. That dotard donald was Putin's puppet is just "political smearing with feces". As per Qtard. Though he denies ever writing that.

    Time tells no lies.

    2015 -- Trump dismissed credible allegations that Putin uses violence against his opponents. Trump said "I think it would be despicable if that took place, but I haven't seen any evidence that he killed anybody...".

    2016 -- Trump said Putin did "an amazing job of taking the mantle" when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump broke with US policy and suggested he was OK if Russia kept the Ukrainian territory. He repeated a Kremlin talking point, saying, "The people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were".

    2017 -- Days before his inauguration, Trump [said] he was open to lifting sanctions on Russia. He said: "If you get along and if Russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody's doing some really great things?" Putin has tried for years to persuade the US and European countries to end crippling sanctions on Russia's economy.

    June 2019 -- Trump personally froze $391 million in US military and security assistance for Ukraine... US diplomats said Ukraine desperately needed the help for its war against Russian proxies. Previously, the Trump administration had slow-walked sales of anti-tank missiles to Ukraine because of concerns it would upset Russia, according to a State Department official.

    Aug 2019 -- Breaking with American allies, Trump repeatedly called for Russia to be invited back into the Group of Seven. Russia was suspended from the working group of leading industrial nations in 2014 after Putin annexed Crimea. At the August 2019 G7 summit in France, Trump pressed the other leaders to include Russia at the 2020 gathering. They balked at the request, which would have handed a huge victory to Putin without any concessions.

    Oct 2019 -- Trump announced... that US troops were withdrawing from northern Syria. The abrupt move cleared the way for Turkey to conquer territories previously controlled by the US and allied Kurdish militias. It also gave Russia a golden opportunity to expand its influence and swiftly take over abandoned US outposts and checkpoints. Trump's move was a boon for Putin.

    2019/2020 -- During his impeachment proceedings in 2019 and early 2020, Trump said many false things about Ukraine that align with Russian disinformation about the country. This includes claims of uncontrollable corruption, improper ties between Ukrainian officials and the Obama administration, and allegations that Ukraine meddled in US elections. This helps Putin's goal of destabilizing US-Ukraine relations.

  14. Russian collusion has been proven to have occurred. I'm awake. How I know you're the one attempting a hoax. Explaining why dotard donald's lawsuit was laughed out of court :P

    Judge John Middlebrooks: We are confronted with a lawsuit that should never have been filed, which was completely frivolous, both factually and legally, and which was brought in bad faith for an improper purpose. ... [the complaint amounts to] abusive litigation tactics... drafted to advance political narrative; not to address legal harm caused by any Defendant. This is a deliberate attempt to harass; to tell a story without regard to facts".

    Yet, how does Qtard (who keeps screeching about lawsuits being the only way to prove guilt) react? He says filing this frivolous lawsuit reflects POSITIVELY on tRump. Because it shows he has balls. Because dotard donald wasn't the defendant... or something. He had to come up with a BS argument as to why this court case doesn't count.

  15. Funny that all the so-called frivolous allegations have been proven in other cases, and the judge ruling in the case is obviously corrupt as hell and needs to be impeached.

  16. What other cases?

  17. \\"Why Putin NOT attacked Ukraine on DD's watch, then?"... because Putin and tRump were allies.

    Putin is all-mighty dictator.
    dRump is mere person, who happen to be a potus for a day. ;-P
    That is... uncomparable. Even.

    \\tRump/republiturds wanted (and still want) to hand Ukraine to Putin.

    And this is??? Result of mind-reading? :-)))

    \\Putin hoped donald would pull the US out of NATO (as donald said we should).

    Freedom of Speach. Anybody can say any bullshit. And not be punished for that.
    Or where I'm wrong, ah Honorable Judge Derpy, what'd you say? ;-P

    \\If donald tRump had been able to steal a second term the support President Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats have provided for Ukraine would never have happened.

    So, in addition to mind-reader... you are Quzats Haderah too??? :-))))

    \\In 2024 (it tRump wins reelection) you can be SURE the US will give Ukraine to Putin. And try to blame Joe Biden and the Democrats. 100 percent guaranteed.

    If Biden will do 100% everything for that to happen in next TWO years.
    As he was doing all this time.

    \\Qtard is a bigly Putin puppet. Why he (in his "Time tells no lies" highlights above) completely skips over donald tRump's presidency. That dotard donald was Putin's puppet is just "political smearing with feces". As per Qtard. Though he denies ever writing that.

    Because... Putin DID NOT attacked Ukraine, while DD was at helm.

    BUT... he WAS ATTACKING Ukraine, when Obama and Biden was prezidents.

    Your Captain Obvious.

    \\Previously, the Trump administration had slow-walked sales of anti-tank missiles to Ukraine because of concerns it would upset Russia, according to a State Department official.

    And Biden slow-walked military help for Ukraine... in time of OPEN attack of RFia on Ukraine.

    \\Trump said many false things about Ukraine that align with Russian disinformation about the country.

    So what???
    Have meet NO of Americans, Dems who would not spread same Russian slurr of Ukraine -- that they are Nationalists, Anti-Semites and ALAS.
    You all have low understanding and unexistant knowledge... of Eastern Hemisphere, actually.

    \\Yet, how does Qtard (who keeps screeching about lawsuits being the only way to prove guilt) react? He says filing this frivolous lawsuit reflects POSITIVELY on tRump. Because it shows he has balls. Because dotard donald wasn't the defendant... or something. He had to come up with a BS argument as to why this court case doesn't count.

