Thursday, January 5, 2023

Vaccine Related Issues?




  1. No.


    "Watch on YouTube"???

    How is this possible, Minus? Given the harsh censorship conservative are subject to on social media?

  2. Proven once more... another Covid related/ and peer reviewed scientific paper removed by the censors. The more Covid vaccines you get, the more Covid you eventually get.

  3. YouTube must really hate Dr. John Campbell.

  4. "This video has been removed by the uploader".

    "The cenors" uploaded then removed the video?

  5. No, they simply gave a "Strike" to the uploader and threatened to demonetize him if he didn't take down the video.

  6. As of December 2022, his YouTube channel had 2.6 million subscribers and over 581 million views.

  7. So what you're confirming is that Dr. John Campbell tells lies for money.

  8. No, he says "nothing" for money. He gets paid for NOT saying certain things that the Government directed billionaires don't want him to say.

  9. Yes. It's his lies that get the clicks. It's the clicks that get the money.

  10. What's that tell you about the MSM then?

  11. It generally gives people the truth. Because that is what most people want. There are plenty of alternatives for people (like you) who want lies. aka you aren't being censored.

  12. At this momment? No. But My posts have been blocked/ taken down (on Facebook). I have had them slapped with "warning labels" (on Facebook). It's why I no longer participate on Facebook. It's your kinda place... 1930's Germany (on Facebook).

  13. My Facebook restrictions just ended recently. Imposed because I posted something antisemitic that said covid is a Jewish conspiracy. Posted because I disagreed with it. Apparently Facebook thought I posted it because I agreed. So I needed to be punished. No way to tell them I posted it to mock it's ridiculousness that I could find.

    I'd guess that Facebook does not tolerate antisemitism would be an example of why it isn't for you.

  14. I'm not the one posting Jewish conspiracy theories, Dervy. As you've admitted, THAT would be you.

  15. You only posted "happy 8/8" in celebration of Hitler's birthday on Lisa's blog. Even though you don't post about how great you think Hitler is a lot, you must have posted about it at least a couple of times on Facebook. What I admitted to was posting about a fake conspiracy in order to call out how absurd it is.

  16. Aren't you a member of the 161>88 club?

    btw - What was the "date" that I posted it?

  17. ...oh, that's right, ANTIFA is an "imaginary" organization, but with a flag like "Kekistan". LOL!

  18. It's Very real. It's wherever I, and millions like me, live.

  19. But you said the number of White Supremacists in the United States is 100k max.

  20. Yeah, actual white supremacists... not magically defined ones.

  21. I'm not the one that needs a racist adversary to maintain my sense of moral identity.

  22. So... you say that you are NOT tolerant? (asks sneakily) :-)))

  23. It's his "identity" Q. What would a Goblin Slayer be if there were no Goblins to slay? Would he invent some?

  24. There is no "negative peace" in Dervy's world. Just like there's no negtaive liberty. It's either Dervy totalitarianism, or nothing.

  25. LOL! That's YOUR identity, Minus. republicans live to create imaginary enemies to slay. The outrage machine is useful to keep the rightturd base riled up. Why dotard donald ran on White grievance. Woke liberals, race hustlers, the gay mafia, groomers, takers, and socialists are ALL conspiring to cancel White "culture".

    Under rightturd totalitarianism they get to tell everyone else how to live their lives. Women shouldn't be permitted bodily autonomy, gay people need to stay closeted, transexualism isn't real (these people are mentally ill), American is a "Christian nation", America's problem with racism is largely solved (except in the Democratic party, despite most African Americans voting for Democrats) etc.

    I didn't imagine that a rally that included neo-confederates and neo-nazis marched at a "unite the right" rally while flying their flags or that these same types of people attacked the capitol when their White Supremacist leader LOST his bid for reelection :P

  26. \\I didn't imagine that a rally that included neo-confederates and neo-nazis marched at a "unite the right" rally while flying their flags or that these same types of people attacked the capitol when their White Supremacist leader LOST his bid for reelection :P

    And... please continue with saying truth -- that they was doing that because woke demon-rats propaganda showed them -- on examples of Arab Spring and Revolution in Ukraine, that that is O.K., that that is justice and Direct Democracy. ;-P

  27. My ability to BS pales in comparison to your skills. You must have a master's degree in bullshitology. donald tRump should hire you as an advisor.

  28. I do have a BS and an MS, but they're in the Sciences.

  29. \\What bullshit.

    O.K. Your version.

    From WHERE they come to such b.s. idea -- that Capitol that is place where "servants of people" gether AND people HAVE RIGKT (bullshit idea, isn't it?) to go to check their work directly?

  30. The "servants" in DC HATE "feedback/ control" loops.

  31. Qtard: ...that Capitol that is place where "servants of people" gether AND people HAVE RIGKT (bullshit idea, isn't it?) to go to check their work directly?

    That We should ALLOW angry insurrections (angered by lies) into the Capitol to assassinate lawmakers is one of your most qtarded ideas to date. btw, how would citizens "check their work directly"? As per dotard donald, all the cheating already took place, so if they had checked, they'd have found that the electoral votes added up to a victory for Joe Biden. btw, C-Span films what goes on there. So there is a way The People can check in on what Congress is doing.

  32. They also have another... a gallery above the Senate Floor where observers are allowed to watch proceedings.

  33. \\That We should ALLOW angry insurrections (angered by lies) into the Capitol to assassinate lawmakers is one of your most qtarded ideas to date.

    There's no "allowing", mister.

    Go ask
    Louis XVI - Wikipedia › wiki › Louis_XVI
    Louis XVI was the only king of France ever to be executed, and his death brought an end to more than a thousand years of continuous French monarchy. Both of his ...

    Execution of Louis XVI - Wikipedia › wiki › Execution_of_Louis_...
    The execution of Louis XVI, a major event of the French Revolution, took place publicly on ... within the nation, although Louis would not be the last king of France.

  34. Re "Hang Mike Pence", Qtard is disappointed it didn't happen. Then dotard donald could have declared martial law and retained the presidency. So much for his stated belief in the courts. All the tRump team lawsuits were thrown out, yet Qtard is disappointed US lawmakers were not murdered.

  35. Oh, look, the 2024 presidential candidates that planted all those classified documents on Biden also planted them on Mike Pence....

    ...was it Trump AGAIN?????? LOL!

  36. \\Re "Hang Mike Pence", Qtard is disappointed it didn't happen.

    Whose zat Meekl Punc???

  37. Who says any documents were planted re Biden or Pence? I thought that was one (of many conflicting) explanations re why dotard donald had (and likely still has) documents he should not have.

    Mike Pence won't be picked by dotard to be his VP a second time. He refused to steal the presidency for tRump. I've heard Marjorie Taylor has put herself forward as a dotard VP candidate. She must think being 100 percent pro-coup is a reason she should be selected.

  38. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    former Trump Vice President.

    Like I care.

    What's name of Zelensky's VP? ;-P

  39. That's it. ;-)

    In general. You can threat me as a mere american highschooler.
    That know some trivia... but mostly don't care about it.
    As not recived that amount of indoctrination for that.

  40. Minus: I LOVE MTG! :)

    She is a complete nutjob. Though that should not get her sent to a mental institution. As an insurrectionist she belongs in prison. Did she divorce her husband to marry you?
