Wednesday, January 18, 2023

How Big a Lie Must You be Willing to Tell to Become a Successful Politician?

...and if telling lies were to disqualify a politician from holding federal office, which politicians in Washington DC today would still be qualified to represent the American people?


  1. George Santos is a Democrat? Who knew? Why'd he vote for McCarthy and get appointments to 2 committees as a reward?

  2. Democrats don't lie? You didn't watch the video.

  3. I did. The Democratic "lies" are fake lies.

    Two weeks ago, Sen. Elizabeth Warren released the results of a genetic test showing she has a small but detectable amount of Native American DNA. The report concluded there is "strong evidence" she had a Native American ancestor approximately six to 10 generations ago :P

    ...the book [Pow Wow Chow]... was not about original recipes, but rather a book of favorite dishes from a given family and therefore include a key understanding the contributor was not the author :P

    "Senator Blumenthal did say in 2010... he served in Vietnam. Not that he served in Da Nang or any particular province". "[Donald Trump] was claiming that Senator Blumenthal said that he served in Da Nang in Vietnam and bragged about [it] but [Donald Trump lied]". [Blumenthal] ...was only in the Marine reserve at time, he said, "I meant the Vietnam era", but took full responsibility for what he called "a few misplaced words" :P

    Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize-winning economist... wrote in MarketWatch Monday that the legislation [the inflation reduction act] "represents a step forward" in the battle against inflation :P

    The "Reason" video is "both sides do it" crap. Put out to minimize the egregious lying of REPUBLICAN George Santos.

  4. So when Biden says we've licked inflation, we should believe him? LOL!

  5. btw - I, and every single American in the country (including those recently imigrated in from China) have as much "Native American" blood as Elizabeth Warren. Jes' sayin.

  6. As The Federalist’s Sean Davis points out, according to The New York Times, the average white person in America has nearly double the amount of American Indian DNA (0.18%) as Elizabeth Warren (0.098%), who claims to be Cherokee.

  7. \\Native American ancestor approximately six to 10 generations ago :P

    Means... on the level of family legend. ;-P
    And NO trait of ethnic/national adgearance.

  8. I'd put it on the level of a test-tube contamination error.

  9. Minus So when Biden says we've licked inflation, we should believe him? LOL!

    That is an exact quote? Do you have a link to a video of Joe Biden saying we have licked inflation? Me, I'm thinking he has never said that and never will. But I will admit to being wrong after you post a video link.

    Minus: ...the average white person in America has nearly double the amount of American Indian DNA (0.18%) as Elizabeth Warren (0.098%). With the information provided and the data collected to date, there is no way to tell if Warren has more or less Native American DNA than the "average" American — a dubious concept to begin with, given vast differences in ancestry across various geographical regions of the country. Notably, Warren has not claimed to be "more" Native American than anyone else, just that she descended from someone with Native American ancestry.

  10. Is George Santos going to be the most successful politician ever?

  11. I paraphrased Joe. :)

    And Warren not only claimed to be "more" native American than everyone else, she insisted that the universities she worked for "recognize" her as such.

    As for George, he's obviously proven to have what it takes to be the next Baarrack Obama. Heck, he's still successfully impersonating an American citizen.

  12. Minus: ...she insisted that the universities she worked for "recognize" her as such.

    She didn't.

    Politifact: Her detractors say she deployed a faux Native American connection to improve her chances of landing teaching jobs at two of the country's top law schools. However, there is no proof Warren gained any special advantage in her career.

    FYI, Barack Obama IS an American citizen.

  13. \\That is an exact quote? Do you have a link to a video of Joe Biden saying we have licked inflation? Me, I'm thinking he has never said that and never will. But I will admit to being wrong after you post a video link.

    Are you retard?
    That unable to use Google? ;-P

  14. However, there is no proof Warren gained any special advantage in her career.

    There's no proof that affirmative action works either.

  15. \\there is no proof Warren gained any special advantage in her career.

    And her political visibility and attractivness among Dems?
    Then you lie. ;-P

  16. Qtard is obviously mentally challenged. He asks me for "proof proof proof" and links whenever I mention well-documented facts. Facts he could easily confirm using Google.

    Affirmative action works, though Elizabeth Warren never tried to gain advantage from it. Minus hates it because it is a threat to White male supremacy.

    "If the administration has clearly licked inflation, as some spokesmen have claimed"...

    Quote from an 1981 article titled "High interest rates, legislative hurdles trouble Reagan".

    Was Joe Biden a spokesman for the Reagan administration?

  17. \\Qtard is obviously mentally challenged. He asks me for "proof proof proof" and links whenever I mention well-documented facts. Facts he could easily confirm using Google.

