Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Budget Parasites Descend Upon US Capitol Seeking Omnibus Earmarks

Jordan Boyd, "Here’s Everything Wrong With Congress’s Plan To Give Zelensky Cash For Christmas"
Despite the financial strain Ukraine has put on the United States, the swamp is ready to welcome Zelensky with open arms — and more money.

Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky is slated to receive a hero’s welcome in the U.S. capital today, just as Congress is poised to award him another $45 billion in its mammoth inflationary spending bill.

It may be Zelensky’s first time leaving Ukraine since the war with Russia began, but it’s not his first time appearing before an American audience to beg for more money. And it certainly won’t be his last. Already, Zelensky is prepared to use his congressional address to complain that the beaucoup bucks the U.S. has thrown at Ukraine in the last 10 months — more than $100 billion total if the omnibus passes — is still “not enough.”

Despite the financial strain Ukraine has put on the United States, the swamp is ready to welcome Zelensky with open arms. You wouldn’t know it from corporate media coverage, but that’s problematic. Here’s why.

Americans Simply Don’t Approve. 
Contrary to Mitch McConnell’s claims, spending taxpayer dollars on a proxy war in Eastern Europe is not high on the priority list for Republican or Democrat voters.

If Americans overwhelmingly reject going to war with Russia on behalf of Ukraine, which polling since the beginning of the conflict has said they do, Congress shouldn’t be spending money that indicates the U.S. is willing to prolong a war by whatever means necessary.

Throwing Dollars at Ukraine Escalates Rather than Ends the War
Nearly half of Americans want their government to urge Ukraine to negotiate a peace settlement. Instead of heeding the voters’ wishes, the Swamp extends Ukraine’s ability to fight with more funds, weapons, and verbal support. Money for Zelensky solidifies U.S. involvement in a war that Congress never voted to declare.

Cash for Ukraine Takes Away from Necessary U.S. Spending
While Congress funnels tens of billions of dollars to protect the border of a foreign country, our country’s border is virtually nonexistent. Each day, thousands of illegal border crossers pour into the southern United States.

These migrants put a physical and financial strain on our immigration system and cities all around the nation. Yet Congress, specifically Senate Republicans, repeatedly refuse to leverage their influence for funding to secure our border.

Funding an Overseas War When Americans Struggle to Afford Basics Is the Wrong Choice
While Congress ships taxpayer dollars overseas, Americans can’t afford to live in the increasingly expensive homeland.

As retirement accounts dip into the negative, 1 in 4 U.S. parents reports they couldn’t cover basic needs such as food, shelter, and care for their families in 2022. That’s no surprise considering raging inflation has jacked up prices across the board. Americans now pay 49.1 percent more for eggs, 27 percent more for butter, and 14.7 percent more for milk compared to 2021.

Zelensky’s Handout Is Part of a Destructive Spending Package

The more than $45 billion Congress designated for Zelensky is part of a sweeping, inflationary omnibus bill that would fulfill Democrats’ spending wishes before the newly elected Republican House is sworn in.

The legislation was conjured quickly with hardly any time slated for review or criticism. Because of that, Senate Republicans like McConnell face threats of gridlock from members of the new GOP House.

There Are Bigger Foreign Policy Problems Than Ukraine
As the world watches Ukraine and Russia duke (or possibly nuke) it out, China, our nation’s biggest threat, has been taking advantage of the Russia-Ukraine war.

Thanks to the laxity of the U.S., China crept its way into a working relationship with Russia and created a hegemonic plan to expand its rule. The communist regime’s boldness in expanding its Marxism and reaching for Taiwan will only grow stronger as America drains its foreign policy budget on Ukraine.

Ukraine Is Not a Top Strategic U.S. Security Interest
Not only is Ukraine not our biggest foreign policy problem, but it’s also not even a top strategic U.S. security interest. McConnell regularly justifies funneling dollars to Ukraine under the guise that the spending is part of “Essential Investments in American Strength and Security.” But the truth of the matter is that spending endless money on an indefinite war in Ukraine does nothing for Americans but create a national security threat.

The Biden Admin Is Incapable of Handling Problems Properly
Americans don’t trust Biden to handle the Russia-Ukraine war because every problem the Biden administration touches turns into an even bigger disaster.

Not only does the White House exacerbate crises, but it also creates them. Take one look at the economy, the southern border, the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the political war waged by the Department of Justice and FBI against Americans, and you’ll understand why our president shouldn’t be so eager to be a cash cow for a foreign country.
Ukraine Isn’t the Most Honest Country

Zelensky’s Ukraine is filled with anti-democratic practices and principles: a war on the free press, money-grabbing bureaucrats, and a broken justice system.

