Monday, September 19, 2022

Biden to America, "Throw Away Your Masks!"


  1. I'm not like that. I am a supporter of our fantastic President Joe Biden. That does not mean I agree with everything he says. The pandemic isn't over. We are only pretending it is. Which is always what was going to happen. dotard donald wanted to pretend covid never existed.

  2. Historically, pandemics burn out and fade away after two to three years.

    Less than half of the world's population is "fully vaccinated" (including "boosters") against COVID-19.

    Herd immunity works.

  3. Dervy says that Biden isn't taking the pandemic seriously, that he's "just like Trump now".

    1. No. Our fantastic President Joe Biden took covid seriously and continues to take it seriously.

      Joe Biden: "We still have a problem with covid. We're still doing a lot of work on it".

      dotard donald: "One day — it's like a miracle — it will disappear".


  4. Herd immunity (without vaccines) "works" by infecting many. Most live and are ok. Many die and others have their health ruined by long covid. Beamishderp thinks avoidable deaths and lives ruined is an acceptable price to pay. Because he personally has not had to deal with either consequence. Serious (though avoidable) consequences for people he does not know isn't anything he gives a shit about.

  5. Replied to Beamishderp's BS but my response got disappeared.

  6. Globally, as of 6:24pm CEST, 22 September 2022, there have been 610,866,075 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 6,510,139 deaths, reported to WHO.

    Holy shit. 7% of the world caught Covid and 0.08% died from it.

    What a weak ass pandemic. Herd immunity was mostly already there.

  7. This is what happens when you outsource bioweapons research to China. You get a shitty weapon 93% of the world is already immune to, that won't kill 99.99% of those who aren't immune, So you can shoot up antifreeze and syphilis cocktails you want.

  8. Reposting what got removed...

    Covid will be a leading cause of death in the U.S. indefinitely, whether or not the pandemic is "over". Disease experts predict that Covid will remain among the top 10 causes of death in the US for the foreseeable future. ... The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation ... model predicts a steeper drop in deaths this year if 80% of the public wears masks. ...the country could also lower the death count to "half of what it is today" if more people took advantage of vaccines, boosters or treatments. 9/20/2022.

    Nobody has shot up an antifreeze and syphilis cocktail. Nobody wants to. Nobody can, such a cocktail does not exist. Vaccines save lives. Beamish is sad because (in his opinion) too few people have died/continue to die.

  9. People with the Covid vaccine test positive for syphilis. People without the Covid vaccine don't test positive for syphilis unless they already had syphilis. Syphilis causes myocardial damage. So does the Covid vaccine.

    Propolyne glycol is the main ingredient of both antifreeze and the Covid vaccine. Propolyne glycol poisoning also causes myocardial damage.

    Covid-19 doesn't make 93% of the world sick, and only kills 0.08% of those it does make sick.

    Your "medicine" is worse than the disease.

  10. Q. Do vaccines contain antifreeze?

    A: No. Antifreeze is typically made of ethylene glycol, which is unsafe. Confusion has arisen, because polyethylene glycol (a chemical used in antifreeze and personal care products like skin creams and toothpaste) is used in vaccines and is safe. It is used to inactivate the influenza virus in some influenza vaccines. It is also used to purify other vaccines.

    Beamishderp is bigly confused. But that will obviously never change. Give him the correct information and he ignores it. He likes being confused.

  11. Confused? You're the one injecting the ingredients of antifreeze into your arm.

  12. ....for a disease that affects less than 1 out 10 people and kills even less than that.

  13. I have never injected anything into my arm. I have never injected anything into any part of my body.

  14. \\Covid-19 doesn't make 93% of the world sick,

    Yes? And you have complete data to claim it?
    Like statistic of China and India, all South America, Africa.
    They have decent medical support there. And willing to share such an info.
    Of cough-se. :-)))

    \\ and only kills 0.08% of those it does make sick.

    More like 1%. Where is your data comes from? From your nose? After carefull inspection with your finger? Immediately after that that that finger inspected your sphincter from inside? :-))))

    \\Anonymous (((TC))) said...
    Polyethylene Glycol is made by polymerising ethylene glycol, the main ingredient in antifreeze solutions

    Did you know about Chlorine Gas? One which was used by germans in First World War. Very deadly poisonous!!!!

    I'll reveal to you a VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION here. The Conspiracy.
    From old-old times.

    THEY force you to intake that poisonous substance. EVERY DAY!!!!
    In compaund with another dangerous element natrium.

    That is... (drum beat) NaCl solt. ;-P

    \\I have never injected anything into my arm. I have never injected anything into any part of my body.

    Because. That was certifed medics work to do? ;-)

  15. Divide the number of documented cases of Covid by the population of the Earth. Only 7% of the world has had a documented case of Covid.

    Divide the number of people that have died from Covid by the number of ducumented cases of Covid. Only 0.08% of people diagnosed with a Covid infection has died.

    Just because you can't do math does not mean math is wrong. It just means you can't do math.

  16. \\Divide the number of documented cases of Covid by the population of the Earth.

    You said that. :-))))))))))))))))))
    Are you a man? Or you are a boy?
    Who still not learned how to calcuate %?

    \\Only 7% of the world has had a documented case of Covid.

    Of cough-se.
    Because people on Africa, South America and most of Asia is all healthy and keep staying alive no matter what? :-))))

    \\Divide the number of people that have died from Covid by the number of ducumented cases of Covid. Only 0.08% of people diagnosed with a Covid infection has died.

    Please. Show me how you do division in this thread? ;-P
    Any method they teached you to do it. With pen and paper.

    \\Just because you can't do math does not mean math is wrong. It just means you can't do math.

    Now it befitting to brag about your grades in math. You, kindergartner genius, Smartypants. :-)))))))))))
    And babble about how your Math teacher and your parents proud of you, such a little, yet so much a genius. Stable genius.

  17. Just because you can't do math does not mean math is wrong. It just means you can't do math.

  18. That you have nothing to say other than repeating yourself ad nauseum does not mean that you HAVE something to say. ;-P

    \\Divide the number of people that have died from Covid by the number of ducumented cases of Covid. Only 0.08% of people diagnosed with a Covid infection has died.

    Yes. Do your home work.
    Demonstrate to me HOW 6 millions out of 600 millions constitute Only 0.08%.

  19. Divide the number of people that have died from Covid by the number of ducumented cases of Covid.

    Your numbers are wrong.

  20. \\Your numbers are wrong.

    Feel free to demonstrate YOUR numbers.
    Instead of giving propagandistic percentages. ;-P

    But you will not. Because YOU know that that way your scheming and shaming would be apparent. :-))))))))

  21. The total number of the human population of the Earth, the number of confirmed Covid cases, and the number of deaths from Covid are widely available.

    It is not my problem that you can't do math. It shouldn't be my problem that you're obsessed with challenging me, given the statistical unlikelihood that I'm the first to notice you're an imbecile. Surely your parents noticed before I did.

  22. \\The total number of the human population of the Earth, the number of confirmed Covid cases, and the number of deaths from Covid are widely available.

    Like on this very page? :-))

    By YOU!!!

    Anonymous (((TC))) said...
    Globally, as of 6:24pm CEST, 22 September 2022, there have been 610,866,075 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 6,510,139 deaths, reported to WHO.

    Holy shit. 7% of the world caught Covid and 0.08% died from it.

    Go demonstrate HOW you came to that your moronic 0.08%

  23. Still no answer? :-)))

    Well, it seems you a moron, but not complete idiot. To continue to brawl even after you treaks was completely busted.

    Cudos! :-)))
