Wednesday, February 22, 2023

American Neo-Liberal and COVID Lysenkoism

Does America need a COVID-19 Response Truth & Reconciliation Commission?


  1. That's one vote for Trofim Lysenko. Do we have another?

  2. "Dr Fauci comes to mind". What bullplop.

    "In our world we're dealing with a number of different kinds of lysenkoism". We aren't. At least Lindsey didn't cite any actual examples.

    "That's one vote for Trofim Lysenko"... Zero votes. Mystere (if he watched the video) would surely agree with Lindsey's tinfoil hat anti-science bigoted false framing.

    1. Assface Dervish is fixated on smearing Mystere, even though he isn't here, commenting. Assface Dervish has cheap loose morals which will catch up to him when he finds himself at Fire Lake.

  3. derp: The constant repeating of an opinion after facts have proved it incorrect, especially as a rhetorical tactic.

    James Lindsey video = bigly derping. How many times does he repeat the word "lysenkoism"? Hundreds, easily. Even though it isn't applicable.

  4. \\derp: The constant repeating of an opinion after facts have proved it incorrect, especially as a rhetorical tactic.

    Yap. That's what you doing. That's why you are Derpy. ;-P

    What you know about Lysenko??? Anyway. :-))))))))))))

  5. Dervy is Lysenko's biggest fan. It's all about the "scientisms" with the Derv...

  6. Qderp: Yap. That's what you doing. That's why you are Derpy.

    That's what you do. Why you are Qderp.

    Yap: "to talk in a shrill insistent way".

    I think Qderp meant to write "yep". Though maybe he did mean "yap". That's what he wrote.

    Minus: It's all about the "scientisms" with the Derv.

    Scientism: "...the opinion that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality".

    A bad thing according to magical thinkers like Qderp and Minus.

    "In psychology, magical thinking is the belief that one's thoughts by themselves can bring about effects in the world or that thinking something corresponds with doing it".

    Don't you believe in "meme magic" Minus?

  7. ps - If you want to stop a hurricane, just get a covid shot

    ...and if you have to 'splain it later, it must never have been a mistake. ;)

  8. \\Dervy is Lysenko's biggest fan. It's all about the "scientisms" with the Derv...

    Ehmm??? Lisenko and scientism???? Lisenko was peasant with hardly complete school education.
    That is just his ideas was looking "in accordance with political trends". Well... barely. :-))))

    \\That's what you do. Why you are Qderp.

    As always. Fact-less empty babbling. :-))))

    \\A bad thing according to magical thinkers like Qderp and Minus.

    Oh, yes... and that is your SCIENTIFICAL discovery? :-)))))
    Based on facts. Logical analysis. Based on scientifical theory, maybe.
    No? Why no? Because that is just a lame back-bite of genuinely magically thinking person -- who think that if it'll repeat and mirror successful arguments of opponent back at them... it would be sure win tactic to show own intellectual superiority.
    Yap. Derpy? Yap. Yap. Yap. :-)))))

    \\"In psychology, magical thinking is the belief that one's thoughts by themselves can bring about effects in the world or that thinking something corresponds with doing it".

    Correct citation. In ages.

    And very to the point. To boot.

    But I'm sure -- it's just an accident.

    Or more like -- because of Derpy's idiocy -- it even didn't grasped how it disprobe its own missive. ;-P

  9. Scientism...
    1: methods and attitudes typical of or attributed to the natural scientist
    2: an exaggerated trust in the efficacy of the methods of natural science applied to all areas of investigation (as in philosophy, the social sciences, and the humanities)

    ....but my paper was peer reviewed. That MAKES it true.

  10. Treating science as religion. e.g. That there is no need to hone own understanding and expertise, mere repeating after others is just enough and are "perfectly scientific".

  11. Qtard earned a degree in virology in order to hone his own understanding and gain expertise? Amazing if true. Though my guess is that Qtard is full of shit.

    1. 🔺🔺This comment has the buttstink of Assface Dervish Sanders.🔺🔺

      Assface Derpish Sanders has been shoving his face up some fat stinky queertard's butt at his gay brothel on Highway 69 in Paris Tennessee.