    You are lying and derailing, in attempt to lie and derail, with a goal to lie and derail, deliberately.

    1) That is some other thread where I said "proofs proofs proofs". Not related to this. That is argument in a bad faith.

    2) Facts doesn't matter... without LOGIC they relate to provided.

    3) You yourself showed enough times that your happy diver in deNile... in regard to "wel-documented facts" provided to you.

    4) etc, etc, etc...

    \\Affirmative action works, though Elizabeth Warren never tried to gain advantage from it. Minus hates it because it is a threat to White male supremacy.

    So? She not used here gender as advantage in brawl with "white male supremacy" too? ;-P

  18. Elizabeth Warren never tried to gain advantage from it.

    All the facts point to the opposite, but please, prove it.

  19. Are you serious? :-) What kind of proof that demo-crite can prodice, howdythnk?

  20. PolitiFact: Her detractors say she deployed a faux Native American connection to improve her chances of landing teaching jobs at two of the country’s top law schools. However, there is no proof Warren gained any special advantage in her career.

  21. there is no proof Trump gained any special advantage from "collusion with Russians".

    Or... you can go in court with your "proofs". ;-P

    Oh... I know, I know. "Not MY business", yes? :-)))))

  22. Qtard: there is no proof Trump gained any special advantage from "collusion with Russians".

    ...prosecutors with the special counsel’s office believe that at that meeting [at the Grand Havana Room] Manafort and Gates provided Kilimnik with “key information” in the form of internal polling data from the Trump campaign. That information could have been vital to assisting Russia in its social media attacks on the U.S. election :P

  23. Qtard: Or... you can go in court with your "proofs".

    They DID go to court, Qtard. Manafort was prosecuted and convicted. Then pardoned by tRump. fyi, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt.

    Qtard: "Not MY business", yes.

    Yes. You claim "not my business" all the time. When you claim to be a foreigner.

  24. Yep...once an idiot, always an idiot. OMG, "Putin got some polling data..."

  25. \\...prosecutors with the special counsel’s office ...believe... that at that meeting [at the Grand Havana Room] Manafort and Gates provided Kilimnik with “key information” in the form of internal polling data from the Trump campaign. That information could have been vital to assisting Russia in its social media attacks on the U.S. election :P

    So? Your accusations based on somebody's "believe"s?

    Congrats Derpy (you really worthy of this name, now), YOUR standards is just the same as of that Putin -- he likes to throw people in jails... while "believing" that they did something-something.

    This way, ONLY difference between HIM and YOU.
    That HE -- CAN do it -- throw people in jail on his whim.
    While YOU only dreaming of it. ;-P

    \\Yes. You claim "not my business" all the time. When you claim to be a foreigner.

    I'm foreigner.
    And you are... with all my due regrets... just a mere idiot. Bleh. :-/

  26. "Believe" doesn't mean "made up". Qtard states what he (incorrectly) believes to be the case all the time. Despite the fact that Qtard has very little idea what he's talking about :P

    That Manafort passed dotard campaign internal polling data to Kilimnik (a Russian agent) was a fact he went to great lengths to conceal. Yet Minus argues it gave dotard donald no advantage. Nothing Putin did to help dotard gave him any advantage, apparently. LOL.

  27. Yeah, those four months starting in May and ending in August 2016 when Manafort ran Trumps's Campaign are what really pushed Trump over-the-top. I wonder where the Russians got their polling numbers from after that...


  28. ...and of course, losing Manafort right before the post-nomination phase of the "general election" pitch to the Nation with an actually nominated presidential candidate... THAt's where the true Russian election promotion genius kicked in... extrapolating that stale polling data into a masterful victory for Trump.

  29. \\"Believe" doesn't mean "made up".

    OMG You do not get it. AT ALL.

    Beliefs that's beliefs. Not proofs, not material evidances, not logical arguments.

    Our minds -- very nasty lyers, when it comes to something we like/want to be true.

    \\Despite the fact that Qtard has very little idea what he's talking about :P

    Yes. See, it's easy for me to say Truth.

    I don't care.
    ALL I need to know about it ALL -- that Trump STILL not in jail, and even not in court.

    Your "proofs" either worthless.
    Even worse -- you are just teethless and incapable to deliver justice to him.

  30. Qtard: Beliefs that's beliefs. Not proofs, not material evidances, not logical arguments.

    That is exactly what "believe" is referring to. YOU are the one who does not get it, Qtard.

    Quote: The IC also refers to "high", "moderate", or "low" confidence levels that reflect the scope and quality of the information supporting its judgments. [end]

    Quote: The United States intelligence community has concluded with "high confidence" that Russian intelligence tried to interfere in the election on behalf of Mr. Trump, and at the instruction of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. [end]

    It isn't my fault that Qtard is clueless when it comes to how the IC assesses intelligence. Qtard is either clueless or a nasty liar.

