Tuesday, January 10, 2023

So, How's that War in Ukraine Going? When is Russia Going to Surrender?

h/t - Woodsterman


  1. But, but... "Russians NEVER surrender" ;-P

  2. Somebody should tell THAT to the US media...

  3. Well... you are free to go on streets with banner "Please, turn ON Russia TV" ;-P

    Who knows, maybe there'd be big crowd of likeminded.

    Well, Russian TV will see you for sure. Maybe even give you a few backs. ;-P

  4. See? Ukraine WON! Hurray!

    ...which one of you's going to tell Putin?

  5. Quote: "More than 1,200,000 people have used information resources from the ‘I Want To Live’ project. The overwhelming majority of them are people who are in the territory of the so-called Russian Federation.

    Do you still NOT KNOW how masterful are journalists with headlines??? :-)))

    Do you, or not? Or... I must begin to think about you the same as about that Nigero???
    For not knowing, not caring, not understanding... such a basics.

    \\who surrender, and also to entire divisions. These are not only rank-and-file troops, but also officers.

    Seems like "lost in translation".

    As it obviously mean "platoons" or similar small divisions... not brigades or batallions. :-)))

    Background: On 4 October, Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence reported that over the past few weeks over 2,000 Russian soldiers had contacted them asking for an opportunity to surrender.

    Does it not look like it?
    You have some other, better info? ;-P

  6. So, Qtard's undisclosed sources say Russian soldiers are not surrendering? Do you have some other, better info, Qtard? Apparently Qtard believes "how masterful are journalists with headlines" proves there has been no surrendering.

  7. I think that he was inferring that numbers surrendering are "exaggerated". Do you dispute this claim?

  8. \\So, Qtard's undisclosed sources say Russian soldiers are not surrendering? Do you have some other, better info, Qtard? Apparently Qtard believes "how masterful are journalists with headlines" proves there has been no surrendering.

    Seriously, Derpy. Go check your brain.
    WHERE in my words you see any base for such your claims???

    \\I think that he was inferring that numbers surrendering are "exaggerated". Do you dispute this claim?

    Yep. It clearly was "missed in translation".
    And journalist was either not capable to grasp, or doesn't care about precise number of prisoners.
    Which still is quite big.
    Given how exchange of prisoners of war going.
    Not less then more open to the public numbers from RFia.

  9. So... Russian soldiers have surrendered and continue to surrender. In numbers "Which still is quite big" Qtard says. But they don't count. Because (according to Qtard) they're all going back to Russia (and later returning to the fight) via prisoner exchanges?

    Politico says a September 2022 "prisoner exchange is the biggest swap between the two sides since the start of Russia's invasion in February". "215 Ukrainian and foreign fighters [were} released in exchange for more than 50 Russian prisoners".

    Sounds about even?

  10. \\So... Russian soldiers have surrendered and continue to surrender. In numbers "Which still is quite big" Qtard says. But they don't count. Because (according to Qtard) they're all going back to Russia (and later returning to the fight) via prisoner exchanges?

    I congrats your tryes to think logically. But still, you are far-far-away from being proficient with it. ;-P

    That is a war. With armies already counts in millions, which lasts for almost a year already.

    Of course there is thousands of prosoners of war. Is it big? Is it small?
    Depends on what your ruler and comparation examples are.
    So, what is yours. ;-P

    \\Sounds about even?

    How much do you know? About all that situation. About whole hemisphere history and realities. About thing called war.

    For example, that Russians was hesitating to exchange soldiers... becaise they was waiting for a quick victory -- so, naturally, why bother?
    And, that is bad for publicity.
    And, they genuinely DON'T care about their soldiers lifes.
    So, they was forced to start to do that, because of need to save most important surrendered, like: officers, spyes, colaborants.

    And, of coarse, they NEVER saying WHO exactly they pulled out...
    in contrast with open info from Ukrainian side.

  11. No more questions? Ah,Derpy?

  12. "Derpy" asked questions? Presumably you answered them? I must have missed that. Did Minus delete these comments?

  13. I don't delete sh*t without informing people, Derv. Call Bill Gates if you're having problems.

  14. I wasn't referring to any comment I submitted. I was talking about comments made by "Derpy". I don't see any. I think Qtard imagined them.

    btw, Blogger is owned by Google. Bill Gates isn't involved in running Google as far as I know.

  15. I don't see any "Dervy's" around either, but here you are answering to him.

  16. I bet it's not hard to play dumb if you are one, isn't it Derpy?

    Please confirm. I am very interested in ever little piece of info from that incredible verse of im... that special people. ;-P

  17. Being called "fool" by a fool... goes in weight of feather. ;-P
