Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Say Goodbye to Democracy...

On The US Intelligence Community and partner's "SCALE" Infrastructure...  and AI Tool development (Chatbot GTP, et al)

Apparently, the US Government believes itself to currently be on the Front Lines of a global AI War where "truth" is often the 1st victim.


  1. What I want to know is when is Rudy Giuliani going to be prosecuted for his role in the Hunter Biden imaginary laptop story? And what about the repair shop owner? What was his role? Why is the FBI sitting on this? I'm outraged. People need to be charged and convicted for perpetrating this fraud on the American people. People who are not Hunter Biden.

  2. lol!

    Charged with what, not delivering a free repaired computer to a drug addled over-privileged American scion? Grow up, Dervy.

  3. Fabricating evidence, lying to the police, lying to the FBI. For example.

  4. So which items on the laptop were false, Dervy. Surely you can name one.

  5. We're talking about data hacked from the cloud, passed on to Rudy Giuliani from a Russian agent, placed on a hard drive and inserted into a laptop that may (at one time) have belonged to Hunter Biden. The logical assumption is that it contains Russian disinformation. If there was anything incriminating on it why hasn't the pro-trump FBI charged Hunter Biden with anything? That there is no chain of custody could also be a reason. Weren't you previously railing about chain of custody in regards to another issue?

  6. The Computer repair shop owner was a Russian agent? Why hasn't the FBI arrested him? The security camera footage of Hunter Biden dropping off his laptop for repairs was also a Deep Fake? Who knew?

  7. ps - Re: chain of custody... The computer repair shop owners's receipt for the computer and repair order signed by Hunter didn't validate the "chain of custody"? Hell, that chain of custody is a hell of a lot better than the one for Arizona ballots counted in 2020 and 2022...

  8. Andriy Derkach never owned a computer repair shop in the United States. I'm not aware of the existence of any security camera footage of Hunter Biden dropping off his laptop for repairs. He lived in California at the time, so if he had a laptop that needed repairs he'd have gone to a California repair shop. As opposed to taking it to a repair shop on the east coast.

  9. Hunter Biden isn't in the chain of custody.

    Andriy Derkach passed the data to Rudy Giuliani who conveyed it to John Paul Mac Isaac.

  10. Hunter Biden isn't in the chain of custody....


  11. Tech Crunch: The repair shop supposedly could not identify Hunter Biden, who lives in Los Angeles, as the customer. But the invoice (for $85 — remarkably cheap for diagnosis, recovery, and backup of three damaged Macs) has “Hunter Biden” written right on it, with a phone number and one of the email addresses he reportedly used. It seems unlikely that Hunter Biden’s personal laptop — again, loaded with personal and confidential information, and possibly communications with the VP — would be given to a small repair shop (rather than an Apple Store or vetted dealer) and that shop would be given his personal details for contact. Political operators with large supporting organizations simply don’t do that... (20/14/2020).

    Hunter Biden never picked up this laptop because he never dropped it off. That is the most logical explanation. This story is such bullshit. The most baffling thing about it is -- why hasn't Rudy Giuliani been arrested?

  12. Old "fake news" is your rebuttal? LOL!

    You'll never escape the Matrix at this rate, Neo.

  13. There is new tasty topic "from ruSSia, with LUV" -- that HB is actually a mass destruction bio-weapon baron. ;-P

    Would you hype it UP, Joe? Nigero? ;-)))

  14. I'll leave Hunter's Metabiota deal to you, Q.

  15. Why me? Absolutely miserly unrelated to anything anonimous as I am.

  16. Who better to give us his "unbiased" perspective?

  17. Re the investigation of Hunter Biden's imaginary laptop about to be launched by House republicans... how many Democrats will be on the committee? Remember the J6 committee was a "kangaroo court" because Nancy Pelosi rejected two republicans (and then the rest were pulled).

    Excepting Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger -- though neither were acceptable to republicans. So the Hunter Biden laptop committee (in order to be seen as legit) will be 50-50 republicans and Democrats?

  18. I'm sure that the Repubicans will appoint a few. Whether they show up or not will be up to them.

  19. Who knows, maybe they'll appoint a few "Independents". :)

  20. \\Who better to give us his "unbiased" perspective?