    The following is from the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report...

    Prior to joining the Trump Campaign in March 2016 and continuing throughout his time in the Campaign, Manafort directly and indirectly communicated with Kilimnik, Deripaska, and the pro-Russian oligarchs in Ukraine. On numerous occasions, Manafort sought to secretly share internal Campaign information with Kilimnik. ... The Committee found that Manafort's presence on the Campaign and proximity to Trump created opportunities for Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and acquire confidential information on, the Trump Campaign. [link].

    Note that the SIC report does not use the word "believe". They list the things they FOUND to be true. Qtard's objection to the word "believe" re IC assessments is bullshit. The IC collects intelligence and assigns it a confidence level. That is what they do. They leave it to other government agencies to prosecute and hold people accountable.

  31. btw, the evidence that members of the Senate bipartisan intelligence committee issued a report confirming that the dotard campaign colluded with Russia was because Michael Flynn was going to tip over their gravy trains (even though he was no longer in government at the time) is non-existent.

    Their conclusions were reached based on the evidence. And yes, as far as prosecuting donald tRump, the Senate Intelligence committee IS "teethless". The DOJ prosecutes. The DOJ (at the time) was headed by dotard toady Bill Barr. Bill Barr wasn't going to prosecute tRump. Jack Smith is currently looking into charging donald tRump. We shall see where that goes.

  32. The IC Assessment of the above Dervish Sanders statement is of a "High Confidence" level. The American people's assessment of all IC Assesments since 2009 lie in the Five Pinnochio range.

  33. Al Gore likes the Climate Change portion of the bill? What a surprise.

    President Joe Biden: For the sixth month in a row, inflation has come down. Measured over the last 12 months, it has fallen... to 6.5 percent. That's down from 7.1 percent the month before. It's down from 9.1 percent this summer. Inflation is now at its lowest level since October of 2021 [1/12/2023].

    As per Minus Joe Biden said (or would say) inflation was licked. Looks like that was a Five Pinnochios claim.

    Joe Biden is doing a good job cleaning up tRump's mess.

    That "the American people's assessment of all IC Assessments since 2009 lie in the Five Pinnochio range" is false.

    Key Takeaways From the 2020 Survey A strong majority of Americans (64 percent) believes that the IC plays a vital role in protecting the nation. Popular support for the intelligence agencies has proved consistent, bipartisan and notably resilient over a four-year span marked by unprecedented hostility emanating from a U.S. president.

  34. So what's the Fed's inflation target, Dervy? How close is Biden to getting there? LOL!

  35. \\It isn't my fault that Qtard is clueless when it comes to how the IC assesses intelligence. Qtard is either clueless or a nasty liar.

    Why do we have courts? Why do it called
    The Trial Process | The Judicial Learning Center › your-day-in-court
    The prosecutor or plaintiff's attorney again goes first. They present evidence in the form of physical evidence or documents and also the testimony of witnesses ...

    Or? IC is so great... and their "high confidence level" can be assumed as Truth... EVEN, without MATERIAL EVIDANCES provided?

    But yeah... Derpy will ignore this question. As all and any basic and most important ones. While keep producing buzz and derailing and camuflaging rethoric.
    THE SAME what Putin's Propaganda DO.
    Still... they learned it from USA, that most modern way of talking lies. (angry evil laughter from hell)

    \\Note that the SIC report does not use the word "believe". They list the things they FOUND to be true.

    Beyond reasonable doubts true??? Ready to be presented in court true???

    Here is MY MOST confident level CONCLUSION -- it is NOT.
    You have NONE of "smoking gun" evidances AND/OR NONE prosecutors with balls tough enough to go with that "high confidence levels" to a court. ;-P

    \\They leave it to other government agencies to prosecute and hold people accountable.

    That's it.
    That means they are free from ANY responsibility.
    For their "high confidence".

    \\Their conclusions were reached based on the evidence.

    Evidances that COURT will take?
    It seems, no.

    \\Inflation is now at its lowest level since October of 2021 [1/12/2023].

    Easy as pie, with fed rate rised so high.
    Or, you are economical embicile who do know a zilch about such dependence? ;-P

    \\Joe Biden is doing a good job cleaning up tRump's mess.

    Because Trump's target was NOT inflation, but growth of economy.
    And now Biden doing ALL to reduce that "Trump's mess". O.K.

    \\Key Takeaways From the 2020 Survey A strong majority of Americans (64 percent) believes that the IC plays a vital role in protecting the nation. Popular support for the intelligence agencies has proved consistent, bipartisan and notably resilient over a four-year span marked by unprecedented hostility emanating from a U.S. president.