    Tryed to use that story as an argument about dRump being on trial in court for his crimes.
    That is obvious non sequotur.
    And I pointed it to you.
    But you keep using it.
    Whatever. NMP.

  18. "Putin is all-mighty dictator. dRump is mere person, who happen to be a potus for a day. That is... uncomparable. Even"... Barack Obama is a mere person who happened to be potus. Yet you blame him (and Biden) for not stopping Putin.

    "And this is??? Result of mind-reading?"... No. I know this due to their words and their actions.

    "Freedom of Speach. Anybody can say any bullshit. And not be punished for that. Or where I'm wrong"... You are wrong. Free speech (re this comment) isn't the issue. The issue is that donald tRump declared that he stood with Putin. He said it and wasn't punished, btw. Though he should have been. By the voters. Who should have said "we don't want a Putin puppet".

    "So, in addition to mind-reader... you are Quzats Haderah too?"... I am neither.

    "Yes. If Biden will do 100% everything for that to happen in next TWO years. As he was doing all this time"... Moronic Qtard lie.

    "Because... Putin DID NOT attacked Ukraine, while DD was at helm"... Because DD and Putin are allies.

    "BUT... he WAS ATTACKING Ukraine, when Obama and Biden was prezidents"... But (as you said) what could they, as mere persons, do to stop all-mighty dictator Putin?

    "And Biden slow-walked military help for Ukraine... in time of OPEN attack of RFia on Ukraine"... RFia? WTF does that have to do with Ukraine?

    "So what??? Have meet NO of Americans, Dems who would not spread same Russian slurr of Ukraine -- that they are Nationalists, Anti-Semites"... republicans spread those slurs.

    "You. Tryed to use that story as an argument about dRump being on trial in court for his crimes"... Crimes tRump claims he was "framed" for. The judge threw out the case because tRump was not framed. Which absolutely is relevant to the discussion. Qtard lies when he says it isn't.

    "That is obvious non sequotur"... It isn't.

  19. \\"Putin is all-mighty dictator. dRump is mere person, who happen to be a potus for a day. That is... uncomparable. Even"... Barack Obama is a mere person who happened to be potus. Yet you blame him (and Biden) for not stopping Putin.

    Logic, Derpy, Logic.

    Obama WAS potus. And he STILL responsible for what he did as potus
    Biden IS potus. But he STILL WILL BE responsible for what he did as potus

    And now... DO insert dRump into that equation. ;-P
    Or what? You are ready to agree here, that if dRump NOT potus any more -- he is not responsible? :-))))))))))))))))

    You was digging a grave for yourself. For quite some time already.
    But now you jumped into it.
    And asked to throw some dirt into it.

    \\No. I know this due to their words and their actions.

    Words -- it's nothing. Freedom of Speach, remember?

    Their deeds -- another story. So WHAT their deeds are??? Did they proposed Zelesky flee and not protect his country, as Biden did?

    \\You are wrong. Free speech (re this comment) isn't the issue.

    Yeah... Very Basic of Human Rights... "is not an issue"???
    VERY judgy and pro-democratic of you. ;-P

    \\"So, in addition to mind-reader... you are Quzats Haderah too?"... I am neither.

    So? I do not need to treat your words as anything that contains any meaningful sense, yes? ;-P

    \\"Yes. If Biden will do 100% everything for that to happen in next TWO years. As he was doing all this time"... Moronic Qtard lie.

    Proposal to go into exile to Zelensky. As the very first thing.

    \\"Because... Putin DID NOT attacked Ukraine, while DD was at helm"... Because DD and Putin are allies.

    Repeating one and the same baseless claim -- is not an argument.
    And only morons think that such rethorical treak can sway anybody, apart from same way indoctrinated morons and fools.

    \\"BUT... he WAS ATTACKING Ukraine, when Obama and Biden was prezidents"... But (as you said) what could they, as mere persons, do to stop all-mighty dictator Putin?

    Is more smoking gun evidances... that you are blazing idiot... yet more needed??? :-))))))

    \\"So what??? Have meet NO of Americans, Dems who would not spread same Russian slurr of Ukraine -- that they are Nationalists, Anti-Semites"... republicans spread those slurs.

    Republicans disgused us Dems??? What a cunning republicans. :-)))))

    \\"You. Tryed to use that story as an argument about dRump being on trial in court for his crimes"... Crimes tRump claims he was "framed" for. The judge threw out the case because tRump was not framed. Which absolutely is relevant to the discussion. Qtard lies when he says it isn't.

    \\"That is obvious non sequotur"... It isn't.

    That's just your mere words... which do not connect with your deeds.

  20. "Logic, Derpy, Logic. dRump NOT potus any more -- he is not responsible?"... He is. You argued donald tRump was "mere person" as president. While (apparently) Obama and Biden are MORE than "mere person". Logic? Qtard doesn't use it.

    "Words -- it's nothing. Freedom of Speach, remember? Their deeds -- another story. So WHAT their deeds are"... So why no defense of George Santos from you? All his lies are just "free speach", right? Words matter, Qtard. You make disingenuous arguments to defend trumpturds. While PRETENDING to be anti-tRump and anti-Putin. Proof you are neither. So I do not need to treat your words as anything that contains any meaningful sense.

    "Repeating one and the same baseless claim -- is not an argument"... Qtard does this continuously.

    "Proposal to go into exile to Zelensky. As the very first thing"... Words -- it's nothing. Freedom of Speech, remember? Biden's deeds -- another story. Biden's deeds were that he provided bigly support for Ukraine's defense.