  12. \\Qtard earned a degree in virology

    Well... that is not scientism. Derpy is such an idiotic thingy.
    That something like primitive scientism even -- totally beyond its miserly abilities.
    Its realm it's absolutely primitive credentism. "Only that who bestowed with some badges and diplomas, can have a say". :-)))))))))))))))

  13. Qderp: Only that who bestowed with some badges and diplomas, can have a say.

    Qderp wants his grocer to have a say if he needs surgery? Qderp wants his florist in the OR "having a say" as to where to cut when he goes under the knife? If Qtard's plumber did his own research -- to hone his understanding and expertise -- then Qtard should be fine with his plumber "having a say" re how Qtard's tumor will be surgically removed. I'm sure Qtard will be fine.

    Rattrapper (aka Mystere): Dervish is fixated on smearing Mystere, even though he isn't here...

    Mystere is fixated on projecting his gayness onto others. Because he (as a closeted gay man and self-hating bigot) is ashamed of the gay fantasies that run through his (tiny) mind constantly.

  14. That explains why so many of those stories are catalogued on your blog...

  15. \\Qderp wants his grocer to have a say if he needs surgery?

    If he have reputation. And practiced surgery for ages... for example in USMC.

    Well. Anyway. Having around someone capable of performing Heimlich Maneuver. Cut your trachea. Or perform basic CPR.
    Can be life saving.

    But well, I not imposing my survival instincts on you. You can wait for your wodoo magic practitioner with all creds. ;-P

  16. To rise you as fresh and fruity zombie....

    well, difference in your case would not be that big.

    On the contrary, as a zombie you'll be even smarter. ;-P

    Like, not trying to burge into discussions with opponents way above your miserly skills. :-)))))))

  17. "wodoo magic practitioner" has not been bestowed with badge or diploma that allows them to perform surgery, dipshit. I don't care if the "wodoo magic practitioner" can perform the Heimlich Maneuver, cut my trachea, or perform basic CPR. I'd sue for malpractice if I was receiving surgery and a "wodoo magic practitioner" was allowed in the room. Same goes for a voodoo magic practitioner.

    Qtard might like to have his trachea cut unnecessarily. For me it's a hard pass. Unless necessary. Then a doctor (not a grocer) can do it.

  18. \\"wodoo magic practitioner" has not been bestowed with badge or diploma that allows them to perform surgery, dipshit.

    By the time specialist with "badge or diploma that allows them to perform surgery" would come... you'd be a lukewarm body.
    So, only dodoo practitioner would see any merit in treating you. ;-P

  19. Qtard is using his precognition abilities to foretell my future? I say Qtard is confused and what he sees is HIS future. He will have to accept assistance from "doodoo practitioner" or die. I don't care either way. "doodoo practitioner" may be able to help Qtard... given that he has shit-for-brains.

  20. \\Qtard is using his precognition abilities to foretell my future?

    Oh... I beg myself a pardon.
    For that.
    That I keep forgeting that you are mentally deficient aka idiot.
    And unable to grasp what "hypothesis" is.
    So hypotethising that is impossible fit for you demaged mind.
    I'm so sorry... for it. ;-P

  21. Qtard's "hypothesis" is that a "doodoo practitioner" will raise me as a zombie? In Qtard's "demaged mind" zombies are real. Yep, Qtard definitely has shit-for-brains.

  22. \\Qtard's "hypothesis" is that a "doodoo practitioner" will raise me as a zombie?

    Yet one trait of an idiot exposed -- inability to grasp irony. ;-P

  23. Irony is the reason you call yourself "Q"? Because Star Trek Q is intelligent super-being while Qtard is a moron. Yes?

  24. Trekkie idiot revealed. ;-P

    And you think that you are smart, because you watched ST??? :-))))
    And know all Physics? How much dilitium one must consume to warp to that planet with green-skinned babes? ;-)

    PS Well, Q in ST was functional idiot, anyway. ;-P

  25. "Trekkie idiot revealed"... I'm not that much of a fan -- you're talking about yourself again?

  26. \\"Trekkie idiot revealed"... I'm not that much of a fan -- you're talking about yourself again?

    Man, you R funny.

    "Because Star Trek Q is intelligent super-being while Qtard is a moron."

    You know such a fine details. And invoced it without any reason to that given.
    And trying to play it like "no-no, I am NOT trekkie". :-))))
    I bet you even have a set of pointy ears... and wearing em in secret... because it makes you fill yourself SO SMART, yes, De-Ru-Pi? :-))))

    I. As foreigner. Have perfect excuse. That was just a part of my cultural studies. ;-P

  27. No. But believe what you. I seriously do not give a shit if you are a Trekkie.

  28. :-))))))

    And that is after you revealed your ins and outs. ;-P
