Sunday, June 12, 2022

How Bernie Failed the "Not-So-Neo" Liberal Left...


  1. Not good is all I really believe on this topic. He has evil motives.

  2. (((Thought Criminal)))June 12, 2022 at 10:46 AM

    Come on. Bernie Sanders owns three homes. Name any other socialist leader that had more than two.

  3. Isn't that the point of being a "socialist leader" beamish? You don't need to own them, you just have to order your government bureaucrats to make the houses available to yourself on a whim.

  4. (((Thought Criminal)))June 12, 2022 at 1:17 PM

    Milovan Djilas went to prison for less criticism of Tito than Bernie gets. The left isn't even trying.

  5. Bernie's a Deep Stater. If you carefully look at his old 2016 slogan "Feel The Bern," it's a coded message from the Deep State. The Deep State clowns in Cern Switzerland are up to trying to open some kind of Portal to the core of the earth. And this is not a good thing. Any fool who tries to dig deep down into the earth is creating a catastrophe of epic proportions.

  6. What's down there besides enough oil and natural gas to power the Earth for 70,000 years?

    1. What the People at Cern are trying to dig is a portal to the spirit world. The Deep Staters have been engaging in the occult with the intent to dig a portal to Hell. If you follow the schedule of solar and lunar eclipses, there is a symbolic meaning behind the types of eclipses and where they are seen are areas affected. In every given year, there are a minimum of 4 eclipses: a solar and lunar within a 2 week cycle. This year, the solar eclipses are seen in the Southern Hemisphere. The first one was seen in Antarctica and parts of South America on April 30. There is active occultic activity in South America and in Antarctica. The first lunar eclipse was a full eclipse on May 15th, seen in North and South America. The occult world uses eclipses as time markers to plot wicked deeds. Just keep an eye out and watch what happens. The next 2 eclipses are at the end of October and on November 8th. The site has the locations where the partial solar eclipse will be seen at the end of October.

    2. "Rattrapper" aka Mystere is a (fake) christian crazy.

  7. (((Thought Criminal)))June 13, 2022 at 6:03 AM

    Why dig a portal to the spirit world? When Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, he took him to the top of the highest mountain and offered him the kingdoms of the world and the treasures within them if only he would fall before Satan and worship him. Jesus could not dispute Satan's power to grant that, because Satan was correct when he told Eve she wouldn't die but become godlike if she ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Later Jesus reminds the crowd taking up stones to kill him for blasphemously claiming to be God that in the Scriptures "is it not written, he are gods?" There are at three places in the Bible that acknowledge the fact that humans are in fact gods. Gods do not worship, they rule, so the whole bow down and serve nonsense pushed by every religion is a bunch of gaslighting death threat nonsense to initiate illegitimate force upon your free will as a god. Just tell both Satan and Jesus to go sell their Dungeons and Dragons bargaining under threat nonsense somewhere else. Or wait for a better, less binding offer. With a rider that asks for a bowl of tan M&Ms. School shootings have exponentially increased since tan M&Ms were discontinued and replaced with blue M&Ms. Have you ever noticed that?

  8. btw, Bernie Sanders Delivered the Most Progressive Platform in Democratic Party History. Bernie came through in spades for the Liberal Left. Thank you, Bernie. What BS is it that he is being criticized from so-called Leftists like Hedges, Dore, Greenwald, Taibbi, etc.

    "Rattrapper" aka Mystere is trying hard to get me to hate him. But that his efforts have paid off are naught but his delusions. At worst I find him annoying. Mostly I laugh at his trumpturd delusions and nuttery. His comment above is yet more proof that he seriously needs help.

    But most (if not all) trumpturds are crazy. You know who else believes in the portal to Hell? Roger Stone.

    In April, Right Wing Watch reported [Roger Stone appeared on] Elijah Streams ... to discuss Satan's entryway. "Stone asserted that a friend had sent him photos showing a satanic portal appearing over the White House after President Joe Biden took office, and so he reached out to ... 'prophet' Robin Bullock to arrange an appearance on Elijah Streams so he could share the startling news and photos" ... Stone says he is not joking about there being a satanic portal over the White House.

    So, when are you going to blog about the portal to Hell, Minus? Sounds like a bigly important story that you need to weigh in on.

  9. (((Thought Criminal)))June 13, 2022 at 7:01 AM

    Sounds like this Mystere is trying to take my title of Person in the Blogging Community that Derpy Hates The Most away from me. Free market competition for that will refine Derpy's hate production and make it cheaper and more ubiquitous so everyone can afford to be hated by him.

  10. (((Thought Criminal)))June 13, 2022 at 7:03 AM

    Hey Derpy! Get your ass back to work, fag!

    Top that, Mystere!

  11. Mystere hacked into my Google account and deleted a post from my blog he didn't like. I care a lot more about people messing with my blog than your continuous ad hominem and bs claims that I don't know anything about Ayn Rand or Liberturdism.

