Saturday, January 28, 2023

ANTIFA Dry Runs its Civil War 2.0 Mobilization and Provocateurial Acts

If the FBI appears to turn a blind eye towards ANTIFA, it's because they're in on (and likely directing) the scam.  Acta non Verba!


  1. What is the scam?

  2. You mean the White Supremacist cloak of Gyges.

  3. White Supremacist republiturds are obsessed with race. Democrats are obsessed with equality.

  4. a patently unequal world. Talk about utopic fantasies...

  5. As the wealth gap grows, Democrats have completely gone silent on the subject of "class struggle". Why is that?

  6. Minus: As the wealth gap grows [due to republiturd policies], Democrats have completely gone silent on the subject of "class struggle".

    They haven't.

  7. BWAAAAAH! Please. Inflation and government overspending on useless wars helps the US Middle Class how???????????

  8. \\As the wealth gap grows, Democrats have completely gone silent on the subject of "class struggle". Why is that?

    Eeee??? Because that "class strugle" if coprolitic commie propaganda?
    That even bonehead commies that still remain postponed it as absolutely uselle.
    Even as ballast. ;-P

  9. Marx wasn't wrong, there are classes and class interests. The Democrats have substituted racial and ethnic interests for class interests.

  10. The republicans have substituted sexual and racial identity for class identity. Why they talk about crime (it's the fault of black thugs, ms-13, etc), "groomers", drag shows, "genocide" of White culture and culture war BS all the time.

    trumpflation and a war started by Putin and supported by pro-Putin republiturds don't help the middle class. Nothing republiturds are responsible for helps the middle class.

  11. Don't Bogart that joint, Dervy, pass it over to me...

  12. \\Marx wasn't wrong, there are classes and class interests.

    Bull crap. ;-P

    "Classes" it's just taxonomy. There can be infinite number of em.

    Only TRUE "prediction" of Marx -- it's Labour Theory of Value...
    that allowed expropriation.

    That's all. ;-P

    \\The Democrats have substituted racial and ethnic interests for class interests.

    Because spell of "it's O.K. to rob from robberers" fizzled out.

    Do you want to revive it? That much? :-)))

    \\Nothing republiturds are responsible for helps the middle class.

    Even when they paying sallary to that "middle class"? ;-P

    Because. To have decent sallary -- it's whole point for me as middle-classman. ;-P

  13. Why does Tarl Warwick say Tyre Nichols was murdered? Don't rightturds believe the police have the right/duty to execute anyone who "resists" arrest? Is it because the police officers are Black? Is that why your post isn't about how Tyre Nichols got what was coming to him?

  14. Because. To have decent sallary -- it's whole point for me as middle-classman. ;-P

    No... the whole point of being middle class is to work for yourself and NOT for someone else for a "salary" (wage slavery). Middle Class is bourgeois, NOT proletariate.

  15. Bourgeois people OWN THE LAND. Proles are gypsies migrating from "job to job".

  16. \\No... the whole point of being middle class is to work for yourself and NOT for someone else for a "salary" (wage slavery). Middle Class is bourgeois, NOT proletariate.

    It was like that in Medieval times. Under feudalism.

    When there was three classes (well, simplification, but yet):
    nobles and peasants...
    and yeah, burgious was in the middle, in-between em.


    After that old time. In all of the world. Burgious revolutions happened.
    And "nobility" was eliminated.
    Without trace even, in some countries.
    And peasants nearly extinct.

    So... there ONLY TWO classes remained (again, simplification): burgious and prols. In times of Marx.
    And he percieved and explained it... the way he did.

    But from that time... many water flowed into Ocean. ;-P

    Joe. With you NOT KNOWING such a simple trivia...
    my assessment of your intelligence... with all my due regrets, but inevitable, to fall below ground. :-(((

  17. lol!

    You don't divide like a proper dialectician (Plato). You're missing someone from your 'division' (a "middle"). So divide your two classes again and find Stockholders/Capitalists above the "petit bourgeoisie" who don't work and live from capital gains. And from working Prols to add Lumpen Prols who don't work or have no "class consciousness". So now we have a "new" middle. And in that new middle are salaried Prols, and owning 'petite' bourgeoisie)

    In other words, you divided like a dialectician and produced no middle, so I divided again like one, and created a middle.

  18. Trump was a "different" kind of leader because he's not a "salaried bourgeois" manager, like most US CEO's are. He OWNS the Trump Organization, as opposed to my friend Andres of AES who merely "manages AES for a "Surplus Salary". See the difference? Andres doesn't OWN AES. He works for his Board of Directors. Hes a glorified, highly paid "Prol". Andres can't take risks without risking being fired.

    And THAT's the problem today. You need to be able/free to take RISKS. And salaried bourgeois "managers" are poor/bad risk takers.

    Elon Musk, is a balls to the wall risk taker.

  19. ...and that kind of risk taking can only be performed by "owners"... not salaried minions.

  20. I want to live in an economy that encourages risk taking... not a "minion economy" that always needs someone to take the risk instead of them so the won't get blamed/fired.

  21. ...and that kind of confidence only comes from ownership and owning, not "renting".

  22. rent-seek·ing
    the fact or practice of manipulating public policy or economic conditions as a strategy for increasing profits:
    "cronyism and rent-seeking have become an integral part of the way our biggest companies do business"

  23. \\You don't divide like a proper dialectician (Plato). You're missing someone from your 'division' (a "middle"). So divide your two classes again and find Stockholders/Capitalists above the "petit bourgeoisie" who don't work and live from capital gains.

    Man. I don't care.
    I know about that losy try to revive the dead/dead-born "theory" of Marx.
    Trying to accomodate it to reality.