    "Republicans disgused us Dems??? What a cunning republicans"... You just keep repeating this BS without ever having provided any evidence. Obviously Qtard believes he can "just bkurt out anthing -- and call it FACT".

    The Russian slur of Ukraine -- that they are Anti-Semites, was repeated on this blog (by the proprietor of this blog). Minus is a Dem "disgused" as a republican?

    "That's just your mere words... which do not connect with your deeds"... True words.

  21. \\He is. You argued donald tRump was "mere person" as president.

    No. He IS mere person NOW.
    Which makes ANY deals between him and liliPut(even if there was) -- void.
    Deals as between equals. Which is meaning of being ally.
    State and mere person -- not equal. Your Captain Obvious. ;-P


    O.K. Then... go explain your "Logic". ;-P It should be easy, if that is True Logic.
    Go demonstrate where my Logic is wrong. Or, how YOUR "logic" is better.
    But you can't. And you will not. Because your illogical "Logic" cannot be explained... any other way apart from psychiatry. :-))))

    \\So why no defense of George Santos from you?

    Whoz zat?? And why I should care???
    Man, Derpy, your are rediculously stoopid, man.

    \\Words matter, Qtard.

    When they are grounded in Reality. Yes.
    As a proxy. As a conduit to Reality.
    That's why things like Logic and Fact-based Thinking ARE so important.
    Because that is the ONLY way.

    \\"Repeating one and the same baseless claim -- is not an argument"... Qtard does this continuously.

    My repetitivness... even if it can be traced out and proved -- which I doubt, and which you'll not do.
    Can be explained by need to talk with such a demaged derpy-brain like yours. ;-P

    Is it MY fault??? That you do not know facts, do not understand logic, and cannot comprehend words... even if they repeated many times. ;-P

    \\"Proposal to go into exile to Zelensky. As the very first thing"... Words -- it's nothing. Freedom of Speech, remember? Biden's deeds -- another story.

    That was NOT mere words -- that was DEED of Biden.
    He didn't say "Hey! Zelensky, it's dangerous there. Maybe it's time to flee? What do you think?"
    He said. "Zelensky. Mr.President. May you concider taking refuge in USA? Here, helicopters are ready to take you on-board. Guest house and cup of hot tea ready too".
    That was proposal from one president to another. Official. Backed with all might of USA.

    \\Biden's deeds were that he provided bigly support for Ukraine's defense.

    After... he found that any more delaying... would be dangerous for USA.
    Through attacks on NATO members.
    And then on USA bases/troops/ships, and maybe even territory.
    That is what Joe do not want to admit -- that that is NOT war against Ukraine liliPut started, but against whole World Order... abd USA as guarantee of it.

    \\"Republicans disgused us Dems??? What a cunning republicans"... You just keep repeating this BS without ever having provided any evidence.

    You trully ARE idiot.
    That was QUESTION.
    There WHOLE THREE question marks there. That '?' symbols.
    But yeah, I understand youir confusion -- that is your modus operandi -- to make claims with questions. :-))))

    \\The Russian slur of Ukraine -- that they are Anti-Semites, was repeated on this blog (by the proprietor of this blog). Minus is a Dem "disgused" as a republican?

    May you give a link as example???
    Because, I am soon half a year as watching this blog.
    But seen none, nothing like that.

    So??? What do you propose to me? To believe to your words alone? To believe that they are about some facts???
    While I saw nothing lie that. And I know from our talks, that you are one who like to play "make believe" games -- for your opponents to admit someting is True, without any evidances of it, or even CONTRA to all and any evidances.

    \\"That's just your mere words... which do not connect with your deeds"... True words.

    I like that you admited it yourself -- that your words do not have (any?) roots in reality.
    Mere babbling. ;-P

  22. "No. He IS mere person NOW"... He isn't. He is a former president who has a loyal base that listens to him. Including current members of the republican party (they listen to him and make policy based on what he says). And he could be president again.

    "Deals as between equals. Which is meaning of being ally"... The definition of ally is "a person, group, or nation that is associated with another or others for some common cause or purpose". The allies do not need to be equals.

    "Whoz zat?? And why I should care???"... Qtard lies when he pretends not to know who the bigly liar George Santos is. Santos was discussed in a post on this blog. Why did Qtard reply multiple times if he didn't know who we were talking about?

    fyi, Santos is a bigly confabulator. "Just words" and "free speech" according to Qtard. Could explain why Qtard lies constantly and so freely. He is exercising his "free speach".

    "You trully ARE idiot. That was QUESTION"... Rhetorical question. Originally presented by you as fact (that it was Dems who repeated Putin slur that Ukrainians are anti-semites).

    "I like that you admited it yourself -- that your words do not have (any?) roots in reality."... "Admission" imagined by Qtard.

  23. \\He isn't. He is a former president who has a loyal base that listens to him.

    So what???

    \\And he could be president again.

    Same as anybody else. ;-P

    \\The allies do not need to be equals.

    Paradox Heap. Google for it.

    \\Qtard lies when he pretends not to know who the bigly liar George Santos is.

    And still.,.. I DON'T F*G CARE!!!

    \\Why did Qtard reply multiple times if he didn't know who we were talking about?

    You are free to demonstrate with citations -- where my comments was ANYHOW related to that (sex?) buddy of yours.

    \\Could explain why Qtard lies constantly and so freely.

    Your this accusations have no ground.
    But well... we see that that is not a problem for such an idiot like you are. Yawn.

