Thursday, June 9, 2022

Will 2025 be the Year in which the Political Gloves Come Off?

Who would likely become America's "Caesar" were Trump to be Assassinated?


  1. It has been the historical precedent ever since Plato's "Republic". Capitalism is increasingly divorcing itself from democracy.

  2. "God forbid" = what Minus WANTS.

    The United States was added to the list of backsliding democracies BECAUSE of tRump.

  3. trumpturds are the ULTIMATE sore losers. When Al Gore won but had the presidency stolen from him by the SCOTUS - Democrats didn't say we should end democracy. When Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but had the presidency stolen from her by tRump/Russia collusion - Democrats didn't say we should end democracy. But that's exactly what trumpturd a-holes are now doing.

    If your guy doesn't win in 2024 you want to end democracy. You wanted (and tried) to end democracy in 2020. trumpturds are the WORST. It really is a shame we can't deport them. Maybe you'd be happier in Hungary? I say the Biden administration should look into it and see how many trumpturds Hungary might be willing to accept. Go somewhere else instead of trying to ruin this country.

  4. Good idea, Dervy. When Trump wins in 2024, move to Hungary.

  5. The process of applying for Hungarian citizenship probably takes awhile. You should get the ball rolling now so you can get things lined up for your move after President Joe Biden is reelected in 2024.
