Friday, June 10, 2022

The June 6 Insurrection @ SCotUS


18 U.S.C. § 1507 states that anyone with "the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness” “pickets or parades in or near a building.... or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both."

Biden just decided not to enforce these laws in order to allow his leftist allies to intimidate the justices.

Not one of the leftists who have spent years harassing Supreme Court justices with protests outside the court and even their homes has been sent off to prison. Nor will they. Pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court, marching around the homes of justices, and trying to prevent them from coming to court have become basic parts of the activist playbook.

Even after the Kavanaugh assassination plot, leftists are continuing to protest outside his home.

The arrest of Nicholas Roske, armed with a Glock 17, and carrying burglar tools, pepper spray, and zip ties, is just the latest in a wave of leftist violence touched off by the hate campaign against Justice Kavanaugh and other conservative justices. Roske was angry about the Roe v. Wade leaked draft and said that he planned to break into Kavanaugh's house and kill him.

Roske found Kavanaugh’s address on the internet after leftist activist groups doxxed him and other justices while encouraging protesters to intimidate them and their families in their homes.

I&I Editorial Board, "The Democrats’ ‘Insurrection’ Against The Supreme Court"

It’s bad enough that someone in America could become so unhinged by nonstop far-left media propaganda that he’d try to kill a Supreme Court justice. But far worse is the blasé reaction by the Democratic Party and its extreme-left pro-abortion allies to the attempted murder of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Following his arrest in the early hours Wednesday, Nicholas John Roske told federal law enforcement officials that he intended to kill Kavanaugh. He was, he said, angry that the Supreme Court might soon overturn the Roe v. Wade abortion decision — which, by the way, would only mean that states, not the federal government, would determine abortion laws.

Roske meant business. He was toting a bag that, as the arrest record noted, contained a Glock 17 pistol, ammunition, a knife, zip ties, pepper spray, duct tape, and other items, which he hoped to use to kill Kavanaugh.

Just another deranged lunatic? A one-off by a lone nut? Hardly. It seems the Democrats’ increasingly violent rhetoric in recent years continues to bear its poison fruit.

A mere day before Roske was nabbed, pro-abortion activists firebombed a pro-life CompassCare pregnancy center outside Buffalo, in what the Washington Free Beacon described as “the latest in a series of attacks on pro-life offices and churches since the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.”

To leave no doubt about who was behind the bombing, the perps left a scrawled message: “Jane Was Here,” a reference to the anonymous “Jane Roe” of the “Roe v. Wade” decision.

But even violent leftists who get caught red handed get off easy under President Joe Biden’s Justice Department, headed by Merrick Garland.

Two radical lawyers, Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman, were found to have handed out Molotov cocktails to other rioters during the 2020 violence, and even threw one of the explosives into a cop car before escaping.

The Justice Department, still under control of the Trump White House, pushed for 10 years behind bars for the duo, along with special “terrorist enhancement” penalties, clearly appropriate for this case.

Didn’t happen. Instead, in a new softened plea deal, Garland last month reduced the amount of time to be served by the terrorists from the original 10 years down to 18-24 months.

No word yet on when those who are illegally being held under charges for the Jan. 6 “insurrection” will be given similar leniency.

It may seem highly coincidental that all this should be coming together on the very day the Democrats began a televised show trial for the Jan. 6, 2021, demonstrations in the nation’s capital.

But, in fact, this is a strategy, taken straight from Marxist “organizer” Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals.” In that tome, he wrote the following: “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt”

This is precisely what Democratic “progressives” are doing now. As they run sham Jan. 6 “hearings” built on lies and exaggerations, they’ve been engaged in a massive actual insurrection for years now.

Dating back to the summer of 2020, when major cities exploded into violence over the death of criminal suspect George Floyd while in police custody, the Democrats have looked for ways to stir more violence while weakening the criminal justice system.

Just look at the number of radical district attorneys across the country who owe their jobs to contributions from socialist billionaire George Soros. They are now emptying jails and putting murderers back on the streets, with predictable results. This is the real insurrection.

It’s still hard to get Democrats to unequivocally criticize the 2020 riots (Democrats and their leftist media buddies called them “mostly peaceful”) that terrorized citizens, caused more than $2 billion in damage, and led to the deaths of at least 28 people.

But there were plenty who had inflammatory remarks about both the Jan. 6 demonstrations in Washington and the Supreme Court’s new conservative majority.

Most egregious of all were comments by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. In 2020, he set the tone for the current violent threats against the U.S. Supreme Court with what can only be called a direct threat of violence.

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” Schumer said. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

This speech wasn’t on the steps of Congress; it was right outside the U.S. Supreme Court building at a “protest” over the possibility that Roe v. Wade might be overturned by a conservative high court majority.

In the meantime, Schumer’s followers in the pro-abortion movement continue to violate the law, doxxing and demonstrating in front of Supreme Court justices’ homes in a transparent attempt at intimidation.

“Our 6-3 extremist Supreme Court routinely issues rulings that hurt women, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ and immigrant rights,” the radical “Ruth Sent Us” group’s website explains. “We must rise up to force accountability using a diversity of tactics.”

A “diversity of tactics”? How about breaking the law.

According to 18 U.S. Code § 115, threatening a federal official “with intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with such official, judge, or law enforcement officer while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against such official, judge, or law enforcement officer on account of the performance of official duties, shall be punished” with a fine and/or up to 10 years in prison.

