Sunday, June 19, 2022


G_d Sets Us Free!


  1. (((Thought Criminal)))June 19, 2022 at 9:47 PM

    I'm celebrating Juneteenth with a grape soda and a pack of menthol cigarettes. I might spring for a bucket of KFC and a watermelon too.

  2. Sounds like the makings of a possible new "holiday meal" tradition.... but perhaps it needs some vegetables... collard greens? Dirty rice? Jes sayin'.

  3. America needs a more ethnically inclusive traditional holiday meal. Turkey in November. Hot dogs/hamburgers on the 4th of July. And Fried chicken with Dirty Rice on Juneteenth. I'm DEFINITELY going to Popeyes today. 'F KFC and their less inclusive YUM! ethnic brands (Pizza Hut/Taco Bell/ KFC/ The Habit) orbit.

  4. (((Thought Criminal)))June 20, 2022 at 10:03 AM

    Horrible holiday... Celebrating the government force-backed seizure of my great-great grandfather's farm and farm equipment and forcing everyone to pay for its maintenance....

    It's almost as bad as barbecuing for Socialist Terrorism Day on the first Monday of September.

  5. (((Thought Criminal)))June 20, 2022 at 10:04 AM

    Mmmm... arson-grilled capitalist pork steaks...

  6. LOL, you are too funny TC but darn if that is not the truth! Did you all hear about the DC killing and those injured in shootings at the Juneteenth celebration? One injured was a cop! Bowser tried to say it was because it was too many people and unorganized. Yah think? They said they had a 'stampede' running away from the shootings. Fox reported it was two separate arguments that got out of control. ABC said they were not sure who the shooter was but implied "the shooter was white?" So sick of the race issues. Blacks are prospering in this nation and it's no one's fault if white or black people choose to live in a ghetto mentality. It all needs to stop!

  7. (((Thought Criminal)))June 20, 2022 at 12:27 PM

    For the record I totally love collard greens slow cooked with bacon, ham, or even a ham bone for seasoning.

    Pepper Pot soup, a Caribbean / Black Creole inspired stew prepared from scraps by George Washington's slave / chef, fed an army and turned farmers into warriors at Bunker Hill. My favorite soup of all time, if I can find it made from tripe instead of biscuit dumplings. Campbell's makes an awesome noodle-dumpling canned version, but those unpatriotic bastards only sell it in Canada.

  8. (((Thought Criminal)))June 20, 2022 at 12:38 PM

    @FJ - KFC just isn't the same since PepsiCo bought them out in the 80s. For the "real" recipe the old bird Colonel Sanders kept in his family and a nice 1970s flashback of culinary excellence, find yourself a Lee's Famous Recipe chicken place. Lee Cummings was Col. Sanders' nephew and business partner that started his own chain after the Pepsi buyout. Not sure they have any locations in Maryland though.

  9. (((Thought Criminal)))June 20, 2022 at 12:51 PM

    The very first fried chicken recipe was created by a series of natural occurrences in prehistoric times. A Tyrannosaurus Rex, having narrowly escaped a tar pit, ran through fields of peppers, onions, and wheat which clung to it, but was suddenly struck by lightning and the perfectly battered and fried skin was eaten by proto-marmosets...

  10. Yummy KFC 50 years ago. Now it is not worth a hill of beans! I used to love their biscuits and honey!

  11. Hey, Popeye's is the best, chicken now (& biscuits)! I go for the spicy... with a side of red beans and rice (you can get dirty rice, too).

    I have some friends who swear by the Royal Farms (RoFo) chicken because it's pressure cooked... but I have a hard time bringing myself and going into a gas station convenience store "for the chicken". I'll stick to my morning sausage/egg on a waffle from WaWa's.

    And beamish... tripe? Blech!

  12. ps - I've heard of Lee's, but I'm not sure you can find them as close to the Mason_Dixon as I live. ;)

  13. @ Elizabeth - I heard about the shootings, but didn't really follow it. I just thought to myself "Tyson's Corner"... and shrugged.

  14. Yes, Tysons Corner and also in Fairfax County a man sitting in his car I believe it was early Sunday morning shot to death for NO REASON and NO SUSPECTS. Scary!

  15. We get so many MORE shootings in Baltimore every day... we've got "shooting fatigue". Our attention span is MUCH more "local".

    My middle son spends all his days doing "installs" for Verizon in Baltimore City. He's a Baltimore School for the Arts graduate.

  16. btw - I think our Juneteenth celebration needs some kind of proper celebratory dessert or ending (ala "fireworks"). What say you?

  17. btw - Notice the "nozzle effect" in the first trial run. :)

  18. (((Thought Criminal)))June 20, 2022 at 2:37 PM

    Popeyes chicken is brined and marinated in Louisiana hot sauce and salt water then batter fried. Lee's herbs and spices are a bit more magical than that... The recipe Colonel Sanders' family kept for themselves ;) It's the difference between Louisiana and Kentucky schools really. Popeyes red beans and rice is incomplete... It needs seared Andouille sausage chunks ;)

  19. btw - Socialist Terrorism Day honours Ducky. Where would America be today without the Haymarket riot?

    Labour was supposed to be the solution for "Large Trusts". Instead, we got a labour mafia... and a party to front for them.

    Ofttimes, the lessons from failures are more meaningful than those from the successes.

  20. Andouille sausage chunks...a-h-h-h-h-h-g-g-g-g--g couldn't find the clip, but turned it up to 11, instead. ;)

  21. Have a great Juneteenth holiday, beamish!

  22. (((Thought Criminal)))June 20, 2022 at 2:46 PM

    LOL the watermelon jet reminds me of the line about the alligator cannon in Johnny Horton's Battle of New Orleans

  23. (((Thought Criminal)))June 20, 2022 at 2:57 PM

    Reserve this for your Labor Terrorism Day weekend post ;)

  24. (((Thought Criminal)))June 20, 2022 at 10:56 PM

    As for your son - when I was doing cable TV installations back in the day the risk was getting all the copper (wiring) and component equipment stolen off the truck while you're strapped into a harness atop a utility pole. Not much risk of that becoming a fiber optic installer... More training, harder ass-busting work, better pay, but nobody can make a quick buck at the scrap yard with stolen fiber, and you see better neighborhoods that way ;)

    I'd still do it if my spine could handle it.

  25. That reminds me of an episode of "The Wire" where a couple of addicts rip off a Contractor and sell the copper for drug money. What a way to live...

  26. (((Thought Criminal)))June 21, 2022 at 6:47 AM

    There's probably not one abandoned / condemned home in the St. Louis metro area that has any copper plumbing or electrical wiring left in it.

    The US Government can't afford to make pennies out of copper anymore.

  27. (((Thought Criminal)))June 21, 2022 at 6:53 AM

    There's a stretch of highway going into Kansas City where the state gave up on installing highway lighting because the contractors would return each day to find all their power lines torn down and spoils of wire stolen.

    We even have a mostly steel bridge in a back road county that "went missing" lol

  28. (((Thought Criminal)))June 21, 2022 at 6:57 AM

    The scrap yards have gotten a little better. They won't take road signs, mailboxes, and manhole covers unless they're been shredded or melted down beyond recognition, and most crackheads / Methhead don't have the equipment to do that.