    From my POV it have same level of importance as rising from grave Tomas Aquinas, and starting discussing how many angels can be placed on a tip of a niddle.

    Are you ready for such discussion? ;-P

    \\And from working Prols to add Lumpen Prols who don't work or have no "class consciousness".

    Obviously bogus ideas, kinda like Holy Trinity in Christianity...
    but well, ANY theory have such an inner artifacts, that is totally meaningless in itself and outside THAT theory framwork... but seen as only important... inside it.

    Like that idea of don Quixote that windmills are a giants. ;-P

    Another word

    \\In other words, you divided like a dialectician and produced no middle, so I divided again like one, and created a middle.

    That I omited that 'middle'.
    That is NOT because I know nothing about it, but exactly baecause I think it as TOO DAMN obvious, to mention.

    Because... ALL our talks would be endlessly repetitive list of definition of obviousness...

    And... because I percieved it as NOT IMPORTANT for my missive there.

    Do you know such rule of math? That constanst can be omited from equation? ;-)

    \\And THAT's the problem today. You need to be able/free to take RISKS. And salaried bourgeois "managers" are poor/bad risk takers.

    That... can be discussed/explained without need to adhear to comprolitic Marx's "ideas".

    \\Elon Musk, is a balls to the wall risk taker.

    Don't know that idiom.

    \\I want to live in an economy that encourages risk taking... not a "minion economy" that always needs someone to take the risk instead of them so the won't get blamed/fired.

    Well... that is not about economy...

    \\...and that kind of confidence only comes from ownership and owning, not "renting".

    You are preaching to a choir here. ;-P

  24. \\

    Well... isn't that Theory of AI... well, natural intelligence -- but is it possible to build anything artifical... without studing *natural* thing first?

  25. \You don't divide like a proper dialectician (Plato). You're missing someone from your 'division' (a "middle"). So divide your two classes again and find Stockholders/Capitalists above the "petit bourgeoisie" who don't work and live from capital gains.
    /Man. I don't care.
    I know about that losy try to revive the dead/dead-born "theory" of Marx.
    Trying to accomodate it to reality.
    From my POV it have same level of importance as rising from grave Tomas Aquinas, and starting discussing how many angels can be placed on a tip of a niddle.
    Are you ready for such discussion? ;-P

    No thanks. It's just that Plato had a more consistent means of "division" and "classification".

    \\And from working Prols to add Lumpen Prols who don't work or have no "class consciousness".
    /Obviously bogus ideas, kinda like Holy Trinity in Christianity...
    but well, ANY theory have such an inner artifacts, that is totally meaningless in itself and outside THAT theory framwork... but seen as only important... inside it.
    Like that idea of don Quixote that windmills are a giants. ;-P
    Another word

    Philosophers love their dialectics, no doubt.

    \\In other words, you divided like a dialectician and produced no middle, so I divided again like one, and created a middle.
    /That I omited that 'middle'.
    That is NOT because I know nothing about it, but exactly baecause I think it as TOO DAMN obvious, to mention.
    Because... ALL our talks would be endlessly repetitive list of definition of obviousness...
    And... because I percieved it as NOT IMPORTANT for my missive there.
    Do you know such rule of math? That constanst can be omited from equation? ;-)

    Yes, are you familiar with the Grelling-Nelson paradox? :P

    \\And THAT's the problem today. You need to be able/free to take RISKS. And salaried bourgeois "managers" are poor/bad risk takers.
    /That... can be discussed/explained without need to adhear to comprolitic Marx's "ideas".

    Even a broken clock can be right twice a day.

    \\Elon Musk, is a balls to the wall risk taker.
    /Don't know that idiom.


    \\I want to live in an economy that encourages risk taking... not a "minion economy" that always needs someone to take the risk instead of them so the won't get blamed/fired.
    /Well... that is not about economy...

    No, it's about creating a viable one.

    \\...and that kind of confidence only comes from ownership and owning, not "renting".
    /You are preaching to a choir here. ;-P

    Then Amen!

  26. \\No, it's about creating a viable one.

    Ecology. ;-)

  27. Doesn't the "economy" grease the wheels of the intra-human ecosystem?

  28. Wasn't it sex... all way down? ;-P

  29. There's a saying I once saw etched into a desk at the Academy, "Cash can buy Gash, but only Gash is Gash!"

  30. \\Yes, are you familiar with the Grelling-Nelson paradox? :P

    "It is closely related to several other well-known paradoxes, in particular, the barber paradox and Russell's paradox."

    Well, I hoped it's something new. :-(

    And well, how do it corelates with our differences in experience/cultural differences?

    I just said, pointed to that immediate problem -- that text itself is very losy mean of communication of complex ideas...

    \\Even a broken clock can be right twice a day.

    Aha... especially if it is sun clock... in a cave. ;-P

    \\No, it's about creating a viable one.

    That's why I said Ecology.

    Ecology - Wikipedia › wiki › Ecology
    Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment. Ecology considers organisms at the ...
    Human ecology · Community (ecology) · Population ecology · History of ecology

    What Is Ecology? – The Ecological Society of America › about › what-does-ecology-hav...
    Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment; it seeks to understand the vital ...

    Ecology | National Geographic Society › encyclopedia
    Ecology is the study of the environment, and helps us understand how organisms live with each other in unique physical environments.

  31. Money is "future time".

    Either in labor or leisure.

  32. In labour of the other, and leisure for the self.

  33. Money is many things for many...

    and Marx did good job summarising them...

    but that his really good deed -- rarely remembered...

  34. I thought "Civil War 2.0" was going to start in 2024 when the Democrats steal the election (again) for Joe Biden. By trumpers with "nothing left to lose". Because they can't bear to live in a world where the power of white male supremacy is slightly decreased (aka "cultural genocide").