Congress granting a corrupt regime funds with little to no oversight doesn’t just undermine war hawks’ reasoning for supporting Ukraine. It could also quickly result in a “Taliban inherits American weaponry” situation.


  1. Give him the money. He'll use to kill Russians I can think of far less world -improving thingsl thatUS tax dollars could be spent on than exterminating Russians and hunting them to extinction unless you think he's going to waste that money and let some Russians live.

  2. It's a messed up situation.people keep talking about wanting peace before all the Russians have been exterminated Give Ukraine their nuclear weapons back. The only thing prolonging this war is the left-wing Faggots that keep pushing the myth that Russians are capable of being rational without stomping their faces in, we've known this since Catherine neglected to tell people that she was not "great"and how could she be? She wasn't even American

  3. You need to volunteer to go fight for Ukraine, beamish.

  4. Russia has around 74 million troops on American soil already.You just have to make fun of an old man getting beaten with a hammer to spot the most fake conservative assholes among them.

  5. "Cancel the Constitution for Trump!"

  6. We have a Constitution? Someone should tell Schumer & McConnell.

  7. Never heard them call for the Constitution to be terminated when a far left America-hating idiot loses an election

  8. Why should they? They never follow it.

  9. Just look at the Omnibus bill funding our Bidena Republic.

  10. Really? The government is so accountable for its' ridiculous helicopter cash spending that you only worry about the measly millions that went to Trump?

  11. ask Russia for the billions back that Trump promised for Covid relief.. we bought both sides of the war

  12. Oh, that's right... the government was bigly accountable for the pandemic relief that went out under tRump. Thank you, predisent tRump! Why are you so concerned about the measly millions Hunter Biden earned trading on his family name?

  13. \\Why are you so concerned about the measly millions Hunter Biden earned trading on his family name?

    Millions? Last time I checked it was miserly 50 grands... for taking part in pitching meeting, or something.

    I guess... Inflation. :-)))

  14. Does your boss pay you just once, Q, or does he spread his payments to you out over time?

    @ dervy: All the covid relief was given out by Trump? Those Scroogey Democrats withheld Covid payments once he left office? The heartless b*stards should be impeached!

  15. They didn't hand any of the money out and encourage fraud? Who knew?

  16. \\Does your boss pay you just once, Q, or does he spread his payments to you out over time?

    For something I did only once?
    I am from proletariate. We either paid once. Some pittance. Or not paid at all.
    So that very concept of royalties and stuff totally oblivious to my miserly brain. ;-P

  17. Our corrupt leaders (and their children) are SALRIED bourgeoisie. Salary means at least once/month.

  18. Minus: They didn't hand any of the money out and encourage fraud?

    Democrats? No. That's what the tRump administration did.

  19. \\Our corrupt leaders...

    What I can say... interesting definition of "corruption" you use here.

    Would you like it to be "non-corrupt" way as in most of the other World?

    Where they do not hesitate and in most parts have no problems with it -- to treat country moneies as their own pocket ones???

  20. No... in our country you need to pay the leaders family the bribe.

  21. ...or better, their "charity" organization... like the John McCain Institute or the Clinton Foundation. That way they don't have to pay taxes on the bribes.

  22. You leaders are "petty" bribe takers. Out leaders would arrest you if you tried to slip then anything under $10k.

  23. \\...or better, their "charity" organization... like the John McCain Institute or the Clinton Foundation. That way they don't have to pay taxes on the bribes.

    "More civilized bribes, for a more civilized era" ;-P

  24. ...but the recipients of charity (ie- Haitians) don't.

  25. "A US Government Accountability Office report discovered no hint of wrongdoing..." Source. aka no bribes.

    Whereas the tRump Foundation has been found bigly guilty of wrongdoing.

  26. They'd win Q. The Clinton's did nothing illegal. But just because something is "legal" doesn't make it right or moral. The Clinton's enriched themselves and their friends at the expense of the Haitian people. They raised money for poor Haitians, and gave that money to rich Americans and Haitians. It's what rich Democrati elites do... but then they collect more money and do it again... and again... and again...

  27. The tRumps excel at ripping off people legally and illegally and all you do is cheer. Or point your finger elsewhere. The tRumps were convicted of crimes. The Clintons were not.

  28. The Trumps swindle Rich elites by overcharging them for luxury condos. Big difference.

  29. Russian criminals use tRump properties to launder money. That doesn't have anything to do with the criminal convictions of the tRump foundation or the tRump organization. Nor does it have anything to do with the tRump University settlement or the tRump campaign grifting magamorons.