    Means 64% are dopes or was succesfully duped.


  36. You miss the point. Then SSCI (Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) is the most CORRUPT organization on the planet. Any findings THEY endorse are LIES. They use the committee to extort bribes.

  37. NMP, remember.

    I judge Derpy's words from perspective of basiest values and logic.

    Predictably, he don't pass such elementary test.
    Anything else... just doesn't matter after that. ;-)

  38. Minus: [The] SSCI... is the most CORRUPT organization on the planet. Any findings THEY endorse are LIES. They use the committee to extort bribes.

    No, I get your point. Your paranoid delusions trump facts (no pun intended).

    According to Qtard "basiest values and logic" ONLY court judgments can determine guilt. Therefore (as per Qtard's basiest logic) the SSCI is completely innocent of corruption.

  39. \\According to Qtard "basiest values and logic" ONLY court judgments can determine guilt. Therefore (as per Qtard's basiest logic) the SSCI is completely innocent of corruption.


    Here only TWO of us opponents here. And we use basiest and simplest way of communication -- text.

    But you... still have problems with distinguishing our positions.
    Meh. You have severe cognitive problems. How you can go on the street even.
    It must be that when your one neighbour pet dog barkin you might think that that other neighbour talking to you in unknown language, ah? :-)))

    That is my claim about courts -- yes. Go protest against it, I wanna look at that trawesty of demo-crite performance. Be my guest.

    About "corruption of SSCCC"... that is OUR kind host claim. And *I* do giv a damn about it. 'Cause, I'm foreigner.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Whatever.


    And even if I would care -- what you'd have from that? :-)))
    Some foreigner sharing some of your pet peevies of USA politics.

  42. Or some insight into your own. SSIC members promising policy pay-offs in return for donations to the McCain/Linsey foundations.

  43. “For Every worry under the sun there is a remedy or there is none; if there is a remedy hurry and find it. If there is none never mind it.”.

  44. Qtard enjoys debating things he doesn't care about. Weird.

  45. It's not a debate talking to you. Ad hominems aren't allowed in debates.

  46. I was sure that was something you didn't know.

  47. Seconded.

    But I like how Derpy using Trump's Style of dabating.

    Only "wrong... wrong... wrong" and silly "mocking". ;-P

  48. In general.

    I see that Fems (funny mistyping, so I decide to keep it) , err... Dems

    seems like adopted Trump's Style of discussing things...
    cause they feel it... superior??? ;-)

  49. Snark is hardly superior. Boojum... THAT is the stuff!

  50. So? You do not feel it that way?

    That Trump adopted Dem-junkies style of pushing thier agenda. (no arguments... only Booing opponents)

    And then, Dems adopted that style... openly now. As before that was only allowed to some fringy leftists.

    Well... for the very leaset that is how it do look like from afar...

  51. The poem describes several varieties of snark. Some have feathers and bite, and some have whiskers and scratch. The boojum is a particular variety of snark, which causes the baker at the end of the poem to "softly and suddenly vanish away, and never be met with again".

  52. I know.

    But that's too murky.

    While I think that my observation is pretty straughtforward.

  53. No. Your observation is incorrect.

  54. Pointing out Qtard's stupidity hardly makes me a know it all. Compared to all the knowledge that exists, I am closer to a know-nothing.

  55. \\No. Your observation is incorrect.

    First. Why you so inclined to burge into others conversation?
    That was between me and Joe.

    Second. And you are certain and will show it promptly WHAT and HOW my observations was incorrect? (while I WAS NOT claiming that they ARE correct, only that they formulated in a direct and obvious way)

    Third. GFY. Quietly.

    \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    Pointing out Qtard's stupidity hardly makes me a know it all. Compared to all the knowledge that exists, I am closer to a know-nothing.

    I can help you, to know some more.
    But I am sure -- that you will ignore this chance. Self-revealingly. ;-P

    Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia › wiki › Dunning–Kruger_eff...
    The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a certain type of task or area of ...

  56. And not person which understand what Logic is about.

    As, that some "trumpturds" MAY (or may not) be D%Ks

    That ABSOLUTELY DO NOT say anything about any other people. ;-P

    Or... simple and short summary -- you a merely an idiot.

    'Cause D&K just cannot discern right from wrong in NEW for them speres.

    While for you -- that is just natural trait. In any sphere. :-))))

  57. Qtard called me out. My stomach acid is really churning now. Not. I actually don't give a crap re Qtard insults.

  58. That was matter-o-factly observation of mine.

    Hardly you are worthy of me trying to defvise insults. To injure such a lowlife. :-))))))))))

  59. My matter-o-factly observation is that the Dunning–Kruger effect explains the lowlife Qtard's qtardedness.