    \\"You trully ARE idiot. That was QUESTION"... Rhetorical question.

    And HOW DA FK you can KNOW IT??? :-)))))
    Well... you can treat this question as "rethorucal" too.
    Be my guest. ;-P

    \\Originally presented by you as fact (that it was Dems who repeated Putin slur that Ukrainians are anti-semites).

    That was my actual experience.

    When people on the net discuss feminism, LGBTQ, ecology/climatechange and "those nasty deplorables"... same time, somehow, they DO SAY something between lines of "nasty zionists killing palestinians" AND "oh, those Ukrainians, they are such Nazis, and I heard that they are anti-semites too".

    Of course, that is just an accidents... all of the times.

    \\"I like that you admited it yourself -- that your words do not have (any?) roots in reality."... "Admission" imagined by Qtard.

    I knew it. ;-P
    That that was just another your idiotic self-revelation.

  24. "And he [donald tRump] could be president again. Same as anybody else"... Qtard thinks he could be US president? What percent of voters support Qtard for US president? More than zero?

    "You are free to demonstrate with citations -- where my comments was ANYHOW related to that (sex?) buddy of yours"... I never met him.

    "When people on the net discuss feminism, LGBTQ, ecology/climatechange and "those nasty deplorables"... same time, somehow, they DO SAY something between lines of "nasty zionists killing palestinians" AND "oh, those Ukrainians, they are such Nazis, and I heard that they are anti-semites too"... "People on the net" = people Qtard made up.

    "And HOW DA FK you can KNOW IT???"... Because you admitted (see above) it was not a question. But something (with zero evidence) you were (still are) asserting as fact.

    "I knew it"... In your delusions you can "know" anything.

  25. \\Qtard thinks he could be US president? What percent of voters support Qtard for US president? More than zero?

    Derpy-Doodle. I'm foreigner. Is there ANY country in the world which allow foreigner to became a prez? :-))))

    \\"You are free to demonstrate with citations -- where my comments was ANYHOW related to that (sex?) buddy of yours"... I never met him.

    And I even don't know him... but does it stop you from your idiotic claims?
    If I would be same idiotic as Derpy, I would ignore it. And would continue asking: "So, when you stopped sleeping in one bed with him?" ;-P

    \\"People on the net" = people Qtard made up.

    I understand you. That is how you behave. So, it's natural for you to see it that way. ;-P

    \\"And HOW DA FK you can KNOW IT???"... Because you admitted (see above) it was not a question. But something (with zero evidence) you were (still are) asserting as fact.

    Trully... you do not get what facts is. Even after I repeated that definition of word 'fact'.
    Because you are idiot -- you cannot grasp it.

    I was talking about apparent Dems I was meating on the net.
    Hailing to Biden. Condemning dRump. Citing all Dem dogmas. Bragging how they voted Dems, or even registered as Dems.
    Simultaneously was talking about "nasty zionists" and "nazi ukrainians".
    That is what their miserly minds was deseminated through media. Or what, you will be opposing that main Dem-aligned media was spreading such malarkey. Like CNN or New Yorker. ;-P

    But yeah. Still. IT'S TRUE.
    Tht is NOT a reference to a Fact itself.
    That is just somebody-sombody(in this case -- me) who was saying something-something(even if that is my own hard earned earthly experience).
    Well... my words, only of level of indirection of 2. (while yours was 3 or more)
    While level 1 it's refering to a fact directly. Like "see, here it is".
    And level 0 it's fact itself, which do not to be referenced to. Self-evidant because.

    CNN International
    "The existence of an identifiably Azov element within the Ukrainian armed forces -- and an effective element at that -- poses uncomfortable questions for the Ukrainian government and its Western allies, which continue to send arms to the country" | Analysis by Tara John and Tim Lister

    And comments under it... you'd find a bunch of Dems there. Dems you will claim that they "trully" are "republicans in disguise". Yes, Derpy?

    \\"I knew it"... In your delusions you can "know" anything.

    For at least... you know that there is delusions... because you accustomed to be drowned in it, yap? ;-P
    From own experience, so to say. :-))))))))

  26. "Is there ANY country in the world which allow foreigner to became a prez?"... You wrote that ANYONE could be US president. Qtard falls into the "anyone" category. Now Qtard admits he lied. Anyone can NOT be president.

    "...but does it stop you from your idiotic claims?"... Qtard attempt to derail. My point was that it is YOUR idiotic claim that "free speach" excuses republicans but NOT Democrats.

    "So what" (Qtard says) if tRump suggested US should pull out of UN? "Just words". But that Biden offered to help Zelenskyy flee is NOT "free speach". That decision was Zelenskyy's alone. Biden could not force him to stay. When Zelenskyy decided to stay Biden and US Democrats supported him. While US republicans say we should abandon Ukraine. "Doesn't count" Qtard claims. Bullshit.

    "But yeah. Still. IT'S TRUE"... Something Qtard made up is NOT true.

    "CNN International blah blah blah"... There are also Nazis in US military. The Nazis in the Ukraine military did pose an "uncomfortable question". Why republicans brought it up. Even though the number is small, republicans tried to use that truthful info to justify Russian invasion. republicans agreed Ukraine needed to be "de-Nazified", not Democrats.

  27. \\"Is there ANY country in the world which allow foreigner to became a prez?"... You wrote that ANYONE could be US president.