  30. \\They'd win Q. The Clinton's did nothing illegal. But just because something is "legal" doesn't make it right or moral. The Clinton's enriched themselves and their friends at the expense of the Haitian people. They raised money for poor Haitians, and gave that money to rich Americans and Haitians. It's what rich Democrati elites do... but then they collect more money and do it again... and again... and again...

    So... what?
    You think you can sway me with it? Into what? Do not vote for Demon-rat???
    But I can't anyway. Still, NMP. ;-P

    I pointed to it just because of that pecularity of your court system.
    Precedent. (tm) :-)

    \\Russian criminals use tRump properties to launder money.

    Like that is something criminal... in USA. ;-P

    Or... you want it be "all for a friends, for a foe -- law"?
    As it is in all around the World? ;-P

  31. You'll keep me safe from over-paying for Trump Steaks, dervy? How very white of you.

    @Q The point was that dervy seems to think that he must legislate morality, and that everything that is legal is thereby moral, as well. No Swans are black.

  32. Minus: ...just because something is "legal" doesn't make it right or moral ... dervy seems to think that he must legislate morality...

    If morality doesn't matter (shouldn't be legislated) why the complaints about the Clintons?

  33. Because their actions were immoral, not illegal.

  34. \\@Q The point was that dervy seems to think that he must legislate morality, and that everything that is legal is thereby moral, as well. No Swans are black.

    Just yet one dime into money box of defining him as religious/magical thinker.

    \\If morality doesn't matter (shouldn't be legislated) why the complaints about the Clintons?

    And how you'd do that?
    From the time first scrib scribbed first court verdict it is known that there cannot be just court if it do moral judjments.

    Do you like guillotines that much?

    \\The tRump business model is both.

    And where is court verdict? Out there...???

  35. Qtard: Like that is something criminal... in USA. ;-P

    LOL. Money laundering isn't illegal? Who knew?

    Qtard: And where is court verdict? Out there...???

    There are many. All you have to do is pay attention. Clearly you aren't. He came into office vowing to prove he was innocent in the Trump University scam. Then settled. His "charitable" organization "The Trump Foundation" was found guilty of fraud. And (just recently) the Trump Organization was found guilty of multiple counts of tax fraud.

    Qtard: "The point was that dervy seems to think that he must legislate morality, and that everything that is legal is thereby moral, as well. No Swans are black". Just yet one dime into money box of defining him as religious/magical thinker.

    Except I never said "everything that is legal is thereby moral".

    Qtard: And how you'd do that? From the time first scrib scribbed first court verdict it is known that there cannot be just court if it do moral judjments.

    Do what? Not complain about the alleged "immorality" of the Clintons while ignoring/excusing the immorality and criminality of the tRumps? Ask Minus. He's the one doing it.

  36. \\LOL. Money laundering isn't illegal? Who knew?

    If law is not enforced... it as good as non-existant. No, worse.

    That is the thing you Leftists control freaks do not get.

    \\Qtard: And where is court verdict? Out there...???

    \\There are many. All you have to do is pay attention. Clearly you aren't. He came into office vowing to prove he was innocent in the Trump University scam. Then settled. His "charitable" organization "The Trump Foundation" was found guilty of fraud. And (just recently) the Trump Organization was found guilty of multiple counts of tax fraud.

    Try to said it. Honestly. To yourself. Does in counts? ;-P

    \\Except I never said "everything that is legal is thereby moral".

    So, what?

    \\Do what? Not complain about the alleged "immorality" of the Clintons while ignoring/excusing the immorality and criminality of the tRumps? Ask Minus. He's the one doing it.

    That was not what I was asking about.
    Do I need to complain here, that people who try to derail and not answer honestly to a question -- is amoral, and need to be punished? :-)))

  37. Qtard thinks it is "immoral" to not know wtf he's talking about. Sorry, Qtard, but your inability to communicate your qtarded thoughts so that they are understandable isn't my problem. I have no idea what you were talking about. I wasn't trying to "derail" anything.

  38. \\\\Qtard: And how you'd do that? From the time first scrib scribbed first court verdict it is known that there cannot be just court if it do moral judjments.

    \\Do what? Not complain about the alleged "immorality" of the Clintons while ignoring/excusing the immorality and criminality of the tRumps? Ask Minus. He's the one doing it.

    Question was...

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? - Wikipedia › wiki
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? is a Latin phrase found in the work of the Roman poet Juvenal ... the problem of controlling the actions of persons in positions of power, ...

    As giving to judges right to base their verdicts on some fuzzy "moral" conciderations -- leads to total and unredeamable injustice.

    YOU... derailed it back into jibbering "no, you are the fool" spewing.

  39. No answer from Dervy.
    P-R-E-dick-T-A-B-L-E. :-)))))))
