Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Time to Face Some RealPolitik

I suspect Crowder didn't pay much attention to the way the Russian fights (from "Enemy at the Gates").  You put your "reluctant warfighter" into a "Penal Battalion" and place a loyal "Guard Battalion" (better equipped) behind it.  The reluctant warrior learns to become loyal/ reliable pretty quickly... at least, the survivor's do.

ps - Anyone else here familiar with the concept of embedded "political officers"?
This is what Putin meant that the SMO lacked a "defense in depth".  The Guard battalions drawn from 300,000 veteran reservists, will now be entering the battlefield.  If you are part of the Donbas militia, you now have some "back-up" that will ONLY back you up IF your unit is advancing towards the enemy Ukrainian nationals.  No more ground will be lost.

The tradition of civilian control over the military predates the October Revolution. William Odom, for example, has described the tsarist armies as “executants” rather than initiators of policy.11 Throughout its history, the Soviet military has fulfilled essentially the same function, under vigilant party supervision. The principal Bolshevik innovation was to formalize and extend tsarist practice through the introduction of political commissars it attached to military units, from the company to the divisional level, from the outset of the new regime. With certain modifications and adjustments, Soviet authorities have retained that system.


  1. Are all of your ideas and understanding of Reality is from movies?

    Please, answer honestly, so I would know how to answer your posts in future.

    "Enemy at the Gate" that is meshup of real info and wishful thinking and blatant western TV tropes (hero, girl of a hero, arch-enemy of a hero).

    For example, that opening scene is totally idiotic and counter-historic in regard to Stalingrad. There was most prepared, with highest morale, elite forces used. But well, most part of that "miracle of Stalingrad" was in -- Russians have had their weapon, ammo and food depots just across the river.
    While Germans was forced to deliver thier supplies by air, in winter and under heavy shelling and even raids of tanks...

    Genaral Moroz (Jack Frost?) was winner there, not Russians.

    \\This is what Putin meant that the SMO lacked a "defense in depth".

    Oh... He is that wise Chief Hawk Eyes? To spot it after half-year of war?
    Well, if he'll be SAME vigilant with fixing all other numerous strategic errors... that play would continue for too long. I fear there is not enough of Russian People for that. Only ONE nation on the Earth can stuff up such theatrical performane. And that is not RFia.

    \\The Guard battalions drawn from 300,000 veteran reservists, will now be entering the battlefield.

    Ho-ho-ho... you do not know what "veterans" mean in Russian.
    That is name for disabled and out of their mind elderly people.
    Over 80.
    Well, there is not enough of such people remains in RFia.

    Snafus they draft-in now cannot guard even their testic-less, much less anything else.
    Especially after good dose of "fear-removing" drug, called Boyarishnik. :-))))))))))))

    \\If you are part of the Donbas militia, you now have some "back-up" that will ONLY back you up IF your unit is advancing towards the enemy Ukrainian nationals. No more ground will be lost.

    Yeah. Because they'll call it "all in accordance with plan... we withdre... ehm, relocated our brave troops... beyond Ural's mountains":-))))))))))))))))
    Because that is Their Cunning and AllWise Leader Master Plan of Destruction of NATO -- to lure em in... and then Nuke EM ALL!!!! :-)))))))))))

    The same as previous GENIUSES Kutuzov and Stalin DID IT.

    Ps You a funny...

  2. There is no doubt in my mind that the climate control freaks, and the environmental movement has been thoroughly infiltrated by the Democrats, aka Communists who wish to destroy America from within. The movement not only funds our enemies using taxpayer funds but also allows the evildoers to use our laws against us to limit our economic growth and beneficial progress. When examined closely, these Climate Control NUTS, along with the environmentalists are not only de-growthers to implement wealth redistribution and control the levers of power within our government. A political agenda far outside the original goals of curtailing pollution and providing good stewardship for our natural resources.

    To this end, the Democratic Communists have assumed operational control over the Biden Democrat Party

  3. What is your expertise, Q?

    I graduated from an actual US Service Academy where I took courses in Naval Weapons and military tactics and strategy. I held an Unrestricted Line Officer Commission. I worked in the Aerospace and Defense industries. You?

  4. Tell me something that would allow me to take anything you say seriously.

  5. Human wave attacks. Now we know what Russia learned from its recent wargame exercises in Iran.

    I wonder who will kill more Donbas rebels, the Ukrainians or Russia's political officers lol

  6. "Ukraine will not defeat the Donbas rebels if we defeat the Donba rebels first!"

  7. The point is, beamish, that the political commissars can decapitate rebellious units and take command if their orders aren't carried out. They're a parallel command structure.

  8. Recursions all the way down. How far up the daisy chain of command until you find people that actually want to fight?

  9. The politicals are all fanatics. How do you think my classmate, RAdm Buzby, got to where he got? He was our Regimental Commander, 1st rotation, at the Academy.

  10. He went straight into the active duty Navy after graduation. He was one of ten graduates who opted for active service. The other 270 of us opted for the private sector.