  12. (((Thought Criminal)))June 13, 2022 at 10:58 AM

    Maybe you should change your password from "MonkeyFucker69"

    I mean, it's obvious.

  13. Dervy has shrines to both Mystere and me at his blog. Where's your shrine, beamish? You're still only #3 on his list.

  14. (((Thought Criminal)))June 13, 2022 at 4:10 PM

    Well, maybe it's because I dislike Trump more than he does, even though I dislike Trump because he's far-left, lol. I don't get around to the left-wing blogs like I used to. I vaguely remember the Shaw Kenawe vs. FreeThinke wars back in the day, but FreeThinke was like an uncool version of my Dad so I never really pitched in to help him out. Your blog attracts Derpy, which is good enough nostalgia left-bashing for me and my retired blogging state.

  15. Dervy is one of pShaw's friends. And don't worry about Lisa's place, pShaw's klavern is clearly outmatched there. ;)

  16. I don't know any Trump who is "far left". Mary Trump might be. She also might be a moderate Democrat. I don't know. I don't dislike her though. She is the only likable Trump I know of.

    I don't know anyone who calls themself "pShaw". As for shrines, I was only reciprocating for the shrine you erected to me. On your "Progressive Disruptions" blog. Under the heading "Real Progressive Parody Below".

    FYI, I can't change my password from something it isn't and never was. It's been awhile since I've been to a zoo. Probably 25+ years. They probably had monkeys, though I don't specifically remember them.

  17. (((Thought Criminal)))June 14, 2022 at 2:59 PM

    Dervy site is hacked and there's no way to tell which stupid post or comment is his lol

    but may I ask what is the password for the house...

  18. (((Thought Criminal)))June 14, 2022 at 3:11 PM

    I don't know any Trump who is "far left".

    You also don't know any Republicans that aren't "racist far-right extremists" or libertarians who aren't "Randroid Satanist exploiters of the poor."

    Light a match and tell us if the veins in your rectal cavity spell out the word "hyperbole" in Arabic.

    Such seething hate you have, Derpy. You went to a zoo and saw no monkeys. Were there no mirrors?

  19. "Such seething hate you have, Derpy".

    I agree. Derpy (you) is seething with hate.

    "Dervy site is hacked and there's no way to tell which stupid post or comment is his lol".

    False and not what I wrote.

  20. (((Thought Criminal)))June 15, 2022 at 2:40 PM

    You have a strange modus operandi of blaming the stupid things you write on others, while at the same time never writing anything that isn't stupid. It's hard to tell when you're being real stupid or fake stupid.

  21. "modus operandi" is the incorrect term to use for something that has never happened.

  22. They say that vampyres can't see their own reflection in mirrors, which is why they hate them.

  23. Minus fails to see his White Supremacist bigot reflection when he looks in a mirror.

    If my "modus operandi" is to blame the stupid things I write on others, there should be some examples of this that you or Beamish can point to. No examples were given, so no mirror was held up.

  24. (((Thought Criminal)))June 16, 2022 at 7:01 AM

    ^^^Like that. Was that real stupid or fake stupid?

  25. The question is Dervy, do YOU see the White Supremacist when you look into the mirror? Because your condescending patronization of the browner races would be rather disturbing, even without the Funhouse distortions of woke ideology.

  26. When I look in the mirror I only ever see myself, a person who is disgusted by your condescending patronization of the browner races. I never see you (or any other White Supremacist) standing behind or beside me.

  27. Yes, the world all revolves around you, and you alone...right, Count Dervula?

  28. The world revolves largely without me. Very few people would notice my absence and the world would get on fine without me. I didn't write anything that indicated any kind of narcissism, let along tRump-level megalomania. You writing about seeing it in me has got to be transference. Akin to you seeing White Supremacy when I look in the mirror. You're talking about your own mirror gazing.

  29. What I see when I look in the mirror is someone staring back who doesn't give a fig about race. And if that's what you've defined white supremacy down to, so be it. Your generation is all about dumbing their own existence down so that their hyper-normality can remain plausible.

  30. btw - How is the woke world's diegesis working out for ya?

  31. Being an "acta non verba" mimesis kinda guy, I wouldn't know, I can only choose to laugh.

  32. If you don't care about race, why did you care if President Biden nominated a Black woman for the Supreme Court? You don't care about racism because you're White. If you were honest you'd admit you think it's great.

    "doesn't give a fig" = keep things the way they are.

  33. Why, because he didn't consider candidates from any other race. It was a RACIST selection. But THAT's nothing new for the Democratic Party. They've been "racist" since the Federalist/Whig split.

  34. It wasn't. President Joe Biden's appointment of a Black woman to the supreme court doesn't fit the definition of "racism" at all.

    a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

  35. Biden announced the pool of candidates for the position in advance, black women. Racist and sexist.
