Saturday, January 28, 2023

Big Tech Censorship Jumps the Shark, AGAIN!

On the Hamilton 68 scandal/scam.  Meet the MainStream Media Manipulators @ The Alliance for Securing Democracy.  Trump was right, it was ALL Fake News.

from Sundance:
Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe announced earlier on Friday that Google/YouTube removed the expose’ and undercover story showing Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations – mRNA Scientific Planner, discussing the company pursuing “Directed Evolution” a process to modify the COVID-19 virus. {Direct Rumble Link}

According to the reasoning provided by YouTube, as outlined by O’Keefe, the undercover interview violated the YouTube terms of service for disinformation around the COVID-19 vaccines. This justification despite the claim itself was coming from Pfizer, not Project Veritas. James O’Keefe explains.

The Cloak of Gyges grows ever LARGER! 


  1. James O’Keefe is a proven and admitted liar (pled guilty in 2010 for entering the federal office of then-US Senator Mary Landrieu under false pretenses).

  2. Oh my... a liar. Best plug your ears...

  3. btw - What do you think of criminalized journalism?

  4. I think it is a rightturd delusion. After removing his video, YouTube didn't call the police and have O’Keefe arrested.

  5. What are they waiting for? Don't the police arrest whoever YouTube tells them to? They don't. Because YouTube policy violations don't translate to violations of the law.

    Will your response be "not yet, anyway"? If so, my reply is "or ever".

  6. Wikipedia: Under the Obama Administration, the DOJ did not indict Assange because it was unable to find any evidence that his actions differed from those of a journalist. However, after President Donald Trump took office, CIA director Mike Pompeo and Attorney General Jeff Sessions stepped up pursuit of Assange. [End]

    Didn't tRump appreciate the assistance to his campaign WikiLeaks provided (by releasing hacked DNC server documents provided to them by Russia)?

  7. Wikipedia: Assange is charged for his alleged complicity in illegal acts to obtain or receive voluminous databases of classified information and for agreeing and attempting to obtain classified information through computer hacking. The United States has not charged Assange for passively obtaining or receiving classified information. [End]

    Computer hacking isn't journalism.

  8. \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    What are they waiting for? Don't the police arrest whoever YouTube tells them to? They don't. Because YouTube policy violations don't translate to violations of the law.


    But services already demanding one's phonenumber... or even ID.

    Well, in Russia and China they already going into Internet by passports.
    So it would be simpler for police to find authors of wrong comments.
    And jails already have bunch of them: bloggers, activists, just an idle idealists...

    I bet Derpy would like it -- that whoever said something he do not like -- would be put into jail, isn't it, Derpy?

  9. If Julian hacked nobody, why did the dotard administration pursue him when the Obama administration didn't?

    Quote: "The Obama administration had debated charging Assange under the Espionage Act, but decided against it out of fear that it would have a negative effect on investigative journalism and could be unconstitutional".

    Is conspiring with Russia to get Putin's puppet elected US president journalism? Is sexual assault journalism? Several women made accusations, but Assange fled and hid out in the Ecuadorian embassy waiting for the statute of limitations to expire.

  10. Because the IC spied on the Trump Admin and didn't want their domestic spying hanky-panky/ DNC collaboration activities to be revealed to said Administration, as Trump would shut them down. The Deep State, weaponized by the Obama Admin, felt a need to protect itself (and still does).

  11. Qtard: I bet Derpy would like it -- that whoever said something he do not like -- would be put into jail, isn't it, Derpy?

    I've never met or interacted with this person, "Derpy". I have no idea what "Derpy" likes or doesn't like, but (speaking for myself) I'm opposed to "Derpy" having this kind of power. Not that there is any chance of the authorities giving "Derpy" this power. I doubt "Derpy" even exists. Though maybe when Qtard refers to "Derpy", he's talking about himself?

  12. Wikileaks didn't hack the DNC. Seth Rich gave WikiLeaks the files. The Assange charges reach back to the Manning Days when Assange supposedly helped Bradley figure out how best to get the intelligence files to WikiLeaks. Again, if any "hacking" was done, it was done by Chelsea (the Bradley) Manning. The USIC beef with Assange keeps all that info from the public (they can throw a "classified" cloak of Gyges over it).

  13. ...and I've never met "Minus", have you, Q?

