Monday, January 2, 2023

On Jeffrey Epstein's Links to the US IC, the Clintons, and the Clinton/ Gates Foundations; SBF & Center for Effective Altruism; and the WEF and Public/ Private Partnership


  1. Once we started learning about that pedo perv, I knew there was no way he as just an independent operator. He had to be very well connected.

    I wonder what happened to all those incriminating photos and videos of the rich ad famous he was supposed to have possessed?

  2. The more rich you become, the more perverse your menu options become. Want a slave you can quietly piss on?Want to hunt and kill and eat dark-skinned people in the wild? Someone is getting paid to provide that service and keep that secret. What else are you going to spend your exorbitant wealth upon? Ransoms when your family is kidnapped?

  3. what happened to all those incriminating photos and videos of the rich ad famous

    In a safe at Langley, awaiting an "opportunity".

  4.'s the one right next to J Edgar Hoover's old office safe.

  5. ps - Don't worry, SF, they'll eventually get to the bottom of it... e-r-r-r-r... about the year 2120. @@

  6. TC, Lots of truth in your comment. That's why I never joined in on being outraged over Justin Bieber or any other rich young star's behavior.

    I remember when I was 18. If I had had that kind of money and fame, I would have been dead at 19.

  7. @SF- "rich people problems."

    I may be poor , but I'll never be hospitalized with an octopus up my ass.

  8. Those links were severed when Trump's check bounced

  9. What about those Trump-Epstein links?

    Can you provide some links?

    I'm fairly certain, if there were one scintilla of evidence of Trump engaging in the pedo debauchery, millions of words would have been spilled by now, and political spotlight progressive prosecutors would be trampling each other straining to be the first to prosecute.

    So yeah, what about that? Is the press and the deep state covering it all up?


  10. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    There'd be no response from Derpy. ;-P On this.

  11. Silverfiddle snickered. Qtard predicts no response. Because none can be given. There are zero links between donald tRump and Jeff Epstein. They never even met.

    "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy", Trump, who has been accused of sexual assault and misconduct by at least 21 women, told New York magazine in 2002. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life".

    The two men are also connected via a lawsuit brought forward by an anonymous woman who alleges that both Trump and Epstein violently raped her when she was 13. The woman sued both men in 2016, first under the pseudonym "Katie Johnson" in California and then as "Jane Doe" in New York. She claimed that they allegedly argued over who should take her virginity.

    I'm fairly certain, if there were one scintilla of evidence of Bill Clinton engaging in the pedo debauchery, millions of words would have been spilled by now, and political spotlight conservative prosecutors would be trampling each other straining to be the first to prosecute. So yeah, what about that? Is the press and the deep state covering it all up?

  12. I refer you to today's post on why AGs aren't lining up....

  13. Did you contribute to theTarl Warwick tinfoil hats fund? He says he takes donations.

  14. It get's better. Guess who turns up in the USVI a few days before the USVI AG gets fired in the Epstein suit? The Big Guy... Mr. "I fired that Ukrainian Prosecutor."

  15. I wonder if USVI AG Denise George was a corrupt MAGA Prosecutor...

  16. All this leftnut fuss and blather to end up where we started: No incriminating Trump-Epstein connection.

  17. All this rightnut fuss and blather to end up where we started: No incriminating Clinton-Epstein connection.

  18. Doubtful the government is sitting on all that incriminating Epstein evidence to protect Donald Trump.

  19. \\Mr. "I fired that Ukrainian Prosecutor."

    That is overstated. Like... ben Laden bragging of "ho-ho-ho, that's *I* who sent Cathrina storm at USA". ;-P

  20. :P

    btw, what's "Cathrina storm"? A movie starring the actor Ben Laden? It isn't listed on his IMDB page.

  21. How'd that impeachment go, Dervy? lol!

  22. Better than any impeachment of Joe Biden will go -- if tried. tRump will go down in the history books as the only president ever impeached twice. He should have been removed the first time.

  23. \\btw, what's "Cathrina storm"?

    Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia › wiki › Hurricane_Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina was a destructive Category 5 Atlantic hurricane that caused 1,392 fatalities and between $97.4 billion to $145.5 billion in damage in late ...

    \\ tRump will go down in the history books as the only president ever impeached twice.

    Or trice? ;-P

  24. Accusations aren't verdicts, Dervy. :)

  25. LOL! How many judges handed down verdicts validating that the 2020 election was rigged or stolen?

    So... Hurricane Katrina is "Cathrina storm" in Qtardese. OK. And "Osama bin Laden" is "Ben Laden". Who knew his (middle?) name was actually "Benjamin"?

  26. How many judges handed down verdicts validating that the 2020 election was rigged or stolen?

    How many of those judges permitted the presentation of evidence?

  27. "Permit" had nothing to do with it.

    Rudy Giuliani: "We’ve got lots of theories, we just don’t have the evidence".

  28. Sorry, but when arguments are rejected by judges w/o hearings, the evidence is moot.

  29. Rudy Giuliani: "We’ve got lots of theories, we just don’t have the evidence".

  30. Evidence of lots of other things, malfeasance, gross administrative incompetence... just can't prove the "intent" necessary to get a fraud conviction.


  31. Minus delusions...

    Rudy G: your honor, the election was stolen from my client, donald tRump. Enough votes to make donald tRump the winner must be thrown out.

    tRump-appointed judge: please present your evidence of fraud.

