Saturday, July 2, 2022

Bear Baiting 101


  1. (((Thought Criminal)))July 2, 2022 at 8:16 AM

    Unfortunately, no. We're taking our ball and going home. The world will starve to death for biting the hand that feeds it.

  2. Dervy says "no". Do you think that Lynn Cheney and the establishment UniParty RNC isn't going to charge you for her Jan. 6 anti-Trump collusion?

  3. No, it is not. The US has enough problems without instigating any war anywhere. I am tired of all the money going to Ukraine when it could help our nation get out of the hell hole Biden has dug up and put us all in!

  4. Everything we've seen since even before the Ukrainian "black book" used to frame Paul Manafort is pointing to a war with Russia over Ukraine. NATO and the CIA is running this war.

  5. Imagine if the Saudi's join BRIC. America will no longer be the world's reserve currency. That hell hole is going to get significantly deeper.

  6. (((Thought Criminal)))July 2, 2022 at 6:35 PM

    Yeah. Undefended supply lines from Khargil Island to Shanghai. What could possibility go wrong?

  7. (((Thought Criminal)))July 2, 2022 at 6:39 PM

    No, it is not. The US has enough problems without instigating any war anywhere.

    You have to understand the holy omnipotent power of America. Everything is America's fault, even if it isn't. If it weren't so, we'd take our God back to the store for and upgrade.

  8. We're going to war with Saudi Arabia now, too beamish? The environmentalist admirals are going to sink their tankers? But what about saving the planet?

  9. (((Thought Criminal)))July 3, 2022 at 10:14 AM

    The collective efforts of all these countries (provided you could get over the logistical hurdle of them cooperating with each other in the first place) would generously take at least two centuries, perhaps three, to match the protective regime provided by the US Navy.

    We don't have to sink a thing. Insurance companies just won't underwrite cargo coming in or going out of routes that pass through dangerous sea lanes like the Black Sea but extended through the Suez, the Horn of Africa, the Persian Gulf, the Straits of Malacca, and so on.

    "That's a nice logistical trail you have there. Be a shame if Tom Hanks wasn't the captain anymore."

  10. (((Thought Criminal)))July 3, 2022 at 10:20 AM

    Bad boys bad boys watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they hijack you?

  11. (((Thought Criminal)))July 3, 2022 at 10:26 AM

    We stand all grinnish as they don't get their spinach coz there's no Popeye the Sailor Man

  12. (((Thought Criminal)))July 3, 2022 at 10:32 AM

    "Defund the Sea Police"

    Yeah, that'll work lol

  13. (((Thought Criminal)))July 3, 2022 at 11:41 AM

    Name somewhere in the world the US withdrew from that didn't become a shit hole of corruption, crime, and war.

    Southeast Asia? South America? Central America? Africa? The Middle East? Pakistan and Afghanistan? Eastern Europe / Ukraine? The Phillipines? Korean Peninsula?

    Where is the "better for America / better for the world" selling point to ending globalism?

    Considering America's current strength and wealth rose upon the force of globalism, why would you then substitute that with diminished American strength and wealth, and a global order dominated by authoritarians and totalitarians and warmongers and terrorists?

    Someone has to be on top. Why not us? See anyone on the bottom you'd rather have in charge?

  14. South Korea isn't a sh*thole. Japan isn't a sh*thold. Germany isn't a sh*thole. Oh, that's right, we WON those wars.

  15. You're talking about the half-assed stupidities we've waged on the UN golbalist model...

  16. (((Thought Criminal)))July 3, 2022 at 11:57 AM

    We haven't left Germany, or Japan, or Korea....

  17. (((Thought Criminal)))July 4, 2022 at 5:55 AM

    And leveraged those victories into... globalism :)

    And we'll leverage the current retreat from globalism into something equally beneficial to America.

    Maybe Sally Struthers will let us adopt a starving European skinny for just the cost of a cup of coffee.

  18. (((Thought Criminal)))July 7, 2022 at 7:03 AM

    We've been waiting all our lives to die.

  19. Everything we've seen since even before the Ukrainian black book was used to expose Paul Manafort's guilt pointed to a war with Russia over Ukraine initiated by Vladimir Putin.

    "The authenticity of the black ledger was confirmed by reconciling the amounts in it with transfers to Manafort's account in the US" :P

  20. (((Thought Criminal)))July 9, 2022 at 6:32 AM

    Russia is fighting a war of choice in Ukraine.

    That choice was made a helluva a lot easier by:

    - little to no substantive consequences to their incursions into Georgia and Crimea (indeed they got a lucrative oil and LNG pipeline to Europe out of it)

    - little to no consequences whatsoever to their meddling in Kazakhstan or the other Central Asian 'stans.

    - absolutely no consequences to their puppeteering in Belarus

    - nobody taking out Bashir Assad in Syria

    - the lack of consequences for interference in US election(s)

    - the alienation of Turkey by Europe, compounded by Trump

    - the fellatio of Russia becoming a key foreign policy plank in the US Republican Party national platform under Trump

    - efforts to de-unify and disband NATO, also by Trump

    Russia chose war with Ukraine because they figured out strongly worded letters and dirty looks don't actually hurt, and that no one would dare flip the switch on the SWIFT payment system and starve them out.

    They miscalculated.

  21. NATO is the one that miscalculated. They're going to look pretty stupid when they attack Russia and the US pulls out of NATO.

  22. This is a rare instance of Beamish being correct.

    NATO isn't going to attack Russia nor is the US going to pull out of NATO.

  23. (((Thought Criminal)))July 11, 2022 at 8:54 PM

    Russia looks kinda stupid arguing that they don't want NATO countries on their borders while invading and attempting to annex another country that borders NATO countries and inspires other countries on their borders to join NATO.

    When does the blocking of the SWIFT payment system and release of Russia's foreign currency assets happen? As soon as they reverse course.... everywhere. The unthinkable...SWIFT system ostracization...will be the first golf club pulled out of the bag on future transgressing nations.

  24. (((Thought Criminal)))July 11, 2022 at 9:09 PM

    Russian oil and gas pipelines from the Caspian Basin are useless to Europe if Russia is not making deliveries and Europe starts getting their oil and gas from more reliable sources. China can't buy all the oil from Russia not being sold to Europe without new pipelines no one in Russia knows how to build or maintain or even pay for. And then the point sources of oil and gas pipelines in the Caspian Basin shut down from maintenance neglect and sabotage / military strike as reality further proves 3 -3 = 0.

    "We'll promise to give your starving family vouchers for bread that doesn't exist if you'll put the fires out."

    "Nyet, comrade. We'll eat your bread and your family instead."
