Friday, July 15, 2022

Baltimore Sun Editorial Board Disses Readers and Goes Full Woke for the UniParty


As a House select committee continues its deep dive into the events of Jan. 6, 2021, there has been some consolation for Marylanders that the major figures in the assault on democracy were not from around these parts. Not Donald Trump, who has never won an election in this state; not his closest associates; and not his nuttiest advisors, whether inside or outside the White House. Indeed, there’s been some consolation that one of the committee’s leading figures in ferreting out the truth behind the madness has been none other than U.S. Rep. Jamie B. Raskin, the Democrat and constitutional law professor who has represented Maryland’s 8th Congressional District since 2017.

All that changed on Tuesday, however, when it was revealed that President Trump and his team had summoned a select group of GOP House members to the White House on Dec. 21, 2020, in an apparent attempt to garner their support for a scheme to overturn the election. Included in the usual suspects of Trump diehards, right-wing extremists and conspiracy theorists — like Arizona’s Paul Gosar and Florida’s Matt Gaetz — was none other than Maryland 1st District U.S. Rep. Andy Harris. The goal of the meeting was obviously to encourage the attendees to keep repeating the lie that the election was stolen and to reinforce the plan that, we now know, was hatched by the more-deeply-disgraced-by-the-day Trump attorney, John Eastman, to get Vice President Mike Pence to reject the electoral results on Jan. 6.

The revelation was by itself not especially shocking. Mr. Harris has traded in election lies before. But what was especially disappointing was his immediate response to this disclosure. Did he apologize? No. Did he admit anything connected with this coup attempt was wrong? Again, no. Did he at least express some regret about events that culminated with the armed attack on the U.S. Capitol? Absolutely not. Here is a summary of the congressman’s written response: He was too busy to watch the hearing. He’s trying to lower the price of groceries and gasoline, and fighting crime instead.

Now, setting aside the fact that Mr. Harris has been a thoroughly ineffective member of Congress who wouldn’t know how to put together a coalition to pass legislation that might address inflation or crime in some meaningful way if he was provided all 435 votes in his chamber on a silver platter, his inability to appreciate the seriousness of the events of Jan. 6 ought to be regarded as disqualifying for his job. A functioning democracy requires people in positions of power to respect the rules and the results of a legal election. As the House panel is finding over and over again, this was not how President Trump or his circle of co-conspirators operated. Perhaps the congressman could at least brag he wasn’t present for the infamous “unhinged” meeting three days earlier, where bogus conspiracy theory after bogus conspiracy theory was shot down by the president’s rational advisors, which still did nothing to dissuade Mr. Trump from his attempted coup.

Alas, Mr. Harris, 65, who has represented his district since 2011, faces no challenger in the GOP primary on July 19. But Tuesday’s revelation certainly provided plenty of campaign fodder for others on the ballot including Democrats Heather Mizeur and David Harden who quickly attacked the incumbent as a “traitor” to his country. “We learned today that Andy Harris’ depravity and unfitness to serve go even deeper than we knew,” Ms. Mizeur, 49, a former state delegate, announced in a campaign press release. Mr. Harden, 59, a retired Foreign Service officer pronounced on Twitter that Mr. Harris “dishonored his office, broke his oath, and chose the pursuit of power over the rule of law. He has disgraced us.”

Whether this will make a difference in November to voters in the 1st District, which centers on the Eastern Shore and is easily the most politically conservative and GOP-leaning in the state, remains to be seen. The congressman’s cavalier attitude toward the events of Jan. 6, 2021, may not prove so discomforting to people who refuse to believe their own eyes and ears regarding the day’s events.

And that, of course, makes the revelation all the worse a disgraced co-conspirator who laughs away serious claims is unlikely to be held accountable by those he has cynically used, and he knows it. And doesn’t that just typify the state of U.S. politics in 2022? Marylanders may simply have to consider themselves fortunate if this proves to be their only scoundrel in high office.

Will somebody please fetch some feinting couches for Sun Editorial Board members?  Andy Harris is the only national politician with integrity in the entire state.  The same cannot be said for the snivelling RINOs still running the Maryland Republican Party and their Grand Pubah and likely 2024 Presidential candidate, Governor Larry Hogan.


  1. (((Thought Criminal)))July 15, 2022 at 9:42 AM

    The festering shitstain violent domestic abuser and Trump junkie Eric Greitens here in Missouri has a credible shot at securing the GOP nomination for US Senate, despite his being the only Republican candidate polling in double digits behind the Democrat opponent (all other Republican Senate candidates are blowing the Democrat opponent out of the water in polling). Missouri is a far more conservative state than Maryland, and even likely every other state. If Greitens is not knocked out of the primaries, Missouri will gain a Democrat Senator in the general, and it won't even be close.

    Trump fatigue will do what having a political spine will not.

    The beatings of Republicans will continue until morality improves.

  2. (((Thought Criminal)))July 15, 2022 at 9:47 AM

    About the only Senate race I hope the Republicans win (barring Missouri Republicans rejecting Greitens) is Rand Paul's race in Kentucky - and that's just to see if his self-lynching opponent will actually hang himself to death.

  3. The Dems are pouring all their donor money into trying to save their Senate candidates. The House is going to be a blow-out for (R)s.

  4. "The House is going to be a blow-out for Rs".

    That you're excited by this is proof the "uniparty" narrative is bs. Why would a "uniparty" shut down the J6 committee and start investigating Hunter Biden/impeach Joe Biden for doing a fantastic job? Or is none of that going to happen *if* the voters are dumb enough to give control of the House to the republiturds?

  5. AFter Nov 2022, the Uniparty is going to be shorter by another 60-80 members. :)

  6. (((Thought Criminal)))July 17, 2022 at 5:31 PM

    ...and if you're wrong, it's because the ghost of Hugo Chavez programmed the voting machines incorrectly.


  7. Nope, they forgot to throw in a few hundred thousand never folded absentee ballots.

  8. (((Thought Criminal)))July 18, 2022 at 12:02 PM

    Nah. You can't reconcile the myth of election fraud with a get out the vote drive. You can have one, but not both. And until the Republican Party is fully purged of every politician who can't bring themselves to say Trump and his Big Lie waterboys should fuck right off to Siberia, they're probably not going to win shit.

  9. You can't pre-print 100,000 "never-voted" ballots and stick 'em under a desk until 3 am? Somebody needs to tell that to Ruby Freeman.

  10. The Ruby Freeman lies have been completely debunked. Why OAN retracted their false reporting. What you describe did not happen.

    Why Ruby Freeman and Wandrea Moss will prevail in their lawsuits against The Gateway Pundit and Rudy Giuliani. Hopefully both are ruined financially. LOL!

  11. Oh, Ruby and Wandrea will be, you can count on it.

  12. LOL! OAN settled rather than go to trial. Obviously their lawyers told them their chances of prevailing were slim. Perhaps as slim as Steve Bannon's chances. From what I've heard he will almost certainly be convinced re the contempt of Congress charges he is facing. LOL!

    I will laugh again when Ruby Freeman is awarded large settlements for pain and suffering due to lies about her being a "professional vote scammer and hustler" (as per dotard donald). She should sue him too.

  13. All that would do is discredit the Courts and force more people, like Steve Bannon, to ignore them.