  14. Dervy not onlu enjoys DoubleThink, but he also enjoys DoubleSpeak.

  15. He thereby confuses "cleverness" for "wit". @@

  16. By "spied" you refer to investigation into Russia's efforts to assist the dotard campaign. If the dotard campaign had not been eager to accept help from Russia (but instead informed the FBI if they were contacted by Russians) they wouldn't have been "spied" on. This wasn't "hanky-panky" or "DNC collaboration" but the IC doing it's job. Though (now we know) that Charles McGonigal ran interference for Russia in a successful effort to assist Putin install his puppet.

    Quote: ...the central role of McGonigal, acting as an insider Russian agent, to influence the outcome of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election. ... McGonigal's elevation to a critical slot at the highest level of the FBI just weeks before the November 2016 election was pivotal in the last-minute decision by FBI Director James Comey to announce the relaunch of his investigation into Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's emails that threw her otherwise certain election in favor of GOP candidate Donald Trump at the proverbial 11th hour. [1/26/2023].

    The FBI is guilty of hanky-panky/dotard campaign collaboration.

  17. McGonigal was the Russian Oligarch's FBI HANDLER as a CI for Mueller LONG before Trump ever squeeked about "running for president". Hillary still owes him $20m for their failed Syria op.

  18. We ALL know whose cock the FBI sucks. The same cock that hired Chris Steele to put together a dossier on Trump. The same cock that told the FBI to trust a Ukrainian/DNC company to investigate the "Russia hack" and do the forensics for them.

  19. Hillary is never going to get to live in the Ukrainian dacha on the Black Sea that they're building for her in peace. Boo freakin' Hoo.

  20. btw - How's that George Soros "Ukrainian Corruption Prevention" NGO sh*t going. Finding any corruption since the $100b in US Aid flooded Kyev?

  21. ...or do the politicians they're firing all have (R)s after their names?

  22. Wikileaks didn't hack the DNC. Seth Rich gave WikiLeaks the files.

    He didn't.

    Wikipedia: On 8/1/2017, Rod Wheeler, the private investigator hired by Butowsky who was the first to claim links between Seth Rich's murder and the DNC hack on Fox, but who later appeared to retract his claims, filed a lawsuit ... in which 21st Century Fox, the Fox News Channel, Fox News reporter Malia Zimmerman and Ed Butowsky were named as defendants, stating that quotes attributed to him in the original Fox News piece were fabricated. The lawsuit also alleged that the fabricated quotes were included in the Fox News story at the urging of the Trump White House. ...

    In an email to Fox News, Butowsky also wrote about the purpose behind the [false] Seth Rich story: "One of the big conclusions we need to draw from this is that the Russians did not hack our computer systems and steal emails and there was no collusion (between) Trump and the Russians". [end]

    fyi, the files were obtained by Russian hackers.

    Minus: The USIC beef with Assange keeps all that info from the public (they can throw a "classified" cloak of Gyges over it).

    The Guardian: Republican congressman Dana Rohrabacher admitted meeting Assange ... when speaking with Julian Assange, I told him that if he could provide me information and evidence about who actually gave him the DNC emails, I would then call on President Trump to pardon him"... [9/18/2020]

    Assange couldn't give Rohrabacher proof that the files came from Rich because THAT ISN'T WHAT HAPPENED. Proof that the files came via Rich never existed because they came via Russia.

  23. Maybe Joe Biden can get a few more Soros approved "prosecutors" on the Ukrainian Civil Service employment rolls now, think?

    NMP, Q? Definitely YOUR problem.

  24. Wake tfu, Dervy. You live in the world of a USIC crafted hyper-reality.

  25. All you news since the Obama Admin has been carefully curated to fit a political narrative.

  26. That's why half of the liberal media Greenwald/Talibi/Mate/etc. are no longer on the liberal "narrative".

  27. .

    \\I've never met or interacted with this person, "Derpy". I have no idea what "Derpy" likes or doesn't like, but (speaking for myself) I'm opposed to "Derpy" having this kind of power.

    And ready to die? For that Derpy to have that Right? Right of a free people -- Freedom of Thought. YES??? ;-P

    \\btw - How's that George Soros "Ukrainian Corruption Prevention" NGO sh*t going. Finding any corruption since the $100b in US Aid flooded Kyev?

    Can you provide some factual data about that$$$$$$????

    Cause I heared only about 5.
    And even that, from Most Truthful Russian Propaganda Sources.

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    Maybe Joe Biden can get a few more Soros approved "prosecutors" on the Ukrainian Civil Service employment rolls now, think?