    Now you proved that you are idiot. With yout own words.
    Idiots do not understand Common Sense.
    Derpy do not understand Common Sense.
    Therefore... Derpy is idiot. ;-P

    I also didn't mentioned that ONLY real persons can be nominated on being prez... therefor my ANYONE should include Graf Dracula and Winnie the Pooh???

    I also didn't mentioned that ONLY comming of age persons can be nominated on being prez... therefor my ANYONE should include all newborn and toddlers???

    I also didn't mentioned that ONLY alive persons can be nominated on being prez... therefor my ANYONE should include all who was living on the Earth???

    \\"...but does it stop you from your idiotic claims?"... Qtard attempt to derail. My point was that it is YOUR idiotic claim that "free speach" excuses republicans but NOT Democrats.

    Feel yourself free to DEMONSTRATE where and how I deny Dems freedom of speach... with correct and direct citations. ;-P
    But... you will not. :-))))

    \\But that Biden offered to help Zelenskyy flee is NOT "free speach".

    Difference is as between.
    "Do you like tea?"
    "Do you like to have tea with me, in my house?" plus pulling your hand to make you come in.

    \\That decision was Zelenskyy's alone. Biden could not force him to stay.

    That is not attempt of rape if his dick not visited her pussy?

    Well. Anyway. You just admitted limp-dickness of Biden. ;-P

    \\ While US republicans say we should abandon Ukraine. "Doesn't count" Qtard claims. Bullshit.

    And HOW that could count?
    Pretty please -- give your elaborate explanation.
    How empty babbling of Reps can be ANY WORSE... than Biden's sending homeopatic doses ofmilitary help???

    \\"But yeah. Still. IT'S TRUE"... Something Qtard made up is NOT true.

    Not understanding that sentance can be a part of paragraph. And paragraph is a part of whole text.

    Clearly, Derpy is an idiot with disfunctional brain.

    \\"CNN International blah blah blah"... There are also Nazis in US military. The Nazis in the Ukraine military did pose an "uncomfortable question". Why republicans brought it up. Even though the number is small, republicans tried to use that truthful info... <-- here.

    You busted yourself.
    That is NOT "truthful info". That is nasty Putin's Propaganda.

    There is NO nazis among Ukrainians. That is Russian who all ways in and out ARE NAZIS of modern day.
    Nazis who trying to call Ukrainian Patriots "nazis"... for them being Patriot.

    \\republicans agreed Ukraine needed to be "de-Nazified", not Democrats.

    Every time Derpy dropping his shit in his pents prematurely... "Reps did it!" he cryes. :-))))))))))))

  28. Qtard is an idiot with no common sense. My point (which Qtard ignores) is that anyone cannot be president. Even if "anyone" is people who meet all the constitutional requirements. Qtard wrote "And he [donald tRump] could be president again. Same as anybody else". This is false. Part of Qtard's attempt to place blame for everything on Democrats. And deflect blame from the Putin puppet donald tRump.

    "Feel yourself free to DEMONSTRATE where and how I deny Dems freedom of speach... with correct and direct citations"... Qtard lies. I never said Qtard denies Dems freedom of speech. I said Qtard dismisses dumb things republicans say as "so what? Freedom of speech". While with Dems he says "Dem said terrible thing and caused ALL problems". Like with Joe Biden offering Zelenskyy help to escape.

    Biden's offer is the REAL "so what". As opposed to donald tRump suggestion that US should pull out of UN. Which was a signal to Putin that he was on his side.

    "Do you like to have tea with me, in my house? plus pulling your hand to make you come in"... This is what happened re donald tRump. "Come into Ukraine, Putin. Just wait until US withdraws from UN". And it happened. The waiting. donald tRump didn't deliver on proposal to withdraw from UN. But Putin waited to see if his puppet would deliver.

    "Clip-thinking? Not understanding that sentance can be a part of paragraph. And paragraph is a part of whole text. Clearly, Derpy is an idiot with disfunctional brain"... wtf? This has nothing to do with what I wrote. Qtard claimed that Democrats agreed Nazis in Ukraine are good reason for Russia to invade. Qtard lied. FULL STOP. Nonsense (which didn't happen) about "paragraph is a part of whole text" does not make Qtard lie go away.

    "You busted yourself. That is NOT truthful info. That is nasty Putin's Propaganda"... Qtard lies. The nasty Putin propaganda was that Russia needed to invade to "denazify" Ukraine. Not that there are a small number of Nazis in Ukraine. Just as there are in US. AND in Russia. I "busted myself" as being someone who acknoweldges facts. Unlike Qtard.

    "Every time Derpy dropping his shit in his pents prematurely... Reps did it! he cryes"... Qtard busted himself as a pants-shitter. "Premature" definition is "occurring or done before the usual or proper time". Which means Qtard believes there is a "usual or proper time" to shit your pants. I don't shit my pants, Qtard. Ever. Prematurely or at the "usual or proper time".

  29. Qtard after shitting his pants. "Nothing to see here" Qtard says. "This is a usual and proper pants-shitting. Not a premature one".

  30. \\Qtard after shitting his pants. "Nothing to see here" Qtard says. "This is a usual and proper pants-shitting. Not a premature one".

    You, as idiot. Must be thoight that that is blazing irony you showed here.
    In Reality. The way you reacted, shows that that problem really disturbing you. ;-P

    \\Qtard is an idiot with no common sense. My point (which Qtard ignores) is that anyone cannot be president.

    Of course not. Because, and common sense tells it -- there is LOTS of pre-requisites instilled in LAWS.