  11. He was known for putting his own classmates on "report".

  12. He was a Frank Burns, not a Hawkeye Pierce.

  13. ...and didn't follow the "unwritten rules"... like NOT placing your own classmates on Report.

  14. Had he been a Communist in the USSR, he never would have risen above "Captain".

  15. Putin WANTED to be like us... but our "leaders" wouldn't let him join their club.

  16. He was too much (fanatically) "like them".

  17. I didn't join the military because they told me I couldn't call in an airstrike on the basic training obstacle course.

  18. I'll bet that there's a simulator you can train in for that now...

  19. My last year at the Academy they put in a Ship Simulator System so you could practice piloting NYC harbor.

  20. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    Tell me something that would allow me to take anything you say seriously.

    You spotted it yourself.

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    ...other than your "Slavic" phrasings.

    Which means I am MUCH CLOSER to a real thing... while all you can do, suck some unreliable info from second-hand sources.

    That is quite enough... for now.

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    The point is, beamish, that the political commissars can decapitate rebellious units and take command if their orders aren't carried out. They're a parallel command structure.

    No more in current RFia's army.
    Now they use "kadirovcy" natives from semi-islamic semi-state of Chechnia they claimed they re-conquered in 90th... and paying tributes since. :-))))

    Your knowledge is outdated and anekdotal, Joe.

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    Putin WANTED to be like us... but our "leaders" wouldn't let him join their club.

    HE... still thinks that he is. :-))))
    That is all the reason behind all this events...

    Cargo cult - Wikipedia
    en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Cargo_cult
    A cargo cult is an indigenist millenarian belief system, in which adherents perform rituals ... Believers may stage "drills" and "marches" with sticks for rifles and use .

  21. You are "closer"? LOL!

    As if you ever leave your mother's basement and look around.

    Now they use "kadirovcy" natives from semi-islamic semi-state of Chechnia

    Russia has always used "guard units" from other ethnic regions to enforce compliance. They have less compulsion to not opening fire on retreating cowards. The parallel political "officer" structure was still around in the 80's when I used to have to worry about fighting Ivan.

  22. Using Chechnyans also makes it much less likely they'll "defect" into the local population and go AWOL.

  23. ...as all the Chechnyan troublemakers get sent to Donbas to shoot Ukrainians.

  24. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    I'll bet that there's a simulator you can train in for that now...
    My last year at the Academy they put in a Ship Simulator System so you could practice piloting NYC harbor.

    Yes. They called computer games. You can run one even on your smartphone.
    What? You do not have a smartphone? What a boomer.

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    You are "closer"? LOL!

    As if you ever leave your mother's basement and look around.

    That's so-o-o boomerish taunt too. Yawn. :-)))
    You even do not know if we have basments here. That is level of your "expertise".

    \\\\Now they use "kadirovcy" natives from semi-islamic semi-state of Chechnia
    \\Russia has always used "guard units" from other ethnic regions to enforce compliance. They have less compulsion to not opening fire on retreating cowards. The parallel political "officer" structure was still around in the 80's when I used to have to worry about fighting Ivan.

    Have you not crawling out of your basment since then?
    Because. You know.
    There was 90th.
    Then 00th
    And now it's anno domini 2022 out there. ;-)

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    Using Chechnyans also makes it much less likely they'll "defect" into the local population and go AWOL.

    Why they'd do that???
    Instead of collecting loot and making selfies (oh, as a boomer you probably dunno what it is, then go google for it... oh, shit, you dunno it too) and return home safeky, way richer and with a fame "being on the war".

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    That makes it a win-win for Russia.

    "win-win" in relation to RFia today... that is quite funny way to put it.
    Like claiming (as Russians say it) that losing leg is somehow benefitial -- one shoe less needed, and noting thwarting that balls anymore.
    Putin fond of that type of humor very much. Maybe that is the reason of his current behavior? Dunno. What if he just playing a play, like that Roman emperor Nero. :-))))

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    ...as all the Chechnyan troublemakers get sent to Donbas to shoot Ukrainians.

    They NOT troublemakers.
    They promoted in rank to the level of bein "peacemakers".
    And even "last hope against revolts".

    You know nothing about nowaday realities of RFia.
    Your information is outdate and distorted beyond credibility.

  25. Then you must re-educamte us, Q... but let me give you some insight. Human nature doesn't change, only the opportunities for expressing it does.

  26. \\Human nature doesn't change...

    That... I would not be so sure about it.
    But yeah, that is me, who have intact brains and have ability and eagerness to learn new things...

  27. ...and I'm not up for getting a Neuralink transplant anytime soon.

  28. You think you need Neuralink? For using Google's miraculous powers? ;-)

  29. No, but you'll need something better than the Internet's hyper-reality to get me to dance to the organ grinder's tunes.

  30. I keep hardcopies of all my Reference books, so I don't need to worry about IngSoc's MiniTru over-writing the database.

  31. We may live in the post-Human, but that doesn't make me a Cyborg. :)

  32. I answered to that in other thread. See it unconvinient to keep it in parallel conversations.