    \\NMP, Q? Definitely YOUR problem.

    Yap. I have a problem. Still have not enough cultural understanding to dechiper this. ;-P

  28. Rightturds love George Soros as a boogeyman because he's Jewish. According to Mystere he's "George sore-ass". "Hilarious" because it combines homophobia and antisemitism.

    That's why half of the liberal media Greenwald/Talibi/Mate/etc. are no longer on the liberal "narrative".

    LOL! Fox a liberal media channel? Who knew?

    FYI, Taibbi is ... no longer affiliated with Rolling Stone, but his Substack newsletter, TK News, is one of the most popular on the site, boasting more than 30,000 paying subscribers. Which means, at $50 a pop, he easily can clear $1 million annually, making him a member of the one percent. [Intelligencer, 10/29/2021].

    Taibbi sold out for sweet trumpturd cash. Despite having "nothing left to lose" (according to you) trumpturd cash flows bigly to propagandists who tell lies the White Supremacist Right likes. Why is Jimmy Dore not on your list?

  29. George Soros OWNS the DNC (Democrat Party). Period. He also runs ALL the anti-corruption NGO's in Ukraine.

    The worst form of corruption in US politics is the "anti-corruption Czar" in Ukraine. Sound about right?

  30. His "Open Society Institute" corrupts everything it touches. Byung-Chul Han has some thoughts on "open societies"...(aka societies of control).

    from Wikipedia:

    Han is the author of twenty books, the most recent of which are treatises on what he terms a "society of tiredness" (Müdigkeitsgesellschaft), a "society of transparency" (Transparenzgesellschaft), and the concept of shanzhai (山寨), a style of imitative variation, whose roots are, he argued, intrinsic to Chinese culture, undermine the distinction often drawn between original and fake, and pre-exist, he argues, practices which in Western philosophy are called deconstructive.

    Han's current work focuses on transparency as a cultural norm created by neoliberal market forces, which he understands as the insatiable drive toward voluntary disclosure bordering on the pornographic. According to Han, the dictates of transparency enforce a totalitarian system of openness at the expense of other social values such as shame, secrecy, and trust.[4]

  31. \\Lets see $50+ billion in 2022 + $45+b committed in 2023...

    the $100b in US Aid flooded Kyev?

    I am noy big specialist in English grammar... but isn't that Past Tense? ;-)

    \\+$3.1b for tanks last week...

    Not a big fee for such a great advertising, isn't it? ;-P

    \\George Soros OWNS the DNC (Democrat Party). Period. He also runs ALL the anti-corruption NGO's in Ukraine.

    NMP. How Ams want to waste theur money.

    And... isn't Soros Brit even?

  32. Transcendance vs. Immanence. West values vs. East Values.

  33. Yes, past-tense + present tense + near future tense + you're making me tense.

  34. How much you think it will cost for Ukriane to defeat Russia? Or will THAT be done by end of 2023? We could give you $1t tomorrow and you would still LOSE.

  35. Perhaps you should carpet Russia with $20 US bills and extinguish all l;ife with a pile 3 meters high?

  36. Almost no other buzzword dominates public discourse today as much as "transparency." It is explicitly called upon, especially in connection with freedom of information. But anyone who tackles transparency only on a moral level and reduces it to corruption, for example, is mistaken in its scope. Transparency is a systemic constraint that covers all social processes and subjects them to serious change. The social system today subjects all its processes to transparency in order to operationalize and accelerate them. The need for transparency also makes us slaves to visibility. The transparency society is a pornographic, exhibited society. At the same time, it manifests itself as a control society. The internet as a space of freedom turns out to be a digital panopticon: a prison, where the prisoners keep an eye on each other. Han's essay explores the illusions and dangers associated with the paradigm of transparency.

  37. Wake tfu, Minus. You live in the world of a rightturd crafted "alternative facts".

    "Jan. 6 rioter who maced Brian Sicknick sentenced to 80 months"... that's over 6 years, Minus. When Brian Sicknick died of "natural causes"??

    Putin's puppets are working hard to discredit the truth of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Putin wants a puppet back in the US presidency in 2024 who will defund Ukraine's self defense. Elon thinks Ukraine should surrender in order to avoid nuclear armageddon? Is that why he's helping Putin?

  38. Elon runs the world, Dervy. Maybe he'll shut-off Ukraine's "StarLink" next week... and their whole military will go dark.