    But... you as an idiot... do not understand what Common Sense is. :-))))

    \\I never said Qtard denies Dems freedom of speech. I said Qtard dismisses dumb things republicans say as "so what? Freedom of speech". While with Dems he says "Dem said terrible thing and caused ALL problems". Like with Joe Biden offering Zelenskyy help to escape.

    Because... proposing "help to escape"... from the mouth of President ESPECIALLY. That is NOT mere "dumb things sombody say"... or, is it?
    So, you are saing that Biden's proposal was a dumb stopid and absolutely irresponsible mere babbling? ;-P

    \\As opposed to donald tRump suggestion that US should pull out of UN.

    Show me a law. That say that POTUS CANNOT say something like that.
    Or even better -- some law that say that such suggestion... are, criminal?


    Man, you are idiot... but that is exactly the reason why you able to produce high quality... manure.

    \\wtf? This has nothing to do with what I wrote.

    You. Compleely idioticly. Cited my sentense out of context.
    Even though that context was favorable for you -- I admitted that you are right.

    \\Qtard claimed that Democrats agreed Nazis in Ukraine are good reason for Russia to invade.

    That is NOT what I said. You -- lie.
    Well, more exactly, because you are idiot -- you just showing how moronicly your brain works.

  31. \\Not that there are a small number of Nazis in Ukraine.

    That link -- https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2015/03/10/ukraine-azov-brigade-nazis-abuses-separatists/24664937/

    That is EXACTLY Putin's Propaganda... pro-Dem media spread.

    "Though the 900-member Azov Brigade adds needed manpower to repulse the rebels, members who say they are Nazis are sparking controversy"

    Naah... That is Russians twisted meaning of words "nationalists" -- claiming it means "nazis", while it's true meaning are "patriots".

    Or what??? National Guard of USA -- that is bunch of Hitler-loving NAZIS???? %-)))))))))))
    That way.

    "In an interview with USA TODAY, he admitted he is a Nazi and said with a laugh that no more than half his comrades are fellow Nazis."

    Aha! :-))) "he said it HIMSELF" :-)))) and not repeated question laughingly. :-))) Like "you really think that I am"???

    "He said he supports strong leadership for Ukraine, like Germany during World War II, but opposes the Nazis' genocide against Jews."

    Yeah... he opposess genocide of Jews... because, he is apparent and faithful Nazi. :-)))

    "property of wealthy oligarchs should be taken away and nationalized."

    Yeah. EXACTLY what nazis in Hitler's Germany was doing... NOT.

    "Russian media exploit such statements to describe the brigade in this port city in eastern Ukraine as a bunch of thugs who menace the population yet are embraced by Ukraine's national government."

    Yes, yes, yes... and do not forget -- that is RUSSIAN Propaganda that saying it... and NOT "most truthful" western Dem-alaigned one.

    Western Dem-alaigned ONLY "provides facts". :-)))))

    By citing Putin's Propaganda openly, and in a way it infests minds of readers.

    ""I didn't see any fascists or anti-Semites," Borisov said. "And I tell you this as a Jewish guy.""

    But of course. "They, in Azov, they ALL ARE NAZIS... and that is FA-a-a-a-a-ACT!!!!!". :-)))))

    \\ I "busted myself" as being someone who acknoweldges facts. Unlike Qtard.

    No. You just showed that you are eating any shit that Dem-aligned media spreading. ;-P

  32. Qtard: So, you are saing that Biden's proposal was a dumb stopid and absolutely irresponsible mere babbling?

    No. I'm saying only Zelenskyy knew about his people's willingness to fight. It would be pointless for US to offer help if Ukrainians were not willing to fight. Zelenskyy said (by rejecting the offer) they were. And Biden responded by saying "ok, US will help you fight".

    Qtard: Show me a law. That say that POTUS CANNOT say something like that.

    I never said it was against the law for POTUS to say US should pull out of NATO. Just a sign that tRump was Putin's puppets.

    Qtard: You. Compleely idioticly. Cited my sentense out of context.

    I did not.

    Qtard: facts are shit (summary of second Qtard comment).

    Qtard is angry that the "Dem-aligned media" spreads facts.

  33. Qtard: Western Dem-alaigned media ... citing Putin's Propaganda openly, and in a way it infests minds of readers.

    The republican-aligned media did this. The Dem-aligned media pointed out that Putin's propaganda about needing to denazify Ukraine was a lie.

    Qtard: "Qtard claimed that Democrats agreed Nazis in Ukraine are good reason for Russia to invade". That is NOT what I said. You -- lie.

    Qtard lies. Quote: "That is EXACTLY Putin's Propaganda... pro-Dem media spread". Your EXACT words Qtard.

  34. \\No. I'm saying only Zelenskyy knew about his people's willingness to fight. It would be pointless for US to offer help if Ukrainians were not willing to fight. Zelenskyy said (by rejecting the offer) they were. And Biden responded by saying "ok, US will help you fight".

    Aha... but that was NOT what we discussed here.

    \\I never said it was against the law for POTUS to say US should pull out of NATO. Just a sign that tRump was Putin's puppets.

    Scaring lazy fat asses of Euros... to strengthen their ACTUAL (not in mere babbling, but with MONEIES) effort -- that was HELPFUL for Putin, because that is EXACTLY what he wanted, yes??? :-)))

    \\I did not.

    Denial. Denial. Denial. :-))))

    \\Qtard is angry that the "Dem-aligned media" spreads facts.

    Intresting. And HOW you did found that I'm "angry"??? Mind-reading? :-))))

    Ma-a-a-an, you are really and definitely, rediculously sto-o-o-opid.