    For "giving perspective". Biased or unbiased. Such a miserly litle me... must posess some facts.
    While I have NONE.
    Only that verbal shrapnel made of bull's crap you firing at each other. ;-P

    \\Tech Crunch: The repair shop supposedly could not identify Hunter Biden, who lives in Los Angeles

    Before all this... digital data freakingly CANNOT be checked on if it was tampered.

    So... if that is NOT laptop that was taken from Hunter Biden's warm hands... there ABSOLUTELY cannot be ANY proof that that is not some compromat carefully inserted by interested secret services.

    Especially taking into account political level and hotness of a topic.

    Heh... whoever can insert whole pack of... nude girls fotos for example.
    With physical access to your laptop given.
    Even your nasty niece.

  21. Dervy thinks that a kid that lives a few weeks a year in California can't drop a laptop off for repairs at a place a few blocks away from his parent's house in Delaware (where he visits his presidential father to keep the family corruption business going)... and so the laptop CAN'T be Hunter's.

  22. It could be a laptop he formerly owned. Into which they inserted a hard drive filled with data hacked from the cloud. Chain of custody includes Rudy Giuliani but NOT Hunter Biden. What I think is the laptop CAN'T not include Russian disinformation.

  23. \\and so the laptop CAN'T be Hunter's.

    It can be... but INFO in it CANNOT be proven as authentic.
    If not taken from him directly.
    Even if it'll be actual hardware with HB fingerprints all over it... and pubic hair under keys of keyboard. ;-P

    That's the way that cookie crumbles. ;-P

    Joe? Are you too far away? Or too uninterested?
    To go to that museum of CIA? ;-)

  24. All of the info thus far has been collaborated, and not a single duplicated e-mail has proven to have been altered.

    And no, I haven't been to the Spy Museum in DC. What little interest I had in tradecraft, I learned watching US Government training films as a young boy... pick locks, conduct surveillance, etc.

  25. I grew up in a home with a stereoscope for analyzing satellite imagery.

  26. So it's only a matter of time before the Garland DOJ indicts both Hunter and Joe Biden?

  27. lol! Why would they do that? You don't bite the hand that feeds you.

  28. What?? So neither Hunter nor Joe Biden is going to end up in prison? What about in 2024 when tRump returns to the presidency? Is that when the corrupt Democrats begin to be rounded up and imprisoned?

    Maybe John Durham will be brought back. Given his successful prosecution of Hillary Clinton. I forget... how long of a sentence did she receive? And didn't tRump sue Hillary for "framing" him for collusion? She must have been bankrupted. Something the "fake news" refuses to cover, apparently. LOL.

  29. \\All of the info thus far has been collaborated, and not a single duplicated e-mail has proven to have been altered.

    By whom?
    Some secret hackers again? :-)))

  30. The Democrats will never be rounded up and imprisoned. They won. They now totally control the Deep State. The US government no longer represents the People, they represent the educated elites.
    It's why J6 scares them so much. The People know.

    By whom?
    Some secret hackers again? :-)))

    Anybody could provide the comparison, it has become publically available. No one has, because no discrepencies have ever been identified.

  31. Minus: It's why J6 scares them so much. The People know.

    The People know rightturds who lose elections want to overthrow democracy. This time they got prison sentences. If they try it again (this time armed, as you advocate) they will be shot dead.

    Minus: no discrepencies have ever been identified.

    None have been identified? Must mean there are definitely none. So where (and what) are the charges?

  32. You want to charge people with crimes for NOT altering Hunter Biden's e-mails? Wow!

    No wonder Rudy is always so nervous... sweating.

  33. No. Because laundering data hacked from the cloud, copied onto a hard drive and placed into a laptop Hunter Biden might have previously owned is not a big deal. I'm sure it couldn't possibly be illegal. And I'm sure the hard drive couldn't possibly contain Russian disinformation. Even though Rudy got it from a Russian agent. It's all legit and 100 percent corroborated as you say. Despite the lack of a chain of custody.

  34. \\\\By whom?
    Some secret hackers again? :-)))

    \\Anybody could provide the comparison, it has become publically available. No one has, because no discrepencies have ever been identified.