    Rudy G: this is not a fraud case, your honor.

    tRump-appointed judge: then why should lawfully cast ballots be thrown out?

    Rudy G: lots of other things, malfeasance and administrative incompetence.

    tRump-appointed judge: you have evidence of malfeasance?

    Rudy G: I have affadavids.

    tRump-appointed judge: That evidence is not allowed to be heard. I ♥️ the deep state. Case dismissed.

  32. I'm not the one who blinded himself to reality.

  33. LOL. So when is dotard donald going to reinstated -- as predicted by the My Pillow crackhead multiple times?

  34. ...probably about the same time Mueller will produce evidence of Russian collusion or Schiff will produce evidence that Trump's a Russian agent.

  35. Donald trump is currently president? Who knew?

  36. Trump's in jail for treason? Who knew?

  37. tRump is only not in prison for treason because I refuse to act. So tRump can thank me for remaining a free man. At least that's the claim put forward by the Qtard derp.

  38. You mean that you can't kick and scream from your highchair any louder? My, my, my... I've never known you to doubt your considerable powers of persuasion before now. You must be slipping...

  39. A monument to the pas-tout of Deep State bureaucracy.

  40. LOL! I thought it was a monument to a man-baby whose sales-pitch is victimhood -- of the "globalists", The New World Order, the "deep state", the "liberal media", cancel culture, cultural genocide, social media censorship, wokeism, groomers, CRT, Feminists, the "gay mafia", welfare moochers, voting -- and many others.

    The threats to Straight White Male Supremacy are countless and Minus screams from his highchair in protest of them all.

  41. And... will here be links, that prove that brazen accuasations?



  42. I didn't make any "brazen accusations". So... No, there will be no links.

  43. Indeed. That was just regular woke insect screaching. You know, like that cicadas, who crawl out of mud to bother people with their noise, once in a while. ;-P

  44. Where are the screams FOR White Supremacy, again, Dervy? I hear a lot of screams against it... but I suspect that out of a population of 340 million, there are likely less than 100k "white supremacists" left screaming FOR white supremacy... unless, of course, you re-define white supremacy to mean anything opposed to "affirmative action" for minorities even decades after it has outlived its' usefulness. As most people wouldn't call this a demand for white supremacy so much as a common sense demand for abiding to principles of equality established long before affirmative action, as a temporary remedy, had been legislatively proposed.

  45. Only using your ridiculous Mot and Bailey definitions and arguments

  46. 74,223,975 are the number of voters who have no problem with the White Supremacist donald tRump being elected president. Many are likely not hardcore White Supremacists (and some are dupes), but they all said "YES" to giving the David-Duke-endorsed donald tRump a second term :P

  47. You mean the President who openly denounced white supremacist over 38 times? LOL!

    You really need to come up with some more credible boogeymen and new ad hominems, Dervy.

  48. tRump (*wink* *wink*) "denounced" the very fine people who voted for him? David Duke must have quickly withdrawn his endorsement. Though tRump likely didn't care, given that he'd never heard of David Duke. Just like he never heard of Nick Fuentes. LOL! You really need to come up with a better strategy than just denying the obvious over and over.

  49. \\You really need to come up with a better strategy than just denying the obvious over and over.

    Why he should... seeing how successful you are with such a tactic? ;-P

  50. \\You lie, Qtard.

    At least you able to puzzle me.

    Where exactly you see lie? And well, before answering -- please turn back from mirror or any other glass-like surface. Better... do it in a tiolet, with light swithed off. :-))))

  51. No answers from Derpy.

    pre... again.

  52. Derpy not inclined to elaborate his claims.

    Because he is teethless bullshit talker. ;-P

  53. You said I deny the obvious over and over. No examples or proof given.

    Bullshit talker = Qtard.

  54. \\You said I deny the obvious over and over. No examples or proof given.

    Of course.

    Because that is NOT what I claim.

    But still... it seems like true. That your "deny the obvious over and over" claim. And very observant of you -- that's exactly what you doing -- carefully igniring and omiting and trying to derail and workaraound that disturbing points, you DO NOT like to face. ;-P


    With this.

    You have direct and clear refutation of your claim. That I "do not give examples... ot proofs".

    Which you'd try to put a blind eye to. ;-P

    Be my guest. It will not change my resolve.

  55. Qtard: Which you'd try to put a blind eye to.

    You've never presented any proofs. I will be surprised if you ever do. You only state your bullshit opinions. Like it is personally my fault that donald tRump has not been prosecuted. btw, I have no doubt you are resolved to continue with your stupidity.

  56. Anonymous Q said...
    \\You really need to come up with a better strategy than just denying the obvious over and over.

    Blogger The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist) said...
    You lie, Qtard.




    Obvious and visible Factual Truth.

    That "dotard donald" still free.

    Does it counts as "proof" you asking from me?

    I bet you'll found a way to "deny the obvious over and over". ;-P

  57. You lie, Qtard. I have never denied that donald tRump is currently a free man.

  58. You claimed.


    \\You've never presented any proofs.

    That I.

    \\You only state your bullshit opinions.

    I demonstrated that for the very least I said one fact.
    Fact that even you can't deny.

    And you... trying to derail it into some bullshit debates. Again. :-))))
    Shame on you. Shame on you. ;-P

  59. I'm so ashamed.
