Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Is MSNBC Subsidized by the CfPB?

Who Pays for their Fawning Admiration of US Government Officials?


  1. Advertisers and subscribers pay. That is how pay TV works. fyi, Joe Scarborough is a republican.

  2. Joe Scarborough is a republican.

    It's called "RINO".

    PBS is "Pay TV"? Who knew?

  3. ...that's exactly what the people at Twitter were paid to say by the people who paid them.

  4. Joe Scarborough, FWIW, has been a Republican for longer than any of the Trumpenproletarian pipsqueaks calling him a "RINO." Be serious.

  5. Proof? Read the Twitter files... FBI paid Twitter $millions.

  6. CNN: “Twitter may seek reimbursement for costs associated with information produced pursuant to legal process and as permitted by law (e.g., under 18 U.S.C. §2706).” That law states that the federal government will pay companies for their efforts “obtaining the contents of communications, records, or other information” a fee “for reimbursement for such costs as are reasonably necessary and which have been directly incurred in searching for, assembling, reproducing, or otherwise providing such information.”

  7. Sorry, but the number's over $40 million now... and the law quoted says nothing of "censoring" or "removing" said information for them.

  8. No, The FBI Is NOT "Paying Twitter To Censor. ...the FBI would occasionally (not very often, frankly) use reporting tools to alert Twitter to accounts that potentially violated Twitter's rules. When the FBI did so, it was pretty clear that it was just flagging these accounts for Twitter to review, and had no expectation that the company would or would not do anything about it. In fact, they are explicit in their email that the accounts "may potentially constitute violations of Twitter's Terms of Service" and that Twitter can take "any action or inaction deemed appropriate within Twitter policy". [TechDirt, 12/20/2022].

    40 million... now? So Elon is still cooperating with the FBI? What are they paying him for? Making false allegations? Though I don't know where you are getting 40 million from. I'm seeing 3.4 million.

  9. $40 million includes the other "socials".

    Since the FBI has so much free time on it's hands helping corporate America enforce its corporate policies, do you think I could get its attention to aid in enforcing my property rights? I think my neighbor occasionally drives his lawn tractor onto my property, and I'd like those to have those instances documented and sent to my lawyer.

  10. You can hire private detective for that... isn't it? Oh that Paradise of all types of services "of the people, to the people and by the people" for a little pack of old good green backs. ;-)

  11. Money is the cure for socialism. It grant's it's possessor "social distance".

  12. ...until that monies ending. ;-P

  13. Exactly. Then you live in your Mom's basement and do what she tells you.

  14. ^^Still thinks Blasey Ford wasn't lying through her teeth^^

  15. \\Exactly. Then you live in your Mom's basement and do what she tells you.

    Soviet Politburo was living in a mom's basment... who knew. :-)))))
    And what is the name of that nasty hag??? :-)))))))))))

  16. Minus = still thinks boofing Brett didn't lie through his teeth.

  17. Dervy, thinks that failed passes are attempted rapes.

  18. Minus thinks grabbing a woman by the pussy and the woman objecting is a "failed pass".

  19. It depends upon whether you stop or not.

  20. \\Minus thinks grabbing a woman by the pussy and the woman objecting is a "failed pass".

    It depends on... would it oppose it IN the process or A Posteriori.
    Or... how DO YOU proposing to distinguish it?
    Your version, please? ;-P

  21. Minus would obviously be fine if a gay man grabbed his privates. Perhaps by sticking his hand down his shorts. Or in the showers at the gym. Or if the man leaned in for a kiss and used tongue. Or stuck a finger up his b-hole. So long as he stopped when Minus objected. He would just consider it a "failed pass" that they'd both laugh about.

  22. No, I'd simply cut his d*ck off and shove it down his own throat. I have no need to get anyone else involved in the matter.

  23. \\Minus would obviously be fine if a gay man grabbed his privates. Perhaps by sticking his hand down his shorts. Or in the showers at the gym. Or if the man leaned in for a kiss and used tongue. Or stuck a finger up his b-hole.

    Isn't that EXACTLY what Dems want to intoduce?
    As an element of New Shiny Equality... under revisioned Human Rights???

    Well... LGBTQ$%&#@, or what it called today ALREADY abusing my sight.

    \\No, I'd simply cut his d*ck off and shove it down his own throat. I have no need to get anyone else involved in the matter.

    Be careful. IT, couls like it. And percieve it as preliminaries. ;-P AS its dick could be easily detachable... nowaday.

  24. ...they'd have to find the body first.

  25. You would quickly be arrested and charged with a hate crime. You can't murder someone in response to a "failed pass".

  26. Thank you Dervy.

    For revealing your TRUE FEEKINGS here...

    All that babbling about equality is just for show -- You just fear law enforcers.;-P

  27. Qtard murders without fear? I call BS. How many murders have you gotten away with, Qtard?

  28. You can't murder someone in response to a "failed pass".

    Wanna bet? Know what Baltimore's homicide clearance rate is?

    he 2021 homicide clearance rate of 42% is an increase from 40.3% in 2020 and 31% in 2019. It is still well below the national average for homicide clearance in comparable cities, which is around 54%.

  29. \\Qtard murders without fear? I call BS. How many murders have you gotten away with, Qtard?

    Wadayatkng, Derp???