    I already pointed out to it.
    All they can "prove" is only that one fake is identical with another fake.

    That is not old good times when fingerprints and smoking guns was "beyond any reasonable doubts" evidances.
    Digital "evidances" is always fake ones. ;-p

    \\The People know rightturds who lose elections want to overthrow democracy. This time they got prison sentences. If they try it again (this time armed, as you advocate) they will be shot dead.

    By tyrants? ;-P

  35. Q, don't you know? Dervy fights monsters, but never becomes one himself.

    Hunter's former business partner confirmed his e-mails. Or maybe HE was the one who planted them all?

  36. LOL. Hunter Biden sent copies of *ALL* his email communications to Tony Bobulinski? Why would he have done that? Did he send him all his dick pics too?

    Qtard: "...they will be shot dead". By tyrants?

    By law enforcement officials.

    1. "They" = insurrectionists trying to overturn legitimate election results while armed. Clarified to avoid Qtard confusion.

  37. \\\\Qtard: "...they will be shot dead". By tyrants?

    \\By law enforcement officials.

    Like tyrant CANNOT name em, his pawns. Whatever he likes.
    He ia the tyrant, for god sake. ;-P

    \\Q, don't you know? Dervy fights monsters, but never becomes one himself.

    Like that van Helsing in the movie? Oh, shit... :-)))

    \\Hunter's former business partner confirmed his e-mails. Or maybe HE was the one who planted them all?

    In court? Under oath?
    Or that was through some post in Twitter.

    \\"They" = insurrectionists trying to overturn legitimate election results while armed. Clarified to avoid Qtard confusion.

    And who? And how? Would decide who is insurrectionist and who is not?

    That is not confusion. That is VERY CENTRAL POINT of it all.

    Thing called Democracy. And Justice.

  38. Part of why I going anonimous this day -- identity thieve, account stolen/blocked.

    You cannot be robbed off it, if you do not have one. ;-P

  39. Hunter Biden sent copies of *ALL* his email communications to Tony Bobulinski? Why would he have done that? Did he send him all his dick pics too?

    Those source confirmed e-mails weren't damaging enough? "10% for the Big Guy"?

  40. In court? Under oath?
    Or that was through some post in Twitter.

    A statement to the Press. You should take him to Court, and ask him again. But no one is investigating the laptop, so who cares?

  41. ps - The Senate has his testimony on the record and under oath. But the foxes in that Senate Hen House refuse to open any cans of worms that might splash back on them.

  42. "I have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life", Joe Biden said during the final presidential debate... The Wall Street Journal reported that the [10% for the big guy] deal fell through; [Hunter Biden] never received money from or completed deals with the Chinese oil company. According to the newspaper, Hunter, Joe Biden's brother James, Gilliar and Walker were also involved — but there was no role for Joe Biden. [Source].

    Why would he receive 10% if he had no role? Because Tony Bobulinski said Joe Biden is "the Big Guy" UNDER OATH it must be true? LOL.

  43. \\A statement to the Press. You should take him to Court, and ask him again. But no one is investigating the laptop, so who cares?

    Like you do not know how political games on your turf going?
    Some Hollywood movies, ehm?

  44. Biden doesn't take penney's from foreigners. He takes millions of dollars, along with company stock/ stock options.

  45. So-o-o-o??? What?????? (exhailing) :-))))

    Even if that'll be true... two questions.

    1. Actual mechanism? (with laws about lobbing and "log rolling" in mind)

    2. Why it should be condemned?

  46. Like most corrupt politicians, he has the money funneled and laundered through family members and non-profit foundations.

  47. Why condemn it? Why condemn a policeman who lets a murderer go for a $20 bribe? For as Brecht said...

  48. No more elections. We go back to the Athenian or Roman democracy. Election by lot, in public... or by legions lined up opposite to be counted on the Campus Martius... on an appointed day/time in full public view/real time.

  49. Yep... after Third World War.. when sheer number of survivor would natirally lead to return to such habits. ;-P

  50. Won't be long once Russia launches its' nukes.... although I'd be curious to see how many actually land on US soil.

  51. Who said it'll be with nukes?

    And not millions of horny chineses? ;-P

  52. No... underwater tunnel. ;-P