  39. You live in the world of a libturd crafted "only-true facts". Derpy.

    \\Putin's puppets are working hard to discredit the truth of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

    Hello dumbass. Third World War started. And you are in the bull's eye on that target.
    WTF "interference in the 2016 election" garbadge you keep boggling your mind???

    Try to go out of your cosy basment. And assess some NEW and IMPORTANT information.
    While not too late.

    \\We could give you $1t tomorrow and you would still LOSE.

    What do you want here?
    To make some real statement?
    Or just win an argument?

    If second -- I'll give you that.
    You are right.
    Ukraine will lose.
    Putin will win.
    China will not try to do the same.
    All will return to "normalcy".
    Means ICBM will not start flying and etc.
    And you'll keep talking 'bout Zizek and Han.
    And etc, etc, etc...
    Reality -- that bitch. Already turned wheel of fortune. And things will NEVER be as they was any more.

    PS And well... you are free to kill/ban me as that messanger who brought bad news... it will change nothing.

  40. Qtard: Hello dumbass. Third World War started.

    NATO Intervention in Ukraine Won't Spark World War III. ... There are two reasons that this is unlikely. The first is that Russia's military capabilities are poor relative to those of Western armies. Their forces are not sufficiently trained; their equipment and weapons are dated and inferior; they experience major logistical, operational, and tactical difficulties; and their soldiers have low morale. is more likely that nuclear deterrence... will hold. Russia's deployment of nuclear weapons, either against Ukraine or against a NATO member state, could incur devastating consequences for Russia. [Foreign Policy, 4/1/2022]

    Qtard: WTF "interference in the 2016 election" garbadge ... Ukraine will lose. Putin will win.

    You are a tRump and Putin fanboy, Qtard? Or are you just a total dumbass? I say both.

  41. @Q - My wife and I watched "Black Adam" last night. It was a good analogy for the Ukraine-US situation. Foreign Mercenaries have taken over this country of Khandaq, and are oppressing the people. The people resurrect an ancient hero who was imprisoned under a mountain for 5,000 years (Black Adam) and he starts to wipe the planet with the mercenaries. Then the "heroes" from the USA arrive to put Black Adam into his prison before he destroys everything. They aren't there to "liberate the people". They're there to "restore stability" which means to empower the foreign mercenaries, leaving the people their slaves.

    The US ISN'T going to let you win. We're there to stabilize the market for the foreign (corporate) mercenaries, NOT destroy the oppressors.

  42. Black Adam, believe it or not, is Russia.

  43. \\NATO Intervention in Ukraine Won't Spark World War III.

    Gramophone-Derpy cannot think with own brain, and only citing Dem-propaganda.

    How do you think -- WHAT China position mean?

    Would they start invasion on Taiwan... in case RFia not defeated thoroughly.
    Well, even if it will... Xi can think that he'd be MORE lucky.
    Or... he can pump up RFia and North Korea to do that... without ANY harm for China.

    Another word. Do you know History of 20th century? Ah, Derpy?
    Or in your liberal classes it was postponed in favour to chanting libturd dogmas??? ;-P

    \\The first is that Russia's military capabilities are poor relative to those of Western armies.

    And that's why ALL Europe crying that they ALREADY feel their armories depleted. Their armnies NOT READY to war. Their people TRYING to avoid military carear.

    While RFia keep militarizing and pumping up their army.
    Armyu trained in battles. Army that know how blood tastes. Own blood. But blood of innocent victims too.

    And that is EVEN without question of Nukes.
    Europe have NONE of which.
    And USA (in a face of Joe/Minus... and I'm sure Dem-public will be too) declares their "uninvolvment"...

    \\ Their forces are not sufficiently trained;

    What is the BEST training grounds THAN actual war???

    \\their equipment and weapons are dated and inferior;

    But present in big number.
    "Bigger Battalions WIN!!!" -- wizdom of all times.

    \\they experience major logistical, operational, and tactical difficulties;

    And from where you know it? ;-P
    From Dem-propaganda? Same like all else.

    \\and their soldiers have low morale.

    And from where you know it? ;-P
    From Dem-propaganda? Same like all else.

    \\Ukraine will lose. Putin will win.

    \\You are a tRump and Putin fanboy, Qtard? Or are you just a total dumbass? I say both.

    You clearly ARE retarded, Derpy.

    I said it to stop that pointless beakering with Joe/Minus.

    If he wants to bet on Putin -- let it be. That is of no importance for me.
    That is his own bet and his own responsibility.