Citing a Homeland Security memo, Axios recently reported that “Law enforcement agencies are investigating social-media threats to burn down or storm the Supreme Court building and murder justices and their clerks, as well as attacks targeting places of worship and abortion clinics.”

So, yes, it’s real.

By egging on the demonstrators and ignoring their illegal behavior, the Democrats have contributed to an atmosphere of violent intimidation. It’s a direct subversion of our constitutional form of government, a blatant attempt to weaken and undermine the integrity of one of the three co-equal branches of our federal government.

Maybe we missed it, but we’ve yet to hear any comments from either House Speaker Nancy Pelosi or Schumer condemning the recent protests or even the lunatic Roske who, quite possibly, was “inspired” by Pelosi’s and Schumer’s intemperate remarks about the Supreme Court’s conservative majority.

Pelosi’s House Democrats this week even blocked a bill that would give Supreme Court justices better protection from potentially violent, unhinged people like Roske. As for Biden, after stumbling through an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel’s show, he warned of a “mini-revolution” if Roe is overturned.

Here’s a modest proposal: How about a “June 8 Committee” to look into the ongoing insurrection against the U.S. Supreme Court, American law enforcement and the criminal justice system?


  1. Who wrote this moronic screed? You? Or are you now stealing entire articles and giving zero credit to the original author?

    There is no "insurrection" against the Supreme Court. The would-be "assassin" ran away as soon as he saw the security outside boofing Brett's house. His plan wasn't serious. It failed immediately.

  2. It's was an Editorial board, Dervy, et al. It's a "consensus" opinion.

    btw - You should try making your "criteria" for an "insurrection" more consistent and now apply what you defined above to the Jan. 6 protestors.

  3. Nicholas John Roske was just LARPing (pretending to be an assassin) and sight-seeing on the street outside a Supreme Court Justice's home*. Unlike the Jan 6 insurrectionists. He ran away as soon as he saw security and never entered boofer's house. The Jan 6 insurrectionists entered the Capitol (some through windows they smashed) after fighting with the Capitol police.

    The courts aren't going to go easy on Roske, though. He's being charged with attempted murder. Which is what he intended to do. Just as the trumpturds who entered the capitol intended insurrection. And they went a lot farther in their efforts to get their desired result than Roske did.

    Those who marched toward the capitol but turned around and left (didn't fight with the capitol police) have not been charged.

    *What you might say if you were defending him. Perhaps because it was a Democrat-appointed SCOTUS justice that Roske had decided he was going to murder.

  4. He should have just went home after changing his mind about trying to murder boofer. Instead he called the police and confessed. Kind of like the morons who attacked the Capitol, then posted about their crimes on social media (or live streamed them). If you give the authorities no choice by admitting your crimes (or intention to commit crimes) - what are they supposed to do?

    Re the "editorial board" authorship of the article you linked to... editorial board of what publication? Why don't you want to give them credit?

  5. btw - Is Monday, June 13, Insurrection Day @ SCotUS, dervy? RU going?

  6. (((Thought Criminal)))June 12, 2022 at 11:33 AM

    Dervy forgot about the part where leftists would have accused Roske of being a Proud Boy trying to make Antifa look bad.

  7. Hey Joe and Thought Criminal, Assface Dervish will be pooping his panties when he sees the insurrection fail in front of his face. Assface Dervish has been throwing a fit at Lisa's blog. The fake Joe Biden has been trolling the blog with some code "Bulbophyll Bassoon got to (name of someone famous)... I want my🍦🍦now..." driving Dervish crazy. It's funny seeing him freak out with his usual poo flinging at Lisa's site. I'll see you back at Lisa's site.

  8. (((Thought Criminal)))June 12, 2022 at 11:45 PM

    Who's Lisa? Is this an invitation or incitation to vandalize a different part of the internet?

  9. If I see you as Who's Your Daddy making Dervish freak out, I'll toss you some bones there to make Dervy freak out. Dervish has some vile fake accounts he uses to attack people with while posting his retorts at that site. He hates me the most.

  10. (((Thought Criminal)))June 13, 2022 at 6:14 AM

    Gimme a link and I'll pop by with my spray paint. FJ attracts the most fun trolls, and if they're running around the blogosphere handing out demerits, they're not at the sandwich shop spreading monkey pox to the customers. We must all do our part.

  11. The blog referred to by "Rattrapper" is monopolized by "Rattrapper". "Rattrapper" is one of many IDs he uses to post on that blog. He posts as "Joe Biden", "Adolf Schitler", a non-brilliant Qanon and an ID he uses to fake comments from me. A-hole copied my Blogger display name and stole my avatar. If you go there and see a comment supposedly authored by me, but click my display name and see "Profile Not Available", the comment is FAKE.

    FYI, I'm not going to be "pooping my panties" because there is no "insurrection" against the SCOTUS to fail or succeed. Also I don't wear panties. Roe is going to be overturned. The non-voters should have gotten out and cast ballots for Hillary. This situation came about due to apathy, not because a majority of citizens want Roe overturned. A majority want it to stand.

  12. (((Thought Criminal)))June 13, 2022 at 8:49 AM

    So you deny being Derpy there too? Not a shocker.
