Monday, January 30, 2023

Hamilton '68 - Nexus of the UniParty (D)&(R) Censorship & Russian DisInformation Fraud Coalition

Wanna know what happens when you cross Trump hating NeoCons and Trump hating Progressive Liberals?  You get Russophobic Warmongers & Idiots trying to start WWIII with a Black List.


  1. What should we do to avoid WWII, Minus? Elect donald tRump in 2024 so he can hand Ukraine over to Putin? Obviously that is what the traitors Greenwald and Taibbi want and will continue working hard to accomplish.

    Putin's puppets and Putin's bots demand free speech! Nothing must stand in the way of their right to flood American media 24/7 with stories about Hunter Biden's laptop and the "Biden Crime Family". Also how dotard donald's proven collusion with Russia was a "hoax".

    Ukrainians want to be "liberated" from their lives. The average Ukrainian citizen (those who don't desire death) hates democracy and self determination and yearns to rejoin Russia and to be ruled by a totalitarian dictator and sexy alpha male.

    Didn't Pussy Riot sing about how they all want to be impregnated by Putin (in one of the videos you linked earlier)?

  2. Who coulda guessed back in '09 that Hillary Clinton's "Russian Reset" button was going to be a NUCLEAR one?

  3. \\What should we do to avoid WWII, Minus?

    You are little bit outdated... Derpy. :-))))

    But that's... you are not retarded for nothing. :-))))

    And well... do you have ANSWERS to that questions?

    That is while your Biden scaredly deny F-16...

    Rethorical question.

  4. What would Ukraine do with F-16's? Can you fly them? Can you maintain them? Can you protect them from Russian bombers? The only way Ukraine can use F-16's is to bring in thousands of Americans to use as "human shields".

    You won't be getting F-16's... and you can use the M1A2s we gave you as high value targets and set up flak traps, because once they run out of gas after their first JP-5 fill-up, they'll become stationary/ immobile targets for the rest of the war.

  5. So, what do you want to say here???

    That USA weapon is useless crap? ;-P

  6. Minus: Who coulda guessed back in '09 that Hillary Clinton's "Russian Reset" button was going to be a NUCLEAR one?

    Nobody, because it wasn't. Putin got the reset he wanted when his puppet dotard donald was installed.

    Qtard: You are little bit outdated... Derpy. But that's... you are not retarded for nothing.

    From the prior thread...

    Qtard: "Bigger Battalions WIN!!!" -- wizdom of all times.

    Qtard: I said it to stop that pointless beakering with Joe/Minus.

    Qtard: Yep, Joe... what about Ukrainians right to be don Kihotes? ;-)

    In Qtardese wisdom is "wizdom", bickering is "beakering" and Don Quixote is "don Kihote". LOL!

    If one typo makes me retarded what does that mean for Qtard (re his frequent and continuous misspellings)?

  7. Qtard: That is while your Biden scaredly deny F-16...

    Qtard is the bravest man who ever lived. Why he wants to fully arm Ukraine. Give them nukes and let's start WWIII tomorrow. Maybe Qtard is looking forward to the nuclear fallout that will mutate him into a superhero.

    btw, I just noticed that auto correct changed my WWIII to WWII. What I'm guessing happened with my "retarded" comment.

  8. Useless w/o an American logistics stream, yes.

  9. \\Nobody, because it wasn't. Putin got the reset he wanted when his puppet dotard donald was installed.

    Yep. That is not Democrates that PLACATED Putin's First Post-Soviet Reconquest war... that was Trump's fault.
    Now I see it enough -- how Dems are NEVER to blame.
    Beccause the moment they layed shit into their pants... it's somebody else DID IT. :-)))))))))))

    Well, Trump have "achievments" of his own -- his "negotiations" with NK Un... that showed to ALL world HOW USA scared to shit even from mentioning of Nukes flying.

    \\In Qtardese wisdom is "wizdom", bickering is "beakering" and Don Quixote is "don Kihote". LOL!

    Made you so excited, yes Derpy?

    That some foreigner who do not use spell-checkers can make such mistakes that your faithful auto-corrector fixs for you.

    While I make such mistakes with my own mind.

    No kludges of auto-corrector can fix you retardiness. ;-P

    \\let's start WWIII tomorrow.

    The more you scared of it... the sooner it'll happen.

    Dogs of war sniffs your fear, and it makes em MORE agitated and arosed.

    But well... you are scared sissy, you never had pet-dog. Only humster... or maybe some guppy-fish, yes Derpy? :-)))))

    \\Useless w/o an American logistics stream, yes.

    Means... it's just useless. You reassured me.

  10. What is a "humster"?

  11. Humsters aren't pets.

    Wikipedia says "A humster is a hybrid cell line made from a hamster oocyte fertilized with human sperm. It always consists of single cells, and cannot form a multi-cellular being. Humsters are usually destroyed before they divide into two cells; were they left alone to divide, they would still be unviable".

  12. \\Derpy's pet?

    Aha... pecular one... which humming to a disturbed Derpy (and that, each time after Derpy's derpines was showed to him on the net) "you r right, you r right, right, right... and they are wrong, they are wrong, wrong, wrong" :-))))))))))))))