    \\The republican-aligned media did this. The Dem-aligned media pointed out that Putin's propaganda about needing to denazify Ukraine was a lie.

    While still spreading LIE that Ukrainians are "nazis"?

    Because. I saw (by that link) only "facts" about "there is nazis among Ukrainiains".
    But NONE arguments while really "denazify Ukraine was a lie"???

    Can you explain with your own words and understaning -- AND WHY that is a lie? How do you see it?

    Let's see

    Qtard: "Qtard claimed that Democrats agreed Nazis in Ukraine are good reason for Russia to invade". That is NOT what I said. You -- lie.

    Qtard lies. Quote: "That is EXACTLY Putin's Propaganda... pro-Dem media spread". Your EXACT words Qtard.

    And WHAT that "EXACTLY" relates to?

    FULL citation is.

    That link -- https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2015/03/10/ukraine-azov-brigade-nazis-abuses-separatists/24664937/

    That is EXACTLY Putin's Propaganda... pro-Dem media spread.

    IN VERY HEADLINE -- THAT IS Putin's Propaganda -- that Ukrainian Azov, somehow related to "nazism".

    It DO NOT say "looky-looky fellow Americans, here is EXAMPLE of how Putin spreads LIES and disinformation".


    It posted it directly, word-to-word, Putin's claim.

    And in a text, was doing NOTHING to dissude. To reveal blatancy of that lie.


    It created such a feeling that that LIE have, or can have some base.

    While given only lip-service, to that idea, that that, actually, can be totall heinous LIE.

  35. Article quote: "He admitted he is a Nazi". Qtard's conclusion? Man is not a Nazi. Qtard is clearly a dumbshit. NMP.

    "Aha... but that was NOT what we discussed here"... it was.

    "Denial. Denial. Denial"... of Qtard lies.

    "Scaring lazy fat asses of Euros... to strengthen their ACTUAL with MONEIES effort"... That tRump "scared" NATO allies into paying more is false. "NATO reported on July 10 2018 that spending by European members increased from last fiscal year to the current fiscal year by about $35 billion. The increased spending predates Trump".

    btw, Bolton says Trump might have pulled the US out of NATO if he had been reelected. The former national security adviser said Trump came very close to leaving NATO in 2018, and Russian President Vladimir Putin "was waiting for that".

    Why Putin didn't invade Ukraine when donald was president. Like I've been saying.

  36. \\Article quote: "He admitted he is a Nazi".

    With "yes, I'm nazi... (and start roffling)"???

    \\"Aha... but that was NOT what we discussed here"... it was.

    In your Pretcel Mind ONLY. ;-P
    That makes you think that even when you dropping shit into your own pants -- that is somebody other's doing. :-))))))))))

    \\"Scaring lazy fat asses of Euros... to strengthen their ACTUAL with MONEIES effort"... That tRump "scared" NATO allies into paying more is false. "NATO reported on July 10 2018 that spending by European members increased from last fiscal year to the current fiscal year by about $35 billion. The increased spending predates Trump".

    Before dRump was elected in 2020? ;-P
    Or... that was NOT in dRump promices in 2016???
    Well, I do not know. And don't care. NMP.
    I just answered with first plausible contrargument that came to my mind. Meh.

    \\btw, Bolton says Trump might have pulled the US out of NATO if he had been reelected.

    Well. If that'll be in his 2024 program. And people will vote him in. And that'll be supported by Rep Congress and Senat.
    What would you do? ;-P
    Disenfranchise YOURSELF from being American??? :-)))

    \\ The former national security adviser said Trump came very close to leaving NATO in 2018, and Russian President Vladimir Putin "was waiting for that".

    Ohhh... that truth telling politicians... THEY ALL are so honest!!! :-))))

    \\Why Putin didn't invade Ukraine when donald was president. Like I've been saying.

    No. You didn't/
    You only accused him being first "ally of Putin". Then even "puppet of Putin".

    But was unsuccessful with providing EVEN TINIEST plausedle... not argument, even conspirological construct -- WHY that might be true.

    Well. As always. :-)))))
    By this far into our talks I know it alrady -- that inability to base your babbling... on anything -- that is your seminal trait.

    And that's why to talk with you is so much light-hearted fun. :-)))))))))

  37. "he admitted he is a Nazi and said with a laugh"... Qtard's mind reading abilities tell him the man laughed because he really is not a Nazi. All Nazis who are not Nazis laugh when "admitting" to being Nazis.

    "That makes you think that even when you dropping shit into your own pants..."... Qtard likes to imagine pants pooping. It turns him on.

    "Before dRump was elected in 2020"... Joe Biden was elected in 2020.

    "Or... that was NOT in dRump promices in 2016???"... Not as far as I know. He floated the idea of pulling us out of NATO. Then that morphed into getting NATO members to pay more. Even though they were already ramping up spending to get up to the agreed percentage.

    "Well, I do not know. And don't care. NMP"... of course you don't care. Yet you comment anyway. Obvious reason being to defend donald tRump and attack Democrats.

    "Well. If that'll be in his 2024 program. And people will vote him in. And that'll be supported by Rep Congress and Senat. What would you do?"... I'd be on the side of people saying we shouldn't do that.

    "And people will vote him [tRump] in... Qtard's dream. Obviously.

    "Ohhh... that truth telling politicians... THEY ALL are so honest!"... Qtard says John Bolton lied? Even though tRump HIMSELF said we should withdraw from NATO? Qtard is the dishonest one here.