    \\The US ISN'T going to let you win. We're there to stabilize the market for the foreign (corporate) mercenaries, NOT destroy the oppressors.

    \\Black Adam, believe it or not, is Russia.

    Like that is YOUR OWN thoughts. ;-P

  44. Putin is liberating Ukrainians from their lives and freedom of self determination. Minus believes this is what they want. It's all the Ukrainian Nazis who oppose this. And force old men and women (against their will) to fight their liberators.

    FYI, Black Adam (Dwayne Johnson) is a US citizen and a Democrat :P

  45. \\Putin is liberating Ukrainians from their lives and freedom of self determination.

    Yep, Joe... what about Ukrainians right to be don Kihotes? ;-)

  46. Yes, the Black Adam analogy was my thought expressed as an analogy.

    And now addressing yours, yes, Ukraine has a right to be Don Quixote. But if Ukraine wants to be Don Quixote, I have a right to be Sancho, telling him to stop attacking the windmills, and that his Dulcenea is a 300 pound oligarch.

    Vamos, Rocinante! :P

  47. Yep... in that time (if you know the book) when Quixote was severly beaten by a mob.

    And instead of helping, curing his wounds... faithful Sancho would prozeletize him about need of non-involvment...

    Dark comedy style. With evil clowns and "they all died" as an happy-end.

    PS But what can I say... that is cultural differences fer ya... as they are.
    "Those who falling -- kick in their losy back"(tm) -- Ams custom?

  48. ...but they (NATO/America) won't let you win. They won't give you what is needed to win. And given that... it's best not to fight at all.

    I can't be all-in for a course of action if I won't be allowed to win.

  49. America WON WWII. We didn't win Korea. We didn't win Vietnam. We didn't win Afghanistan. Why? We're not allowed to win (like Israel/ Palestine today) We're not allowed to "conquer" "end" the enemies will to fight.

  50. \\...but they (NATO/America) won't let you win. They won't give you what is needed to win. And given that... it's best not to fight at all.

    Have no experience with street brawls???
    There is times when one freakingly CANNOT not fight.
    As that example with gay advances you yourself gave.

    \\America WON WWII. We didn't win Korea. We didn't win Vietnam. We didn't win Afghanistan. Why? We're not allowed to win (like Israel/ Palestine today) We're not allowed to "conquer" "end" the enemies will to fight.

    All war are similar... but same time very different.

    On what base you do propose me to discern this examples???

  51. On the basis that the Israeli's have lived for 70 years with a "Palestinian Problem" that they could solve in a week if they were allowed to win. The UN's purpose is not to resolve conflicts, but to prolong them by protecting the loser from the winner and paying the loser welfare and paying the winner in weapons.

  52. Are you ready to become the next Gaza/ Palestine? UNWRA's budget just needs to grow...

  53. \\On the basis that the Israeli's have lived for 70 years with a "Palestinian Problem" that they could solve in a week if they were allowed to win. The UN's purpose is not to resolve conflicts, but to prolong them by protecting the loser from the winner and paying the loser welfare and paying the winner in weapons.

    Aha... only previous practice, of endless wars -- was worse.
    Or you have COPREHENSIVE and logical vison... of how it was BETTER???
    Especially with Nukes added into equation.

    \\Are you ready to become the next Gaza/ Palestine? UNWRA's budget just needs to grow...

    You are Know Nothing... that's why I cannot build up contempt to condemn you like Derpy trying to. ;-P

    Go read about "Minsk agreements".

    And when you'll end reading... you can add also Pridnestrovie and Osetia and ETC to you reading list...

    ...but you wouldn't. :-)))

    But do I outraged by your tryes to "bite" me with your half-uniformed, half-desinformed opinionated trolling... am I?

  54. Or you have COPREHENSIVE and logical vison... of how it was BETTER???

    Yes, Americans didn't die due to world-policing the world's idiots. The idiots paid the price for their own stupidities.

  55. Didn't die? Like when? When they fought in Civil war? Or in war against Mexica? Or other of your (pseudo)colonial wars?

    Or... or just at home, from poverty and curable (by modern standards) deseases?

    Well... way for you to fix it, was simple -- just DON'T make that f*g Nukes...
    ans your Ams would be continue dying the old good and honest ways...

  56. We were once a nation of shopkeepers. Now we're a nation of foreign product consumers.

  57. That's Reality fer ya... that nasty bitch. ;-/
