Monday, June 20, 2022

Pride - Gender Appreciation Day


  1. "The definition of strength in every way minus physicality".

    Misogynists like their women to be weak so they are easy to control. Women like these must really turn you off.

    "And not hairy at all".

    I guess these misogynists are unaware that women shave off their body hair. Or that some women don't. Hmm.

  2. LOL! I've got some nits that you can pick out of my dog's fur, later, dervy.

  3. ps - This should help you figure it out, derv...

  4. btw, I did notice you confirmed that the Babylon Bee video is bigoted.

  5. And you're not bigoted against straight white males Republicans?

  6. btw - Monkey Pox cases in the UK as of 6/20/22...

    For confirmed cases in the UK, where gender information was available, 758 (99%) confirmed cases were male, with 5 confirmed female cases. The median age of confirmed cases in the UK was 37 years (interquartile range 31-43).

    Can YOU say "Gay Plague"?

  7. (((Thought Criminal)))June 21, 2022 at 5:27 PM

    When did "bigoted" become a slur? Did it happen in an era of enlightenment that never happened?

  8. Intolerance of bigotry isn't itself bigotry. It's being a decent person.

    Monkeypox isn't AIDs. btw, people who engage in unsafe sex spread disease. Gay or straight.

    Timcast lies. He is a bad person. Some people were waived in by Capitol police? "Amazing, isn't it"? No. So what? Those officers got in trouble.

    "Liberals literally don't know what's going on ... Then you have people who listen to my shows. People like you and I. We fact check".

    Thank you, Timcast. I do fact check. Though this "you and I" claim is BS. Timcast fact checks, then spins the facts to fit his narrative. He's praising his listeners for believing his lies. "Yes, I do fact check and seek the truth" the deluded Timcast lister agrees. When nothing could be further from the truth.

    ABC News: "In general, ignorance of the law is not an excuse for criminal behavior", said Taryn Merkl, senior counsel in the Justice Program at the Brennan Center for Justice and a former federal prosecutor in the Eastern District of New York.

    Many accused rioters also face multiple charges for crimes they allegedly committed once inside the building, which experts say would render their claims of legal entry meaningless.

    "Whether or not people knew that it was not lawful to enter the grounds as they did, many are charged with parading, demonstrating, or picketing -- and that is prohibited, and no intent is required", Merkl said.

  9. (((Thought Criminal)))June 22, 2022 at 4:02 AM

    Intolerance of bigotry isn't itself bigotry. It's being a decent person.

    Nothing in the definition of bigotry involves intolerance or indecency.

    What you really find unbearable and unacceptable is that not everyone has the same opinions as you. So the political labels (crazy, delusional, intolerant, indecent) come out. You've even made "bigot" a political label in your efforts to Newspeak the English language into your favor and rob your superiors of a way to describe their opinions and ideas.

    Tolerance just means we won't kill each other. You want more from us than that.

  10. (((Thought Criminal)))June 22, 2022 at 4:18 AM

    ...and nothing from yourself. You won't eat a sandwich made by shit-stained monkey pox fingers, but we're the "indecent" ones for demanding a better sandwich and sandwich maker.

  11. (((Thought Criminal)))June 22, 2022 at 4:22 AM

    Did you celebrate Juneteenth with fried chicken and watermelon? We did.

  12. Nothing in the definition of bigotry involves intolerance or indecency.

    bigotry [big-uh-tree] noun, plural big·ot·ries.
    stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
    the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot.

    I don't find it unbearable at all that you view "bigot" as a positive descriptor. I think it's very helpful. You should tell everyone you meet that you're a bigot (thinking doing so identifies you as a superior person). I doubt you will find many people who agree. If you do, the person is likely a tRump supporter (a person who you previously identified as someone you believe has a low IQ). Bigots like you should self-ostracize from society. You even self-ostracize from your fellow bigots.

    FYI, businesses that sell prepared food are compelled BY LAW to adhere to hygienic standards. They comply or face the possibility of the health department shutting them down. They aren't compelled by law to not hire gay employees. That would be illegal discrimination.

    If you walk into a sandwich shop intending to make a purchase -- and encounter an employee you believe to be gay -- feel free to leave. Though, if you ask for the manager and inform him/her that you are concerned about your sandwich being prepared by a gay employee, don't be surprised if you are asked to leave. Because most of us don't agree that your bigotry makes you superior.

  13. Dervy likes to practice "affirmative action" for the practices we merely tolerate, beamish. He wants to make identifying and curing the problems of the world as difficult as possible.

  14. btw - Do you a difference between "tolerance" and "complete intolerance" dervy? That means that if I don't kill you, I'm being "tolerant" of you. When words evolve into actions, bigotry transforms into intolerance. There's not a g-damned thing wrong with bigotry.

  15. least not as long as it's mildest symptom (words) don't materialize into actions.

  16. (((Thought Criminal)))June 22, 2022 at 3:52 PM

    If I "completely intolerated" something, I'd do something about it, like when I shoot coyotes.

    If all the coyotes are doing are disturbing the quiet of the night taking down a deer in the hills and valleys below my home, let 'em be.

    But up on my hill, in my yard and around my pets and stalking my chickens and goats and the neighbor's horse I have a big scary black AR-15 variant to send them to coyote hell. Because I don't tolerate that bullshit.

  17. (((Thought Criminal)))June 22, 2022 at 3:56 PM

    So yes, if I walk in to a restaurant and the manager says I have to eat food prepared by a faggot or leave, I'll leave, and soon so will everyone else that doesn't want their food and drinks touched by feces frosted fingers and other forms of faggotry.

  18. (((Thought Criminal)))June 22, 2022 at 3:59 PM

    All I want is a sign on the door that warns people that their food and drinks might be touched by some doo-doo dabbler so I don't have to ask.

  19. (((Thought Criminal)))June 22, 2022 at 4:10 PM

    FYI, businesses that sell prepared food are compelled BY LAW to adhere to hygienic standards. They comply or face the possibility of the health department shutting them down. They aren't compelled by law to not hire gay employees. That would be illegal discrimination.

    Hygienic standards =/= hiring turd tossers to handle food.

    Has the local Health code inspectors been informed that the restaurant employs shit slurpers? That would help out investigations of Hepatitis and monkey pox outbreaks faster and limit exposure risks.

    Gay people should be free of stigmatism and shame. We shouldn't have to find out they are gay after dozens of people have been infected by their coprophagic hobby residue.

  20. (((Thought Criminal)))June 22, 2022 at 4:15 PM

    Being "good" is not something you are, it's something that you do.

    No one has to attend a funeral over "bigotry." Too many people die from eating food touched by faggots.

  21. (((Thought Criminal)))June 22, 2022 at 4:23 PM

    Tolerance is not acceptance, and it sure isn't rewarding restaurant owners for intentionally putting customers at risk in the name of believing sanitation might hurt someone's feelings.

  22. “True pluralism, as Berlin understands it, is much more tough-minded and intellectually bold: it rejects the view that all conflicts of values can be finally resolved by synthesis (Hegel) and that all desirable goals may be reconciled (Plato). It recognises that human nature generates values which, though equally sacred, equally ultimate, exclude one another, without there being any possibility of establishing an objective hierarchical relation among them. Moral conduct may therefore involve making agonising choices, without the help of universal criteria, between incompatible but equally desirable values.”

    ― Isaiah Berlin, "Russian Thinkers"