    "No. You didn't/ You only accused him being first "ally of Putin". Then even puppet of Putin"... I did. Qtard lies. Or doesn't remember because he is an idiot.

    "But was unsuccessful with providing EVEN TINIEST plausedle... not argument, even conspirological construct -- WHY that might be true."... Given the amount of evidence, it is HIGHLY plausible. Qtard obviously does not know definition of "plausible". NMP.

  38. \\"he admitted he is a Nazi and said with a laugh"... Qtard's mind reading abilities tell him the man laughed because he really is not a Nazi. All Nazis who are not Nazis laugh when "admitting" to being Nazis.

    Very simple Derpy.

    I can write it TOO: "Derpy said: I am Nazi". Would it be a proof of anything???

    Without context. Who and under which circumstances was saying that?

    Especially. As I bet -- question was NOT in English. And answer was NOT in English too.
    And that was up to that reporter who HAVE WROTE that text, to conkockt it to support whatever narrative he'd like.
    And he, reporter, liked narrative "there is Nazis among Ukrainians".
    And made that text in accordance to that narrative.
    And that is... Putin's Propaganda Narrative.
    As well as, Dem media propaghanda narrative... cause, that way Dem party could avoid explanations of WHY they betrayed people of the country that willingly gave up Nuclear weapon... in exchange for PROTECTION from USA.

  39. \\"That makes you think that even when you dropping shit into your own pants..."... Qtard likes to imagine pants pooping. It turns him on.

    Try to continue this self-revelations for some more.

    There already was one dude, who was babbling about his sexual preferences for a long time.

    And I am open and willing to listen. So... please, continue-continue. Talking about your sexual perversions and freakish sexual desires.

    Be my guest. ;-P

    \\"Before dRump was elected in 2020"... Joe Biden was elected in 2020.

    Now you say... but HOW then European was able to increase their budgets... in year 2018... BEFORE Trump as fully-functional POTUS stated his demand to do that???

    \\Not as far as I know. He floated the idea of pulling us out of NATO. Then that morphed into getting NATO members to pay more. Even though they were already ramping up spending to get up to the agreed percentage.

    And theyt did it? Why exactly?
    We already know that that is NOT Trump's scaring em with USA exit from NATO.
    Then, WHAT was the reason?
    Or there was none? :-))))
    They just happen to decied... we spending far to much money on social and business development programs... let's spend some more on weapon too, yes? :-)))

    \\"Well, I do not know. And don't care. NMP"... of course you don't care. Yet you comment anyway. Obvious reason being to defend donald tRump and attack Democrats.

    In your feverish imagination -- anybody who are not chanting Dem-dogmas --
    "defend donald tRump and attack Democrats".

    But I... have no problem with that. Continue-continue. ;-P

    \\"And people will vote him [tRump] in... Qtard's dream. Obviously.

    No. Just a possibility.
    Wise people do concider different possibilities. ;-P

    \\"No. You didn't/ You only accused him being first "ally of Putin". Then even puppet of Putin"... I did. Qtard lies. Or doesn't remember because he is an idiot.

    With that.

    \\\\Why Putin didn't invade Ukraine when donald was president. Like I've been saying.

    You NEVER explained. THAT.
    You just trying to make believe that you said anything viable about it.
    But you didn't.

  40. \\"But was unsuccessful with providing EVEN TINIEST plausedle... not argument, even conspirological construct -- WHY that might be true."... Given the amount of evidence, it is HIGHLY plausible.

    The same as earlier you claimed that "that somebod-somebody said something-someting" is "the facts"??? Yes??? :-))))

    \\ Qtard obviously does not know definition of "plausible". NMP.

    (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.

    That is definition *I* use.

    But your use of word "plausible" sugest that you are using some OTHER definition.

    As practicly nothing of what you keep repeating ad nauseam -- neither reasonable nor probable.


    Reasonable mean -- can be checked with reason, means with Logic and deductive inference.

    Probable mean -- can be checked with OWN LYING EYES.

    But each and every time... what you propose as "plausible"...

    that is just sombody-somebody's words, one must believe without doubts, that what that sombody-sombody say is true... without access to real data even promiced to be given.

    Like to that preacher in a church -- that we all will have eternal bliss, or eteranl damnation... ;-P

  41. "something-someting is the facts?? Yes???"... I never said anything about "something something". I cited the IC assessment which was that collusion occurred. They rated their conclusion as "high probability". Also the bipartisan Senate Intelligence committee. Which says there was collusion between tRump and Russia.

    "...seeming reasonable or probable. ... you are using some OTHER definition"... No. I am not. But you clearly are.

  42. \\ I never said anything about "something something". I cited the IC assessment which was that collusion occurred. They rated their conclusion as "high probability".

    And how many TIMES I need to repeat to you defintion of what facts is...
    for you to grap simple and obvious truth -- that that "high probability" IS NOT FACT.

    Even by it's own self-reference. Theory of Probability -- is NOT about facts.
    But only about CHANCES to be facts. ;-P

    \\ Also the bipartisan Senate Intelligence committee. Which says there was collusion between tRump and Russia.

    And? Why there NO trial still?
    Maybe, just maybe. BECAUSE that is THEIR OPINION (no matter how good based),
    but there is NO facts eligable for a court.

    \\"...seeming reasonable or probable. ... you are using some OTHER definition"... No. I am not. But you clearly are.

    How that could be???
    While I gave you MINE.
    And you hesitate to YOURS. ;-P

    That makes your claims too lightweight, practicly baseless... well, as always. :-))
